SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 5-03-113


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 5-03-113

Quoted papers: 3
Other papers: 26
Total: 29

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Traffic Delinquency Caused by Intoxication

    Blažević, J.
    Carev, V.
    Jelačić, Olga
    Kurtović, Anita (80740)
    Lorger, R.
    Radić, Andrija (104720)
    Staničić, Tonči (80745)
    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 141
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This monograph is the result of team work which, on the basis ofa completed research project and starting from the catastrophicdata about the number of killed and injured people in trafficaccidents in Croatia, has tried to draw attention to the need ofa new approach to the legal regulation of this matter. First, theauthors set out the essential aetiological and phenomenologicalaspects of traffic delinquency caused by intoxication in theterritory of Dalmatia, then analyse the legal regulation, thepolicy of prosecution and punishment for traffic offences, and forensic-medical problems. Lastly, they present proposals for theprevention of this type of delinquency.
    Keywords: traffic offences caused by intoxication

  2. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Introduction

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 7 to 13
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Aims, justification, working hypotheses, object and period ofresearch.
    Keywords: traffic offences caused by intoxication

  3. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Penal Policy

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 54 to 89
    Number of references: 27
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Penal policy of first-instance and second-instance courts fordifferent traffic offences; the significance of securitymeasures, recidivism and suspended sentences in judicialpractice.
    Keywords: traffic offences caused by intoxication

  4. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Results

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 126 to 128
    Number of references: 2
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Disadvantages in legislation and practice; proposals de legeferenda.
    Keywords: traffic offences caused by intoxication

  5. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Basic Data About Etiology and Fenomenology of Traffic Offences Caused by Intoxication in Dalmatia

    Kurtović, Anita (80740)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 13 to 33
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Data about causes of traffic offences; places, time and results.Offender's data (sex, age, alcoholism).
    Keywords: traffic offenses caused by intoxication

  6. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Prosecution policy

    Radić, Andrija (104720)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 45 to 53
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Subjects of prosecution policy; deciding criteria; procedureagainst strangers.
    Keywords: traffic offenses caused by intoxication

  7. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Prevention of Traffic Offences Caused by Intoxication

    Radić, Andrija (104720)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 115 to 125
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Prevention by law making, security services work; preventionthrough repression.
    Keywords: traffic offenses caused by intoxication

  8. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Law Regulation of Traffic Delinquency Caused by Intoxication

    Staničić, Tonči (80745)
    Publisher: Književni krug i Pravni fakultet
    ISBN: 86-7397-085-7
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 33 to 44
    Number of references: 17
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Comparative data about law regulation and court decisions in thefield of traffic offences caused by intoxication.
    Keywords: traffic offenses caused by intoxication

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Role of Victim in Tourist Criminality
    Journal: Jugoslovenska revija za kriminologiju i krivično pravo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 022-6076
    Volume: 29
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 5 to 19
    Number of references: 31
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Tourist criminality is in many aspects specific type ofcriminality, with strongly emphasized role of victim. This rolehas two meanings: theoretical, with regard to definition oftourist criminality, and practical, with regard to phenomenology,etiology as well as prevention of tourist criminality. Because ofsuch role of victim, tourist criminality has constantly beenloosing the character of purely criminological type ofcriminality. It is becoming new, mixed category, which includesboth criminological and victimological elements, which means thatwe deal with new criminologically and victimologically influencedtype of criminality.
    Keywords: tourist criminality, social factors of victimization, psychological factors of victimization, situational factors of victimization

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Tourism and Criminality
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 27
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 35 to 48
    Number of references: 22
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Among the negative consequences of contemporary mass tourism,tourist criminality is by all means the most serious anddangerous. The basic phenomenological characteristics by whichthis new type of criminality differs from other types ofcriminality are the following: seasonal oscillations which followthe movement of tourist traffic, its dominantly material chracterin which a large majority of offences are offences againsttourists' property, and a large number of offences by unknownoffenders. As to the role of tourists in tourist criminality,they are most often victims of property offences and onlyexceptionally offenders. Among offenders the most dangerous onesare professional delinquents who come to the seaside from inlandregions in order to commit property offences. The prevention oftourist criminallity should be victimologically orientated, i.e.directed primarily towards tourists as potential victims ofproperty offences.
    Keywords: tourist criminality, seasonal oscillations of tourist criminality, offences by unknown offenders, travelling offenders, factors of victimization, prevention of tourist criminality

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Transfer of criminal prosecution to another state

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 145 to 164
    Number of references: 105
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author explains the concept, development and types oftransfer of criminal prosecution to another state, as well as thelegal nature and effect of such transfer. He points out that thisis an institution which makes possible the application ofinternational law on criminal procedure.
    Keywords: transfer of criminal prosecution to another state

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The guardian of embrion (nasciturus)

    Jakovac, Dijana (188286)
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 259 to 266
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The most common legal fiction refers to concieved and not born child (embrion). The condition that the embrion is born alive and that beside it there is a need of protection of some its rights, generate with conclusion that it is treated as conditional subject of law. As a rule, the duty of guardian and protection of the embrion's interests "lays" on one of future parents. But, in that is not excluded the possibility of intervention of guardianship authorities if it comes to learn about the existence of eventual legal or factual impossibility from the side of parents to carry out that duty (for example, due to collision of interests between future parents and embrion, due to loss of business capability of parents, etc..). In that case, the guardianship authority will appoint the guardian of embrion in some other person.
    Keywords: the guardian, parent, embrion, protection, interest, guardianship authority

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some Observations on Legal Studies in the US

    Carić, Ante (6530)
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 397 to 404
    Number of references: 2
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article is an account of the structure and activity of law schools in the US educational system. The aspects discussed include the autonomy of a law school within the university, its evaluation, teaching curricula and programmes, teaching methods, and the position and role of teachers and students in the teaching process.
    Keywords: legal studies in USA, autonomy of a law school, evaluation procedure, teaching methods, students, teachers, law clinics

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Formal and Material Aspect of the Concept of Abolition in Croatian Criminal Law

    Kurtović, Anita (80740)
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 571 to 583
    Number of references: 49
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Abolition, in the sense of the cancellation of criminal proceedings, represents a discharge from criminal prosecution by either an amnesty or a pardon before conviction, and therefore it is a controversial institution of criminal law. In the paper the author analyses legal effects of abolition and describes formal and material aspects of the concept of abolition with relation to the discharge from criminal prosecution by a lawe on amnesty on the one hand and a decision about pardon on the other. In conclusion, she gives reasons why aboilition is more suitable when applied in the form of a general institution of amnesty, and she states her opinion that its application by an administrative act of pardon should be abrogated.
    Keywords: abolition, amnesty, pardon, discharge from criminal prosecution, formal aspect, material aspect

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Amnesty and Its Purposes in Penal Law

    Kurtović, Anita (80740)
    Journal: Zbornik pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci
    ISSN: 1330-349X
    Volume: 15
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 119 to 130
    Number of references: 52
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The amnesty iz general institution of European penal law. In theory the legal nature and effects of the amnesty are very controversial, as well in practice we could observe the interference between a different institution of the amnesty and the pardon. In his nature act of amnesty is act of legislative and act of oblivion, because the legislator sometimes has need of impunity for certain crimes. The author gives a survey of the legal nature, effects and possibly purposes or aimes of the amnesty. The author's analysis proves that the institution of the amnesty means oblivion of crime, not forgiveness for the commiter (pardon).
    Keywords: amnesty, pardon, act of legislative, act of oblivion

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Judicial Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Journal: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0584-9063
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 475 to 493
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In his discussion about the need for reform of the law relating to the power to enforce criminal sanctions, the author gives comparable data of theoretical positions as well as recent legislative solutions in this field. He also gives the history of enforcement of criminal sanctions. Although the main focus of the paper is on the judicialization of enforcement powers, the author points out that the law reform should consist of several elements and that the determination of court jurisdiction and control over enforcement is only one among them.
    Keywords: judicial enforcement of criminal sanctions, history of enforcement

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Reform of Penitentiary Law and Judicial Supervision of the Execution of the Penal Sanctions Involving Deprivation of Liberty: Towards to the Protection of the Convict's Rights

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Journal: Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-6286
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 179 to 190
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Starting from modern theoretical principles and comparative data relating to the enforcement of prison sentences, the author reaches a conclusion about the present situation in the domain of enforcement of such sentences in Croatia and puts forward proposals for reforming the Croatian penal system. He analyses the data on the prison population in Croatia and provides information about the number of prisoners in particular institutions and the application of suspended sentences. The author concludes that the imprisonment rate is diproportionately high in Croatia due to frequent application of short prison sentences. Therefore he calls for the rewform of the provisions of penal law in general which would create conditions for depenalization, introduce alternative sanctions and recognize the socalled minimal rights of convicts during their imprisonment.

  18. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Pardon in Croatian Legal System and its Effect on the Penal Policy
    Faculty: Pravni fakultet Split
    Date of defense: 06/07/94
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 265
    Summary: Although the pardon is general institution of European penal law, in theory the legal nature and effects of the act of pardon are very controversial. Because the author in her dissertation gives historical review of beginnings this institution in the world and Croatia, and gives a survey of the reasons which justify the use of acts of clemency. Also, the dissertation contains rich comparative review of forms of clemency in the modern European and Anglo-American criminal law. The greatest part of the dissertation the author dedicated to the legislative establishment of pardon in Croatian law, the legal nature of the act of pardon, the purposes or aims of this institution and the interference between other different criminal institutions and the pardon. Particularly, the valuable contribution of this dissertation is the attempt, by empirically researh of use the pardon in Croatia, to find out its influence on the criminal policy, and in conclusion, the proposals de lege ferenda.
    Keywords: pardon, amnesty, acts of clemency, penal law

  19. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Self-defence in Criminal Law
    Faculty: Pravni fakultet Mostar
    Mentor: CARIĆ ANTE
    Date of defense: 03/03/94
    Number of pages: 315
    Author: Horović mr. Sabrina
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  20. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Pardon in Croatian Legal System and its Influence on Criminal Policy
    Faculty: Pravni fakultet Split
    Mentor: CARIĆ ANTE
    Date of defense: 06/07/94
    Number of pages: 265
    Author: Kurtović Mr. Anita
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  21. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Criminal Offences in Naval and Inside Navigation Act
    Faculty: Pravni fakultet Split
    Mentor: CARIĆ ANTE
    Date of defense: 10/28/93
    Number of pages: 117
    Author: Meštrović Mario
    Degree level: M.A.

  22. Type of paper: Manuscript


    Kurtović, Anita (80740)
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: U pripremi za objavljivanje.

  23. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Institution: Freie Universitaet Berlin, Osteuropa-Institut
    Year: 1994

  24. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Institution: Freie Universitaet Berlin, Osteuropa-Institut
    Year: 1994

  25. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Institution: Vijeće Europe i Ministarstvo pravosuđa RH, Seminar "Novo kazneno zakonodavstvo"
    Year: 1995

  26. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Sanction System in Draft Penal Code of the Republic of Croatia
    Institution: Vijeće Europe i Ministarstvo pravosuđa RH, Seminar "Novo kazneno zakonodavstvo"
    Year: 1995

  27. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Subjects in criminal procedure

    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Type of work: skripta za studente
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The texts contains: I A general account of the subjects in criminal procedure; II Authorized prosecutor (with a historical account); III The accused and his or her defence; IV Criminal court.
    Keywords: subjects in criminal procedure, functions of criminal procedure, authorized prosecutor, the accused, defence, criminal court, laymen in criminal procedure, historical aspects

  28. Type of paper: Other


    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Type of work: članak u časopisu "Iudex"
    Language: hrvatski

  29. Type of paper: Other


    Tomašević, Goran (49881)
    Type of work: nastavak rada "Ustupanje krivičnog progona stranoj državi"
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Rad će biti objavljen u narednoj godini.

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