- Type of paper
: Book
Title: CAD ofCivil Engineering Structures, Part 1: Timber
structurdesign and modelling
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Matutinović, Željko
Publisher: Školska knjiga
ISBN: 624.04:681.3
Year: 1993
Number of pages: 421
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Development trends in timber structure engineering design.
Timberas structural material. Developments in structural design. Trendsin
standardisations (CEN, EUROCODE), symbol's representation andunification
(ISO-3898) as reurements for CAD design. Work andenergy as integral parts
of- and in- structural design.Lightweight structures implementation, air
supported structures,compozite structures. Modelling of FE CAD designČ
traps nderrors. Correct and incorrect modeling. The principles of
FEmodeling of structural details and structures. Examples withapplication
of COSMOSM and ICES STRUDL2 FE analysis systems.Influence lines and
surfaces, moving load generation andsimulations. Substructuring.
Keywords: Timber, GLULAM, PARALAM; MULTYLAM, KERTA-LVL, characteistic values, structures, optimiyation, ICIC, work, energy, lightweight structures, inflated structures, composite structures, FEN, modelling, influence lines, moving-load generation, substructuring, ICES STRUDL2, COSMOS-M
- Type of paper
: Paper in book
Title: EUROCODE 5 standard for wooden structure design
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Simović, Veselin
Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo građevinskih inženjera
ISBN: 953-96085-1-1
Year: 1995
Pages: from 125 to 151
Number of references: 12
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Given are the basics of EUROCODE 5 standards for wooden
structures deign: the units, forms, actions, various safety factors. Given
is the difference beteen EC5 and the still valid standards. The basic
design for wooden members is given acording to EC5: tension, compression,
buckling, bending, torsion. The basics of timber element joining is given
according to EC5 recommandations.
Keywords: EUROCODE 5, symbols, notations, actions, design, design values, ultimate limit state, partial coefficints, serviceability, design calculations, tension, compresion, bucling, bending, torsion, joints, wood to wood joints bearing calculations
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Expert System for Timber Classification
- Authors:
- Magerle, Miroslav (27241)
Journal: Građevinar
Number: 5
ISSN: 0350-2465
Volume: 44
Year: 1992
Pages: from 339 to 346
Number of references: 9
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Presented is an ES by means of which, based on visual
inputelements of timber regularity, the decision on quality timberclass
belonging is made. Errors which arise frome subjectivedecision-making are
thus avoided, since today timber grading ismostly done by visual inspection
classification. It is is pointedout that the described procedure does not
takes into account themoisture and mass density, as these parameters are
not includedin curent valid standards, but there is no difficulties
inintroducing them by the same principles of rule making.
Keywords: expert system, timber, classification, grading, quality class, standards, decision-making, inspection
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Expert systems
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Journal: Ceste i mostovi
Number: 3
ISSN: 0411-6380
Volume: 39
Year: 1993
Pages: from 51 to 59
Number of references: 43
Language: hrvatski
Summary: The ES are here to stay in all of the areas of human lives.
Theyare trying to replace the human expertise in many areas ofhuman's
activities. By us the ES are only remotely present. Shownare the principles
of ES, some examples and possible areas oftheir application in traffic and
transportation fields.
Keywords: Expert system, knowledge, data processing, comprehension, RB ES, neural networks, transport, traffic
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Expert system for NU shelter design
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Journal: Civilna zaštita
Number: 1
Volume: 2
Year: 1993
Pages: from 17 to 31
Number of references: 30
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Shown are the principles of ES rule base creation.
Posibilitiesof writing an ES for nuclear and bomb shelters design are
Keywords: expert system, shells, rule-based systems, nuclear shelters, rules, knowledge
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Expert system for steel columns design
- Authors:
- Saler, Vlatka (192402)
Journal: Građevinar
Number: 4
ISSN: 0350-2465
Volume: 45
Year: 1993
Pages: from 65 to 70
Language: hrvatski
Summary: This is an expert system for I shaped steel column
design,written in MsBASIC. Searching for data is organized by BWDchaining.
This is an rule based ES, based in a selfmade shell andinference machine.
The system is capable of learning on examples.A program for steel column
design is included, and all relevant Irolled steel section data as well as
design data for steel arincluded. Generally, the system consists of a
shell, subprogramINFO for data collection, the module OPTIM for
optimization, andthe DATA BASE. It is an operabile ES.
Keywords: design, optimization, steel column, expert system
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
- Authors:
- Turčić, Josip
- Biočina, Bojan
- Hančević, Janko
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Antoljak, Tonislav
Journal: Acta medica Croatica
Number: 46
Year: 1992
Pages: from 213 to 219
Number of references: 19
Language: engleski
Summary: Disvlosed are the principles of hoghly mobile external
bonefixator with ball joints between the Schanty pins and the frame.The
advantage of this mechanism are simple manufacturing, easyapplication and
versatility of frame costructions. Shanz pins arenot obliged to be
parallel, thus avoiding contct with the woundat the fracture site. If
necessary, secondary repositioning iseasy to perform and no additional
strss is produced at theappliction site of Shantz pin to the bone. Clinical
appication ofexternal fixator with ball joint was tested on sample of only
5patients, however all its theoreticl advantages have beenestablished. The
FE analysis of the FE frame model was done usingICES STRUDL2 FEA system.
Keywords: bone, fixator, ball joints
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
- Authors:
- Antoljak, Tonislav
- Hančević, Janko
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Nikolić, Vasilije
- Hudec, Mladen
- Davila, Slavko
Journal: Periodicum Biologorum
Number: 1
ISSN: 0031-5362
Volume: 95
Year: 1993
Pages: from 213 to 216
Number of references: 9
Language: engleski
Summary: A fall on an outstreched arm provokes a collision between
thehumeral head and the acromion, resulting in fracture of proximalthird of
the humerus. It is generally considered, although neverproven, that the
lines of cleavage follow near the old lines ofepiphyseal unuon because
these sites contain a decreased amountof supporting osseous elements. To
examine this, a computersimulation on humeral model by FE method was
perfomed. By varyingthe mechanicl bone properties, the authors have
demonstrated thatthe surgical neck fracture occur mainly due to change of
spongyto compact bone.
Keywords: fractures, humerus, finite elements, ICES STRUDL2 FEAS
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Telecomunication center at Osijek
- Authors:
- Saler, Vlatka (192402)
- Kolund, Ivica
- Matošević, Đurđica
Journal: Građevinar
Number: 2
Year: 1994
Pages: from 103 to 109
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Presented is the design of the telecomunication center at
Osijek, and the problems which are successfully solved. Presented is the
DOKA formworks used.
Keywords: Telecommunication center, Lowering of groundwater level, concept of the bearing structure, DOKA formwork
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Implementing Computer Technology in Design and
Construction Engineering
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
Journal: Trend
Number: 8
Volume: 8
Year: 1992
Pages: from 41 to 47
Number of references: 10
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Shown is a preview through most popular software for smooth
change of work to a new media. Introduced is item of Design Place with
minimal configuration PC 386SX, and Orgware that is often droped.
Keywords: Software, Hardware, Orgware, CAD, Design process
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Expert Systems
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
Journal: Građevinar
Number: 3
Volume: 45
Year: 1993
Pages: from 147 to 153
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Described is the role of expert systems for civil and
structural engineering use.
Keywords: Expert systems, GURU, shells, knowledge base, inference engine, heuristics
- Type of paper
: Paper in journal
Title: Neural netwoks
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
Journal: Građevinar
Number: 4
Volume: 46
Year: 1993
Pages: from 235 to 238
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Described is the role of neural networks in civil and
structural engineering use.
Keywords: Neural networks, nodes, BIAS node, layers, trigering function, treshold, training, training set, Ward NeuroShell
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Knowledge based system for glulam structure design
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Marcroft, Julian
- Larsen, Hans Jorgen
Proceedings title: Proceeding of the 1991 International Timber Engineering Conference
Language: engleski
Place: London, Engleska
Year: 1991
ISBN/ISSN: 0-901348-87-2
Pages: from 494 to 501
Meeting: TRADA, 1991 International Timber Engineering Conference
Held: from 09/02/91 to 09/05/91
Summary: A system for cost effective design of GLULAM
dtructuralcomponents and whole 3D-structures is represented. Using
formalknowledge representation techniques for the design standards forthese
GLULAM, steel and concrete members the system determinesthe most
cost-effective design of 3-D structures consisting of2-D entities, that
meets specification given the clear hightdimensionsof the building, its
geographical location, andcurrent material prices of timber, steel,
concrete and roofingmaterials. Shown is a development from program to ES
development using GURU E shell and the Ward's NeuroShell.
Keywords: Expert system, neural network, lamelirano drvo, GLULAM, drvo, cijena, standardi, okviri
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Intelligent machine timber stress grading
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. Seminarja: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Year: 1992
ISBN/ISSN: 86-80223-20-4
Pages: from 89 to 97
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Described is a neural network learned on generated
visuallgrading samples as a objectivisation of machine streng
timbergrading. Use of Ward's NeuroShell. Described are the principles of
neural networks.
Keywords: Cassification, grading, timber, neural networks, neurons, weight, sigmoid function, NeuroShell, learning, training
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: The needs for unification of EUROCODE standards
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. seminarja: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Year: 1992
ISBN/ISSN: 86-80223-20-4
Pages: from 17 to 24
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Standards are integral part of ES for timber structure
design.The new EUROCODE 5 standard should be represented as objectoriented
standard, using the ISO 3898 representationrecomandation. The standard
should be modular to be used directlyin various programs and rule based ES.
Keywords: EUROCODE 5, standards, timber, design, unification, unificfation, ISO 3898, object oriented standards, rules, reasoning, expert systems
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Stress analysis of humerus bone
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. seminarja: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Language: engleski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
ISBN/ISSN: 86-80223-20-4
Pages: from 237 to 241
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Description of the FE simulation of the fracture healing
ofsurgically accomodated humane bone sanation using anatomicalhooked metal
plate. Use od IBM and UNIVAC version of ICES STRUDL2FEA system for
structural analysis.
Keywords: surgical sanation, bone, olecranon, healing, metal hooked plate, FE, ICES STRUDL2, FEA, simulation
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert system for cost evaluation of in war destructed
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Vrbanek, Josip
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova simpozija Industrija nemetala u obnovi i razvoju Rep. Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 224 to 237
Meeting: Simpozij Industrija nemetala u obnovi i razvoju Republike Hrvatske
Held: from 04/23/92 to 04/24/92
Summary: Described is an ES for impartial damage evaluation of in
wardamaged or destoied one story masonery buildings. Used areheuristic
rules and approximate reasonings about damageevaluations and an impartial
evaluation about building sanations and anation price evaluations. There
are two solutions: thebuilding should be rebuilt, or it should be remowed.
In the caseof rebuiding the scope of the rebuilding is evaluated. Used
isthe GURU sinergetic ES shell and fuzzy logic approach.
Keywords: Expert szstem, GURU, sinergy, aproximate reasoning, rules, damage, masonary dweligns, reconstruction, reconstruction price
Other: Izdavač: CIRN - Centar za istraživanje i razvoj nemetala s
p.o.,Srebrnjak 169, 41000 Zagreb
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Possibillities of fast rebuilding of habitats and
industrial objects
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Vrbanek, Josip
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova simpozija Industrija nemetala u obnovi i razvoju Rep. Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 305 to 317
Meeting: Simpozij Industrija nemetala u obnovi i razvoju Republike Hrvatske
Held: from 04/23/92 to 04/24/92
Summary: Presented is a way of fast erection and building of
prefabricatedhabitats and factories using lighweight prefabricated 3D and
2Dstructural units and pneumatic structures. The habitats are cheepbut with
a high living standard.
Keywords: Reconstruction, geodesic domes, hypars, scissor-like roof system, space structures, timber, plywood, pneumatic structures, TREVIRA, elements, central prefabricated units, prefabrication
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert system for evaluation of in war damaged and
destroied masonery buildings
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova CAD Forum '92: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 19 to 35
Meeting: CAD FORUM '92: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, Zagreb
Held: from 05/13/92 to 05/15/92
Summary: The assesment of damage to structure from war and man
induceddamages is a difficult process requiring significant humanjudgement.
We have developed an ES wuth approximate reasoning instructural damage
assesment to make the judgement more objectiveand impartial. Evaluation of
damages become very difficult whenone realize that the uncertainities
encountered include bothrandom and nonrandom kinds of input damage percent
data. We havebuild the ES VROZ around the synergetic ES shell GURU,
usingheuristc expert judgements forming a large set of system rules,as well
as judgements under uncertainties. A similar heuristic ESneural network
run-time system was developed using the Ward'sNeuroShell and a large
training set.
Keywords: Expert system, neural networks, heuristics, rules, war damage, damage description, dwellings, roof, walls, GURU, NeuroShell, training set, learning on samples
Other: CAD Sekcija Saveza Arhitekata Hrvatske, Trg Bana Jelačića
3-I,Zagreb. Zbornik Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: An advising system for calculation of "A" shaped timber
roof structures
- Authors:
- Saler, Vlatka (192402)
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Dvornik, Josip
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, PRG '92
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 219 to 226
Meeting: CAD FORUM '92: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, Zagreb
Held: from 05/13/92 to 05/15/92
Summary: Developed are MsBASIC and QBASIC programs for evaluation
ofstandardised timber scissor-like tie trusses with BULDOG 62connectors for
the tie-beam. Used is the 2nd grade softwood timber class. The presently
valid timber structure standardsas well as the static are includes. The
scissor-like type tietruss is a simple truss which does not require skilled
labor. Theshort timber pieces may be used by joining the standard
sectionsby glued finger joints. The system gives advice about thepossible
more economical distances among rafters/scissorstrusses. The program may be
included as a modul to any epertsystem. The control of results was done
using the M-STRUDL PCversion.
Keywords: Scissor-like "A" shaped truss, timber, roof, connectors
Other: PRG '92, primjena računala u građevinarstvu, Društvo
hrvatskihgrađevinskih konstruktora, u oviru CAD '92 foruma
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Pneumatic Beams as Fast Erectable Light Weight Structures
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Dvornik, Josip
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova PRG '92 primjena računala u građevinarstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 287 to 294
Meeting: CAD FORUM '92: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, Zagreb
Held: from 05/13/92 to 05/15/92
Summary: Pneumatic beams could be produced from trevira, thin
metalsheets, as well as from vener laminate wooden tubes, a newproduct done
by wrapping veneers around a mandrel atprdeterminate angle with next ply
wrapet over previous veneers atan angle that will create a cross lamination
of veneers thusproducing bidirectional layering. A FE simulation model,
usingCOSMOS-M FE system was used. It shows that such PB could beemployed as
lighweight structural medium spanned elements forroof structures. A expert
system could be used for internal airpressure regulation. The internal
pressure has a function of thetensile prestressing and the thin tube wall
geometry shapestabilisation.
Keywords: Pneumatic beams, cross wraped veneer plies, expert system, air pressure regulation, roof structures
Other: PRG '92 primjena računala u građevinarstvu u CAD '92
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Fast reconstruction and erection of in ware destroied
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova Radnog sabora: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 55 to 61
Meeting: Radni sabor: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 06/25/92 to 06/27/92
Summary: Description of possibilities of fast building errection
Keywords: Geodesic domes, paraboloids, pneumatic structures, "A"-like shaped timber trusses, prefabrication, energy center
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert net for evaluation of the in war damaged and
demolished individual dwellings
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Zbornik Radnog sabora "Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske"
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 75 to 81
Meeting: Radni sabor: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 06/25/92 to 06/27/92
Summary: The assesment of structural, by war caused, damages is
adifficult task requiring sugnificant human expert judgement. Wehave
developed an ES net with appoximate reasoning in structuraldamage assesment
to make more objective judgement. We have usedthe GURU shell, using
heuristic expert judgements forming a largesystem of rules, as well as
judgements underincertainties. Thenanother eypert neural network system was
developed, as patternclassifier ES, for the same purposes. The NN has been
trained onheuristic training set cosisting of 90 cases. Both ES are
linkedin NeuroWindows, a neural network dynamic library using
MicrosoftVisual Basic and Superbase 4 as data base. Ny nature, the builtEN
is a "fuzzy" ES which could provide the expert answers andsolution to the
problem of reconstruction and rehabilitation ofin war damaged buildings.
Keywords: Damage, dwellings, expert systems, neural networks, expert networks, supervised learning, Superbase 4, Visual Basic, Neuroshell, Neurowindows, GURU shell
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Timber structures in reconstruction of Croatia
- Authors:
- Baljkas, Boris (1846)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova radnog Sabora: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske, knjiga 2.
Language: hrvatski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1992
Pages: from 373 to 377
Meeting: Radni sabor: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 06/25/92 to 06/27/92
Summary: In spite of the fact that Croatia is relatively rich in
woods andalso that its wood fabrication industry is among more developedin
this area, there are not much wooden objects built up in lasttwenty years.
The reason is primarilly in insufficient educationof civil engineer as far
as the reason of socialist economy basedon cheap energy and nonmarket
conditions. The rebuilding of theR. Croatia has to change that state. In
last ten years we haveeducated a new generation of civil engs. with a wide
technicalbackground in wood construction engineering as well as marcetlaws.
Described are various possibilities of modern woodenstructures which could
be used in renewal of Croatia as well astheir real advantages in
comparission with other solutions inhousing, industry renewal, healt,
Keywords: Renewal, reconstruction, timber, GLULAM, MICROLAM, PARALAM, KERO-LVL, GANG-NAIL, TWINPLATE, prefabrication
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Timber classification with expert system
- Authors:
- Magerle, Miroslav (27241)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. seminarja Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Year: 1992
Pages: from 98 to 105
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Timber grading is done today in most cases by
visualinspection.To be on the impartial side a rule based expert systemfor
cut timber grading is developed. The ES is based on the stillvalid JUS
timber classification. The moisture content and densityare not included due
to the exclusion of those in JUS standard.But it is possible to include
them using the same principles ofrule forming.
Keywords: Expert system, timber grading, classification, Quality class, standards, decision making, inspection, rules
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert system for damage evaluation on in war damaged
residential housing and dwelings
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Božićević, Juraj
Proceedings title: Zborn. rad. Hrv. društ. za sustave: Umjetna inteligencija pri mjerenju i vođenju
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
ISBN/ISSN: 920731032
Pages: from 125 to 138
Meeting: Umjetna inteligencija pri mjerenju i vodjenju, CROSS Hrvatsko društvo za sustave
Summary: The assessment of damage to structures from the war and man
madedamages is a difficult process requiring significant humenjudgement. We
have developed an expert system with approximatereasoning in structural
damage assesment to make the judgementmore objectiv. Evaluation of damage
becoms very difficult when onrealizes that the uncertainties encountered
include both randomand nonrandom kinds of input damage entity percent data.
We havebuild the expert system VROZ around the synergetic ES shell
GURUusing heuristic expert judgements forming a large system ofrules, as
well as judgments under uncertanties.
Keywords: Expert system, GURU, shell, rule based ES, rules, chaning, damage, damage asessment, goals
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Computer and Scientific Aesthetic in Estimating of the
Bridge Value
- Authors:
- Radić, Jure
- Pičulin, Srečko
- Novaković, Zlatko
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Puž, Goran
- Editors
- Dvornik, Josip
Proceedings title: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, PRG '92 Primjena računala u građevinarstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 277 to 286
Meeting: CAD FORUM '92: Kompjutor u obnovi Hrvatske, Zagreb
Held: from 05/13/92 to 05/15/92
Summary: Description of the concept of scientific aesthetic
establishedalready in early 60-ty of 2oth century is given. Basic
postulatesbased on which could be estimated, with help of
computer,aesthetic value of a bridge are given.
Keywords: Aesthetic, bridge, CAD
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert nets - application in civil engineering
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. seminarja Računalnik v gradbenom inženirstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Year: 1992
Pages: from 46 to 53
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Expert system and neural networks are represented. ESs may
bemade by use of many years accumulated paper-knowledge, as well
ascomputer-generated-knowledge. This guide to less time needed fortheir
development with the saving of human expert's time. Shownis an example of
evaluating a classical rule based ES (HALLOPT)toward an expert network by
replacing one of its knowledge basesearching module with a run-time neural
Keywords: Expert system, rulebase, rules, neural network, expert net, HALLOPT, knowledge
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert System for a Typical Timber Hall Optimization
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Duhovnik, Janez
Proceedings title: Zbornik 6. seminarja Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Language: hrvatski
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
Year: 1992
Pages: from 229 to 236
Meeting: 6. Seminar: Računalnik v gradbenem inženirstvu
Held: from 04/02/92 to 04/03/92
Summary: Shown is an expert system for optimization of a typical 3D
timberhall optimizing the structural components: wooden purlines,GLULAM
beams, steel I shaped side columns and RCfoundations.Other components
(roofings, braces, wall panels andsheetings, sheeting rail) are not
directly handled by opt.process, i.e. they depend on the geometry
determined by factorsmentioned above. System has a customized input data
preprocessor,printer and graphic output results postprocessor, with
viewingpossibilities of reasoning line, help facility etc. ES has
anextensive interactive relationship with data base (generated byprevious
consultations) and spreadsheet with modelled newEUROCODE 5 standard for
timber structure design based on limitstate theory.
Keywords: HALLOPT, timber, GLULAM, RC foundation, steel columns, price, optimization, purline, beam, GURU, RB ekspert system, database, spreadsheet, EUROCODE 5
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Special structures for emergency needs
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova 2. radnog sabora Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-02-9
Pages: from 241 to 246
Meeting: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/93 to 10/15/93
Summary: Special objects are built for special reasons or in
specialsurroundings or circumferences. But there is no need to buildsuch
objects in extraordinary sitations only. Those sitations areonly helpfull
to implement some of new ideas, to implement newways of production, new
technics and new materials, which may notbe implemented during the normal
life, when invisible lobbies,conservative forces and inhibited traditions
are prevailing. ESmay help to bridge the gap.
Keywords: Habitats, emergency, structures, prefabrication, standards, bridges, CAD
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Renewal activities and trends in the development of timber
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Simović, Veselin
Proceedings title: Sabor hrvatskih graditelja Graditeljstvo u strategiji obnove i razvoja Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Crikvenica, Hrvatska
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-96085-0-3
Pages: from 349 to 364
Meeting: Sabor hrvatskih graditelja '93. Graditeljstvo u strategiji obnove razvoja Republike Hrvatske
Held: from 09/30/93 to 10/02/93
Summary: The current situation and modern worldwide trends in
design,analysis and fabrication of wooden structures are described.
Newtypes of timber structures offered by new design methods (CAD,ES) and
new shaping possibilities are described. Sufficientfar-sightedness is
required in the application of E-norms andstandards, as such documents are
the basis for the elaboration ofCroatian design regulations. It is
particulary emphasized thatall above achievements should be accepted and
used in solvingproblems in the course of national renewal. Some
practicalreconstruction methods of in war damaged structural components
Keywords: timber structures, renewal, development, types of timber structures, modeling, expert systems, EUROCODE-5
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Fast reconstruction of in war damaged structures
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Kordić, Zdenko
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova znanstveno-stručnog skupa Pravci razvoja Hrvatske Zajednice HB
Language: hrvatski
Place: Mostar/Neum, HZ Herceg Bosna
Year: 1993
Pages: from 69 to 76
Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni skup "Pravci razvoja Hrvatske Zajednice Herceg-Bosna", Sveučilište u Mostaru, Neum
Held: from 04/22/93 to 04/23/93
Summary: We are confronted with an unseen destruction of villages,
towns,unheard exodus of people, the destruction of bridges, roads,railways,
dams and industy of Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.To solve those
imense problems we need to be inventive, and seekthe solution in the sphere
of lihtweight constructions, pneumaticstructures, panel and ballon
housings, industrially mass producedelements, fast erectable bridges. We
need to be inventive and notbe bound to seen solution. Only the system
analysis and thelogistic approach can succeed. There are chances to
implement newsolutions and to jump to the informatic an even
Keywords: reconstruction, habitat, meshed space structures, geodesics, pneumatic structures, szstem analysis, logistic, CAD, FEM
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Computeraided facility management
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova CAD-FORUMA '93
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 149 to 154
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1993, Medjunarodni skup o razvoju i primjeni kompjutorskih sustava, Integracija novih tehnologija, GIS, Arhitektura, Dizajn, Mediji
Held: from 05/12/93 to 05/16/93
Summary: There is a need to implement CAD processes as well as
computeraided facility management as prerequisites for further planningand
urban space management. It is not so much of scienceapplication as it is a
large business opportunities. Apart fromCAD and GISS implementation as well
as data management there is aneed to change ourself too. Thiss area is one
of the prioritieson the agenda of the WC VI of IABSE, as are ICIC and ES.
Keywords: facility management, CAD, CAM, ES, standards, robotics
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: An expert system for evaluation of structures
- Authors:
- Saler, Vlatka (192402)
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova Integracija novih tehnologija CAD FORUM 1993,SDAH
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 169 to 177
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1993, Medjunarodni skup o razvoju i primjeni kompjutorskih sustava, Integracija novih tehnologija, GIS, Arhitektura, Dizajn, Mediji
Held: from 05/12/93 to 05/16/93
Summary: By the use of GURU-SOLVEUR shell a ES for choosing the
optimumtype of timber structure shapes is presented. The shape dependsof
various input options, as free span requrements, the lyoutshape, the
structural force distribution, the supportings, forcedistribution etc. The
output is an array of structural shapes.Apart from classical asortiments of
timber roofing structures,included are structures from polimers, PVC coated
woven textiles,advanced spatial structures. An graphycal presentation
Keywords: expert system, timber structures, GURU-SOLVEUR, shell, structural system, structures
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
- Authors:
- Simunić Bursić, Marina
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Croci, G.
Proceedings title: IABSE Symposium ROME 1993, Structural Preservation of Architectural Heritage
Language: engleski
Place: Rim, Italija
Year: 1993
Pages: from 489 to 490
Meeting: IABSE SYMPOSIUM ROME 1993, Structural Preservation of the Architectural Heritage, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, ETH-Honggerberg, Zurich, Švicarska
Held: from 09/15/93 to 09/17/93
Summary: Shown is the damage done tu the Šibanik cathedral dome
structureby a mortar shell explosion. A FE model of the dome was
analysedwith and without the damage included. Used are FE solid and theFE
system COSMOS-M
Keywords: Cathedral of Šibenik, dome structure, FE analysis, damage simulation, COSMOS-M FE system
Other: Poster izložen s povijesnim arhitektonskim skicama,
strukturalnimanalizama, fotografijama oštećenja kupole, i
rezultatimaprovedene analize MKE
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert System for the Design of 3D GLULAM One Bay
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Chaogui, Zhang
Proceedings title: ICCAE Proceedings of the Intern. Confer.: Computer Aided Engineering and Design
Language: engleski
Place: Beiging, Kina
Year: 1993
Pages: from 52 to 59
Meeting: Conference on Computer Aided Rngineering & Design, China Civil Engineering Society, China Exploration and Design Association, Beiging
Held: from 10/26/93 to 10/29/93
Keywords: timber, glulam, EUROCODE 5, steel, concrete, 3D-entities, design, purlines, prices, rules, expert systems, GURU-shell, neural networks, run-time version
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Contemporary A-scissors like shaped roofs
- Authors:
- Magerle, Miroslav (27241)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Simpozij suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1995
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-06-1
Pages: from 285 to 290
Meeting: Simpozij suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Held: from 06/19/95 to 06/21/95
Summary: In the reconstruction of the in war destroyed dwellings and
in the further erection of timber roofs it is advisable to apply modern
roof bulding concepts. The primary goal is in the saving of timber as well
as to allow possible future reconstructions. By choosing the described roof
structures it is possible to start a new industrial roof structure
Keywords: A-scissor shaped, roof, timber, structures, reconstruction, industrial production
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Special structures for emergency needs
- Editors
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Proceedings title: Zbornik radova II radnog sabora Graditelji u obnovi
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 241 to 246
Meeting: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Summary: In the postwar reconstruction there is a need for fast and
probably cheap multypurpose buidings erection. Those are geodesic domes,
parabolic structures, built from wood, as well as pneumatic structures.
Those structures may be industry produced on a mass production bases.
Keywords: Reconstruction, emergency habitat, mass production, timber structures, geodesic structures, paraboloids, pneumatic structures
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Finite elements communication method
- Editors
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Proceedings title: 1. Kongres hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
Language: engleski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-96243-0-4
Pages: from 325 to 331
Meeting: Prvi kongres hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
Held: from 09/14/94 to 09/17/94
Summary: Developed is the idea of finite element node communication
using trained neural networks, as an alternative to traditional FE
computing technics. The FE is trained using neuroshell programs. On an
example of a beam FE the technic is shown. This method could be extended to
other finite elements, and a database library of trained FE could be done.
The shown example was done by training the FE by the use of Wards NeuoShell
and the traditional joint relaksation method.
Keywords: Finite elements, neural networks, relaksation method, communication, FE joints, training, NeuroShell
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert System for evaluation in war destructed dwellings
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
Proceedings title: Per Riconstruire,Universita Degli studi di Firenza
Language: talijanski
Place: Firenza, Italija
Year: 1992
Pages: from 78 to 86
Meeting: Per Riconstruire, Universita Degli studi di Firenze facolta di architettura Incontro di studio Firenze
Held: from 09/25/92 to 09/26/92
Summary: Established is an expert system for the evaluation of in
war destructed dwellings. The ES is an objective evaluation tools for
decision taking. The dwelling could be reconstructed and than the
reconstruction price is evaluated or it may be destructed. We have used the
rulebased GURU shell as well as the Ward NeuroShell to establish the rules
and critera evaluations.
Keywords: Expert system, evaluation, dwellings, reconstruction, rules, GURU shell, Wards NeuroShell
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Timber structures and the postwar reconstruction
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Đukan, Petar
Proceedings title: International Conference East meets West:Investment strategies and Management of
Language: engleski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-96245-0-9
Pages: from 55 to 62
Meeting: Intern. Conf. East meets West: Investment strategies and Management of construction
Held: from 09/20/94 to 09/24/94
Summary: In the postwar reconstruction of the in war destroyed
assets, there is place for emergency habitat and infrastructure emergency
buildings for the displaced persons. The timber is the prime material. We
may use 3D structural concepts and relatively sofisticated prefabrication
means. The structures are: geodesic domes, tensegrity structures, lamella
roof meshed structures, paraboloids, a well as pneumatic structures. One of
the most importand units in all those structures is a soffisticated HERD
unit which may be prefabricated.
Keywords: Reonstruction, timber structures, TREVIRA, 3D structural concepts, geodesic domes, tensegrity structures, lamella voulted roof structutes, A-scissor shaped roof steuctures, paraboloids, GLULAM, pneumatic structures, HERD concept.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Razvoj zanatskih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj
- Authors:
- Marušić, Juraj
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Đukan, Petar
Proceedings title: Intern. Confer. East meets West:Investment strategies and Managements of constru
Language: engleski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-96245-0-9
Pages: from 117 to 121
Meeting: Intern. Conf. East meets West: Investment strategies and Management of construction
Held: from 09/20/94 to 09/24/94
Summary: The basis of the represented work is the content of the
newly published book Management and undertaking that is devoted to the
development of various undertakings. Described is the methodology of
creation and validitation of new undertaking programs. At the end a
profitability calculation for presteressed geotechnical anchors instalation
investment is given.
Keywords: Undertaking, management, program, financial indicators, assesment methodology, calculation example
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: In real time computer regulated structures
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Muljević, Vladimir
Proceedings title: Razvitak i dostignuća tehničkih područja u Hrvatskoj
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6002-01-9
Pages: from 36 to 55
Meeting: Razvitak i dostignuća tehničkih poru:ja u Hrvatskoj
Held: from 09/23/94 to 09/23/94
Summary: Shown is the possibility to regulate internal forces and
the deflection of structure by using on samples trained neural network.
This gives the opportunity to introduce new generations of intelligent
structures with selfregulating capabillyties. Used as a example was a
bridge with overpasing vechicles, and on generated samples trained Wards
NeuroShell three slab network.
Keywords: Bridge, selfregulating steructures, neural networks, passing vechicles, generated loads, training neural networks, Ward NeuroShell, three slab NN, new generation of structures
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Perpendiculary prestressed glued portal frame corner joint
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-04-5
Pages: from 391 to 402
Meeting: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
Summary: Shown is a new type of GLULAM portal frame corner joint
whicg is tested using FEM and laboratory testing. This is an original
development. It was applied in a limited scope without my permission by GAJ
GLULAM industry. This type of joint considerably reduces the cost of corner
joining. The results of FEA done using the FEA program COSMOS/M shows that
the results of the lab testing and the FEA calculation are in good
relation. The perpendicular prestressing of the glued joint is done to
reduce the tension perpendicular to grains, and considerably enforce the
glued joint strength.
Keywords: GLULAM, portal frames, corner joint, prestressing, FEM, laboratory testing
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Special engineering fast erectable structures
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Brijunski otoci/Pula, Hrvatska
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-04-5
Pages: from 403 to 411
Meeting: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
Summary: Discussed are ideas about fast erectable structures,
composed frof industrially produced units that are put together using on
site labor. Another approach is the use of inflatable and other memrans.
These structures could be erected fast. This concep is based on the 3D
spatial concept, CAD, virtual reality use, expert systems use, the use of
new types of materials as well as new bulding concepts, minimasing the
organized labor on site, and the use of sinergy.
Keywords: 3D structural concept, energy, resources, tradition, historical objects,geodeic structures, lamella roof structure, timber, GLULAM, paraboloids, membran structures, pneumatic structures, p. beams, p.cushions, polymer structures, the HERD koncept, A-scissor like roof structures, the infrastructure, virtual reality, ekspert systems
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Use of ES for analyse of composite structures of steel and
- Authors:
- Markulak, Damir
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Sorić, Jurica
- Vranković, Nikola
Proceedings title: 1. Kongres Hrvatskog druŠtva za mehaniku
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 935-96243-0-4
Pages: from 317 to 324
Meeting: Prvi kongres hrvatskog društva za mehaniku
Held: from 09/14/94 to 09/17/94
Summary: Presented is a method, choosing nesessary steel sections
height of composite structures using a rule based ezpert system (ES) based
on expert GURU shell use. It is necesary to define base parameters for
dimenions of the composite sections. Changing this parameters into
characteristic domain values we ger a training set for learning the ES. It
is important that the composite sections have heigh leve of serviceability.
Giving input values for characteristic parameters, ES gives one or more
choise of steel section with particular likehood.
Keywords: Expert System, GURU shell, composite structures, Steel and concrete.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Nonlinear analysis of three member timber joints
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Simpozij Suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1995
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-06-1
Pages: from 377 to 388
Meeting: Simpozij suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Held: from 06/19/95 to 06/21/95
Summary: Shoen is the bearing capacity of a dowel type fastener for
timber to timber two sectioned joint acording to K.W.Johanson. The yield
theory can be applied to nails, screws and bolts. This theory is the bases
of the EUROCODE5 standards for timber joints calculations. A MsBASIC
program is developed to find the bearing capaities of such joint. A FEM is
shown and the various sigma epsilon curves were applied to use nonlinear
analysis using FEA program COSMOS/M. Shown are the results.
Keywords: Jochansons theory, failure modes, two mwmber joints, three member joints, EC5, timber joints, fasteners, bearing capacity, MsBASIC program, nonlinear FE analysis, FE model, S.I.A., E.M.P.A., stress/strain curves, finite elements,PLANE2D,TRUSS2D, GAP, FEA COSMOS/M program
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Reconstruction, computer programs and modeling
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Simpozij Suvremeni postupci građenja
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1995
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-06-1
Pages: from 361 to 366
Meeting: Simpozij suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Held: from 06/19/95 to 06/21/95
Summary: Structural design is establishing and ensuring the safety
and serviceability of structural entities and the whole structure aswell.
Used are computers and programs. From the 2D-structural concept we are
shifting toward 3D-modeling. The basis is the CAD and the future goal is
the computer integrated large scale engineering. Unbetween structural
modeling and the realities of the structures is a gap for large number of
possible errors. Some common modeling errors are shown.
Keywords: Reconstruction, design, CAD, programs, modeling, 2D-concepts, 3D-concepts, common modeling errors
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Expert systems in reconstruction
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Simpozij Suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1995
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-06-1
Pages: from 367 to 375
Meeting: Simpozij suvremeni postupci izvedbe
Held: from 06/19/95 to 06/21/95
Summary: The manyfaced expectations of the implementation of ES in
everyday routine work of the engineering profession has not been fulfilled.
By us the development and the use of ES are in the dead end. Considered is
the state of art in the field of ES use in the civil and architecural
engineering profession as well as the state of product modeling as a
prerequisite tpward future design methodology improvment. Given is room for
ES possible outlines of the future development in design processes.
Keywords: Expert systems, ES, neural netvorks (NN), design, ESPRIT, product modeling, virtual reality, reconstruction
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: The optimal timber structure design decission using
ekspert system
- Authors:
- Saler, Vlatka (192402)
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-02-9
Pages: from 121 to 126
Meeting: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/93 to 10/15/93
Summary: Expert system for choosing structural system of the classic
wooden structure as well as modern advanced spatial structures such as
pneumatic structures is presented. The most important thing is the result
od using ES: optimal structure with clearness and simplicity. Expert shell
GURU SOLVEUR is used as software backup for chosing the best structural
system depending in various options and requests. There was no runtime
option: used is the version withoth runing option permition.
Keywords: Expert system, optimal choosing, static system
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Tramline inside corridor pavement system analysis
- Authors:
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-02-9
Pages: from 375 to 382
Meeting: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/93 to 10/15/93
Summary: Pavement inovation using software support od FEA programm
COSMOS/M. Stress analysis, analysis of deformations, and graphic
presentation of 3D-stress entity of the tramline with soil pavement
Keywords: Pavement, tramline, soil, FEM, COSMOS/M FEA program, analysis
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Computors in reconstruction or how to relearn the lost
knowldge of past times
- Authors:
- Simunić Bursić, Marina
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD-FORUM sekcije Saveza društva arhitekata Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 179 to 182
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1993, Medjunarodni skup o razvoju i primjeni kompjutorskih sustava, Integracija novih tehnologija, GIS, Arhitektura, Dizajn, Mediji
Held: from 05/12/93 to 05/16/93
Summary: Computer in restoration of architectural property and
heritage. In the agression against Croatia our architectural heritage has
been systematicaly destructed. To approach the demages to historial
monuments, scientific analysis methods should be used to asses the damage
and approch the most suitable sanation methods. Our contribution to that
objects is the FE computer modelling of the demmaged dome of the Šibenik
chatedral, a masterpiece of the Croatian Quattrocento architecture.The
analysis hase proved that the projectil injure to the dome structure is not
a dangerous one becouse the projectile has fortunately missed the rib.
Keywords: Šibenik, Chatedral dome, computer, Croatian Quattrocento, architectural heritage, sanation, FE modeling, structure.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Present state of wood structures
- Authors:
- Baljkas, Boris (1846)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 935-6175-04-5
Pages: from 214 to 220
Meeting: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
Summary: Modern wooden structures as GLULAM structures, houses based
on wood panels, specific structures as bridges, sportshalla are adequately
used in civil engineering abroad.In spite of the fact that Croatia is
relatively rich in woods there have not been many wooden structures
constructed in last twenty years. The paper describes the possibilities of
modern wooden structures technologies and advantages in comparison with
other materials.
Keywords: GLULAM, wood, wooden structures, civil engineering objects, panel timber structures, combination of different materials with wood.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Integral program of the wooden industry for civil
engineering use
- Authors:
- Baljkas, Boris (1846)
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-02-9
Pages: from 229 to 234
Meeting: Radni sabor: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/93 to 10/15/93
Summary: Modern wooden structure, as GLULAM structures, housings
based on wood elements, specific structures as bridge, frameworks are not
adequately used in civil engineering in Croatia. The reasons are:
insufficient education of civ. engs., as far as the reaons of the
socialistic economy based on cheap energy use and nonmarket conditions.
Renewal of Croatia has to change of tath state completely. In spite of this
and needful of fast reconstruction in realisation is integral program of
wood idustry in the field of civil engineering.
Keywords: GLULAM wood, prefab housing, specific wooden structures, renewal, reconstruction, integral program for housing development, new industry and technology.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: GLULAM roof structure over green market Jarun at Zagreb
- Authors:
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-04-5
Pages: from 269 to 274
Meeting: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
Summary: Presented is GLULAM grid roof structure over the Geen
market Jarun at Zagreb (700 sqm area). Shown is the numerical modeling, the
calculation and design details. The construction is now in progress. The
arcitectural design was done by Dptm. for Architecture of the Faculty of
architecture Zagreb University. The main building contrator for this
project is the BC TEHNIKA form Zagreb.
Keywords: GLULAM, grid, roof structure, modeling, details, calculations.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Mini cupoles for flexible use
- Authors:
- Glogoški, Ivica (20375)
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Treći sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-04-5
Pages: from 265 to 268
Meeting: Treći radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/94 to 10/15/94
Summary: The work analysis the application variants of a structural
system - domes for specific applications - using theoretical and practical
resources to reach a good solution. By this synthesis of the exact theory
and engeneering design appropriate to the present specific situation of the
republic Croatia has been achived
Keywords: Domed structure, analysis, economy.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Model INKOPP for continued informatic work on war damages
and renewal process: The Preview
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Delić, Alenka
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD FORUM - Zbornik radova 1993
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 159 to 162
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1993, Medjunarodni skup o razvoju i primjeni kompjutorskih sustava, Integracija novih tehnologija, GIS, Arhitektura, Dizajn, Mediji
Held: from 05/12/93 to 05/16/93
Summary: Shown is a model for quick production of qality engineering
documentation with objective cost and quantities valorization. It is based
on up to date approach in the fields of architectural engineering. Base is
the AutoCAD and Softdesk application modules.
Keywords: reconstruction, onsite damage recolection, CAD evaluation, documentation, design-chain
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Softdesk, ArCAD_386: Software in front door of Design
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD FORUM - Zornik radova 1993.
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
Pages: from 117 to 122
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1993, Medjunarodni skup o razvoju i primjeni kompjutorskih sustava, Integracija novih tehnologija, GIS, Arhitektura, Dizajn, Mediji
Held: from 05/12/93 to 05/16/93
Summary: Design process has always required the combined services of
architects, engineers, surveyors, planers, enviromental specialists,
landscape architects and construction personel. Yet, with increased
automation, working eficiently with so many disciplines can be a trying
experience - different hardware platforms and software file formats can
make sharing data an exercise in ftility.
Keywords: design, software, computer reinforcement design
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: DelaComp CAD Interactive Design Process Based on
Assemblies Method
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Delić, Alenka
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD FORUM - Zbornik radova 1994.
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
Pages: from 17 to 26
Meeting: CAD Forum 1994 - Otvorena tradicija
Held: from 06/26/94 to 06/29/94
Summary: Thanks to a low cost of hardware, in these days we are
whitness of significant planning processes. Furthermore, as there is no
enough implementation of modern software we could say that those planning
processes are lobotomed in some way. Here is shown the possibilities of
making a powerfull system of some CAD programs.
Keywords: Planning processes, CAD systems, SoftDesk AdCADD, APS, TIDAK, efficiency
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: The comparision of results obtained by two methods of
limit state analisys for composite and concrete columns
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Horvatić, Dragutin
- Editors
- Radić, Jure
Proceedings title: Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske - 1993.
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1993
ISBN/ISSN: 953-6175-02-9
Pages: from 87 to 92
Meeting: Drugi radni sabor Graditelji u obnovi Hrvatske
Held: from 10/13/93 to 10/15/93
Summary: There is a term in the formula of limit state analisys for
composite column design due to compression and bending that takes into
account its imperfection. Its defoult value is 1/250 of buckling length.
Here are the results of analisys that have been obtained by comparission of
this methos and the method described in DIN 18806.
Keywords: limit state design, composite steel-concrete columns, DIN 18806, imperfection, calibration
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Computer Integrated Renewal Design Process of Damaged
Structures Due to War Actions (Croatia 1991-1995), Conference handouts
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Delić, Alenka
- Editors
- Sirkia, Tuomo
Proceedings title: ArchComp 95, Helsinki, Finland
Language: engleski
Place: Helsinki, Finska
Year: 1995
Pages: from CDROM to CDROM
Meeting: ArchComp 95 Computer and Architects
Held: from 09/13/95 to 09/16/95
Summary: Shown is a model for fast production of construction
documentation with objective cost valorization and quantities of houses
destroyed in the war. This is the ample of a way to avoid trading
information on papers among design and contruction teams. Greater
efficiency is reached as all team members share their data electronically.
The system is based on AutoCAD and modules made by SOFiCAD (Germany) and
Softdesk (USA).
Keywords: Renewal, Design Process, fast production, Construction documenatation, electrnically shared information
Other: Konferencija je održana po pozivu a materijali (od SVIH
autora) bit će objavljeni na CD ROMu, a za vrijeme konferencije, svi članci
bili su kopirani i podijeljeni svim registriranim učesnicima.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: Process modeling and data integration in engineering
- Authors:
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Delić, Alenka
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD FORUM 1995
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1995
Pages: from CDROM to CDROM
Meeting: CAD FORUM 1995
Held: from 05/10/95 to 05/12/95
Summary: Powerfull computer techology has trasformed the design and
construction management workplace, but it has not changed how we work
together. Design and construction firms do not share their databases; they
trade information on paper (blueprints and plans) or through verbal
instructions. This is the way it has always ben. But far greater efficiency
is possible if all of the team members share their data electronically.
Keywords: information techology, data shareing, CAD system, term plans, estimating, present state, posibilities, education
Other: Na CAD forumu 95 svi učesnici imali su otkopirane materijale,
a zbornik radova izdat će se na CD ROMu.
- Type of paper
: Paper in proceedings
Title: What to do
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Editors
- Baletić, Bojan
Proceedings title: CAD FORUM Otvorena tradicija
Language: hrvatski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1994
Pages: from 71 to 80
Meeting: CAD Forum 1994 - Otvorena tradicija
Held: from 06/26/94 to 06/29/94
Summary: In a relatively short period of time, there is a lot
acomplished in the CAD application and implementation. Are we satisfied
with the present development in CAD application. Has the CAD fulfilled the
expectations. Are there developed new forms. What about applications of
expert systems and of new materials and new building technologies, and the
integration of all of its. Where are we now and where we are going. How to
implement the desire to search and to develop nwe ways in the early years
of the education processes on universities.
Keywords: CAD, Expert systems, forms, materials, education, data sharing, data integration, research, Chambers (of structural engineers and achitects)
- Type of paper
: Summary in proceedings
Title: Uticaj svojstava kosti na predispoziciju mjesta loma
- Authors:
- Antoljak, Tonislav
- Hančević, Janko
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Hudec, Mladen
- Davila, Slavko
Proceedings title: Ninth Symposium on Biomedical Engineering '92
Language: engleski
Place: Zagreb
Year: 1992
Pages: from 27 to 28
Meeting: Ninth Symposium on Biomedical Engineering '92, KOREMA, CROMBES
Summary: Shown is the influence of the bone proterties in
originating theproximal fracture. Shown are FE models of bones for FE
analysisdone in evaluation of bone fracture. Results are presented.
Keywords: Bone, proximate fracture, FEM
- Type of paper
: Summary in proceedings
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Hančević, Janko
- Nikolić, Vasilije
- Hudec, Mladen
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Antoljak, Tonislav
- Turčić, Josip
- Davila, Slavko
- Editors
- Hudec, Mladen (16744)
Proceedings title: Proc. of the 8th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in S. Mechanics
Language: engleski
Place: Goedoello, Mađarska
Year: 1991
Pages: from 1 to 1
Meeting: 8th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, Goedoello, Hung., Oct. 1991.
Held: from 10/11/91 to 10/12/91
Summary: Swown are the results of FE model analysis of healing
process ofa surgically fixed olecranon bone fracture fixed with metalsheet
hooked plate. The FE model simulation eas done using theICES STRUDL FE
analysis system.
Keywords: Olecranon, fracture, hooked metal plate, ICES STRUDL2 FEAS, finite elements, healing
Other: Ovo je interdiciplinarni rad sa grupom eksperata s
Kliničkogbolničkog centra Rebro Medicinskog fakulteta, RGN fakulteta.
Ciljje razrada FE modela sanacije i cijeljenja fiksiranih prijelomadugih
kostiju u cilju kreiranja savjetodavnog ekspertnog sustavaza kiruršku
fiksaciju prijeloma fiksatorima.
- Type of paper
: Summary in proceedings
- Authors:
- Nikolić, Vasilije
- Pavlović, Draško
- Samsa, Ranka
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
Proceedings title: 10th International Symposium on morphological Science
Language: engleski
Place: Toronto, Kanada
Year: 1991
Pages: from 99 to 99
Meeting: 10th International Symposium on Morphological Science
Held: from 07/01/91 to 07/05/91
Summary: Shown is the possibillity of the bone cross section second
momentof inertia calculation from the bone mineral content (BMC)section
Keywords: Bone, BMC diagram, bone cross section, second moment of inertia
Other: Razmatra se mogućnost proračunavanja momenta inercije
poprečnogpresjeka kostiju iz dijagrama sadržaja minerala u
poprečnompresjeku kosti. Ovaj interdisciplinarni rad odnosi se naistražbu
mogućnosti stvaranja ekspertnog sustava koji bi iztriju BMC dijagrama
poprečne snimke sadržaja minerala u kostimaustanovio poprečni presjek ili
poprečne presjeke kostiju i timezamijenio tomografske (CT) snimke poprečnih
presjeka kostiju. Utom cilju načinjeni su prvi koraci učenja jedne neuralne
mreže.Ovaj rad bio je izložen na posteru.
- Type of paper
: M.A.
Title: Pneumatic pillows - light-weight roof structures
Faculty: Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu Zagreb
Date of defense: 11/02/93
Language: hrvatski
Number of pages: 205
Summary: Done is a research into twoaxial tension tests of the
TREVIRA PVC coated fabrics using stereophotogrametric technics on a lab.
model. This was the first use of such measurement technics utilising
fabrics. The obtained p/delta curves were used for nonlinear in time load
depending analysis of the pneumatic pillows a ultralight bearing structure.
The rim timber and steel beams bearing structure were analised as an
integral system. Various formed pillows, with and without reinforcing nylon
ropes were used. It is clearly shown that such structures may be used as
bearing roof structures. There are capable of bearing considerable roof
Keywords: Pneumatic pillow, PVC TREVIRA coated fabrics, two axial lab. tests, stereophotogrametry, nonlinear FEM analysis, stresses, deformatians, time diagrams, wood and steel rim bearing structures.
- Type of paper
: Mentorship
Title: Pneumatic pillows - light-weight roof structures
Faculty: Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu Zagreb
Date of defense: 11/02/93
Number of pages: 205
Author: Haiman Miljenko
Degree level: M.A.
- Type of paper
: Mentorship
Title: Contribution to the research of wooden panel disk bearing
Faculty: Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu Zagreb
Date of defense: 01/31/92
Number of pages: 214
Author: Takač Mr. Sc. Arch. Eng Stjepan
Degree level: Ph.D.
- Type of paper
: Survey/Study
Title: Croatian national version of the EUROCODE 5 standards for
design of wooden structures
- Authors:
- Baljkas, Boris (1846)
- Bjelanović, Adriana (195023)
- Delić, Davor (189276)
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
- Magerle, Miroslav (27241)
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Ordering party: Hrvatske ceste i Hrvatski zavod za mjeriteljstvo i standardizaciju
Institution depot: Hrvatske ceste i Hrvatski zavod za mjeriteljstvo i standardizaciju
Year: 1992
Number of pages: 150
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Croatian code of practice and standard for timber
structuredesign based on EUROCOD 5 europian standard. It id writen
inmodular form suited for application in ES and programs. Theunification of
the denoting is done to ISO standardrecommandations. Included is the
conventional standard textrepresentation too. The standard is based on
limit state design.
Keywords: Standard, timber, GLULAM, safety, linit state design, serviceability, requirements, characteristic values, classification, grading, stability, joining, fasteners, EUROCODE 5, ISO 3098, modules
Other: Nacionalni standard za dizajn drvenih konstrukcija zasnovan
je naEUROCODE 5. Pisanje standarda u obliku čitljivom za kompjutore(razne
programa i ekspertne sustave) u obliku programskihdijelova rodila se
prilikom pisanja ekspertnog sustava za dizajnhala od drveta. Kasnije je
postupak ustaljen i prezentiran kaogotovi tekst i Europskoj organizaciji za
standardizaciju,komisiji za pisanje standarda za dizajn drvenih
konstrukcija, tekonferencije IABSE Structural Eurocode 1992.
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Expert systems, syllabus
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Described is the history and the development of expert
systems.This is a handout book, manuscript for postdiploma students, asan
introduction to the field of expert system. Decribed arerulebased systems
and neural networks. Application to the fieldsof civil and structural
engineering, particulary to timberstructures. This text (about 200 pp) is a
part of the amnuscriptfor the book (about 400 pp) as a part II of already
printed bookabot CAD dizajn (printed by Školaska knjiga Ed.)
Keywords: Expert systems, neural networks, shell, civil engineering, design, inference, rules, rulebase, neurons, sigmoid function, training, learning
Other: Tekst je pisan za sudente postdiplomskog studija, kao uvod
uliteraturu o ekspertnim sustavima. Uglavnom sadrži naša iskustvas
ekspertnim sustavima. Tekst (200 str.) je otiskan uograničenom broju
primjeraka na Gradjevinskom fakultetu uZagrebu. Kompletni tekst (400 str.)
napisan je kao manuskript ipredan u tisak kao drugi dio moje knjige
Proračun građrvnihkonstrukcija računalom: sustavi znanja.
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Fasteners and joining in timber structure design, syllabus
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Other: Skripta za studente stranica 324. u izdanju
Građevinskogfakulteta u Zagrebu, 1993. Namjenjena studentima VII
stupnja.Tiskano u 100 primjeraka.
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Computer application in traumatology
- Authors:
- Davila, Slavko
- Hančević, Janko
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
- Haiman, Miljenko (47142)
Language: hrvatski
Other: Interdisciplinarni rad u cilju analize neriješenih
strukturalnihproblema biomehanike, traumatologije i fiksacije
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Timber structure: Timber bridges and scafoldings, handouts
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Described are the various types of timber (wooden) bridges,
the contemporary design of bridges, the details, moving loads and
vechicles, use of standard, the M-STRUDL FEA program use, dynamic
behaviours, simulations of moving load passing over bridges, the use of FEA
program COSMOS/M in static and dynamic analysing of bridges, the basic use
of FEA program COSMOS/M (GEOSTAR and MODSTAR). The consequences of
nonlinear dynamic analysis. Scafoldigs, types, basic calculations.
Keywords: Wooden bridges, types, moving loads, FE modeling, use of M-STRUDL FEA program, use of COSMOS/M FEA program, composite bridges, scafolds
Other: 303 str.
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Wooden structures: Deformability, stability, spatial
concept, handouts
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Summary: Deformability ofcomposit wooden structures and elements.
FEA modeling of compressed members, buckling analysis. MsBASIC programs for
buckling analysis. Spatial structures: Hypars, lamella voulted mesh
structures, geodesic domes, tesegrity structures, pneumatic structures,
details. Numerical experimenting with pneumatic structures, domed, air
cushion pneumatic disks etc. Use of FEA program COSMOS/M. Wooden
structures: light frame, 2inx2in, panel structure. Basics of M-STRUDL FEA
program. Samples of use of M-STRUDL and COSMOS-M programs. Few MsBASIC
programs for timber structures design.
Keywords: Deformability, buckling, timber, FEA analysis, spatial concept, hypars, domes, lamella structures, tesegrity, pneumatic structures, M-STRUDL, COSMOS/M, buidings, programs
Other: 311 stranica
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: Wooden structures: GLULAM beams and structures, handouts
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Summary: GLULAM beams and structures. Analysis of GLULAM beams.
The basic of EUROCODE 5 standards, the form, principles etc. The
basics of FEA program M-STRUDL use. Details of GLULAM structures. MsBasic
programs for wooden strutural elements calculations. The use of
FEA-COSMOS/M program.
Keywords: GLULAM, glued laminated wooden structures, details, EUROCODE 5 standard, M-STRUDL, COSMOS/M, programs.
Other: 250 stranica
- Type of paper
: Manuscript
Title: COSMOS/M manual with examples
- Authors:
- Žagar, Zvonimir (55380)
Language: hrvatski
Summary: COSMOS/M short manual for students. With examples. Handouts
for students.
Keywords: Finite element types, GEOSTAR CAD modul, analysis, static dynamic, buckling, nonlinear, load combinations
Other: Skripta za studente. Limitirana verzija programa instalirana
u kompjutorskoj učionici. Cjelovita verzija instalirana u Odjelu. Veći
problemi se mogu preko kreiranja SES datoteka prebaciti i riješiti na
kompletnoj verziji koja je nabavljena sredstvima Ministrstva zananosti RH.
- Type of paper
: Invited lecture
Title: Expert Systems
Institution: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku
Year: 1995