SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 3-01-124


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 3-01-124

Quoted papers: 2
Other papers: 44
Total: 46

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Croatia's Health Service Yearbook, 1992

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Strnad, Marija
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Hrabak-žerjavić, Vlasta (16485)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Publisher: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 209
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The regular annual report by the Public Health Institute of the Republic of Croatia for 1992 Year.Presented tables, vital and health statistic researches, monitoring, analysis of indicator and coment.
    Keywords: Yearbook, Health service, Croatia
    Other: Knjige sa komparabilnim podacima izdaju se od 1975, Znatnonovelirana izdanja u svezi s organizacijom zdravstva u RHrvatskoj od 1990 (za).

  2. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Hrvatski indikatori "Zdravlje za sve pučanstvo do 2000. godine" za SZO Evropsku regiju

    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Boržić, Berislav (4572)
    Hrabak-žerjavić, Vlasta (16485)
    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Stevanović, Ranko (191232)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Katalinić, Dragica
    Rodin, Urelija
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Publisher: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo
    Year: 1994
    Number of pages: 58
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The first croatian reports of 139 Indicators for monitoring Croatian strategy HFA 2000, for European Region of WHO.
    Keywords: HFA 2000, Indicators, Croatia
    Other: Knjiga se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom su prezentirane serije podataka za izračun 139 indikatora za pračenje hrvatske strategije HFA 2000 (46 str.), a u drugom tabelarni prikazi gibanja određenih kroničnih bolesti po dobi (11 str.). Gdje got je to bilo moguće prikupljeni su podaci za razdoblje 1980.-1992. godine

  3. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 8. Women and maternal care.

    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 10 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Birth rate and natural growth rate in Republic of Croatia show mear renewing of population. In the period 1981. to 1989. birth-rate decreased from 14.7 per thousand to 11.2, and natuural growth from 3,5 per thousa to 0.7. In 1970 34 maternal deaths per 100.000 livebirth in 1989 4 respectively. Quality of women life, family planning, pro-birth rate policy, protection from all malignant neoplasmas will be aim of policy of women and maternal care in future.
    Keywords: HFA 2000; Target 8; Evaluation; Croatia.
    Other: Navodimo ime samo vodećeg eksperta,

  4. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 9. Control of Cardiovascular diseases.

    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 11 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: In 1978 in the Republic of Croatia 21.566 persons died from cardiovascular diseases, which makes 44,3% of total nuber ofdead, while i 1988 this nuber increased to 27.157 or 51.6 percentof total nuber of dead. In the city of Zagreb in 1983 2,3 promile of people suffered from acute ishaemic disease. While in 1988 it was increased to 2,6 promile. Neurovascular diseases is also increased, so while in 1978 it amounted 3.8 per thousand in 1988 it was 4.1 per thousand. Today still 50 percent died from the consequences of these diseases. Prevention activities wil be organized aimed at fighting risk factors (Hypertonia, Hyperlipiodemija, Diabetes mellitus, smooking etc.)
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy; Target 9; Evaluation; Croatia.
    Other: Navedena su prva dva autora ekspertne grupe, za kardiovaskularne bolesti.

  5. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 11. Reduction of accidents.

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Stevanović, Ranko (191232)
    Jelčić, Ivo
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 13 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: In the last 10 years mortality from accidents in Croatia was morethan 64,5 per 100.000 inhabitants. Road traffic accidents are stagnating but at high endemic level (Fiv-year average 1981-1985 was 29 per 100.000 and same for the period 1986-1990). Injuries and falls at work are still one of the most important causes of morbidity in population from 20-49 years age. Multidisciplinary and intersectoral policies and programmes for accidents prevention will be developet to 2000 year.
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 11, Monitoring, Evaluation.
    Other: Imenovani su samo glavni nosioci zadatka.

  6. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 12. Reduction of mental disorders and suicide

    Hrabak-žerjavić, Vlasta (16485)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 14 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Epidemiological data show that in the Croatia 4-7 per thousand of the population aged 20 to 64, suffer from functional psychosis. Of that nuber 1,5 to 5,1 per thousand suffer from schizophrenia. In recent year 7.500 alchocolic treated yearly. In 1981 rate of suicides was 21,3 per 100.000 inhabitants and in 1989 22,3 (mostly person over 70,- 65 per 100.000). Particular attention will be payed to modern forms of health-social services with regard to post hospital andout-of-hospital care, by organizing daily and accomodation in families or "half-way houses", etc.
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 12, Monitoring, Evaluation

  7. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 25: Health at Work

    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 27 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Particularly following measure will be taken:Monitoring and analysing of harmful factors in working surroudings, improvement of record keeping system for occupational diseases, education of worker in safety work, application of technical and personal safety, identification of all high risk work places, bigger engagement of safety at work service.
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 25

  8. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 28: Primary Health Care

    Stevanović, Ranko (191232)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 30 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The target will be attained ensuring of free choice of primary health care physician at the local level and for identified area and provision of comprehensive health care for the whole population (Health promotion, Health prevention, Basic diagnostic, Cordination other primary health care teams, clinical services, community-health service, Allocation of resources and in eormation support).
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 28

  9. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 29: Hospital Service

    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 31 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The most basic needs in changing of hospital subsystem will be made by restructuring, modernization and standardization (European standards 3,5 to 4,0 bed for acute patients per 1000 inhabitants, introduuction of modern management supported by comprehensive information system, standardisation resorces, hom treatment and hom care, insisting on polyclinics and introductiondaily and night hospitals).
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 29

  10. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Target 35 Health Information System Support

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Deželić, Gjuro
    Kern, Josipa
    Skupnjak, Berislav
    Publisher: Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 37 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: A support to the development of the health information system will be provided by appropriate legal provisions, containing and financial obligations in particular. Information procedures (elaboration, selection, transmission of information) will be meaningful implemented influence and introduce a change in minds, attitudes and behaviours of those who participate in managementand implementation of Croatian National Health for All by theYear 2000 Strategy targets.
    Keywords: HFA 2000 Strategy, Target 35

  11. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Indicators for Monitoring HFA 2000 Strategy

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Stevanović, Ranko (191232)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Publisher: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo
    ISBN: 1330-6138
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 27 to 33
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The first Croatian"s raport of selected indicators for monitoring HFA 2000 strategy in the Croatia"s Health Service Yearbook, with description of developement strategy and selected indicators.
    Keywords: HFA 2000 strategy, Indicators, Monitoring, Croatia
    Other: Stručni savjet Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo prihvatio je rezultate istraživanja na projektu Izrada i izbor indikatora za zdravstvenu informatiku i telematiku, kao tehnološko unapređenje rada na području informatike zdravstva i uključio objavljivanje izabranih indikatora od 1993. godine kao posebno poglavlje svog godišnjeg izvješća.

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Study of the Hospital Mortality in the Republic of Croatia by the Analysis of the Selected Indicators

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Vidaković, Zdenko (52081)
    Mayer, Ana
    Strnad, Marija
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Journal: Liječnički vjesnik
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0024-3477
    Volume: 115
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 3 to 9
    Number of references: 28
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Mortality trends and distribution in a system of 32 general andteaching hospitals in the Republic of Croatia for the years 1966 through 1989, separately for 1986/1987, were evaluated as a possible informational support to the national policies regarding developing of health care system. By means 13 elaborated and/or selected indicators, using hospital health statistics as a database, we measured the changes in the dynamics, structure and levelof death at institutions, individual medical departments and among patients. Hospitals mortality statistics was faund to offer a good informational orientation for monitoring realization of the hospital's restructuring activities envisaged under the Aim29 of the Croatian strategy HFA 2000 as well as for planning technical surveillance and streamlining the special statistical studies on inpatient health care.
    Keywords: Hospitals; Mortality; Cause of death.

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Immunological and Respiratory Reactions in Workers Exposed to Organic Aerosols

    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Journal: Arh hig rada
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0004-1254
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 249 to 262
    Number of references: 59
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The relationship of skin reactivity and IgE serum level to the prevalence of chronic respiratpory symptoms and ventilatory capacity in workers exposed to different organic aerosols and in control workers is presented.
    Keywords: Chronic respiratory simptoms, IgE immunoglobulin, occupational exposure, skin reaction, ventilatory capacity

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Barber-Johnson"s bed utilization analyses in the system of hospital-type health care in croatia in peace-and war-time conditions: 1986-91

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Vidaković, Zdenko (52081)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Trnski, Davor
    Journal: Liječnički vjesnik
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 0024-347
    Volume: 115
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 65 to 69
    Number of references: 16
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Intensity of bed utilization in Croatia"s hospitals in the peace-time period 1986-90 and the war year of 1991 was evaluated. The study covered 32 general- and-teaching hospitals disposing with 21.300 beds in 1986-90 and 27 of these hospitals with 19.000 beds in 1991.Basic information derives from hospitals statistical reports analyses by the Barber-johnson"s technique. While lenght of stay was reduced in the 1986-90 period, average number of discharges and deaths per available beds increased performances of 11 of the 32 hospitals grouped in a zone limited to 10,0-12,9 days for thelength of stays and 1,1-2,5 days for turnover interval. In the war year of 1991 the performances of 10 of 27 hospitals were grouped in a zone defined by 8,5-10.9 days for length of stay and by 3,1 and 6.2 days for turnover interval. the Barber- Johnson"s analyses provides key information in the decizionmaking about hospital beds utilization, as well as in the evaluation of such decisions
    Keywords: Hospitals; Bed occupancy; Lenght of Stay; War; Croatia

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Komparativni prikaz mortaliteta hrvatskih liječnika

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Journal: Cahiers de Sociologie et de Demographie Medicales
    Number: 2/3
    ISSN: 0007-9995
    Volume: 34
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 230 to 231
    Number of references: 26
    Language: francuski
    Summary: L"etude porte sur les quelques 10 000 medecins, hommes et femmes, employes par le Service de sante de la Croatie pendant la periode 1989-1991. Durant cette periode, on note le deces de 71 medecins hommes et de 28 medecins femmes. Apres standardization, la mortalite du corps medical est comparee a celle de la population generale du meme age ainsi qu aux niveaux les plus bas de la mortalite mondiale
    Keywords: Mortalite des medecins, Croatie

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Razvoj državne mreže zdravlja i njeno uključivanje u informatičku autocestu

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Vuletić, Silvije
    Kern, Josipa
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Journal: Medicinska informatika
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-1799
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 165 to 169
    Number of references: 18
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Legal and other preconditions for the development of Croatia"s health network in the international information trends are described. Over the first years of independence Croatia has developed laws gowerning the statistical information system that are harmonized with the ECE"s resolutions. By expanding CARNet, Croatian academic network which is on INTERNET"s health statistical information system, this country most rapidly join in international information exchange.
    Keywords: National health network; Legislation; Croatia

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Perinatal Mortality in Croatia by County: Trends in the Period 1980-93

    Rodin, Urelija
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Journal: Ginekologija et Perinatologija
    Number: sup1
    ISSN: 1330-0091
    Volume: 4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 6 to 11
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Our analysis covers fatal and early neonatal mortality trends from the period 1980-93 as indicators of perinatal care and their 1993 territorial distribution. The annual fall in the number of deaths among infants aged 0-6 days displayed a relatively stable trend (y=12.77-0.53x) with brief rises during the Croatian War of Independence, relative stagnation in mortinatality levels (y=5.44-0.53x), and increase in 1991-92. Shown for 1993 by county is the territorial distribution of the perinatal mortality components. There is a cluster of 10 counties round the national means of 2.5-4.5 per 1000 stillbirths, respectively 4.5-6.5 per 1000 neonatal deaths at the ages of 0-6 days. While the counties of Lika-senj, Osijek-baranja and Požega-slavonija had the highest 1993 perinatality rates, those of Primorje and Karlovac had the lowest. Compared with other European countries, Croatia has attained fetal mortallity rates of the developed countries (4.1 per 1000 in 1993.), while retaining a higher early neonatal mortality (5.8 per 1.000 in 1993). Developing neonatal care on the level of each county could lead to the lowering of early neonatal mortality.
    Keywords: Perinatal morrtality, Trends, Territorijal distribution, Croatia

  18. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Mortalitet zdravstvenih djelatnika- iskustvo Hrvatske

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Miroslav
    Bui Dang, Ha Doan
    Proceedings title: Documents of FICOSSER Third General Conference
    Language: engleski
    Place: Helsinki, Finska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 1 to 18
    Meeting: Federation for International Cooperation of Health Services and Systems Research Centers Third General Conference
    Held: from 07/06/94 to 07/09/94
    Summary: The mortality occuring among the 4977 male and 5094 female medics aged 25-69 years and employed by Croatias"s Health Service was studied for the period 1989-91. For the same period these figures were compared to the general population"s mortality of the same ages, as well as to the world historical population minima. 71 male and 28 female deaths were reported in the observation period among the medically active doctors. The average annual mortality rate per 1000 medically active physicians was 4.76 for male and 1.83 for female doctors. For both sexes it was 3.28. Compared to Croatia"s general population, the male doctor had an SMR of 51.6%, female 83.8%, SMR of boths sexes was 57.9%. Measured against the world historical minima, our male doctors EMR was 14.5%, female doctors EMR was 43.1%, while both sexes had an EMR of 21.3%. In Three pathological entities, the frequency of physician mortality was higher than that of the general population. While suicides and breast neoplazm reached SMRs of 163% and 286% with female physicians, among male doctors acute myocardial infarction reached an SMR of 129%.
    Keywords: Medicaly active physicians; Mortality; Croatia
    Other: Mayer V. je pozvan da aktivno sudjeluje u radu konferencije od generalnog sekretara FICOSSER-a Bui Dang Ha Doana

  19. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Tranzicija zdravstvenog sustava od državnog prema tržišno orjentiranom: koncepcija i razvoj u Hrvatskoj

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Bui Dang, Ha Doan
    Proceedings title: The Documents FICOSSER Third General Conference
    Language: engleski
    Place: Helsinki, Finska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 1 to 15
    Meeting: Federation for International Cooperation of Health Services and Systems Research Centers Third General Conference
    Held: from 07/06/94 to 07/09/94
    Summary: The state is in its definition also a social product and has the rights and obligations for the health of its population. Therefore it is obvious that its health care system and its health insurance system cannot be entirely appointed to the market supply and demand. Complusory and generally accessible health care and health insurance should be defined and sanctioned. Aditional possibilities based on marketing principles should be also available.In the initial phase of the transition it is necessary to estabilish qualitative and quantitative elements for compulsory health care and health insurance. Preliminary conditions for gradual introduction of marketing principles should be achieved introducing the additional funds for health insurance. The incom of health organizations will increase through renting the state owned facilities and equipment to private practice, ensuring thus higher standard of health services for those insured by alternative insurance organizations. This income could then be used for the improvement of health care standards. Regadless the fastness and direction of health care and health insurance development, its disintegration into subsystems, professional and administrative supervision of the state over the whole health care system and health insurance system will be necessary
    Keywords: Health system: Conception; Transition; Market-oriented: Croatia.
    Other: Mayer V. je pismeno pozvan da sudjeluje u radu treće konferencije FICOSSER-a, sa temom o pretvorbi zdravstva u bivšim komunističkim državama Evrope s posebnim osvrtom na hrvatsko iskustvo. Predložio je da temu zajedno prezentira sa stručnjacima koji su direktno uključeni u pretvorbu zdravstva R Hrvatske, što je generalni sekretar FICOSSER-a Bui Dang Ha Doan prihvatio.

  20. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo: Hrvatski registar zdravstvenih djelatnika

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Starčević, Predrag
    Proceedings title: Conference of European Statisticians CES/AC.36/49; EURO/ICP/HST/157/49; 24.02.94
    Language: engleski
    Place: Geneve, Switzerland
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 131 to 134
    Meeting: Fifth ECE/WHO Joint Meeting on Health Statistics
    Held: from 05/24/94 to 05/27/94
    Summary: The study is presentation: aims, tasks, development and operation Croatian Health Manpower Register
    Keywords: Register; Health Manpower; Croatia
    Other: Na konferenciji je istaknuto, da je Hrvatski registar zdravstvenih djelatnika dosegao visoku razinu kvalitete

  21. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Distribution of Treated Drug Addicts in the Republic of Croatia During 1994

    Katalinić, Dragica
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Petric, Dragomir
    Smoje, Elvira
    Proceedings title: Drugi simpozij obiteljske medicine Split 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-96260-1-3
    Pages: from 95 to 101
    Meeting: Drugi simpozij obiteljske medicine Split 1995
    Held: from 06/02/95 to 06/03/95
    Summary: The data from psychiatric and statistical forms as well as from the "Report on the psychoactive drugs users" arrived to the Croatian Public Health Institute from health institutions of the Republic of Croatia until February 15, 1995, have been analyzed. According to the data optained 329 persons were treated in 1994, 246 males and 83 females (75:25). The share of newly discovered addicts amounted to 61.4%. The largest number of addicts were treated in Zagreb Health institutions (72,5%), 58,8% of them at the specialized department of the Clinical hospital "Sestre Milosrdnice". Most addicts are in the age group 21-25 (25,3%). The share of uneployment addicts is 41%. There were 51,4% of addicts of the morphine type and that is 4% more than in 1993. Young people from 21-25 years old, mostly treated becouse of opiates dependence prevail among males, while women over 40 (29%), mostly treated for taking barbiturates prevail among females. The number of registered addicts represent just the "top of the iceberg" warning us against the hazards of the increasing use of psychoactive drugs in our country.
    Keywords: Drug addict, Distribution, Croatia
    Other: Prva sistematična prezentacija nacionalnog surveillancea ovisnika o drogama u R Hrvatskoj

  22. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Croatian Health Manpower Register

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Starčević, Predrag
    Horvat, Zlatko
    Kern, Josipa
    Proceedings title: Medicinska informatika 93
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    ISBN/ISSN: ISSN1330-1799
    Pages: from 209 to 210
    Meeting: 1. simpozij Hrvatskog društva za medicinsku informatiku.
    Held: from 10/21/93 to 10/22/93
    Summary: Under the Republic of Croatia's HFA 2000 strategy guidelines forthe entire population, a health manpower register was set up in1 990 in Croatian National Institute of Public Health as an essential precondition to carry out the reform of the nation's Health Service. In 1993, Croatian state health institutions employed 45000 persons. The data base software had to be sufficiently operative to accept a continuous data input, firmly organized to keep pace with the rapid introduction of the health system reform and sufficiently flexible to answer not merely rouitine queries, but also to respond to special information request.
    Keywords: Health manpower; Register; Croatia.

  23. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Kulčar, Živko
    Proceedings title: Knjiga sažetaka IX kongresa liječnika Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: ISSN0024-3477
    Pages: from 40 to 0
    Meeting: IX Kongres liječnika Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/91 to 10/05/91

  24. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Kulčar, Živko
    Kulčar, Živko
    Proceedings title: Knjiga sažetaka IX kongresa liječnika Hrvatske
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zadar
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: ISSN0024-3477
    Pages: from 40 to 0
    Meeting: IX Kongres liječnika Hrvatske
    Held: from 10/03/91 to 10/05/91

  25. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Croatian Child and Youth War Death

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Stevanović, Ranko (191232)
    Grimm, Herbert
    Proceedings title: Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine
    Language: engleski
    Place: Leipzig, S R Njemačka
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 98 to 0
    Meeting: Congress of the European Union for School and University Health and Medicine
    Held: from 07/01/93 to 07/03/93
    Summary: The study presents diagnoses of cause of death and of external causes of deaths,and other characteristic of the children and youth killed during the 1991/92 aggresion on Croatia (254 death among children and youths up to 19 years).
    Keywords: Death, children and youth, War, Croatia

  26. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Assessment criteria for introducing relevant Health software in Croatia

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Bačić, Stjepan
    Proceedings title: Prvi Kongres hrvatskih bolnica: Sažeci radova
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 9 to 9
    Meeting: Prvi kongres hrvatskih bolnica
    Held: from 05/23/95 to 05/24/95
    Summary: International data transfer via electronic media requires a comprehensive analysis of the situation, and precise definitions and analysis of national needs. Otherwise informatics resources will stay unused and clients frustrated. When devising user software operating systems, one must specify a programming language, software package and tools are suited to the user"s health system. Croatian National Institute of Public Health has elaborated assessment criteria for the selection of application programmes suited to the results of their application in the countries devising them, compatibility with WHO health informatics, importance to monitoring the aims of HFA 2000,potential for inclusion into PHARE and other EU collaborative programs, the feasibility of technical cooperation with software authors, the price of software and its operational potential in Croatian health informatics, and assess its usefulness and contribution to creating a comprehensive health informatics system. Using these criteria, we present two informatics systems: the Belgian ARISE programme developed at Louvain"s Catholic University, and the British District Health Indicators developed by by the IACC Research Associate Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham, as they are capable of rapid introduction into Croatian health informatics practice.
    Keywords: Health informatics, software, selection criteria, Croatia
    Other: Na kongresu su prezentirane mogučnosti ARISE, koja će u informatičku praksu Belgije biti uvedena 1996 godine i Distrikt indikatori razvijeni u IACC-u, koji su pogodni da se odmah uvedu u informatičku praksu R Hrvatske. Tijekom istraživanja Izrada i izbor indikatora..., povezali smo se sa fakultetom u Luvanu i Birmingenu, koji su nam dostavili svoje softverske pakete s dozvolom da demonstraciske diskete distribuiramo zainteresiranim korisnicima. Diskete se mogu dobiti u Hrvatskom zavodu za javno zdravstvo kod Dr Vladimira Mayera.

  27. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: An analysis of the performance of Croatian acute hospitals in the period 1990-93

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Bačić, Stjepan
    Proceedings title: Prvi kongres hrvatskih bolnica: Sažeci radova
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 2 to 2
    Meeting: Prvi kongres hrvatskih bolnica
    Held: from 05/23/95 to 05/24/95
    Summary: Empirical data on changes in the length of stay and of bed turnover intervals in Croatian acute hospitals in the period 1990-93 were examined. Hospital performance indicators were calculated from bed availability, bed occupancy, and from patient discharge and patient death data collected by the Croatian National Institute of Public of Health. Simple regression models were used in taking bed turnover interval as an indepedent and length of stay as a dependent variable, the analysis also involved scatter diagrams. For three years the correlation between the variables has been negative (y=10.94-067x in 1990; y=10.94-0.17x in 1992; y=10.27-0.67x in 1993). They were found to be positively correlated (y=10.22+0.101x) in the war year 1991. Consolidation of acute hospital performance shows on scatter diagrams how they adapted to the Health Service"s transformation. The 1990 lenght of stay was 11.76 days on avarage, 2.77 SD and it had a variance of 23.6% against, for the same indicators in 1993, 9.46, 2.09 and 22.1%, attended by an extension of the bed turnover interval from 2.28 days 1990 to 3.9 in 1993. While, in all four observation years, scatter diagrams show a rise in residual deviations (heteroscedacity) to also accompany regression value increases, regression diagnosis points to a high level of standard error of coefficients, and to a relatively low level of correlation between selected variables. As statistical regression analysis is accessible for wide application, and not just through ARISE and District Health Indicator softwares, it is suitable for pilot analyses of acute hospital performance despite the above weaknesses. By comparisons with 1990 and the aftermath of the war year 1990, the study showed the system of Croatian acute hospitals to have consolidated at a higer perfornance level in 1993.
    Keywords: Acute Hospitals system; Performance; Model; Regression analysis; Croatia
    Other: U vrijeme razvoja kompjuterske tehnologije u Zapadnim zemljama s razvijenim informatičkim sustavom zdravstva nije bilo rata, pa je prikaz kako se jedan sustav mijenja od startne osnove do ponove konsolidacije od interesa ne samo za R.Hrvatsku.

  28. Type of paper: M.A.

    Title: Some indicators of immunological status and ventilatory capaciti in workers occupationally exposed to cotton and hemp dust
    Faculty: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/18/92
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 91
    Summary: Although the results from the tests in hempt workers showed that the effect of hemp dust could be partly responsible for the immunological reaction, immunological changes found in the exposed workes did not reveal a correlation with the respiratory findings. This results optained in cotton textile workers suggest that while immunological response are frequent among textile workers they correlate poorly with respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function findings and thus may not confirm the presence of an pulmonary obstruction, the typ seen in byssinosis.
    Keywords: Workers occupation, Exposed dust cotton and hemp, Pulmonary function, Immunological status

  29. Type of paper: Computer program

    Title: Croatian Health Manpower Register

    Starčević, Predrag
    Fanton, Davor
    Horvat, Zlatko
    Odering party: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Institution depot: HELIX
    HW platform: PC 486
    Operating system: UNIX
    Programming language: INFORMIX 4GL
    Year: 1994
    Summary: The monitoring, program was built up in the programming language INFORMIX 4GL and it operates under the Interactive UNIX operational system having two data input posts. An orderly normalized relational data base conbined with 4th generation tools permits high system flexibility and adaptability and is well suited both to standardized reporting and to meeting the atipycal needs which arise at the state level.
    Keywords: Health Manpower Register, software programme , Croatia
    Other: Na izradi programa prvi je radio Ing. Horvat Zlatko stalno zaposlen u Hrvatskom Zavodu za javno zdravstvo 1991 godine. Poslije njega je na kreiranju programa sudjelovao Ing Predrag Starčević iz "SEMAFOR-a". Softverski program su u potpunosti izradili stručnjaci pod vodstvom Fanton Davora iz "HELIX-a" 1994. godine.

  30. Type of paper: Data base

    Title: Croatian Health Manpower Register

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Starčević, Predrag
    Institution administrator: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    HW platform: PC 486
    Operating system: UNIX
    Base format: INFORMIX 4GL
    Number of entries: 68385
    Summary: The Health manpower register is an information subsystem organized to gather, process, analyze and transmit information on manpower figures, workposts, specialties, and demographic characteristic of the employees working in the Republic of Croatia's health system. The monitoring program was build up in the programming language INFORMIX 4GL and it operates under the Interactive UNIX operattonal system having two data input posts. An ordeli normalized relational data base combined with 4th generation tools permits high system flexibility and adaptability and is well suited both to standardized reporting and to meeting the untipical needs wich arise at the state level.
    Keywords: Health Manpower Register; Data base; Croatia.

  31. Type of paper: Data base

    Title: Indikatori za pračenje hrvatske strategije "Zdravlje za svo pučanstvo do 2000 godine" za SZO Evropsku regiju

    Hemen, Mario
    Institution administrator: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    HW platform: PC 486
    Operating system: Windows
    Base format: ACCESS
    Number of entries: 1512
    Summary: The base contein data of 139 indicators relevant for Croatian strategy HFA 2000 (1980-92).
    Keywords: HFA 2000, Indicators, Data base, Croatia

  32. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: Feminization in Croatia's Medical Profession

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Ljubićić, Mate (104121)
    Mayer, Miroslav
    Crlenjak, Vilim
    Ordering party: Centre de Sociologie et de Demographie Medicales
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 21
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The paper deals with Croatia's physician manpower gender- and age-specific structures in the 1981-1990 period, comparing them with the physician's educational ataintment. The analysis covers the 10.137 physicians the Health Service employed in 1990. Although our physiscian manpower shows a similarity to Western couuntries by demographic and medical speciality variables with regard to women physician's employment dynamics and manpower profil distribution, these processes are more intenzive here.
    Keywords: Physicians; Gender; Indicator analysis; Croatia.
    Other: Putem studije, koja je poslana na recenziju u suradni centar SZO u Parizu, uspostavljena je suradnja sa njenim direktorom Bui Dang Ha Doan-om, koji nam je pomogao pri daljnjoj promociji naših radova, uključivanjem u Međunarodnu federaciju za istraživanje zdravstvenih sustava (FICOSSER).

  33. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: The Mortality of Croatia's Medically Active Physicians

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Miroslav
    Ordering party: FICOSSER
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 22
    Language: engleski
    Summary: During 1989-91 the mortality of 4.977 male and 5.094 femalephysicians employed by Croatia's health system and aged 25-69years was observed.These figures were compared with the mortalityof the general population of the same age for the same period.aswell as with the world historical population minimum. In the observation period 71 medicali active male and 28 suchfemale doctors died.The average annual mortality rates per 1,000medically active physicians were 4.76 and 1.83 for male andfemale doctors respectively,being 3,28 for both sexes.Compared toCroatia's general population,the respective male and female SMRswere 51,6% and 83.8%;that for both sexes 57,9%.In comparison withthe world historical minimum the male, female and both sex EMRswere 14.5%, 43.1% and 21.3%.
    Keywords: Medically active physicians; Mortality; Croatia.
    Other: Studija je prihvačena od FICOSSER Secretary General dne 22Prosinca 1993 i biti će prezentirana na FICOSSER GeneralConference, koja će se održati od 6 do 9 srpnja 1994 u Helsinkiju

  34. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: Barber - Johnson's of Bed Utilization Analyses in the System of Hospital-type Health Care in Croatia: 1986-91.

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Vidaković, Zdenko (52081)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Ordering party: Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 19
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The intensity of bed utilisation in Croatian hospitals was evaluated for the peacetime period of 1986-90 and the war year of 1991. In all 32 general and teaching hospitals with a complement of 21,300 beds between 1986 and 1990 and 27 of them with a be dcomplement oe 19,000 in 1991 were studied. Barber - Johnson's analyses provides key information both for hospital bed utilization decision - making and for an evaluation of such decision.
    Keywords: Hospitals; Bed utilization; Croatia.
    Other: Studija je prvi dio međudržavne studije o korištenju kreveta u R Hrvatskoj i R Sloveniji. Prihvaćena je za objavljivanje u liječničkom Vijesniku.

  35. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: Croatian Health Manpower Register

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Starčević, Predrag
    Ordering party: The Conference of European Statistician
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 7
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Presentation: aims and tasks,development,operation and entities and linkages diagram Croatian Health Manpower Register.
    Keywords: National Register; Health Manpower; Croatia.
    Other: Rad je prihvačen od ECE/EUROSTAT i biti će prezentiran na: TheConference of European Statisticians, koja će se održati 24 - 27maja 1994 godine u Ženevi.

  36. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: MPNHD in Croatia

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Ordering party: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 8
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: National health planning (NPH), Country Health Programming (CHP) and future development Managerial Process for National Health Development (MPNHD) in Croatia was evaluated.
    Keywords: Planning Health; Croatia.
    Other: U studiji je posebno obrazložen znaćaj planniranja za realizacijuzdravlje za svo pučanstvo do 2000 godine i uloga indikatora kodformuliranja ciljeva i pračenja njihove realizacije.

  37. Type of paper: Survey/Study


    Boržić, Berislav (4572)
    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Ordering party: Ministarstvo zdravstva R Hrvatske
    Institution depot: Ministarstvo zdravstva R Hrvatske
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 6
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Highlights of Croatia and Health situation: Population, social and geographic characteristic. Mortality and morbidity situation, communal desease and vacctination. Risc factors and health prognosis.
    Keywords: Diagnosis and prognosis community health; Croatia.
    Other: Studija je sažetak materijala koje su prikupili članovi ekipe, koja radi na izradi i izboru indikatora za zdravstvenu informatiku i telematiku.

  38. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: Barber - Johnson's of Bads Utilization Analyses in the Acute Hospitalsin R Slovenia: 1986-91.

    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Premik, Marijan
    Ordering party: Univeza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Inštitut za socialno medicino.
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdavstvo (Croatian National Institute of Public Health)
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 9
    Language: slovenski
    Summary: Najbolj pomembne spremembe v porabi akutnih postelj v Slovenskih bolnišnicah v obdobju 1986. - 1991. so bile: - zniževanje povprečne ležalne dobe z ustavljanjem na minimumu 8 dni. - Močno podaljšanje obdobja od odpusta do ponovnega sprejema bolnikov. Takšno gospodarjenje s bolnišničnimi posteljami imelo je za posledico povečanje praznih kapacitet in zniževanje efikasnosti porabe postelj. Bitni vpliv na slovensko povprečje porabe postelj v akutnih bolnišnicah Slovenije, imela je porab postelj v tri največje slovenske bolnice v Ljubljani, Mariboru in Celju.
    Keywords: Acute hospitals beds; Utilization; Barber - Johansons analises; Slovenia.
    Other: U studiji je analizirano korištenje kreveta u općim i Kliničkimb olnicama u istom razdoblju kao i u R Hrvatskoj (1986 - 1991).U studiji su prikupljeni podaci za komparativnu analizu korištenja bolničkih kreveta u dvije države sa sličnim razvojem zdravstva od kojih je jedna pretrpjela teška ratna razaranja zdravstvene infrastrukture.

  39. Type of paper: Project

    Title: The 1993 - 1994 Monitoring of Strategies for Health for All (HFA)

    Kuzman, Marina (188593)
    Tomić, Branimir (143973)
    Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta (165255)
    Mayer, Vladimir (118380)
    Ordering party: Regional Office, Unit of Epidemiology, Statistic and Health information
    Institution depot: Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 58
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The system of 38 regional targets for health for all (HFA) and indicators to measure progress towards them was endorsed by the Regional Committee in September 1984 (resolution EUR/RC34/R5). Regarded as provisional when adopted, the indicators were revised in the light of the first HFA evaluation in 1984- 1985 and subsequently used in the l987-1988 monitoring exercise. Aulthough they had thus become well estabilished, many shortcomings and problems emerged. A plam concerned inter alia with reviewing the indicators and simplifying future regional monitoring and evaluation exercises (EUR/RC39/4) was considered and initiating second revision process and proposed regional indicator and framework for the 1990-1991 evaluation of the HFA strategy. In document ICP/HSC 016 Regional Committee initiated second monitoring exercises in 1993-1994. Office for Cooperation between WHO and the Republic of Croatia, appointed experts of CPHI for monitoring exercises.
    Keywords: Health for All Strategy; Evaluation; Monitoring.

  40. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: The Croatian"s Physician mortality
    Institution: Klinički bolnički centar Rebro
    Year: 1994

  41. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Feminization in Croatia"s Medical Profession
    Institution: Medicinski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu
    Year: 1993

  42. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Hospitals Performances Indicators: Croatia and Slovenia
    Institution: Medicinska universa
    Year: 1994

  43. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Croatian Health manpower projection to 2000.
    Institution: Medicinski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu
    Year: 1993

  44. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: The Indicators of Hospital Mortality: Medicine
    Institution: Klinički bolnički centar Rebro
    Year: 1995

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