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Papers quoted in Current Contents on project 1-01-253

Quoted papers: 22
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Total: 22

Title: On universal compositions of maps

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Publicacions Matematiques
Number: 2
ISSN: 0214-1493
Volume: 35
Year: 1991
Pages: from 363 to 374
Number of references: 10
Language: engleski
Summary: We introduce notions of F-universality and F-e-universality formaps between compact Hausdorff spaces and explore the behavior of these properties under the operation of composition of maps. We consider both the quest for conditions on maps f and g which would imply that their composition gf is either F-universal or F-e-universal and the quest for consequences on f and g when the composition gf is either F-universal or F-e-universal. In our approach F is an arbitrary class of maps. For a special choice of F, the notion of F-universality reduces to Holsztynski's notion of universality while F-e-universality reduces to Sanjurjo's notion of proximate universality.
Keywords: universal map, proximately universal map, composition of maps, retraction, progression, liftable, approximate polyhedron, approximately right invertible, product of maps

Title: Proximately universal limits of approximate mappings

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Mathematica Japonica
Number: 1
ISSN: 0025-5513
Volume: 37
Year: 1992
Pages: from 131 to 148
Number of references: 11
Language: engleski
Summary: We present sufficient conditions on an approximate mapping F between approximate inverse systems in order that it's limit f is a proximately alpha-universal map. The notion of proximate alpha-universality is related to Jose M. R. Sanjurjo's concept of proximate universality for maps between compact metric spaces and to the notion of weak universality from fixed point theory. We also consider proximately beta-universal and proximately gamma-universal maps and establish similar results for these modifications. We get as corollaries some sufficient conditions on an approximate inverse system implying that it's limit has the proximate fixed point property.
Keywords: proximately universal map, proximately alpha-universal map, proximately beta-universal map, proximately gamma-universal map,approximate inverse system, approximate mapping, proximate ANR-system, proximate fixed point property

Title: Universal compositions

Cammaroto, Filippo
Gianella, Gian Mario
Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Mathematica Japonica
Number: 6
ISSN: 0025-5513
Volume: 37
Year: 1992
Pages: from 1061 to 1078
Number of references: 8
Language: engleski
Summary: We introduce four forms of universality for maps of compact Hausdorff spaces and explore the behaviour of these properties under the operation of composition of maps. We consider the quest for conditions on maps f and g which would imply that their composition gf has one of these four kinds of universality. These conditions are among the ones analogous to various properties from shape theory. In order to keep track of many possibilities we employ the matrix notation.
Keywords: universal map, proximately universal map, composition,retractive, right invertible, left invertible, liftable, progressive, movable, embedding

Title: Directors

Cammaroto, Filippo
Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Atti Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Classe I di Scienze Fis. Mat. e Nat.
Number: 1
Volume: 68
Year: 1992
Pages: from 159 to 167
Number of references: 2
Language: engleski
Summary: We introduce a notion of directors and explore some of their properties. There are sixteen different forms of directors. They appear naturally in studies of relationships between various kinds of universality for maps introduced recently by G. M.Gianella and the authors.
Keywords: director, universal map, progressive, liftable, direct sum, matrix

Title: Conductors

Cammaroto, Filippo
Gianella, Gian Mario
Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
Number: 1
Volume: 29
Year: 1992
Pages: from 41 to 50
Number of references: 2
Language: engleski
Summary: We introduce a notion of conductors and explore some of their properties. There are sixteen different forms of conductors. They appear naturally in studies of relationships between various kinds of universality for maps introduced recently by F. Cammaroto, G. M. Gianella, and the author.
Keywords: universal map, conductor, retractive, movable, matrix, product of spaces

Title: Lefschetz movable maps

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
Number: 1
ISSN: 0021-7824
Volume: 72
Year: 1993
Pages: from 81 to 103
Number of references: 25
Language: engleski
Summary: In an attempt to improve the Lefschetz fixed point theorem we introduce the class of Lefschetz movable maps. These maps form a subclass of Borsuk's nearly extendable maps. Its members satisfyan extra condition concerning the behaviour of Lefschetz numbers of suitable approximations. They all have fixed points even thought it might be impossible to compute their Lefschets number. We establish many nice properties of the new class. For example, we study what type of domination preserves Lefschetz movability, conditions under which compositions and products retain this property, invariance with respect to shape, and characterizationin terms of approximate resolutions. We also show that maps considered in Borsuk's generalization of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem are Lefschetz movable. The collections of spaces to which these techniques are applicable are enlarged to classes of regularly movable and homology and homotopy calm compacta.
Keywords: approximately movable map, Lefschetz movable map, nearly extendable map, Lefschetz number, generalized Lefschetz number, Granas movable map, domination, composition, product, homology stable map, approximate resolution, appropriate compactum

Title: Multi-valued functions and triviality

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Topology Proceedings
Number: 1
Volume: 17
Year: 1992
Pages: from 1 to 27
Number of references: 12
Language: engleski
Summary: We give in this paper a description of a new extension of the concept of contractible spaces to arbitrary topological spaces analogous to the notion of spaces of trivial shape. We shall use multi-valued functions with smaller and smaller images of points. Our notion is modeled on the property that every map from a contractible space is null-homotopic.
Keywords: contractible space, trivial shape, multi-valued function, sigma-small function, sigma-homotopy, CM-trivial, MD-trivial, O-space, like a class B, movable, tame

Title: Forced approximate resolutions

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: SUT Journal of Mathematics
Number: 2
Volume: 28
Year: 1992
Pages: from 105 to 119
Number of references: 4
Language: engleski
Summary: This paper is another contribution to the investigation of recently defined notion of an approximate resolution of S. Mardesic and T. Watanabe. The general idea is to improve the classical theory of inverse systems and their limits where we want to approximate a given space with spaces with good properties. We introduce eight approximate type properties for classes of maps that we call rectangular. For them we establish transition and domination results and use these concepts in the problem of representing spaces as limits of approximate resolutions with predefined bonding spaces and bonding maps.
Keywords: Approximate inverse system, approximate resolution, rectangular properties, net, fan, rim, fence, expansion, exposure

Title: Shape theory intrinsically

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Publicacions Matematiques
Number: 2
Volume: 37
Year: 1993
Pages: from 317 to 334
Number of references: 6
Language: engleski
Summary: We prove in this paper that the category HM whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are homotopy classes of multi-nets is naturally equivalent to the shape category Sh. The description of the category HM was given earlier in the article "Shape via multi-nets". We have shown there that the category HM is equivalent to the shape category Sh only on a rather restricted class of spaces. This class includes all comapct metric spaces where a similar intrinsic description of the shape category using multi-valued functions was given by Jose M. R. Sanjurjo. The present paper completes the task of defining shape theory of arbitrary topological spaces using multi-valued functions that need not be continuous.
Keywords: homotopy theory, shape theory, multi-valued function, shape category, multi-net, category isomorphism, functor, normal cover, cofinite Cech system, canonical projection

Title: Recognizing approximate (A, B, C)-tameness

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae
Number: 2
Volume: 62
Year: 1993
Pages: from 207 to 219
Number of references: 16
Language: engleski
Summary: In the paper "Forced approximate resolutions" the author established some general conditions under which a topological space admits an approximate resolution with predefined projections, bonding spaces, and/or bonding maps. These conditions are expressed in terms of various properties of maps of topological spaces described by approximately commutative diagrams. Here we concentrate on the so called approximate (A, B, C)-tameness, where A, B, and C are classes of maps. We show that for suitable choices of classes A, B, and C these results provide interesting consequences in dimension theory, general topology, shape theory, and in the study of spaces which are like a given class of spaces. Since it is well known that every space has an approximate resolution into polyhedra, an interesting question is to decide what spaces have approximate resolutions with all bonding spaces belonging to some subclass of polyhedra. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on a space X in order that it has an approximate resolution into polyhedra of dimension at most n, finite polyhedra, countable polyhedra, locally finite polyhedra or locally countable polyhedra, and contractible polyhedra. These conditions are that X has covering dimension at most n, that X is normally compact, that X is normally Lindelof, that X is strongly paracompact, and that X has trivial shape.
Keywords: Approximately (A, B, C)-tame, approximates, approximate resolution, expansion, dimension, normally compact, normally Lindelof, strongly paracompact, trivial shape, C-like.

Title: Proper shape groups

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste
Number: I-II
Volume: 25
Year: 1993
Pages: from 89 to 125
Number of references: 11
Language: engleski
Summary: We give in this paper a description of proper shape groups of arbitrary topological spaces. Our method is to use multi-valued functions with smaller and smaller images of points. An analogous intrinsic approach to shape groups of compact metric spaces was earlier considered by Jose Sanjurjo. Our main result is a construction of a long sequence of proper shape groups and the proof that it is weakly exact. On compact spaces the proper shape groups agree with the shape groups. We also study isomorphisms induced on proper shape groups by trails in a space, where by a trail we mean an analogue of the concept of a path in the proper shape theory.
Keywords: Proper multi-valued function, proper homotopy group, proper shape group, proper pair, properly Z-pointed space, boundary operator, induced transformations, proper shape Z-groups sequence, weakly exact, trails induced isomorphisms

Title: Proper shape invariants: smoothness and calmness

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Mathematica Pannonica
Number: 2
Volume: 5
Year: 1994
Pages: from 213 to 240
Number of references: 12
Language: engleski
Summary: We study properly (B, C)-smooth and properly C-calm spaces, where B and C denote classes of topological spaces. Both proper smoothness and proper calmness are invariants of a recently invented author's proper shape theory and are described by the use of proper multi-valued functions. The main results deal with preservation of these properties under various kinds of proper maps. The dual notions are also examined.
Keywords: Proper multi-valued function, Mp-function, proper sigma-homotopy, proper multi-net, properly homotopic, properly smooth, properly calm, proper shape domination, proper surjection, proper injection

Title: Triviality via Multi-Valued Functions

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Bollettino U. M. I.
Number: 7
Volume: 8-B
Year: 1994
Pages: from 477 to 507
Number of references: 17
Language: engleski
Summary: We describe a new extension to arbitrary topological spaces of the notion of a contractible space analogous to the notion of trivial shape. Our description uses multi-valued functions with smaller and smaller images of points. The concept of a trivial space is modelled on the fact that every map with values in a contractible space is null-homotopic. In this fashion we get an intrinsic description of spaces of trivial shape. One of the new theorems that was not discovered earlier within inverse limit approach to shape theory is the following. The union of trivial spaces intersecting in a trivial space is also trivial.
Keywords: normal cover, sigma-tau function, sigma-small function, sigma- homotopic functions, CM-trivial space, HM-domination, right placid function, left placid function, absolute M-retract, movable space

Title: Proper shape theory

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged)
Number: 2
Volume: 59
Year: 1994
Pages: from 679 to 711
Number of references: 20
Language: engleski
Summary: We give in this paper a description of proper shape theories of arbitrary topological spaces. Our method is to use multi-valued functions with smaller and smaller images of points. An analogous intrinsic approach to shape theory of compact metric spaces was earlier considered by Jose Sanjurjo. The author has extended it to arbitrary topological spaces and the present paper shows how this extension can be adapted to the proper case. The main result is a construction of the proper shape category Shp whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are proper homotopy classes of proper multi-nets. The category Shp relates to the proper homotopy category Hp similarly as the shape category Sh relates to the homotopy category H. On compact spaces the proper shape category agrees with the shape category. For locally compact metrizable spaces, we show the existence of a natural functor from our proper shape category into Ball's proper shape category which is similarly related to the original Ball and Sher proper shape category.
Keywords: homotopic maps, proper map, multi-valued function, B-proper function, S-proper function, properly sigma-homotopic functions, proper multi-net, proper shape category, properly internally movable, properly internally calm

Title: Universal factors

Cammaroto, Filippo
Gianella, Gian Mario
Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Mathematica Japonica
Number: 1
ISSN: 0025-5513
Volume: 39
Year: 1994
Pages: from 185 to 197
Number of references: 12
Language: engleski
Summary: We study the following problem. Suppose that the composition of maps f and g is a universal map. Under what conditions will the factors f and g also be universal? This question is here considered for four different kinds of universality introduced recently by the authors in the paper "Universal compositions". The concept of a universal map was originally defined by Holsztynski and is a map which has a coincidence point with every other map. Our universalities are of the approximate kind with shape theoretic flavor.
Keywords: universal map, liftable map, movable map, neighborhood extensor space, neighborhood restrictor space, extendable map, composition, factor, embedding, partial matrix

Title: Fiberwise shape theory

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Collect. Math.
Number: 2
Volume: 45
Year: 1994
Pages: from 101 to 119
Number of references: 19
Language: engleski
Summary: We shall describe a modification of the fiberwise homotopy theory which we call the fiberwise shape theory. This is accomplished by constructing the fiberwise shape category FsB. The category FsB is built using multi-valued functions. Its objects are fiberwise topological spaces while its morphisms are fiberwise homotopy classes of collections of multi-valued functions which we call fiberwise multi-nets. When the base space B is a single-element space, the fiberwise shape category is isomorphic with the shape category. Various authors have previously given other descriptions of fiberwise shape categories under additional assumptions. Our description is intrinsic in the sense that we do not use any outside objects and not even absolute neighborhood retracts. It is a fiberwise version of the author's extension to arbitrary topological spaces of Sanjurjo's approach to shape theory via small upper semi-continuous multi-valued functions.
Keywords: fiberwise topology, fiberwise homotopy theory, fiberwise normal cover, fiberwise sigma-homotopic functions, fiberwise multi-net, total space, base space, fiberwise internally movable, fiberwise internally calm, fiberwise absolute neighborhood retract

Title: Morphisms in proper shape theory

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Mathematica Japonica
Number: 2
Volume: 41
Year: 1995
Pages: from 351 to 369
Number of references: 8
Language: engleski
Summary: This paper introduces four interesting classes of proper maps between topological spaces called proper MB-surjections, proper NB-surjections, proper MB-injections, and proper NB-injections, where B denotes a class of topological spaces. They are morphisms of a recently invented author's proper shape theory and are described with the use of multi-valued functions. This proper shape theory is applicable to arbitrary topological spaces. Our proper surjections and proper injections share many properties with standard forms of these notions. There is a natural duality between proper surjections and proper injections and between the M and the N forms. These two possibilities reflect the fact that we can study global properties of spaces by either mapping into them members of a class B or mapping them into members of B.
Keywords: Proper multi-valued function, sigma-close functions, sigma-small function, proper sigma-homotopy, proper multi-net, properly homotopic, proper MB-surjection, proper MB-injection, proper NB-surjection, proper NB-injection

Title: Equivariant shape theory

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.
Number: 2
Volume: 117
Year: 1995
Pages: from 303 to 320
Number of references: 16
Language: engleski
Summary: Equivariant shape theory is an improvement of equivariant homotopy theory which could be regarded as an equivariant version of Borsuk's shape theory. The main result in this paper is a description of the equivariant shape category ShG whose objects are equivariant spaces or G-spaces, i. e., topological spaces endowed with an action of a given topological group G, and whose morphisms are equivariant homotopy or G-homotopy classes of families of multi-valued functions which we call equivariant multi-nets or G-multi-nets. Previously equivariant shape theories have been described only under the assumptions that the group G is either finite or compact. We also study classes of G-spaces on which equivariant shape and equivariant homotopy coincide, look for conditions under which a G-map f between G-spaces X and Y is an equivariant shape equivalence, and give some characterizations of G-spaces with trivial equivariant shape.
Keywords: Equivariant shape theory, equivariant homotopy theory, G-space, G-map, equivariant multi-net, internally G-movable, internally G-calm, equivariant shape equivalence, equivariant shape category, approximately G-contractible space

Title: Proximate topology and shape theory

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Number: 4
Volume: 125A
Year: 1995
Pages: from 595 to 615
Number of references: 15
Language: engleski
Summary: Most of the development of shape theory was in the so-called outer shape theory, where the shape of spaces is described with the help of some outside objects. This paper belongs to the so-called inner shape theory, in which the shape of spaces is described intrinsically without the use of any outside gadgets. We give a description of shape theory that does not need absolute neighborhood retracts. We prove that the category HN whose objects are topological spaces and whose morphisms are proximate homotopy classes of proximate nets is naturally equivalent to the shape category Sh. The description of the category HN for compact metric spaces was given earlier by Jose M. R. Sanjurjo. We also give three applications of this new approach to shape theory.
Keywords: Homotopy theory, shape theory, proximate topology, normal cover, alpha-beta-continuous functions, sigma-close functions, sigma-homotopic functions, proximate net of functions, proximately homotopic proximate nets, cofinite Cech system

Title: Upper Homotopy and Shape Morphisms

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena
Number: 1
Volume: 43
Year: 1995
Pages: from 41 to 52
Number of references: 15
Language: engleski
Summary: We consider families of multi-valued functions between topological spaces X and Y which more and more resemble single-valued functions. We introduce a notion of upper homotopy for these families and prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all upper homotopy classes and the set Sh(X, Y) of all shape morphisms from X into a space Y that has an ANR-resolution with onto projection maps. In the case when X and Y are compact metric spaces, Jose M. R. Sanjurjo gave analogous descriptions of shape morphisms using multi-valued functions.
Keywords: Multi-valued function, sigma-small function, sigma-close functions, upper sigma-homotopic functions, normal cover, upper C-map, upper homotopic, O-space, approaching map, category isomorphism

Title: Homotopy groups for C*-algebras

Čerin, Zvonko (7994)
Journal: Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies
Volume: 4
Year: 1993
Pages: from 29 to 45
Number of references: 6
Language: engleski
Summary: This paper belongs to the part of mathematics which could be described as the algebraic topology of C*-algebras. The idea is to study analogues of notions from algebraic topology. Some authors have been using the term "non-commutative" algebraic topology whenever referring to results which represent extensions to arbitrary C*-algebras from commutative C*-algebras (which by Gelfand duality are identified with locally compact Hausdorff spaces). Our point of view is to consider notions for C*-algebras resembling corresponding notions from homotopy theory and algebraic topology without insisting that in the case of commutative C*-algebras they reduce (via Gelfand duality) to these notions. This change of approach will be illustrated here with homotopy groups.
Keywords: Homotopy theory, algebraic topology, homotopy groups, C*-algebra, Gelfand duality, relative homotopy groups, *-homomorphism, long exact homotopy groups sequence, C*-fibering, induced transformations

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