SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 6-06-006


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 6-06-006

Quoted papers: 3
Other papers: 45
Total: 48

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Nonviolent conflict resolution

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Publisher: Alinea
    ISBN: 86-7057-133-1
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 56
    Number of references: 22
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Model of developing nonviolent conflict resolution as a social skill was described. Learning takes place through group interaction that is structured in accordance to phases of group work. As an integral part of constructive conflict resolutionthe areas of cooperation, communication, affirmation and mediation were presented. Practical exercizes for their development were suggested.
    Keywords: non-violent conflict resolution, childrens' social skills

  2. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Prevention of behavior disturbancies of children victims of war

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Janković, Josip (83816)
    Horvat-Kutle, Suzana
    Žižak, Antonija
    Publisher: Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi
    ISBN: 953-6353-01-6
    Year: 1995
    Number of pages: 115
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In the first chapter prevalence and characteristics of behavior disturbances in children and youth victims of war are described. In the next two chapters models of prevention are described sistematicaly. In the following chapter the planning of assistance program to children who live in areas endangered by war is described in details - from the interwieving procedure, choise of approach to work, involving parents, conducting group or/and individual treatment. The last chapters describe possibilities of work with aggresive children and significance of socialization groups in prevention and treatment of behavior disturbances. The book is intended for all proffessionals who work with children.
    Keywords: prevention, behavior disturbancies, children victims of war

  3. Type of paper: Book


  4. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Change of the parent-child relationship in displacement: A comparison of collective and host family accomodation

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Publisher: Alinea
    ISBN: 86-7057-141-2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 76 to 89
    Number of references: 20
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Behaviour of mothers towards children was analysed as a function of type of accomodation in displacement - collective (N=65) or in host families (N=112). Most of mothers have not changed their relationship to children or have even improved it. Still, some mothers reported increased unpatience and more frequent punishment of children. Less adequate relationship of mothers was correlated to quality of social relations in new environment, age of mothers and stress reactions of a child.

  5. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Psychosocial adjustment of displaced children accomodated without parents into a host family

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Publisher: Alinea
    ISBN: 86-7057-141-2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 89 to 102
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Psychosocial difficulties of children (N=115) who are in displacement without parental care were examined. Data was collected through structured interviews with hosts. Almost 40% of children manifested certain difficulties in adjustment to displacement. Most notable were depression, withdrawal, despondency, health difficulties and eating disorders. The influence of arrival of displaced children (N=71) on host family relationships was also analysed.
    Keywords: psychosocial adaptation of displaced children, host families, unaccompanied minors

  6. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Psychological assistance to the displaced: Approaches and interventions

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Publisher: Alinea
    ISBN: 86-7057-141-2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 149 to 171
    Number of references: 45
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Importance and possibility of use of crises intervention in work with displaced and refugees was described. Specifities of particular crises interventions were illustrated with detailed description of work with particular cases of crises indisplacement. Special attention was devoted to mental health ofhelpers.
    Keywords: crises, crises intervention, displacement, mental health of helpers

  7. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Residental care of displaced people and refugees in the Republic of Croatia

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Gottesman, M.
    Publisher: Whiting and Birch Ltd
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 174 to 179
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The impact of war in Croatia on the residental care for children was described. Of the seventeen children's homes in the country, the children had to be evacuated from six-two homes were demolished, one was on occupied territory and from three homes children were moved for safety reasons. In displacement they have been faced with the problem of overcrowding and difficulties of adaptation to a new environment. The general objectives were to empower these who direct residential centres for children and residents to cope with the stress of displacement. The importance of developing and organizing suitable environment was stressed.
    Keywords: children, war, residential care, displacement

  8. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: How to help to aggressive children

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Publisher: Društvo za psihološku pomoć
    ISBN: 953-6353-02-4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 45 to 56
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Sources and development of aggresion in childhood are described. Guidelines for work with aggresive children are provided. Range of games for improving communication and social skills of aggresive children are described in detail - identifying feelings, learning positive ways to shaw emotions and self-control.
    Keywords: aggression, children, social skills learning

  9. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Family as a support system for a child in displacement

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Publisher: Društvo za psihološku pomoć
    ISBN: 953-6353-02-4
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 75 to 82
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The immportance of family as a support sistem for child in stressfull situations is analysed. Central role of family in helping traumatized child is emphasised. Circumstances in which parental aid and support is most freqently lacking are described, as well as relationship between parental reactions in stressfull situations to behavior of children. Basic approaches in work with parents of traumatised children and children who live in constant exposure to various stressors are provided.
    Keywords: family, children, displacement, sources of support

  10. Type of paper: Paper in book


  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Attitudes of professionals about prevention of child abuse: interprofessional differences

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 41
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 217 to 225
    Number of references: 11
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The attitudes of professionals employed in social care, legal and educational institutions (N=382) about treatment and prevention of child abuse were assesed. Small inter- professional differences were found. As the best way of dealing with child abuse prevention and treatmen were stressed, and not punishment and repression. Comparison with professionals from SAD and Israel indicated some differences in attitudes towards treatment of abusive families.
    Keywords: attitudes of professionals, child abuse and neglect

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Family in war - legal and psychological aspects

    Alenčić, Mira
    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1112
    ISSN: 0353-7099
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1337 to 1348
    Number of references: 23
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Possibilities of legal protection of children victims of war related to the Family Law were suggested. Possibilities andobstacles to applying Convention of the Rights of a Child andother international documents related to protection of childrenin war and displacement were analysed. Psycho-social changes infamilies caused by war were stressed and described, as well asthe signs of stress in children and parents exposed to warexperience.
    Keywords: legal protection of children in war, psychosocial effects of war on children

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some correlates of aggressive behaviour of children in homes for children

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Radulović, S
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 1330-0059
    Volume: 132
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 260 to 265
    Number of references: 17
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Aim was to analyse correlates of aggressive behaviour of children in children's homes. Children of both sexes between 10 and 14 years were studied (N=82). They were devided into two groups according to intensity of aggressive behaviour. Aggressive behaviour was connected with child's previous experience (violence in the family), frequency and quality of contacts with family since the child is in the home and some characteristics of the child (poor school performance, boy).
    Keywords: aggressive behaviour in children, children's homes

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Child abuse and neglect as a social problem

    Petak, Olga (106246)
    Journal: Žena
    ISSN: 0513-9473
    Volume: 49
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 32 to 40
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Professionals in centres for social work (N=105) were assessing the relative importance of child abuse and neglect in the family in relation to a number of most common social problems. Abuse and neglect in the family was consistently assessed as one of the most important social problems. Interprofessional differences, as well as the differences among professionals from various parts of Croatia were minor.
    Keywords: child abuse and neglect, social problems, professionals

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Woman - victim or perpetrator of family violence?

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Žena
    Number: 13
    ISSN: 0513-9473
    Volume: 50
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 10 to 23
    Number of references: 56
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Regarding the sex of a victim or an offender it was found that(1) women are exposed to more frequent and more intensiveviolence in their relationships with partners, (2) frequency andintensity of aggression between partners is related to frequencyand intensity of child abuse, (3) abused mothers abuse children more frequently, (4) consequences of violence are more severe for male children, (5) socio-cultural context and social norms maintain violence between partners.
    Keywords: family violence, spouse abuse, child abuse

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Differences in parents rearing style between female and male predelinquent and delinquent youth

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Journal: Psyhologische Beitraege
    ISSN: 0033-3018
    Volume: 32
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 7 to 15
    Number of references: 19
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Differences in parental child-rearing practice of delinquent youth of both sexes were examined (N=190). Subjects assessed parental style on modified Rohner PAR questionnaire. Comparison with nondelinquent peers revealed that delinquent youth regardless of gender perceived themselves to be significantly more rejected and less accepted by their parents. Regression analyses showed that the parental style was better predictor of delinquent behavior in females.
    Keywords: juvenile delinquents, parental style, gender differences

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Assessment of professionals and non-professionals attitudes towards child abuse in Croatia

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Petak, Olga (106246)
    Mršić, Sanja
    Journal: Child Abuse and Neglect
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0145-2134
    Volume: 17
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 549 to 556
    Number of references: 14
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Attitudes to child abuse were assessed in professionals who work directly with the problem of child abuse (N=154) and comparable group of professionals who do not have a professional contact with child abuse (N=152,"non-professionals"). A questionnaire was devised to collect the data. "Professionals" have significantly more tolerant attitude toward child abuse and have less repressive approach in treatingabusers than "non-professionals".
    Keywords: attitudes toward child abuse, professionals' attitudes

  18. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Sources and symptoms of stress of displaced children

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta
    Number: 23
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 43
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 243 to 249
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Sources of stress and difficulties in psychosocial adjustment of children in displacement were analysed. Data was collected within four programmes of psychosocial assistance to the displaced. The most frequent sources of stress are loss of direct parental care, loss of home, life with distressed adults, family separation and inadequate living conditions. The most frequent signs of difficulties in adjustment are eating disorders, sleeping disturbances, aggression and fear.
    Keywords: exiled children, sources and symptoms of stress, psychosocial adaptation, social support

  19. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Psychological well-being of refugee children

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Ajduković, Dean
    Journal: Child Abuse and Neglect
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0145-2134
    Volume: 17
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 843 to 854
    Number of references: 24
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Data about the family situation and psychosocial adaptation of the children to displacement was gathered during detailed structured interviews with their mothers. Two groups of refugee families were encountered: families accommodated in a shelter (N=65) or with host families (N=118). A considerable range of stress-related reactions among displaced children were identified (e.g. sleeping and eating disturbances, separation fears, withdrawal or aggression).
    Keywords: refugee children, stress of displacement, psychological well-being

  20. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The influence of displacement on the relationship of mothers to their children acommodated in host families

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Miljević-Riđički, Renata (145481)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Psyhologische Beitraege
    Number: 3/4
    ISSN: 0033-3018
    Volume: 34
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 199 to 205
    Summary: Through structured interviews the data on the influence of displacement on relationship of mothers (112) towards children and on difficultes in psychosocial adjustment of displaced children (N-233) accommodated in host families were colected. More than 50% of children manifested separation fears, 25% were despondent and 20% manifested general fearfulness. According to mothers' assessment their relationship toward children stayed same or was even improved. The paper emphasized the importance of schools in identification of displaced children that need support in the process of psychosocial adjustment.
    Keywords: mother-child relationship, displacement, psychosocial adjustment

  21. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Child abuse and abandonment in the family

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Revija za socijalnu politiku
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 1330-2965
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1994
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Different definitions of child abuse and neglect are analysed. Main theoretical explanatory models are described. Prevalence of child abuse and neglect in Croatia is presented. Althoug decrease in the number of registrated children is manifest in the last five years, empirical research of psycho-social aspects of abuse and neglect in the family indicates that during the years of war the "dark figure" increased. It is partly a result of limited possibilities for preventive and treatment activities during the war, but also smaller salience of this problem in comparison to prevalence and intensity of victimization of children in Croatia due to war.
    Keywords: abuse, abandonement, children, family

  22. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Child Abuse Potential Inventory: Cross-validation in Croatia

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Psychological Reports
    Number: 76
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 979 to 985
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The aim of the study was to cross-validate the Child Abuse Potential Inventory by Milner in Croatia. The inventory was translated and administered to 59 parents reported to centres of social work for child abuse or neglect and to a sample of 383 general population of parents. A significant difference in the inventory abuse score between groups of parents was found. Discriminant analysis indicated an overall correct classification rate for the Abuse Scale of 87.59%. The Abuse Scale coefficient of internal consistency for all respondents was 0.91. Results were interpreted as supportive of concurrent predictive validity in the Croatian sociocultural context.
    Keywords: child abuse, validation, inventory

  23. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Violence in dating relationships

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta
    Number: 1-2
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 159 to 170
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: "Conflict Tactics Scales" (Straus, 1979) were used to assess reasoning, verbal aggerssion and violence in conflict situations between dating partners on 148 female and 127 male students of the University of Zagreb. The results have shown that 87% males and 96% females report using or being subjected to verbal aggression, and 34% females and 26% males report using or being subjected to violence in a conflict situation with thier dating partner. Strategies of prevention of family violence are suggested.
    Keywords: dating violence, conflict resolution

  24. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The review of the "Child Abuse and Neglect" for 1994

    Sladović, Branka
    Journal: Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada
    Number: 2
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: "Child Abuse and Neglect -The International Journal" is a official publication of The International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Journal is published monthly on English. In this article contents of all papers published in 1994 are translated as well as summaries of five articles found esspecialy interesting.
    Keywords: child abuse, offenders, victims,

  25. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Evaluation of the programme of structured learning in conflict resolution skills with school - age children

    Sladović, Branka
    Journal: Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada
    Number: 2
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Programme of structured learning in conflict resolution skills is carried out in second grade of primary school in Zagreb in 1993/94 trough ten group meetings. Sociometry, Scale for assessing aggresive and prosocial behavior and self - reports of children were used for programme evaluation. Results suggests increased cooperation among children i decrease in aggresive behavior.
    Keywords: structured learning, conflict resolution, evaluation

  26. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The review of the book "Family Assessment: Methods and Techniques"

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Primijenjena psihologija
    Number: 1-4
    Volume: 13
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 79 to 81
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article describes contemporary methodology for observation and assessment of family system and subsystems. Most important instruments are listed, and their advantages and disadvantages discussed.
    Keywords: methodology, family assessment

  27. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: A review of the protection services for maltreated children in Austia

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada
    Number: 2
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article briefly describes various levels of social services available for the assisstance to maltreated children and their parents in Austria.
    Keywords: social services, child protection, abused children

  28. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Conflicts and strategies of conflict resolution

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-6456
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 59 to 65
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author describes the basic characteristics of a conflict, its development and the most frequent reactions of people in conflict situations. It also gives the strategies used in the conflict. Two different methods of solving conflict are described-negotiation and mediation.
    Keywords: conflicts, conflict resolutioon, negotiation, mediation

  29. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some metric characteristics of Child Abuse Potential Inventory

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Journal: Primijenjena psihologija
    Number: 14
    Volume: 14
    Year: 1993
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article provides a summary of the master thesis. After theoretical introduction to the field of child abuse research, a study of 48 maltreating and 353 general population parents was described.The aim was to cross-validate tha Child Abuse Potential Inventory (Milner, 1986) and to test an integrative model of child abuse and neglect (Pečnik, 1993). Discriminative analysis of individual psychological characteristics of parents na indicators of socio-environmental stressors resulted in 99% of correct classification rate. That was interpreted as a support of CAP validity and as empirical support for integrative model of child maltreatment.
    Keywords: Child Abuse Potential Inventory, validation, child abuse model

  30. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Parent - source of stress and support for a child

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Kocijan-Herigonja, Dubravka
    Proceedings title: Psihosocijalna pomoć djeci i adolescentima stradalnicima rata
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 16 to 20
    Meeting: Psihosocijalna pomoć djeci i adolescentima stradalnicima rata
    Summary: The importance of support that parents provide to children in crises situation as war and displacement was analysed. Family circumstances which are especially endangering for a child (e.g. when parents underestimate stress reactions of the child or are overprotective) were described. Strategies of psychological help to families with children in displacement were suggested.
    Keywords: social support, family in crisis, parental support to children

  31. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Violence in the family-legal, psychological and social factors

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Šimunović, Ivan
    Proceedings title: Naša obitelj danas
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 7 to 17
    Meeting: Naša obitelj danas
    Held: from 11/28/94 to 11/30/94
    Summary: Different aspects of abuse in the family are described - child abuse, abuse between spouses, abuse of the elderly. Psychologocal and social sources and conseqences of these phenomena are analysed. Legal regulations regarding abuse in the family in Croatia are described. Intergenerational transmission of family violence is described in detail. Model of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of abuse in the family is described. It can be implemented on national level, but also on a local community level. Violence in the family is places in a context of human rights.
    Keywords: violence in the family, intergenerational transsmission of violence, levels of prevention

  32. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Child abuse and neglect in the family

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Petak, Olga (106246)
    Proceedings title: Obitelj i zdravlje
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 166 to 168
    Summary: Special attention is devoted to role of medical workers in prevention, early detection and treatment of abuse and neglect of children. The importance and possibilities of home visits in prevention and assistance to families at risk is emphasised. Unified sistem of registering various aspects of endangered development of children in the family is suggested. Prerequisite of efficiensy of such sistem is determining clear criteria for child abuse and neglect identification. It is importante to consider immidiate and long term conseqences of abuse on childs development.
    Keywords: child abuse and neglect, prevention, medical system

  33. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: bused child

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Petak, Olga (106246)
    Proceedings title: Obitelj i zdravlje
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 176 to 178
    Summary: Two cases of child abused are described - sexual and physical abuse. Cases were used to stimulate thinking about intervention in particular families and long term conseqences on child development. Immportance of interproffessional cooperation was emphasized as well as cooperation between medical care and social care systems on identification and providing adeqate assistance to children victims of abuse in the family.
    Keywords: child abuse, sexual abuse, interprofessional cooperation

  34. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Abuse and neglect of children in the family

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Šimunović, Ivan
    Proceedings title: Naša obitelj danas
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Opatija
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 244 to 257
    Meeting: Naša obitelj danas
    Held: from 11/28/94 to 11/30/94
    Summary: The aim of the study was to develop an integrative model of child maltreatment in the family. Data were collected from parents registered in centers for social work for abuse or neglect of children, from parents of general population and social workers and psychologists from centres for social work. Child Abuse Potential Inventory (Milner, 1986), General socio-demographic data questionnaire and a Scale of abuse and neglect were used for data collection. Results indicated which individual-psychological characteristics of parents and which indicators of socio-environmental stress were most related to maltreating children.
    Keywords: individual-psychological indicators of child abuse, social indicators of child abuse, child abuse and neglect

  35. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The condition of refugees in Europe: Mental health problems of displaced children - longitudinal perspective

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Padua, Italy
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 192 to 193
    Meeting: 4th European Conference on child abuse and neglect
    Held: from 03/28/93 to 03/31/93
    Summary: The data about extent of refugee problem and proportion of displaced and refugee children in Croatia were presented. The importance of supportive environment as a mediator between war-related and displacement experiences and the psychological well-being of children was described. That was illustrated with the fact that the higher incidence of child's stress reactions was related to the different aspects of mothers' overall poor ability to cope with the stress of displacement.
    Keywords: displacement, sources of stress for displaced children, mother's support

  36. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Displaced children: Conceptions of war and social adpatation to new educational settings

    Miljević-Riđički, Renata (145481)
    Proceedings title: Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Padua, Italy
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 196 to 196
    Meeting: 4th European Conference on child abuse and neglect
    Held: from 03/28/93 to 03/31/93
    Summary: Data about conception of war were gathered through interviewsfrom 80 pre-school and school children. It is more matured thatwere expected. It was also studied how they cope withdisplacement: which symptoms they show, what is their position innew preschool or school groups. If they accepted the fact thatthey will not be home soon, they jpin new groups more likely. Animportant factor of their psychosocial adaptation indisplacement was family stability.
    Keywords: children's conception of war

  37. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Behaviour of parents as factor in adaptation of children to life in displacement

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Prva godišnja konferencija Hrvatskih psihologa, Psiholozi u domovinskom ratu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 88 to 88
    Meeting: Prva godišnja konferencija Hrvatskih psihologa, Psiholozi u domovinskom ratu
    Held: from 04/15/93 to 04/17/93
    Summary: A comparison of data from structured interviews with mothers was made between psychosocial adjustment of children accomodated in a collective centre (N=125) and in host families (N=582). Children in host families are more frequently depressed and children in collective centres are more frequently aggressive. The number of stress reactions in children in host families decreases significantly with time. The importance of psychological assistance was stressed.
    Keywords: psychosocial adaptation of children, accomodation in displacement

  38. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Societal values and child abuse: A study of professionals' and nonprofessionals' attitudes

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Ninth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
    Place: Chicago, U.S.A.
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 682 to 682
    Meeting: Ninth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
    Held: from 08/30/92 to 09/02/92
    Summary: The study looked into the congruency of factor structures of professionals' and nonprofessionals' attitudes toward causes, conditions and responses to child abuse. Although factor structure of their attitudes to child abuse is not identical, certain degree of congruency between the following factors identified in both sub-samples was found. Concordance was higher among the attitudes to causes and conditions of child abuse than among the reactions to this problem.
    Keywords: attitudes towards child abuse, professionals and nonprofessionals

  39. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Stress among displaced children in Croatia and their psychosocial adaptation

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Third European Conference on Traumatic stress
    Language: engleski
    Place: Bergen, Norveška
    Pages: from 21 to 21
    Meeting: Third European Conference on Traumatic Stress
    Held: from 06/06/93 to 06/10/93
    Summary: Two groups of refugee families with children participated in the program aimed at preventing children's mental health problems: families that were accommodated in a shelter (N=58) or with host families (N=78). During the four month period number of stress-releted symptoms in children with host families decreased for about 25%, but for children in shelter this decrease was only 10.4%.
    Keywords: symptoms of stress, displaced children, accomodation in displacement

  40. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Traumatic stress in refugee children in Croatia

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Madrid, Španjolska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 327 to 327
    Meeting: 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology
    Held: from 07/17/94 to 07/22/94
    Summary: Data about the psychosocial needs and problems of refugee children (N-329) were tapped. A considerable range of stress-related reactions among them were identified e.g. sleeping and eating discorders, separation fears, withdrawal or aggression. As well general depression score, measured by adapted Kovacs' Child Depression Inventory (CDI), was for refugee children (N-52) significantly higher than was far school children before war (N=158). Significant correlates of CDI score are worse relation between family members, mother's poorer relation toward child and child's school problems since they are in displacement.
    Keywords: refugee children, traumatic stress, depression.

  41. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The Child Abuse Potential Inventory: The application in Croatia

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology-Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Madrid, Španjolska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 101 to 101
    Meeting: 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology
    Held: from 07/17/94 to 07/22/94
    Summary: The aime of the paper was to evaluate the Xhild Abuse Potential Inventori in Croatia (CAP). The four groups of parents participated in the study: parents registraed for child abuse, parents registred for neglect, "at risk" parents, and a sempel pf parents from general population. Factor structure and reliability of CAP on our samples was compared to those computed on American parents. Analysis of variance has shown significant differences in CAP Inventoriy abuse score among all the groups of parents. The results provided initial contribution towards the validity of the CAP. The CAP is recommanded to reserachers and practioners dealing with child abuse.
    Keywords: Child Abuse Potential Inventory, validation.

  42. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Influence of war on reporting and treatment of child abuse

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Violence in the Family- Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 16 to 16
    Meeting: Violence in the Family
    Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
    Summary: Due to recent war in the country and enormous number of refugees the problem of child abuse has been marginalized. Thou, for 1992 there are no reliable data about incidence of child abuse throughout the state. In some areas (e.g, city in Zagreb) the reported number of cases decreaded by more than 50%. The professionals agree that this is the effect of poorer reporting and not of fewer abuse case. No comprehensive child abuse preventive programs still exist, while several institutions for children who lack parental care were destroyed during the war. In order to develop child abuse and neglect preventive programs at the community level, social indicators of child maltreatment were studied.
    Keywords: child abuse and neglect, reporting, war, social indicators.

  43. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Posttraumatic stress reactions in adolescent refugees

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: 4th European Conference on Traumatic Stress-Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Pariz, Francuska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 2 to 2
    Meeting: 4th European Conference on Traumatic Stress
    Held: from 05/07/95 to 05/11/95
    Summary: The aim of this study is follow-up of posttraumatic reactions and psychosocial needs and problems amon refugee adolesents. Year and a half after fleing they still manifested high level of stress reaction including depression, sleeping disturbances or hih levels of risk taking behaviours. The level of depression correlated with the number of traumatic events (.33). Life expectations were lower for those who manifested higher level of depression and more stress reactions. The family support was found to be an important mediator between exposure to traumatic events and different posttraumatic reactions. The data were used for further development of program of support.
    Keywords: refugees, adolescents, follow-up of traumatic reactions.

  44. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Psychsocial adjustment of adolescents to displacement

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: Treća godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 43 to 43
    Meeting: Treća godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa
    Held: from 05/25/95 to 05/27/95
    Summary: The aim is to study sources of stress and specifities of experience of adolescents in displacement. At the average each adolescent experienced 4.2 stressfull events out of 16 offered. These are loss, or heavy damage of mobile or immobile property (80%), loss of very significant personal belongings (66.7%), family members going to war (66.7%), exposure to enemy attacks (46.7%) and death of a close person (37.8%). Adolescents also manifest a number of posttraumatic stress reactions. Most frequent are: flashbacks (48.9%), loss of interest (40.9%), elevated psyhical activity (33.3%), eating disturbances (33.3%), bitterness towards others and irritability (31.8%).
    Keywords: adolescents, displacement, posttraumatic stress reactions

  45. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: War and juvenile delinquent behavior in Croatia

    Ajduković, Marina (119206)
    Proceedings title: 5th European Conference on Law and Psychology-Abstract Book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Budimpešta, Madžarska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 51 to 51
    Meeting: 5th European Conference on Law and Psychology
    Held: from 08/30/95 to 09/02/95
    Summary: One of the consequences of the war in Croatia is significant increase in juvenile delinquent behaviou. Comparison of years 1993 to 1989 showed increase in juvenile delinquency for 26,9%. Particularly disturbing is that 44% of these were aged 14 or younger. The proportion of displaced and refugee youth among the delinyuents also increased, ranging from 10% to 35% in various areas of the country. Possible causes of increased juvenile delinquency in war-affected communities are (1) fracturing of family roles, (2) decrease in available for prevention, and (3) increased exposure of individuals, families and the community to war-related stressors and traumas.
    Keywords: juvenile delinqunet behaviour, war as social stressor.

  46. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: An analysis of difference between maltreating and general populaton paretns in Croatia

    Pečnik, Ninoslava (185856)
    Proceedings title: Violence in the Family-Abstract book
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 37 to 37
    Meeting: Violence in the Family
    Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
    Summary: Determining risk and protective factors has significance in explaining maltreatment and treatment programs. A study of 48 abusive and/or neglectful parents and 353 parents from general population was conducted.They were parents of children between 6 and 12 years old. The data were collected on six factor scales of Child Abuse Potential Inventory (Milner, 1986) and 13 factors assessing socio-demographic variables and socio-environmental stressors in the family. Discriminant analysis achieved the total correct classification of 99%. An integrative model of child maltreatment was suggested and related to literature.
    Keywords: risk factors, child abuse and neglect

  47. Type of paper: M.A.

    Title: Testing of psychometric characteristics of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/28/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 105
    Summary: Research was conducted with the aim to test the psychometric validity of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory. On the basis of 6 factor scales of the Inventory, a discriminant function was calculated that enabled statistically significant differentiation between parents who abuse and/or neglect children (N=59) and parents from general population (N=519). 88% of correct posteriory classification was interpreted in favour of criterion validity of the Inventory.

  48. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Testing of psychometric characteristics of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za psihologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/28/93
    Number of pages: 105
    Author: Pečnik magistar Ninoslava
    Degree level: M.A.

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