SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 5-02-125


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 5-02-125

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 3
Total: 3

  1. Type of paper: Mentorship


    Baban, Ljubomir (145841)

  2. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The competitiveness of Croatian enterprises on the European union market

    Baban, Ljubomir (145841)
    Bašiæ, Vesna (117125)
    Leko, Mirna (145826)
    Degree level: D.A.
    Summary: Foreign trade is considered to be an important factor of economic development. Since 1991 International exchange between the Republic of Croatia and foreign countries has been characterized by a state of war in Croatia. This means that its market potential under conditions of peace is much greater. The Republic of Croatia has the status of a third country in relation to the European Union, although it has ambitions to become an associate member and a full member at a later stage. Market economy in the Republic of Croatia, its favourable position on the foreign capital market, the privatization of the former social ownership, restructuring and other favourable factors contribute to the increase of its competitiveness on the European Union market.
    Keywords: foreign trade, competitiveness, European Union Market

  3. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The conceptualization of the future: Qualitative techniques of the forecasting the dinamical interaction of the environment and business firm in the function of the strategic management

    Pfeifer, Sanja (145804)
    Summary: Under the influence of the redefinition on the notion of time undrgoing in the natural sciences, economic science has been traying to reconceptualize its comprehension of the time also. Time has been playing multiple roles in economics. Economic proceses belong to a particular historical time serving therefore as the context determinant. Time intervals engaged in acting or reacting can be also treated as the resource, alike information or energy. However, economic theory shows lack of, even the preliminar conceptualization of the time dimenzion in economic processes. The manuscript is traying to give scientific evaluation of the comprehensional, functional, and conceptual undrstanding of the time, as well as. to connect this new time framework with the management paradigm as one of the most dominant paradigms of the 20 th ct. Under the cirumstances of rapid, unpredictable, networking changes in the environment, the model of the effective functioning imply the attributes of flexibility, creativity, speed, and proaction. Time should be treated as the factor of the competitive advantage in the local, regional and global meaning.
    Keywords: system approach, homeostatic and morphogenetic attributes, turbulence, uncertainty, time, causal time, historical time, time exteritoriality, management, strategic management, qualitative techniques: delphi, cross impact, scenario

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