SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 1-08-334


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 1-08-334

Quoted papers: 4
Other papers: 54
Total: 58

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: General zoology

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Publisher: Školska knjiga
    ISBN: 9530-31120-6
    Year: 1994
    Number of pages: 396
    Number of references: 81
    Language: hrvatski

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The freshwater fishes of Istrian Peninsula

    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    PIŠL, ZORAN (82896)
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0031-5632
    Volume: 96
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 431 to 434
    Language: engleski
    Keywords: Istria, freshwater fishes, Slovenia, Croatia, IUCN categories .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’GàSrednja brojèana vrijednost gustoæe potoène (Salmo truttam. fario Linneaus, 1758) i dužièaste pastrve (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1972) u 15 vodoka (nadmorska visina izmeðu 1.661 i 2.560 m) države New Mexico iznosila je 0,090 riba /m2, s prosjeènom zastupljenošæu potoène pastrve od 69%, odnosno 72% ukupne biomase. Variranje ukupne gustoæe u god. 1988. i 1989. procijenjena je izmeðu 0,023 i 0,121 riba/m2 na istraživanim postajama otvorenima za sportski ribolov. Znatno je veæa gustoæa (0,142-0,409) riba/m2) zabilježena na postajama na kojima je ribolov bio zabranjen. Na sedam izabranih vodotoka, èija su staništa zauzimala obje vrste, gustoæa je potoène pastrve bila veæa od gustoæe dužièaste, uz izuzetak na dvjema postajama zatvorenima za športski ribolov. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0Mean stream numerical densitz of the brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario Linnaeus, 1758) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) was 0.090 fish/m2 of wich brown trout averaged 69% (72% in total biomass) in 15 high-elevation New Mexico streams (1,661-2,560 m above sea level). Total trout density varied from 0.008/m2 to 0.348/m2 in 1988 and 1989. Mean trout density ranged between 0.023-0.121 fish/m2 at sites open to public fishing. Considerably higher densities (0.142-0.409 fish/m2) were observed at sites closed for fishing. In the seven selected streams shared by both species, brown trout density exceeded rainbow trout density at the two sites closed to fishing. Brown trout were stocked only as fingerlings (average 7,000 fish/stream/year)while rainbow trout were stockedonly in harvestable sizes (11,000 fish/stream/year). Reported total trout yield rates exceeded the total number of fish estimated to be in the stream by 1.01 to 11.63 in most small streams open to fishing. The proportional stock density (PSD) ranged between 0 and 50 percent. Streams with low to moderate intensitiesof fishing had the highest PSD. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIàSalmo trutta m. fario, Onchorhynchus mykiss, gustoæa, biomasa, vodotokovi, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àSalmo trutta m. fario, Onchorhynchus mykiss, density, biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àTijekom godina 1988. i 1989. uzorkovanje riba provedeno je na 32 reprezentativne postaje smještene 15 visokoplaninskih vodotokova (nadmorska visina 1.661 do 2.560 m). Pastrve su lovljene uzastopnim izlovima elektroagregatom unutar mrežama blokiranih segmenata u dužini od 65 do 160 m. Maksimalno procijenjena dužina pastrva (Lmax) bila je u negativnom odnosu prema ulovu (r2=0,351; p=0,055). Marginalna pozitivna veza dokazana je izmeðu trenutaène stope smrtnosti i sportskog ribolova (r2=0,294). Indeks produkcije procijenjen je izmeðu 1,38 i 31,02 g/m2/godinu. Promjene u produkciji u najveæoj mjeri ovise o biomasi pastrva (r2=0,910). .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´IàThirty-two representative trout sites in 15 high elevation New Mexico streams (1.661-2.560 m above sea level) were sampled in 1988. and 1989. Fish was captured by consecutive removal via electrofishing in net-blocked segments from 65 to 160 long. Maximum estimated trout length (Lmax) was related inversely to yield (r2=0.351; p=0.055). Instantenous rate of mortality was also marginally related to yield (r2=0.294): The production index ranged from 1,38 to 32,02 g/m2/year. Variation in production was highly correlated to trout biomass (r2=0.910). Trout growth and production were best defined by the relationships where: cover, stream width, water temperature, yield by anglers, Lmax and nitrate-nitrogen concentration were included. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4àSalmo trutta m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, vodotokovi, prirast, produkcija, mortalitet, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àSalmo trutta m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, streams, growth, production, mortality, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àThe accuracy of two trout biomass (standing stock) prediction models, developed for Wyoming streams by Binns & Eiserman (1979), was evaluated for New Mexico streams inhabited by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss Walbaum. Thirty-two representative sites in 15 different streams were sampled under summer low-flow conditions in 1988 and 1989. The 11 physical, chemical, and biological variables used in original models were used as independent variables for simple and multiple regression analysis designed to predict total trout biomass. Model I of Binns and Eiserman proved to be of limited utility; it explained 53% of the variation in total trout biomass at each of the New Mexico sites (kg ha-1=+0.830/Model I/). Only 9.5% of the biomass variations was explained by Model II. Statistical analysis showed that trout biomass was significantly correlated with nitrate-nitrogen concentration and macroinvertebrate diversity in Model I. Because both variates are time consuming to estimate, Model I may not be any more cost-effective than sampling trout directly. The low predictive power of Model II probably indicates that it is limited to the geographical area of the field measurement origin. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4àmodeli staništa, biomasa pastrva, vodotoci, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’Gàhabitat models, trout biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ LðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’GàThis study evaluated the standing crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh DBFThe paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh The paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Biomass and desity of brown and rainbow trout in New Mexico streams

    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    Journal: Periodicum biologorum
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 53
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 3 to 24
    Number of references: 11
    Language: engleski
    Summary: 0Mean stream numerical densitz of the brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario Linnaeus, 1758) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) was 0.090 fish/m2 of wich brown trout averaged 69% (72% in total biomass) in 15 high-elevation New Mexico streams (1,661-2,560 m above sea level). Total trout density varied from 0.008/m2 to 0.348/m2 in 1988 and 1989. Mean trout density ranged between 0.023-0.121 fish/m2 at sites open to public fishing. Considerably higher densities (0.142-0.409 fish/m2) were observed at sites closed for fishing. In the seven selected streams shared by both species, brown trout density exceeded rainbow trout density at the two sites closed to fishing. Brown trout were stocked only as fingerlings (average 7,000 fish/stream/year)while rainbow trout were stockedonly in harvestable sizes (11,000 fish/stream/year). Reported total trout yield rates exceeded the total number of fish estimated to be in the stream by 1.01 to 11.63 in most small streams open to fishing. The proportional stock density (PSD) ranged between 0 and 50 percent. Streams with low to moderate intensitiesof fishing had the highest PSD. Ø gustoæa, biomasa, vodotokovi, New Mexico, gospodarenje Ø Salmo trutta m. fario, Onchorhynchus mykiss, density, biomass, streams, New Mexico, management Ø Â9à reprezentativne postaje smještene 15 visokoplaninskih vodotokova (nadmorska visina 1.661 do 2.560 m). Pastrve su lovljene uzastopnim izlovima elektroagregatom unutar mrežama blokiranih segmenata u dužini od 65 do 160 m. Maksimalno procijenjena dužina pastrva (Lmax) bila je u negativnom odnosu prema ulovu (r2=0,351; p=0,055). Marginalna pozitivna veza dokazana je izmeðu trenutaène stope smrtnosti i sportskog ribolova (r2=0,294). Indeks produkcije procijenjen je izmeðu 1,38 i 31,02 g/m2/godinu. Promjene u produkciji u najveæoj mjeri ovise o biomasi pastrva (r2=0,910). Ø high elevation New Mexico streams (1.661-2.560 m above sea level) were sampled in 1988. and 1989. Fish was captured by consecutive removal via electrofishing in net-blocked segments from 65 to 160 long. Maximum estimated trout length (Lmax) was related inversely to yield (r2=0.351; p=0.055). Instantenous rate of mortality was also marginally related to yield (r2=0.294): The production index ranged from 1,38 to 32,02 g/m2/year. Variation in production was highly correlated to trout biomass (r2=0.910). Trout growth and production were best defined by the relationships where: cover, stream width, water temperature, yield by anglers, Lmax and nitrate-nitrogen concentration were included. Ø produkcija, mortalitet, New Mexico, gospodarenje Ø m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, streams, growth, production, mortality, New Mexico, management Ø accuracy of two trout biomass (standing stock) prediction models, developed for Wyoming streams by Binns & Eiserman (1979), was evaluated for New Mexico streams inhabited by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss Walbaum. Thirty-two representative sites in 15 different streams were sampled under summer low-flow conditions in 1988 and 1989. The 11 physical, chemical, and biological variables used in original models were used as independent variables for simple and multiple regression analysis designed to predict total trout biomass. Model I of Binns and Eiserman proved to be of limited utility; it explained 53% of the variation in total trout biomass at each of the New Mexico sites (kg ha-1=+0.830/Model I/). Only 9.5% of the biomass variations was explained by Model II. Statistical analysis showed that trout biomass was significantly correlated with nitrate-nitrogen concentration and macroinvertebrate diversity in Model I. Because both variates are time consuming to estimate, Model I may not be any more cost-effective than sampling trout directly. The low predictive power of Model II probably indicates that it is limited to the geographical area of the field measurement origin. Ø gospodarenje Ø Â9à New Mexico, management Ø Â9à crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.
    Keywords: àSalmo trutta m. fario, Onchorhynchus mykiss, density, biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àTijekom godina 1988. i 1989. uzorkovanje riba provedeno je na 32 reprezentativne postaje smještene 15 visokoplaninskih vodotokova (nadmorska visina 1.661 do 2.560 m). Pastrve su lovljene uzastopnim izlovima elektroagregatom unutar mrežama blokiranih segmenata u dužini od 65 do 160 m. Maksimalno procijenjena dužina pastrva (Lmax) bila je u negativnom odnosu prema ulovu (r2=0,351; p=0,055). Marginalna pozitivna veza dokazana je izmeðu trenutaène stope smrtnosti i sportskog ribolova (r2=0,294). Indeks produkcije procijenjen je izmeðu 1,38 i 31,02 g/m2/godinu. Promjene u produkciji u najveæoj mjeri ovise o biomasi pastrva (r2=0,910). .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´IàThirty-two representative trout sites in 15 high elevation New Mexico streams (1.661-2.560 m above sea level) were sampled in 1988. and 1989. Fish was captured by consecutive removal via electrofishing in net-blocked segments from 65 to 160 long. Maximum estimated trout length (Lmax) was related inversely to yield (r2=0.351; p=0.055). Instantenous rate of mortality was also marginally related to yield (r2=0.294): The production index ranged from 1,38 to 32,02 g/m2/year. Variation in production was highly correlated to trout biomass (r2=0.910). Trout growth and production were best defined by the relationships where: cover, stream width, water temperature, yield by anglers, Lmax and nitrate-nitrogen concentration were included. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4àSalmo trutta m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, vodotokovi, prirast, produkcija, mortalitet, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ FðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àSalmo trutta m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, streams, growth, production, mortality, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àThe accuracy of two trout biomass (standing stock) prediction models, developed for Wyoming streams by Binns & Eiserman (1979), was evaluated for New Mexico streams inhabited by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss Walbaum. Thirty-two representative sites in 15 different streams were sampled under summer low-flow conditions in 1988 and 1989. The 11 physical, chemical, and biological variables used in original models were used as independent variables for simple and multiple regression analysis designed to predict total trout biomass. Model I of Binns and Eiserman proved to be of limited utility; it explained 53% of the variation in total trout biomass at each of the New Mexico sites (kg ha-1=+0.830/Model I/). Only 9.5% of the biomass variations was explained by Model II. Statistical analysis showed that trout biomass was significantly correlated with nitrate-nitrogen concentration and macroinvertebrate diversity in Model I. Because both variates are time consuming to estimate, Model I may not be any more cost-effective than sampling trout directly. The low predictive power of Model II probably indicates that it is limited to the geographical area of the field measurement origin. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4àmodeli staništa, biomasa pastrva, vodotoci, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’Gàhabitat models, trout biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ LðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’GàThis study evaluated the standing crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh DBFThe paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh The paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Growth, mortality and production of brown and rainbow trout in New mexico streams

    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    Journal: Periodicum biologorum
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 53
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 51 to 62
    Number of references: 22
    Language: engleski
    Summary:  elevation New Mexico streams (1.661-2.560 m above sea level) were sampled in 1988. and 1989. Fish was captured by consecutive removal via electrofishing in net-blocked segments from 65 to 160 long. Maximum estimated trout length (Lmax) was related inversely to yield (r2=0.351; p=0.055). Instantenous rate of mortality was also marginally related to yield (r2=0.294): The production index ranged from 1,38 to 32,02 g/m2/year. Variation in production was highly correlated to trout biomass (r2=0.910). Trout growth and production were best defined by the relationships where: cover, stream width, water temperature, yield by anglers, Lmax and nitrate-nitrogen concentration were included. Ø produkcija, mortalitet, New Mexico, gospodarenje Ø m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, streams, growth, production, mortality, New Mexico, management Ø accuracy of two trout biomass (standing stock) prediction models, developed for Wyoming streams by Binns & Eiserman (1979), was evaluated for New Mexico streams inhabited by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss Walbaum. Thirty-two representative sites in 15 different streams were sampled under summer low-flow conditions in 1988 and 1989. The 11 physical, chemical, and biological variables used in original models were used as independent variables for simple and multiple regression analysis designed to predict total trout biomass. Model I of Binns and Eiserman proved to be of limited utility; it explained 53% of the variation in total trout biomass at each of the New Mexico sites (kg ha-1=+0.830/Model I/). Only 9.5% of the biomass variations was explained by Model II. Statistical analysis showed that trout biomass was significantly correlated with nitrate-nitrogen concentration and macroinvertebrate diversity in Model I. Because both variates are time consuming to estimate, Model I may not be any more cost-effective than sampling trout directly. The low predictive power of Model II probably indicates that it is limited to the geographical area of the field measurement origin. Ø gospodarenje Ø Â9à New Mexico, management Ø Â9à crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.
    Keywords: Salmo trutta m. fario, Oncorhynchus mykiss, streams, growth, production, mortality, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àThe accuracy of two trout biomass (standing stock) prediction models, developed for Wyoming streams by Binns & Eiserman (1979), was evaluated for New Mexico streams inhabited by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss Walbaum. Thirty-two representative sites in 15 different streams were sampled under summer low-flow conditions in 1988 and 1989. The 11 physical, chemical, and biological variables used in original models were used as independent variables for simple and multiple regression analysis designed to predict total trout biomass. Model I of Binns and Eiserman proved to be of limited utility; it explained 53% of the variation in total trout biomass at each of the New Mexico sites (kg ha-1=+0.830/Model I/). Only 9.5% of the biomass variations was explained by Model II. Statistical analysis showed that trout biomass was significantly correlated with nitrate-nitrogen concentration and macroinvertebrate diversity in Model I. Because both variates are time consuming to estimate, Model I may not be any more cost-effective than sampling trout directly. The low predictive power of Model II probably indicates that it is limited to the geographical area of the field measurement origin. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4àmodeli staništa, biomasa pastrva, vodotoci, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’Gàhabitat models, trout biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ LðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’GàThis study evaluated the standing crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh DBFThe paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh The paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    Journal: Lovaèki vjesnik
    ISSN: 0024-6999
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 34 to 36
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 27
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 32 to 32
    Language: hrvatski

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 28
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 28 to 29
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 30
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 34 to 36
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 31
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 26 to 27
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    Journal: Lovaèki vjesnik
    ISSN: 0024-6999
    Volume: 6
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 30 to 32
    Language: hrvatski

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 52
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 49 to 50
    Language: hrvatski

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 52
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 91 to 92
    Language: hrvatski

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Influence of technological measures on changes in water chemistry of carp fish ponds

    Debeljak, Ljubica
    Stojiæ, Biserka
    TURK, MIRKO (65816)
    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 52
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 107 to 117
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Investigations on the changes of water chemistry in conditions of variously treated fish ponds for culture of consumption fish with special emphasis on the incoming water was carried out on the fish farm "Draganiæi" in six experimental fish ponds: without fertilizer (variant I) and fertilized with mineral fertilizer NPK (12:12:12) of a total amount of 900 kg/ha (variant II) together with supplement feeding the fish with grains, and without fertilizer with supplement feeding the fish with industrial brickets with 18% protein (variant III). The stock density of fish in all ponds was 3300 ind/ha. During the culturing season from June to October, in all experimental fish ponds and in incoming water from the Stojnica brook, an expressed variation of individual chemical determinants were found, and the changes in the experimental ponds in comparison with the incoming water was established. The results are presented in Tables 2-5. The minimum values O2 in variants II and III in comparison with the incoming water were less by 27%, while the maximum values were increased by 33%. This shows the expression of a fluctuation of these chemical variables in the experimental fish ponds. The amount of NH4+ increased in all experimental fish ponds in relation to the incoming water, in variant I by 43%, in variant II by 93% and in variant III by 75%, on the average. The amount of NO3- increased in comparison to the incoming water by 10% (variant I), by 6% (variant II), and by 13% (variant III), on average, and the amount of PO43- increased by 17% (variant I), by 207% (variant II) and by 28% (variant III). The maximum values of orthophosphate increased in variant II by 236%, while in variants I and III it was on the same level of the incoming water.
    Keywords: carp pond, water chemistry, fish nutrition, mineral fertilizer

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Adamek, Zdenek
    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 52
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 172 to 174
    Language: hrvatski

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 53
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 45 to 55
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: Tinca tinca

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Croatian freshwater fisheries in 1993

    TURK, MIRKO (65816)
    Journal: Ribarstvo
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 1330-061X
    Volume: 52
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 119 to 133
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: freshwater fisheries, Croatia

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Histopathological changes of Dreissena polymorpha Pall. (Bivalvia) and Planorbarius corneus L. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) induced by sodium pentachlorophenate

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Periodicum biologorum
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0031-5362
    Volume: 96
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 493 to 495
    Number of references: 3
    Language: engleski
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha, Planorbarius corneus, Na-PCP, histopathology

  18. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 10
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 10 to 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha

  19. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Hrvatska vodoprivreda
    Number: 28
    ISSN: 1330-321X
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 30 to 32
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: toxicity tests

  20. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    PETERNEL, RENATA (94111)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Priroda
    ISSN: 0351-0622
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from u tis to ku
    Language: hrvatski

  21. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    PETERNEL, RENATA (94111)
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Journal: Priroda
    ISSN: 0351-0622
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from u tis to ku
    Language: hrvatski

  22. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Priroda
    ISSN: 0351-0622
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from u tis to ku
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha

  23. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Priroda
    ISSN: 0351-0622
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from u tis to ku
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha

  24. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Journal: Priroda
    ISSN: 0351-0622
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from u tis to ku
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha

  25. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Technology of Carp Fry Rearing under Conditions of Croatia

    Debeljak, Ljubica
    Jirasek, Jiri
    Bebek, Željko
    Spurny, Petr
    Proceedings title: Proc. Int. Conf. "Production of Stock Material in Perspective Fish Species"
    Language: èeški
    Place: Brno, Èeška
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 43 to 48
    Meeting: Produkce nasad perspektivnich druhu ryb
    Held: from 12/01/94 to 12/02/94
    Summary: The paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.
    Keywords: fry, rearing in ponds, hydrochemical regime, zooplankton, zoobenthos, production

  26. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Toxicological and anaesthesiological characteristics of Pseudorasbora parva and its resistence against poor environmental conditions

    Adamek, Zdenek
    Tarhovisky, R
    Machova, Jana
    Vykusova, Blanka
    Svobodova, Zdenka
    Proceedings title: Toxicita a biodegradabilita odpadu a latek vyznamnych ve vodnim prostredi
    Language: èeški
    Place: Milenovce, CZ
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 65 to 69
    Meeting: Toxicita a biodegradabilita odpadu a latek vyznamnych ve vodnim prostredi
    Held: from 06/12/95 to 06/15/95
    Summary: There is obvious from presented resultes that Pseudorasbora parva can be considered as a species very resistant against unfavourable environmental conditions. It is comparable with carp fingerlings in some aspects (intoxications, oxygen consumption) but it is more sensitive to anaesthetics treatment. From the point of view of its undesirable accidental expansion ( transport with stocking fish) or surviving in small water pools (e.g. in drained pond), there is important to take into account that this species is more resistant against oxygen defficiency and high temperature than other Central European original and introduced fishes.
    Keywords: Pseurasbora parva

  27. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Histomorphological and histochemical characteristics of the digestive gland and the excretory organ of the edible snail (Helix pomatia L.)

    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    PETERNEL, RENATA (94111)
    Gomerèiæ, Vera
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 153 to 154
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: Connected with the development of ecotoxicology, the edible snail (Helix pomatia L.) became very good test-organism for study of pollution of the land ecosystems. For that reason, we studied histomorphology and histochemistry of digestive gland and excretory organ of the edible snail. The digestive gland is composed of numerous tubules, crowded together, and very small quantity of connective tissue and hemolymphatic spaces. The epithelial cells of tubules vary a great deal in their appearance, they contain acidophilic plasm with numerous digestive tube. Namely, in their basal part, there is located strong activity of DPN diaphorase, and medium activity of acid phosphatase. There is weak activity of alkaline phosphatase and nonspecific esterases. Activity of dehydrogenases (Gl-6-P-Dh, L-Dh, S-Dh, alpha-GP-Dh) is very weak. The excretory organ is composed by wide excretory tubules. This tubules are lined with a simple columnar epithelium. The epithelium separates large lumina of excretory tubules and thin hemolymphatic spaces. All of the epithelial cells contain large vacuoles in their apical parts. In the plasm of the epithelial cells we registered very strong activity of Gl-6-P-Dh, and DPN diaphorase, but very weak activity of L-Dh, S-Dh, alpha-GP-Dh, alkaline phosphatase, and nonspecific esterases. Activity of acid phhosphatase is absent.
    Keywords: Helix pomatia, digestive gland, histomorphological and histochemical characteristics

  28. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The phenomenon of the mussel Dreissena polymorpha Pall. in the hydroaccumulation Modrac

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 270 to 271
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: Dense populations of the mussel Dreissena polymorpha Pall. were noticed in the hydraccumulation Modrac, near Tuzla, in 1988. This phenomenon appears in the aquatic ecosystems all over Europe and it is estimated that the Modrac phenomenon was the first extensive "infection" on the South East of Europe. Since the larvae of D. polymorpha penetrate into the pipes of the industrial waters, where they develop into adult forms, water supply may drop by 50 %. Over a period of three years, from 1988 to 1990, extensive bio-ecological research works were carried out on 14 sites on the lake Modrac, in order to find out the reason for the phenomenon of highly dense populations of mussels. It was found out that the breeding period lasts from May until October, reaching the peak point at the end of June and at the beginning of July, when the number of larvae is in the range of 157,400 ind/m3. Some favourable physico-chemical parameters can induce the development of dense populations of D. polymorpha; these are primarily the temperature, the amount of oxygen and the appropriate shape of the nanophytoplankton, which is easily filtered by the animals.
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha, hydroaccumulation Modrac

  29. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Histopathological changes of Dreissena polymorpha Pall. (Bivalvia) and Planorbarius corneus L. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) induced by sodium pentachlorophenate

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 357 to 358
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: Dreissena polymorpha and Planorbarius corneus were exposed to various concentrations of Na-PCP ranging from 0.1 mg/l to 2.4 mg/l in semi-static toxicity tests over a period of 16 days. The 96-h LC50 value for mussels was 0.42 mg/l and 1.44 mg/l for snails. Histological analysis revealed that the first extensive degenerative changes (dilatation of hemolymphatic spaces, necrosis and sloughing of gill epithelia) appeared on gills of mussels. The next highly affected organ was the digestive gland, the most sensitive organ in snails. Digestive diverticula in both species showed increased vacuolation and necrosis of digestive cells which resulted in localized disintegration of tubules. Intensive changes were also observed on gonads. The digestive gland and gonads destruction was greatly enhanced by strong bioaccumulation of lipophilic PCP. Severe gills damage reduced resistance of mussels to Na-PCP compared to snails.
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha, Planorbarius corneus, Na-PCP

  30. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The effect of phenol on survival and histopathological changes in the digestive gland of snails Amphimelania holandri Fer. (Prosobranchia) and Planorbarius corneus L. (Pulmonata)

    Tutiš, Vesna
    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 359 to 360
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: The effect of phenol on snails Amphimelania holandri Fer. and Planorbarius corneus L., as a result of its accidental discharge, was investigated under laboratory conditions. The snails were exposed to a concentration range of 100 to 798 mg/l phenol. The 96-h semi-static test was used. The 96-h LC50 values were estimated by the probit method. For A. holandri this value was 137 mg/l phenol and for P. corneus 608 mg/l phenol. For histopathological analysis the snails were placed in Bouin's fixative for 24 h, embedded in paraffin and cut with a microtome. Histopathological changes in the digestive gland of snail A. holandri were spotted in 250 and 300 mg/l phenol by the first day of the experiment. Increased cell vacuolation and concentration of amoebocytes in the areas between tubules being observed. The digestive gland of snail P. corneus exposed to high concentrations of phenol (600 and 798 mg/l) for two days showed an acute inflammatory reaction. By the third and fourth day of the experiment strong necrotic changes in the digestive gland of both species became apparent. In some places, total breakdown of tubules occurred and only aggregation of cell particles stillremained.
    Keywords: Amphimelania holandri, Planorbarius corneus, digestive gland, phenol, histopathological changes

  31. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Comparative investigations of glycogen body in various bird species

    PETERNEL, RENATA (94111)
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 154 to 155
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: Recent knowledge of the bird glycogen body is mainly based upon the investigations of the domestic chicken and turkey. There have been no systematical research of the glycogen body of the wild birds. Therefore, in this paper a comparative research of this organ from large number of the bird species has been preformed. For this purpose 41 bird species belonging to 11 orders (22 families) have been investigated. For microscopical observations were used these methods: hematoxiline-eosine histological staining and PAS-reaction accompanied by diastase control staining for visualization of glycogen location. It has been observed that all of the investigated species posses the glycogen body, but its shape and position differs from one to another order. Glycogen body is gelatinous structure situated in the dorsomedial part of the spinal cord at the level of the lumbosacral plexus. It is composed of the large cells, polygonal, round or oval in shape, with eccentric dark nucleus surrounded by a rim of dense cytoplasm. The remainder of the cell volume is occupied by glycogen particles. Central channel of the spinal cord passes through the glycogen bodies in all of the described species.
    Keywords: glycogen body, birds

  32. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Freshwater fishes (Pisces) of the Istrian Peninsula

    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    Povž, Meta
    Gomerèiæ, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka priopæenja Petog kongresa biologa Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6241-01-3
    Pages: from 276 to 277
    Meeting: Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/94 to 10/07/94
    Summary: On streams, ponds and reservoirs of the Istrian Peninsula twenty species and subspecies from 7 families as well as one hybrid Salmo trutta m. fario x S. marmoratus had been registered between 1982 and 1993. Twelve of them are indigenous and 8 introduced. Results are essentially different compared to the literature data; 28 fish species and subspecies from 11 families are listed as well as one species from the family Petromyzontidae.
    Keywords: freshwater fishes, Istrian Peninsula

  33. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Some Histopathological Effects of Na-PCP on the Gills and the Digestive Gland of Dreissena polymorpha Pall. (Mollusca, Bivalvia)

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Kehrer, J.P.
    Chambers, P. L.
    Oehme, F. W.
    Menzel, D. B.
    Proceedings title: Toxicology letters. Book of abstracts of the 33rd European Congress of Toxicolo
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, NL
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 0378-4274
    Pages: from 46 to 46
    Meeting: EUROTOX '94. 33rd European Congress of Toxicology
    Held: from 08/21/94 to 08/24/94
    Summary: The toxicity of sodium pentachlorophenate (Na-PCP) to the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pall.) was studied in the laboratory for 16 days. The animals were exposed to the following concentrations: 0.1, 0.18, 0.32, 0.56 and 1 mg/l Na-PCP. The semi-static test was used. Gills of mussels treated with 0.32 mg/l Na-PCP for 12 days showed moderate to extensive epithelial necrosis, hemolymph sinuses were distended and contained an amorphous precipitate. Exposure to greater concentrations of Na-PCP (0.56 and 1 mg/l) for 4 days resulted in greater gill damage. Epithelial necrosis and sloughing was massive and the only recognizable gill structure was the chitinous rod. The digestive gland was also affected. After 2 days at concentrations of 0.56 and 1 mg/l Na-PCP increased cell vacuolation and concentration of amoebocytes in the areas between tubules being observed. By the fourth day of the experiment extensive sloughing lead to massive disorganization of the digestive gland.
    Keywords: Dreissena polymorpha, histopathological effects, gills, digestive gland, Na-PCP
    Other: Knjiga sažetaka objavljena u èasopisu "Toxicology letters" koji se citira u: Science Citations Index, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Biological Abstracts, Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS)

  34. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Studies on the sublethal toxicity of calcium chloride and calcium bromide solutions - "high density brines" to the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus L.

    Mažuran, Neda
    Tomiæ, Mihovil
    Papeš, Dražena
    Sram, R. J.
    Parry, J. M.
    Binkova, B.
    Mohn, G. R.
    Proceedings title: Abst. Book 25th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society
    Language: engleski
    Place: Noordwijkerhout, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 284 to 284
    Meeting: EEMS '95. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society
    Held: from 06/18/95 to 06/23/95
    Summary: Saturated water solutions of calcium chloride (481.3 g CaCl2/l) and calcium bromide (1065.9 g CaBr2/l) as well as their mixture, commercially prepared as "high density brines", are regularly used during special operations in oil exploration and production. Depending on operation conditions, 5-20 m3 of a high density brine is used per well. Various concentrations of these solutions end up in the environment and may pollute fresh and ground waters. In this study, the toxicity of several concentrations of these water solutions to the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus L. was tested. During the six weeks exposure in three sublethal concentrations of CaCl2 solution, considerably reduced fecundity was found; it decreased with the increase of concentration (P<0.01). Also, the growth of the snail's shells in the test-solutins was considerably smaller than in the controls with standard water. The CaBr2 and CaBr2/CaCl2 mixture solutions of the same concentrations showed a stronger toxic effect (P<0.01), and in addition to reduced fecundity some concentrations caused moortalities. After exposure, all the animals' tissues were examined for pathological changes. To estimate the toxicity results, the chemicals were tested on some plant test-systems as well.
    Keywords: Planorbarius corneus, calcium chloride, calcium bromide

  35. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Phenol Accumulation in the Freshwater Invertebrates

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Kehrer, J.P.
    Chambers, P. L.
    Oehme, F. W.
    Menzel, D. B.
    Proceedings title: Toxicology letters. Abstracts of the 34th European Congress of Toxicology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 0378-4274
    Pages: from 32 to 32
    Meeting: EUROTOX '95. 34th European Congress of Toxicology
    Held: from 08/27/95 to 08/30/95
    Summary: In an aerated batch experiment from one to six days the phenol accumulation is investigated in the alive and dead freshwater invertebrates. The following species were used: Polycelis felina (Turbellaria), Amphimelania holandri, Fagotia esperi, Sadleriana fluminensis, Lymnaea stagnalis, Physa fontinalis and Radix peregra (Gastropoda), Asellus aquaticus, Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea) and Agrion puella (Insecta). The concentrations of phenol ranged from 25 to 400 mg/l in portions of 25 mg/l. Some physico-chemical parameters linked to the toxic effect of phenol were measured: water temperature, pH, total hardness and oxygen concentration. During the experiment the number of saprophytic bacteria and the concentrations of phenol were measured too. The phenol accumulation in wet tissue is always higher in the alive individuals than in the dead ones, but it shows an identical time trend for both. On the first two days, accumulation is high, than decreasees till the end of the experiment and lower lethal limit is near to 20 ug/g of body weight. In the acute poisoning this limit is impossible to established. The measured actual accumulation is the result of changing intake and elimination rates decreasing with increasing duration of tests and test concentration due to metabolic disturbances. The measured physico-chemical parameters do not show any correlation with toxicity of phenol, except oxygen, which was compensated by aeration.
    Keywords: phenol, freshwater invertebrates, accumulation, mortality
    Other: Sažeci s Kongresa objavljeni su u èasopisu "Toxicology letters" koji se citira u: Science Citation Index, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS)

  36. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Histopathological Effects of Na-PCP on the Snails Amphimelania holandri Fer. and Planorbarius corneus L.

    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    Kehrer, J.P.
    Chambers, P. L.
    Oehme, F. W.
    Menzel, D. B.
    Proceedings title: Toxicology letters. Abstracts of the 34th European Congress of Toxicology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 0378-4274
    Pages: from 52 to 52
    Meeting: EUROTOX '95. 34th European Congress of Toxicology
    Held: from 08/27/95 to 08/30/95
    Summary: The snails Amphimelania holandri and Planorbarius corneus were exposed to 0.56 and 1 mg/l Na-PCP for 16 days. The pathological alterations were first evident in the gills of A. holandri treated with 1 mg/l Na-PCP for 3 days and 0.56 mg/l Na-PCP for 4 days. Subchronic exposure resulted in greater gill damage. Epithelial necrosis and sloughing were massive and the only recognizable gill structure was the chitinous rod. The digestive gland, gonads and kidney were also affected. Extensive damage of these organs was observed after 6 days. Snail P. corneus was more resistant. The first changes in gonad and digestive gland were evident after 4 days of exposure to 1 mg/l Na-PCP and after 6 days of exposure to 0.56 mg/l Na-PCP.
    Keywords: Amphimelania holandri, Planorbarius corneus, Na-PCP, histopathological effects
    Other: Sažeci s Kongresa objavljeni su u èasopisu "Toxicology letters" koji se citira u : Science Citations Index, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (CABS)

  37. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Comparative investigations of glycogen body in various bird species
    Faculty: Veterinarski fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/11/94
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 144
    Keywords: histology, birds, glycogen body

  38. Type of paper: M.A.

    Title: Toxicity of sodium-pentachlorophenate in Planorbarius corneus L. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) under the conditions of acute and subchronic poisoning
    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/15/95
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 79
    Summary: The toxicity of sodium-pentachlorophenate (Na-PCP) to pulmonate snail Planorbarius corneus L. was studied under the laboratory conditions. During 16 days, animals were exposed to following concentrations of Na-PCP (technical grade): 0.56 mg/l, 0.74 mg/l, 1 mg/l, 1.8 mg/l and 2.4 mg/l. The value of medium lethal concentration (LC50) after 46 h of the experiment was 1.46 mg/l. Apart from dying, behavioural changes, as well as the physiological, biochemical and histological changes in a snail were being observed. The most intensive histopathological changes were noticed in the digestive gland and the hermaphrodite gland. These extensive damages could be explained by the high lipid content in these organs which cause strong accumulation of PCP. Changes in the digestive gland started with the vacuolisation and swelling of digestive cells and was followed by breakdown of cell membranes, which caused accumulation of cell contents in the lumen of tubules. In some places, further necrotic changes resulted in complete destruction of tubules. Degenerative changes off germinal tubules in the hermaphrodite gland primarily occured in developmental stages of sperm cells, and then in oocytes. Subsequently, they resulted in decreased number of spermatozoides and extensive deformations of remaining male and female germ cells (pyknosis and fragmentation of the nucleus). Changes in the excretory organ included increased vacuolisation in excretory cells, breakdown of their membranes and release of its contents into the lumen of the organ. Intensified activity of excretory organ in order to facilitate animal's detoxication led to these extensive damages. Research has shown that tNa-PCP in concentrations from 0.56 to 2.4 mg/l causes, in vivo, increased concentration of cytochrome P-450 in digestive gland of snail P. corneus. Since chlorophenols are weak inducers of Cyt P-450 concentration I asume that increase in Cyt P-450 concentration is partly or fully due to the impurities in tNa-PCP. PCDD-s and PCDF-s are major constituents of the impurities. Results of this experiment point out that P. corneus does posses MFO system. This experiment is one of the first of such kind which has shown that freshwater molluscs do have the MFO system. An absence of change of activity of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase in the digestive gland treated with tNa-PCP had confirmed that uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation do not interfere with electron carriers in electron transport through mitochondrial membrane. Measurements of lipid peroxidation showed intensive increase of amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) as a result of free radicals generation in microsomes of digestive gland of P. corneus when exposed to tNa-PCP. Increase of MDA, but to a much lesser extent was evident in microsomes of foot cells too. The main cause of higher lipid peroxidation in this investigations is probably cell tissue destruction which results in release of potent hydrolytic enzymes and transition metal ions in cytosol. I presume that increased generation of free radicals, therefore also increased lipid peroxidation, is partly caused by extensive oxygen uptake of animals intoxicated with PCP. Heat released during uncoupling of oxygen phosphorylation, and increased activity of MFO could have also contributed to higher lipid peroxidation. The results of this work verify above mentioned techniques, especially lipid peroxidation measurement and histopathology, as useful monitoring tools for estimating chlorophenol pollution of water ecosystems. They also encourage use of these techniques in all future ecotoxicological studies.
    Keywords: Planorbarius corneus, snails, histopathology, pentachlorophenol, digestive gland, cytochrome P-450, lipid peroxidation, cytochrome oxidase

  39. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/22/94
    Number of pages: 80
    Author: Bjeliæ mr. Sabrija
    Degree level: M.A.

  40. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Toxicity of sodium-pentachlorophenate in Planorbarius corneus L. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) under the conditions of acute and subchronic poisoning
    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/15/95
    Number of pages: 79
    Degree level: M.A.

  41. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 09/27/95
    Number of pages: 72
    Author: Banovac Vesna
    Degree level: D.A.

  42. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/27/94
    Number of pages: 74
    Author: Jozanoviæ Marko
    Degree level: D.A.

  43. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/14/95
    Number of pages: 78
    Author: Banjad Blaženka
    Degree level: D.A.

  44. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/14/95
    Number of pages: 98
    Author: Špoljar Maria
    Degree level: D.A.

  45. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/10/95
    Number of pages: 72
    Author: Babiæ Barbara
    Degree level: D.A.

  46. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Prirodoslovno matematièki fakultet Sveuèilište u Zagrebu
    Author: Jokiæ Marija
    Degree level: D.A.

  47. Type of paper: TV broadcast


    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    TV station: HRT I program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Obrazovni program
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  48. Type of paper: TV broadcast


    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    TV station: HRT I program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Obrazovni program
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  49. Type of paper: TV broadcast


    ERBEN, RADOVAN (11296)
    TV station: HRT I program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Obrazovni program
    Year: 1994
    Language: hrvatski

  50. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Limnological investigations of freshwaters in Croatia
    Institution: Universita degli studi di Udine
    Year: 1995

  51. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Toxicological effects of petrochemicals on the freshwater invertebrates
    Institution: Universita degli studi di Udine
    Year: 1995

  52. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Hydrographic and biological characteristics of the National park Plitvice Lakes
    Institution: Universita degli studi di Udine
    Year: 1995

  53. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Biology of genus Daphnia
    Institution: Institut "Ruðer Boškoviæ"
    Year: 1995

  54. Type of paper: Other

    Title: The Tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758). Distribution in Croatian waters and its commercial importance.

    LEINER, SREÆKO (79862)
    TURK, MIRKO (65816)
    Type of work: International Workshop on Biology and Culture of the Tench (Tinca tinca L.)
    Language: engleski
    Summary: There are only three Euro-Siberian genera of Cyprinidae: Rutilus, Leuciscus and Tinca. The genus Tinca, which includes a single recent species, has direct phyletic relations to several fossil forms from the Oligocene and Miocene of Central Europe. Distribution data of tench in Croatian waters started in 1843, but the systematic research are still missing. Originally, this species belongs to the Sava River catchment area (Black Sea drainage), but introduction to the Adriatic rivers and lakes usually took place uncontrolled, along with the carp introduction. Islands of Cres and Pag are examples of such artificial introduction, and at the same time examples of extremely good adaptation of tench to different environmental requirements. Ten years of tench production statistics on fishfarms show rapid decrease in last three years: 59 x 10 3 kg in 1990 to 9 x 10 3 kg in 1992. The same trend is present in hatcheries. Most endangered regions for this species in Croatia are discussed as well.
    Keywords: tench (Tinca tinca), distribution, Croatia,

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