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Radovi citirani u Current Contents na projektu 1-08-334

Broj radova citiranih u CC: 4
Broj ostalih radova: 54
Ukupno objavljenih radova: 58

Naslov: The habitat quality index applied to New Mexico streams

Èasopis: Hydrobiologia
ISSN: 0018-8158
Godina: 1995
Stranice: od 1 do 13
Broj referenci: 29
Jezik: engleski
Kljuène rijeèi: modeli staništa, biomasa pastrva, vodotoci, New Mexico, gospodarenje .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ GðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’Gàhabitat models, trout biomass, streams, New Mexico, management .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ LðCh DBFNTXDBFNTX GETFUNCTABLEWEPÆP ØdP ÒØqP ØDBF2/àÂ-à.àH.àT1à0à"4à6-àÀ,àôHàŽIàŠ+àˆIààIà´Iàl3àÎ4àÂ9àd:à<<àZMàL=à’GàThis study evaluated the standing crop biomass of freshwatter snails and its spatial distribution according to four substrate types (boulders, cobbles, gravel covered with periphyton and gravel covered with macrophytes). The study site, in the Kupa River of the NW Dinarid area of Croatia, is in a karstic region. Depending on habitat, the gastropod wet biomass varied from 6.4% to 43.8% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass per unit area. The gastropods are the dominant component of the biomass on boulder substrates in the upper region of the river, and on gravel substrates covered with macrophytes, in the lower course. It was found that the gastropods are also the dominant component of the functional group of scrapers. The average annual gastropod biomass constitutes more than 80% of scrapers at sampling sites in the upper and lower regions of the river. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh DBFThe paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food. .DBFDBFTEMPPATHðjh ¼Vh U.臢®BæT˜ MðCh The paper deals with results of studies on effects of some ecological and technological factors on the production results of carp fry rearing in Croatian ponds. The dynamics of the development of natural food and hydrochemical parameters was studied in four ponds with the area ranging from 4.5 to 10.0 hectars and with density of 200,000 Co individuals per hectar. There was a correlation between the availability of zoobenthos and the weight gain of fry. The harvesting carried out after the overwintering resulted in the catch of 23,000 to 25,000 C1individuals per hectar. Production ranged from 1,074 to 1,657 kg per hectar, body mass of C1 was 25 to 65 g and the survival ratio Co-1 ranged from 12 to 29%. A higher coefficient of food conversion (3.0 to 3.8) was influenced by a low degree of saturation of water with oxygen (20-30%) and a lower quality of food.

Naslov: The Contribution of Gastropod Biomass in Macrobenthic Communities of a Karstic River

Habdija, Ivan
Beliniæ, Ines
Èasopis: Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.
Broj: 1
ISSN: 0020-9309
Volumen: 80
Godina: 1995
Stranice: od 103 do 110
Broj referenci: 21
Jezik: engleski

Naslov: Acute toxicity of some evaporating hydrocarbons for freshwater snails and crustaceans

PIŠL, ZORAN (82896)
Èasopis: Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.
Broj: 1
ISSN: 0020-9309
Volumen: 78
Godina: 1993
Stranice: od 161 do 167
Broj referenci: 24
Jezik: engleski
Kljuène rijeèi: aromatski ugljikohidrati, akutna toksiènost, slatkovodni puževi i rakovi, mortalitet

Naslov: Horizontal and vertical distribution of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) larvae in the Modrac Reservoir, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bjeliæ, Sabrija
Èasopis: Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.
Broj: 3
ISSN: 0020-9309
Volumen: 80
Godina: 1995
Stranice: od u tis do ku
Broj referenci: 26
Jezik: engleski
Kljuène rijeèi: raznolika trokutnjaèa (Dreissena polymorpha), planktonske lièinke, horizontalna i vertikalna distribucija, hidroakumulacija

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