SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 5-03-197


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 5-03-197

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 50
Total: 50

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Element of Sociological Studies

    Petković, Stanko (36581)
    Nasakanda, Petar
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Publisher: Pravni fakultet Zagreb
    ISBN: 953-6231-00-x
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 625
    Number of references: 21
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This book provide for students short introduction to the study ofsociology. The book containts description of main sociologicaltheories and short sociological dictionary.
    Keywords: sociology, Pareto, Comte, Weber, Durkhaim, functionalism, structuralism, taylorism, communications, social groups, leadership

  2. Type of paper: Book

    Title: In search for lost experience

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Publisher: Pravni fakultet Zagreb
    ISBN: 86-7819-053-1
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 140
    Number of references: 378
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author consider conditions, historical background, ideologyof selfmanagement and its implications to legal, political andculturyl system, as well as conditions of entopical destructionof socialist and ideologezed regime in Croatia.
    Keywords: selfmanagement, legal system, legal theory, postsocilism

  3. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Basic book for social and humanistic sciences 2

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Uzelac, Maja
    Milović, Zoran
    Kasapović, Mirjana
    Paunović, Igor
    Uzelac, Maja
    Publisher: Školska knjiga
    ISBN: 86-03-00150-2
    Year: 1990
    Number of pages: 118
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This book is official literature for secondary schools forthe social sciences, political and humanistic curriculums.
    Keywords: human rights, politics, political parties, elections, economy

  4. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Croatia: Constraints and orientations

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Publisher: HAZU
    ISBN: 86-407-0151-2
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 139
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Croatian Academy of Sciences develop a strategic vision of futuredevelopment of Croatia. This book is sysntesis of differentproposals and analysis.
    Keywords: Croatia,the population of Croatia, the culture of croatia, science, social policy, education, health

  5. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Constitution of the Republic of Craotia: Political Frameworks and main Problems

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Smerdel, Branko
    Marko, Joseph
    Borić, Tomislav
    Publisher: Boehlau Verlag
    ISBN: 3-205-05459-8
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 205 to 285
    Number of references: 58
    Language: njemački
    Summary: The authors discusses conditions, events and politicalalternatives in preparation of the new Constitution. Theyanalises main institutions and constitutional provisions. Thearticle contain first translation of the Constituttion.
    Keywords: constitution, Croatia

  6. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Ethics and the rational State

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Vujić, Vidoje
    Publisher: Školska knjiga
    ISBN: 953-96083-0-9
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 45 to 55
    Number of references: 17
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The modern organization presuposes certain ethical standards whicare not developed in non-Western countries.The author investigatetheoretcal framework for analysis of such phenomenon in works ofWeber, Luhmann, Habermas, as well as in researches about workattitudes in non-Western societies.
    Keywords: administration, ethics, Weber, Luhmann, Habermas

  7. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Local Government in Croatia- Current Problems and Forthcomming Institutional Changes

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Marko, Joseph
    Steiner, Michael
    Isak, Hubert
    Publisher: Pravni fakultet Zagreb
    ISBN: 3-7011-7249-8
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 115 to 127
    Number of references: 19
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The authors described traditional grounds for localselfgovernment in Croatia, as well as main political and legalframeworks for forthcomming changes in local selfgovernment.
    Keywords: local selfgovernment, Croatian Conbstitution, župania, commune

  8. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Selection of Administrative Elite

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Publisher: Boehlau Verlag
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 85 to 95
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author analyses experiences of merit system in Great Britain,USA, Germany and France, and propose adequate institutions andprocedures in croatian administrative system.
    Keywords: administration, administrative elite, merit system, selection of personnel, education for administration

  9. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Comentary of basic institutes of the Law on selfgovernment and government

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Sokol, Smiljko
    Sokol, Smiljko
    Šeks, Vladimir
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Parać, Ivan
    Publisher: Organizator
    ISBN: 953-6007-00-2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 21 to 87
    Number of references: 7
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is one of the firs commentaries of the new Law on LocalSelfgovernment in Croatia by authors of this law.
    Keywords: local selfgovernment, communal system, župania, city administration, financing of local government, central and local government

  10. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Mass killings and genocide in Croatia 1990/1991

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Petković, Stanko (36581)
    Publisher: Sveučilišna naklada
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Author explore the implementation of international humanitarianand war legal provisions in the war in Croatia.
    Keywords: war, war crimes, humanitarian law

  11. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Property: The Growth and Change of an Institution

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Rus, Veljko
    Russell, Raymond
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 0-19-828702-x
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 137 to 149
    Number of references: 23
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Individual property, defined as right of the owner to exclude allothers from intereference, developed historically from variousforms of collective ownership Individual property develop, in thetime of industrial means of production the problems from thepoint of view of workers and state as representative of societyas a whole. These problems led to development of corporativeownership, government regulation of property in industry, andparticipation of workers in use of ownership rights. For thefuture property will develop into the plurality of institutionalarrangements expressing the widening circles of legitimacy of allinterests concerned.
    Keywords: ownership, workers movement, state regulation, individual property, limitation of ownership rights,

  12. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Civil service - prognosis and expectations

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Publisher: Ekonomski institut Zagreb
    ISBN: 000000000000
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 352 to 357
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: As a result of desk researchs some facts about administrativepersonnel in Croatia are stated: political criteria predominantin recruitment of personnel, lack of motivation, defectivepersonnel administration, lack of standard educationalinstitutions for civil service.
    Keywords: civil service, personnel administration, civil servants

  13. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: European cities, Zagreb and local government system

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Publisher: Ekonomski institut Zagreb
    ISBN: 00000000
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 107 to 117
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Monotype structure of local government theoretically correspondto ideal social system whith local units of approximately equalsize, number of inhabitants, level of deve3lopment etc. Polytypestructure is more appropriate to urbanized countries. Bothsystems in principle admit the special regime for the greatestrespective capital cities. The number of tiers in localgovernment depends primarily on the size of basic units.
    Keywords: city, local selfgovernment, monotype structure of local government, tiers in government

  14. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Organization of comunal services and users protection in the city of Zagreb and comparatively

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Publisher: Ekonomski institut Zagreb
    ISBN: 000000000
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 137 to 147
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Government of the cities is confronted with two groups ofproblems: organization of communal service sectors and interestposition of citizens as users of communal services in greatcities. The problems of consumerism, legal protection of users isanalized in theory and practice.
    Keywords: communal services, concession, mixed entrprise, users, consumerism

  15. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Local selfgovernment

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Ivanišević, Stjepan (17315)
    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Šalinović, Ivan
    Publisher: Narodne novine
    ISBN: 0000000000
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 9 to 21
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The danger is that disappointment with communal system leads toother extreme: recentralization of government system to thedetriment of normal political rights concerning localselfgovernment. The answers to the problems are suggested inkeeping with the >European Charter of Local Selfgovernment.
    Keywords: communal system, selfgovernment, local government

  16. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Property: The Growth and Change of an Institution

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Rus, Veljko
    Russell, Raymond
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 0-19-828701-x
    Pages: from 137 to 149
    Number of references: 23
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Individual property, defined as a right of owner to exclude allothers from interference with his using and disposing of thing,developed historically from various forms of collectiveownership. In modern times individual property raised problemsfrom the points of view of the owners and the workers, as wellas the State as reporesentative of publi interest. These problemsled to the development of different institutional arrangementsexpressing the widening circles of legitimacy of all interestsconcerned.
    Keywords: property, ownership

  17. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Public Management in Development of Modern Administrative System

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Vujić, Vidoje
    Publisher: Croman d.d.
    ISBN: 953-96083-0-9
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 7 to 20
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In modern times State is not only the monopoly of legitimizedpower but organizer of public entrprises and social services.From these perspectives efficiency and costs of the actions, aswell as principles, organization, coordination, controle andmethods are different.
    Keywords: State, social services, efficiency,

  18. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: System theory and the law as sistematized experience

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Publisher: Naprijed
    ISBN: 0000
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 300 to 320
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This work is introduction and critical comentary to the book ofN.Luhman "Legitimation durch Verfahren".
    Keywords: Luhmann, theory of law

  19. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Croatia and Mitteleuropa

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Politicum
    Number: 50
    Volume: 11
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 32 to 35
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The main focus of the article is legal and political ground forthe proclamation of independent Croatia, as well as analysis ofsocial, cultural and political constraints in development ofdemocratic institution. The authors conclude that perspective forCroatia is intensive interconection with other europeancountries.
    Keywords: European integration, postsocialism, Croatian political system, minorities in Croatia, national conflicts

  20. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Measures of Rigidity: test of research instruments by factor analysis

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Petković, Stanko (36581)
    Magdalenić, Ivan
    Radin, Furio
    Rimac, Ivan
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 40
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 619 to 637
    Number of references: 25
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: By factor analysis authors investigate validity of Gough-SanfordRigidity Scale after survey in gruops defined as conservative,inovative, stalinists, traditionalists, "right-conservative".
    Keywords: rigidity, factor analysis, conservativism, inovation, value orientations

  21. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Selection of Administrative Elite

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 41
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 517 to 540
    Number of references: 100
    Summary: The selection, promotion and salary of the highest administrativefunctioners (administrative elite) in France, Great Britain, USA.The authors argue for introduction of merit system in croatianadministration.
    Keywords: administration, promotion, administrative elite, government, salary, merit system, education for administration

  22. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Conservativism and ideological orientations in Croatia in 80-thies

    Petković, Stanko (36581)
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Magdalenić, Ivan
    Radin, Furio
    Rimac, Ivan
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 4
    Volume: 40
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 577 to 618
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This article is short overview of the empirical research of valueorientations and political attitudes made in Croatia in year1989/1990. The sample was representative for Croatia. The mainidentified value orientations were : conservativism vs.inovation; left vs. right political orientation.
    Keywords: values, value orientations, conservativism, ideology, radicalism, political ideologies, factor analysis

  23. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Theory of a Prismatic Society: The State of Pre-Modern Societies

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 78
    ISSN: 0353-7099
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 821 to 832
    Number of references: 29
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The modern State has come into existence in a specific situationof the social, economic, political and cultural context of theWest.In other countries burdens and traditions are entirelydifferent.The State transform into an apparatus whose efficiencyis, out of pure repression, completely questionable, and the ruleof law representsasn unachieved ideal. Consequently to this atheory of "prismatic society" of F. Riggs has been explored as anexplanation of devolutive procesess in postsocialist states.
    Keywords: state, government, premodern society, Prismatic society, F.Riggs, the rule of law, theora of law

  24. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Rule of Law: Dogmas or Rational Political Choice

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0027-8165
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 379 to 390
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In construction of the rule of law tree tasks are most urgent:destruction of socialist dogmas, astablish institutions ofpolitical democracy and develop political culture which wouldsupport them and give them their meaning. The author argues forthe gradual adaptation of the institutions to the modern times,what is less atractive then to belive into great leaders andenlightening of the people.
    Keywords: institution building, dogmas, models of democracy, rule of law, political culture, dictatorship of proletariat

  25. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Long-term changes of the administrative system in Zagreb: a growth of administration

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0027-8165
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 118 to 131
    Number of references: 24
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A growth of administration could be explained by economic andsocial development.By statistical analysis of city administration(Zagreb) author emphasized the role of subjective variables suchas: reorganization or teritorial change and political change,financing trough subventions to the budget, disorded financialpolicy to administrative growth.
    Keywords: administration, growth of administration, industrialization, fiscal illusion explanation, budgeting of social services, selection of personnel

  26. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The New Croatian Constitution, its Genesis, Basic Ideas and Institution

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Smerdel, Branko
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 23
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 41
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 129 to 151
    Number of references: 69
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The authors analyze the new Constitution of the Republic ofCroatia from several aspects: the process of its enactment, itsideological basis, and the legal solutions regarding some of itsmore significant institutes. The authors general assesment isthat the new Constitution provides a loegal basis for liberal anddemocratic society. Some formulations are rather generalized andcalls for prompt legal definition through appropriate statutes.
    Keywords: constitution, Croatian Constitution, rule of law, human rights, democratization, separation of power

  27. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Devolution of political and administrative system of Ghana: example or future

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 23
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 41
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 239 to 261
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author describe devolution of political system in Ghana afteranticolonial revolution. He emphasizes the problems of bribery,corruption and nepotism as result of permanent destabilization ofpolitical system.
    Keywords: administration, Ghana, coup d etat, army interventions, destabilization of political system,

  28. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Prespectives of state and law in developed countries and problems of "predemocratic postcomunist" states

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 41
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 483 to 498
    Number of references: 46
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author describe main tendencies in contemporary developmentof law and state in Western democracies, and compare that withsituation in "postcommunist predemocracies". He is emphasized theurgent need for developing rule of law and modern democraticinstitution in Croatia, and also the role of legal theory in theprecesses of democratic change.
    Keywords: state, law, legal theory, rule of law, Croatia, postcommunism

  29. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Development and crisis of the legal system in the postwar Yugoslavia

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0353-7099
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 5 to 17
    Number of references: 50
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author analizes legal development in postwar Yugoslavia. Thediscrapancy between the law and reality has led to the crisis ofthe legal system. Democratic transformation cannot be achievedwithout violation of some laws, and author appeals for dignity oflaw, legal means and legal standards.
    Keywords: legal system, lagality, rule of law, Croatia, Yugoslavia, revolution, democratic transformation

  30. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The anatomy of political Systems: tree variations of webers model

    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Journal: Dometi
    Number: 789
    ISSN: 0419-6225
    Volume: 22
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 529 to 540
    Number of references: 66
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: On a sample of the transbureucratic organization of thepostindustrial society can be seen how the criticism of the Webermodel opens roads to synthesis in transbureaucratic. This iswarning that Weberian model can be adopted to the changablesocio-cultural conditions, i.e. in the situations ofrevolutionary movements elements of model are different as wellas in underdeveloped society.
    Keywords: Weber, underdevelopment, administration, State, revolution, cultural revolution, modern society

  31. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Role of Law in Social Stability and Social Change

    Šimonović, Ivan (112280)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 56
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 40
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 691 to 701
    Number of references: 36
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In the postwar development of the Yugoslav legal order law hasplayed an important role as an instrument of social change.Prospects for the future depend to a great extent on how much lawwill be used as an instrument of both social stability and socialchange.
    Keywords: Law, social stability, social change

  32. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: City Definitions and City Classifications in Theory and Practice

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 56
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 39
    Year: 1989
    Pages: from 1091 to 1105
    Number of references: 66
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author analizes definitions of cities and standardclassification systems of urban settlements. The authoridentifies several groups of characterics that are essentialwhen defining the city. He cites criteria regarding the citydefinitions applied in the theorie and practice of differentcountries.
    Keywords: city, definition of the city, settlements

  33. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The political and administrativne system - problems of integration and central coordination

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Pravo i društvo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0352-0315
    Volume: 6
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 33 to 48
    Number of references: 19
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The object of attention is the role of the top of a democraticpolitical and administrative system. The functions,theorganization, and the means of the action of the centar ofgovernment - in integration and coordination of administrativeapparatus - are discussed generally and specifically: Cabinet inGreat Britain, General Secretariat in France, Executive Office ofthe President in USA, Office of the Federal Chancelor in Germany.
    Keywords: government, administration, head of the State, coordination, Executive Office, Chancellor, German administration, France administration,american administration, Cabinet Office

  34. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some characteristic of the authoritarian personality scale

    Radin, Furio
    Kregar, Josip (23461)
    Petković, Stanko (36581)
    Rimac, Ivan
    Magdalenić, Ivan
    Journal: Primjenjena psihologija
    Number: 2
    Volume: 11
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 99 to 106
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The authors controled validity and other characteristic ofstandard authoritarian scale in order to adapt standard questionsto social and cultural situation in Croatia.
    Keywords: authority, authoritarian scale, factor analysis

  35. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: "Ad hoc" bodies for performance of communal services in metropolitan areas

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0027-8165
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 131 to 136
    Number of references: 21
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In division of the state territopry on local units a dilemmaoccur whether local services could be organized on the same localterritory or to ascertain its own teritorry for every singleservice. It seems that the second solution has found afavourable ground in contemporary great cities which apply socolled ad hoc authorities, respective special districts. As adventage of this bodies are stted their efficiency,elasticity and independence from complex procedures ofdecision-making, while as their disadvantages problems ofcoordination, functional diversification and segmentation ofmanagement.
    Keywords: city, metropolitan area, communal services, public services, ad hoc bodies

  36. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Local selfgovernment and cities

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1112
    ISSN: 0027-8165
    Volume: 44
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 1334 to 1345
    Number of references: 22
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Institutional development of local slfgovernment has beenpresented with a particular comment on cities. The maincharacteristic of development is discontinuity. The authorsuggest that polytype structure of government is more convenientto the level of urbanization in Croatia. Question of the locationand organization of the capital of federation has also beenexplored.
    Keywords: local selfgovernment, city, city communes, polytype structure of local selfgovernment

  37. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Communal problems of ancient cities - Greece and Rome

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0350-2058
    Volume: 42
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 151 to 165
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The problem of public utilities in ancient cities of Greece andin the City of Rome are directly conected with politicaldimension. Cities communal services are the part of statesystem, and magistrates, a specific symbiosis of political andadministrative commponents, are cumulating in their hands thepolice supervision and communal functions at the same time. Basicdemographic facts about ancient cities as well as some anciettheories of urbanise are pointed out.
    Keywords: magistrates, communal services

  38. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Tier structure of local government and cities

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 1112
    ISSN: 0353-7099
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 1399 to 1406
    Number of references: 33
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: There are various reasons why in the most of local governmentsystems tier structure has been introduced: an increase of theareas in which administrative activity and its intensification isperformed, the number of basic local units, the degree ofcentralization in the system, tradition, etc. Nowadays, two tiersof local government are predominant in European countries. Townsusually enjoy a second, or sometimes even a third tier.
    Keywords: tiers in localgovernment, city

  39. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Monotype or polytype structure of local selfgovernment

    Pavić, Željko (35416)
    Journal: Zakonitost
    Number: 8900
    ISSN: 0353-7099
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 1023 to 1036
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Monotype organization of local self-government does not admitformal varieties between urban and rural local units. All of themhave the same legal status in their relations to the higherlevel, and perform in principle the same services. Problem arisesfrom the fact that most often small units are not able to delivera number of services being of interest to the local population.Solution is found in that a higher unit or central governmenttakes over such services from the local units and performs theminstead. Big cities, however, often have a special position evenin the countries with a monotype local self-government(Bruxelles, Paris, Athens e.g.). In a polytype organizedself-government a different status has been recognized to urbanand to rural local units. Urban units usually enjoy a status ofhigher level units. The greatest respective capital cities insuch countries have been regulated under the special regime whichdiffers from a regime for other units of urban type (Vienna,London).
    Keywords: monotype structure of local selfgovernment, city, city commune

  40. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Revolutions and contradictions in development of the State

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Rad HAZU
    Number: 459
    ISSN: 0351-0000
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 105 to 139
    Number of references: 61
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Author ic concerned with iron laws of development of modern andrational state: after first concentration of state apparatus thestate becomme more and more differentiated, but in circles- afterdifferentiation arise new concentration and new deconcentrationin circles.
    Keywords: State, social services, defferentiation

  41. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The political and administrative system - problems of integration and central coordination

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Pravo i društvo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0352-0315
    Volume: 6
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 33 to 48
    Number of references: 19
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The object of article is the role of the top of democratic andpolitical system, i.e. the role of representative asssembly, thehead of the State, particulary the position of the government anddevelopment of specific institutions for the coordination of thepolitical and the administrative aspects of its role (CobinetOffice, Executive Office of the President, Office of the federalChancelor).
    Keywords: political integration, administrative coordination, Office of the Chancellor, Executive Office of the President, Cabinet Office

  42. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The objectivity of historical process

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Croatian Political Science Review
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0032-5669
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 38 to 53
    Number of references: 7
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The author discusses problems of objective constraints explainingthe recent political events in Croatia. The chronologicaldescription is combined with theoretical explanation of objectivenecessities.
    Keywords: Croatia, Yugoslavia, colapse of communism, Milošević, Tuđman

  43. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Local selfgovernment - goals and problems

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Financijska praksa
    Number: 910
    ISSN: 0350-5669
    Volume: 17
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 485 to 498
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author discusses the new model of local selfgovernment inCroatia. He is pointed out problems of recentralization, lack ofpersonnel and other resources in timing and speed of change.
    Keywords: local selfgovernment, centralization

  44. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Public administration and modern administrative system

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Financijska praksa
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0350-5669
    Volume: 17
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 101 to 116
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The modern State is percieved as a set of social service not asa mechanism of monoploly of power. The efficiency and costs ofState as well as principles of evaluation from this poit of viewis then objective cost-benefit analysis.
    Keywords: State, public administration

  45. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Social regulation by Moral Standards

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Journal: Rad HAZU
    Number: 465
    ISSN: 0000-0000
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 100 to 148
    Number of references: 21
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Author dicusses the development and possibilities of regulationof human behaviour by internalized moral standards.
    Keywords: moral, morality, moral standards, politics

  46. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Constitutional Basis of Sovereign and Independent Republic of Croatia

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Proceedings title: Internationales Symposium zum Jugoslawienkonflikt
    Language: njemački
    Place: koeln, Njemačka
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1 to 18
    Held: from 12/17/91 to 12/18/91
    Summary: Croatia, Constitution
    Keywords: Croatia, Constitution

  47. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Local selfgovernment

    Pusić, Eugen (39360)
    Steiner, Michael
    Rimac, Ivan
    Steiner, Michael
    Medvedović, Dragan
    Proceedings title: Reforma lokalne samouprave
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1990
    ISBN/ISSN: 000000000
    Pages: from 9 to 19
    Meeting: Reforma lokalne samouprave
    Held: from 11/15/99 to 11/17/90
    Summary: The disappointment with high level of decentralization incommunal system has to be replaced with more balanced structures,but evident danger is to accept other extreme: recentralizationof governmental system. Local government has to mantain localyelected representation of interests, local financial decision,and local personnel decisions.
    Keywords: local selfgovernment, local election, local finance, European Charter of Local Selfgovernment,

  48. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Deformations of organizational structures: hierarchy and solidarity
    Faculty: Oxford University Press
    Date of defense: 03/19/90
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 409
    Summary: The analysis of administrative models is focusing from generaltheoretical level (sociological theories of evolution) totheories of political modernization and description of generalproblems of administration in transition from premodern to modernsociety. The author in excurses analize the processes ofdevolution of mass movements, problems of implemastnation ofwestern administrative models in culturally and politicallydifferent enviroment, and devolution of political andadministrative system in Ghana.
    Keywords: modernization, administrative systems, evolution, revolution, imitation, prismatic society, corruption, sala-model, Parsons, Riggs, paradigma in social sciences

  49. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Restitution of Property and Privatization in Croatia

    Ramljak, Milan (40265)
    Language: engleski

  50. Type of paper: Manuscript


    Ramljak, Milan (40265)
    Language: hrvatski

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