SVIBOR - Project code: 5-03-113


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Project code: 5-03-113


Main researcher: CARIĆ, ANTE (6530)

Type of research: applied
Duration from: 04/01/91. to 03/31/94.

Papers on project (total): 29
Papers on project quoted in Current Contents: 3
Institution name: Pravni fakultet, Split (18)
Department/Institute: Institut of penal sciences and criminology "Ivan Vučetić"
Address: Ulica Domovinskog rata 8
City: 21000 - Split, Croatia
Phone: 385 (0)21 355-550 (centrala)
Phone: 385 (0)21 362-957 (Dekanat)
Fax: 385 (0)21 48-851
E-mail: office¦
E-mail: dekanat¦
E-mail: dean¦

Summary: Traffic delinquency in tourism is a special segment of tourist delinquency which was not previously included in our nearly twenty-year-long research on tourist delinquency in the tourist regions of Dalmatia. The aim of the present research is to gain knowledge about traffic delinquency in tourism from phenomenological, aetiological, legal (substantive and procedural) and criminal-political aspects. Within the framework of complex phenomena of traffic delinquency in tourism there are three main areas of our interest. These are first of all traffic offences committed by domestic and foreign tourists which will be studied in their complexity as criminological and criminal-legal phenomena. Owing to the numerousness of various infractions in the area of road traffic we restristed the investigation of infractions - a less serious type of culpable behaviour - exclusively to naval infractions because this specific category has an adverse effect on our tourism in general, and yachting in particular. Lastly, the third area, to which we will pay special attention within the scope of traffic delinquency in tourism, concerns transfers of criminal prosecutions to foreign states in cases where the perpetrators of traffic offences are foreign tourists, this being a new form of international criminal-legal aid, the use of which is on the increase in the world. The results of our research will enable us to present a proposal for the organization and implementation of preventive measures intented to prevent and control traffic delinquency in tourist regions.

Keywords: traffic delinquency in tourism, traffic offence, naval infraction, transfer of criminal prosecution to a foreign state

Research goals: The main aim of this research is to gain extensive knowledge about traffic delinquency in tourism, i.e. traffic offences and naval infractions committed by (domestic and foreign) tourists during the tourist season. The observed phenomena will be studied from phenomenological, aetiological and especially (substantive and procedural) legal aspects. Within the framework of these general objects, the precise purpose of research work is to collect data on the scope and structure of traffic offences committed by tourists, on the initiation and conducting of criminal proceedings against such offenders, and the penal policy against them. Among the entire mass of offenders, the treatment of foreign tourists will be investigated in particular. Special attention will be paid to the application of the institution of transfer of criminal prosecution to another state as a form of international criminal-legal aid. The research should establish the real degree of public danger from traffic delinquency in tourism, and indicate possible differences between traffic offences committed by tourists (particularly foreign) and such offences committed by other people. The research results will enable us to propose adequate measures for the prevention and control of traffic delinquency in tourist regions. We especially expect the reseach to show how the institution of transfer of criminal prosecution to another state is implemented in particular cases, what problems arise in such cases and what potentials exist for a wider adoption and application of this form of international criminal-legal aid.

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Last update: 10/20/95