SVIBOR - Project code: 1-02-024


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Project code: 1-02-024


Main researcher: ŽAGAR, ZVONIMIR (55380)

Type of research: basic
Duration from: 01/01/91. to 12/31/94.

Papers on project (total): 79
Papers on project quoted in Current Contents: 4
Institution name: Građevinski fakultet, Zagreb (82)
Department/Institute: Department for bearing structures.Timber structure design branch
Address: 41000 Zagreb, Ul. Fra Kačića Miošića 26,
City: 10000 - Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 385 (0)41/440845
Fax: 385 (0)41/416621

Summary: Done are first successful steps in the application of ES in timber structure design as well as in steel structure components design. We have written few expert shells which we have used for writing few rule based ES for timber structure design. We have used professional shells for more complicated ES. By private means the old uncompleded version of GURU E shell was obtained and the Ward's NeuroShell. With the Ministry's help we have obtained the GURU-SOLVEUR shell and the Ward's NeuroWindows (in connection with the project 1-02-013). From the Min. of Research we have obtained the M-STRUDL and COSMOS/M FE analysis system, used in research (see project 1-02-013). Manuals in croatian for use of those system are written. About the research done, we have published papers in journals, and various symposia papers. One acomplishment is the development of ES for design of optimaly priced 3D-one-span timber framed structure, composed from roofing material, timber purlines, GLULAM beams, steel stanchions, and concrete foundation. The new EUROCODE 5 standard is included. In connection with this, we have written the proposal for the new National standard for timber structure design, using the modular form as well as the classical too. The other is the development of ES for the material evaluation of the in war destruction of habitats, where we have used RBS and NN. Because the GURU shell was not legally obtained we are unable to publish papers about its use. There have been experimentions with the KAPPA shell, and some usefull ES have been written with it. In the postgraduate study the Expert system subject has been implemented. A handwriting (about 400 pp.) of a book about ES in CE practice is due to be published as the second part of my already published book. With a group of experts from the Faculty of Medicine (Dr Davila, Prof. Hančević, Dr Antoljak, Prof. Nikolić and others) we have done some paametric studies and research into the development of ES used in surgery bone fracture sanations and medicine.

Keywords: Expert systems, Shells, rules, rule-based ES, neuaral network, GURU, GURU-SOLVEUR, NeuroShell, KAPPA, NeuroWindows, timber, GLULAM, 3D-design, optimaly priced design, damage evaluation, M-STRUDL, COSMOS/M, FE, medicine, surgery, architecture

Research goals: The goal is to evaluate current state of ES application field of structural engineering, particulary in the field of timber structure design. The possibilities of different RB and NN shells will be evaluated. The intention is ti write inference engine modules for a RB ES and to master the searching algorithms. The same is with neural networks. Intention is to obtain some professional softwares as well as computers and equipage. We do expect to develope several ES to assist the structural engineer in various fields of timber structure design and timber classification (grading). The possibillities of developing ES and EN in the evaluation of damage to structural entities shoul be searched. Intention is to cooperate with international organisations and institutions working in ES development.


  1. Name of project: TEMPUS JEP 3008 Integrated CAD of Earthquake Resistant Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures
    Name of institution: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Inštitut za konstrukcije potresno inženirstvo in računalništvo
    City: 61000 - Ljubljana, Slovenija


  1. Name of institution: Fakulteta za ahitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Inštitut za konstrukcije, potresno inženirstvo in računalništvo, Univerza v Ljubljani
    Type of institution: Economical/Production
    City: 61000 - Ljubljana, Slovenija

  2. Name of institution: IABSE International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Working commission VI
    Type of institution: State administration
    City: Zurich, Švicarska

  3. Name of institution: Medicinski fakultet, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Klinika za kirurgiju, Klinika za anatomiju
    Type of institution: Economical/Production
    City: 10000 - Zagreb, Croatia

  4. Name of institution: TEMPUS JEP 3008 ICADRES Integrated CAD of Earthquqke Resident Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures, u suradnji sa FAGG, Ljubljana. Za sada inaktivno.
    Type of institution: Economical/Production
    City: 61000 - Ljubljana, Slovenija

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Last update: 02/15/94