SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 6-03-205


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 6-03-205

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 153
Total: 153

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: The Baroque and the Avant-garde

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Publisher: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    ISBN: 86-80279-31-5
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 200
    Number of references: 241
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The collection of studies entitled THE BAROQUE AND THEAVANT-GARDE deals with the literature of two mutuallydistant periods in Russian culture. The first four chapters ofthe book are devoted to the problem of the Russian Baroque. Sincethe author understands the Baroque as a category that refers tostyle rather than to a certain period, the focus of interest wasprimarily the stylistic dimension of Russian Baroque texts. Apreoccupation with the style of a literary work is alsocharacteristic of the four chapters dealing with the RussianAvant-Garde. The bridge between these two parts of the book isthe study entitled THE BAROQUE AND THE AVANT-GARDE which dealswith the problem of the kinsip between Baroque and Avant-Gardetexts. When speaking of the Russian Avant-Garde, the similaritiesobserved on the level of poetics and the structure of texts arenot explained by any real contacts with 17th-century literature;rather, they are explained typologically, i.e. by the fact thatthe Baroque and the Avant-Garde belong to the same type of art,which has most often been designated by the term "Mannersin"since Curtius.
    Keywords: style, period, rhetoric, poetics, metaphor, conceit, lyrical subject, literary genre

  2. Type of paper: Book

    Title: The Baroque in Croatian Literature

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Publisher: B”hlau Verlag
    ISBN: 3-412-05591-3
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 345
    Number of references: 200
    Language: njemački
    Summary: A monograph on the Broque in Croatian 17th and 18th-centuryliterature, paying special attention to regional variants.
    Keywords: the Baroque

  3. Type of paper: Book

    Title: After the Year MDC

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Publisher: Matica Hrvatska
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 200
    Number of references: 197
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A Collection of studies on aspects of the Baroque in Croatianliterature.
    Keywords: 17th-century literature, the Baroque, variants of the Croatian literary Baroque, the style and genus of Croatian 17th-century lyrical poetry, Slavonian literature, cultural treasure

  4. Type of paper: Book

    Title: An Introduction to Theatrology

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Publisher: Grafički zavod Hrvatske
    ISBN: 86-399-014-8
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 368
    Number of references: 128
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The book attempts to introduce the reader to theatrology, adomain of scholarship investigating the theatre in all its formsand manifold activities. Stage art, regardless of its origin, ispart of almost every civilization, and its numerous aspects arereflected in a number of cultural-historical facts. The booktries to show how the theatre can be explained as phenomenon inthe arts and as a social phenomenon.
    Keywords: theatre, play, theatrology, performance, dramatic text, the space of a stage event, audience, the methodology of theatrological investigations, theatrological discipline

  5. Type of paper: Book

    Title: The Nature of Fortune

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Goldstein/Jelčić, S./D.
    Publisher: A. Cesarec i Matica Hrvatska
    ISBN: 86-393-0250-2
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 303
    Number of references: 325
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The book contains fourteen studies describing various structuralelements of Croatian drama and the Croatian theatre from theperiod of humanism to the Croatian National Revival. Theseelements show that the Croatian drama, and consequently itstheatrical image, followed a dynamics and a rhythm of dramaticstyle and theatrical work identical to those of Western Europe.
    Keywords: Croatian drama, Croatian theatre, humanism, Renaissance theatre, Baroque theatre, Jesuit theatre, Kajkavian theatre, school theatre, the theatre during the time of the Croatian National Revival

  6. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Thinking about the Past

    Ivić, Nenad (108724)
    Publisher: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    ISBN: 86-80279-68-4
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 240
    Number of references: 151
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The book shows how Thomas Arcdeacon did make his history. It s  amonograph in medieval culturul history, focusing on XIIIthcentury historical method. The book is devided in two parts.The first part (Res gesta) presents a through analysis ofthe constitution of a historical fact in XIIIth century. Thesecon part (Dispositio ordinis) deals with a historicalnarrative.
    Keywords: medieval historiography, narrative strategies, fiction, fabula- tion, analogy

  7. Type of paper: Book

    Title: The Verse and Meaning

    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Publisher: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    ISBN: 9530709054
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 187
    Number of references: 45
    Language: hrvatski

  8. Type of paper: Book


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Publisher: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada
    ISBN: 953-169-061-8
    Year: 1995
    Number of pages: 228
    Number of references: 100
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The book is a collection of essays and articles which deal with various problems and aspects of older Croatian literature. The first segment of the book contains essays consecrated to the elements of the jocular, humorous and comical in Croatian literature. The second chapter contains articles which analyse women-authors, as well as women as the object of the literary text. In the third segment of the book there are essays which examine various problems in older Croatian literature: poetological problems and those connected with literary history.
    Keywords: jocular : comical, jocular : serious, woman as the subject and the object in Croatian culture, the question of rococo in Croatian literature, genre and aestethics, the epic and history

  9. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Baroque Verse in Dubrovnik

    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Publisher: Matica hrvatska Dubrovnik
    Year: 1995
    Number of pages: 190
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The book deals with the semantic aspects of Baroques poets in Dubrovnik.
    Keywords: Baroque, verse, the meaning of the verse

  10. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Of God's Majesty

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Publisher: Cymelia Croatica
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 15 to 18
    Language: hrvatski

  11. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Male Writing of Jakov Armolušić: The Glory of Women

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Publisher: Matica Hrvatska
    ISBN: 953-6163-00-4
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 1 to 121
    Number of references: 21
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: D. Falisevac has written amn afterword in which she describes andanalyzes the polemical work entitled "The Glory of Women" byJakov Armolusic, written in defence of women. The book, preparedjointly by Stjepan Damjanovic and Dunja Falisevac, contains afacsimile of the work in modern script. There is a commentary onthe text and a glossary of archaic and obscure words, as well asexplanations of various names and a commentary.
    Keywords: polemic, women in Croatian literature, intertext

  12. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Ivan Gundulić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Publisher: Školska knjiga (Biblioteka "Moja knjiga")
    ISBN: 930119078
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 5 to 162
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The preface contains a description of the chief characteristicsof Croatian Baroque literature, followed by a description andanalysis of Gundulic's works "Osman" and "Suze sina razmetnoga"("The Tears of the Prodigal Son")
    Keywords: Baroque literature, religious long poem, mythological-pastoral play, allegory, tropes and figures in a Baroque text
    Other: Osim predgovora, Dunja Fališevac napisala je komentare ibilješke, priredila tekst, sastavila rječnik.

  13. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Central European Literary Complex

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Visković, Velimir
    Publisher: Leksikografski zavod "M. Krleža"
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Language: hrvatski

  14. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Futurism; Humanism; Jesus Christ; Collection of Poems; Kranjčevoić, Silvije Strahimir; Christianity; l'Art pour l'Art; Lenin; Lyrical Motifs in Prose

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Visković, Velimir
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Language: hrvatski

  15. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The Film

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Visković, Velimir
    Publisher: Leksikografski zavod "M. Krleža"
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 0 to 0

  16. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Apuleus's "Apology" and "On Socrates's God"

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Publisher: Logos
    ISBN: 86-359-0099-5
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1 to 100
    Language: hrvatski

  17. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: The "Old Testament Personages" and the Biographical Tradition of Classical Antiquity in the work of Marulić

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Publisher: Književni krug
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 15 to 35
    Language: hrvatski

  18. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Marulić's Parables and the Tradition of Tropological Narration

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Publisher: Književni krug
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 307 to 325
    Language: hrvatski

  19. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Ivan Filip Vezdin, a Pioneer of European Indology and Comparative Philology

    Slamnig, Ivan (43654)
    Švelec, Franjo
    Publisher: HAZU
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1 to 28
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article describes the life of a St. Bartholomew Paulist anda Carmelite monk, whose secular name was Ivan Filip Vesdin, andthen his work in the domain of Indology and comparativephilology. This is followed by a complete bibliography, dividedas follows: Authors on Vesdin; Published Works; Manuscripts(containing a list of his manuscripts, letters, dairies,religious and legal writings, writings on Indian history andgeography, writings on Sanskrit, various linguistic writings).
    Keywords: Indology, comparative philology, Sanskrit, India, travel writing

  20. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: A Demonstration of the Properties of Language in a Baroque Poem

    Slamnig, Ivan (43654)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Publisher: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 99 to 105
    Language: hrvatski

  21. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Latin Poetry in Croatian Humanism

    Publisher: Školska knjiga
    ISBN: 953-0-60701-6
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 53 to 119
    Language: hrvatski

  22. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Croatian-Greek Phraseological Dictionary (A - N)

    Publisher: Zavod za lingvistiku FF-a u Zagrebu
    ISBN: 953-175-030-0
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 9 to 50
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This book is the first Croatian-Ancient Greek phraseological dictionary published in Croatia. It is made to fit the series of dictionaries called "Small phraseological Dictionaries". In choosing the phrasems from Croatian phraseology, priority was given to the phrasems whose Greek equivalents are also phrasems.

  23. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Croatian-Latin Phraseological Dictionary (M-P)

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Publisher: Zavod za lingvistiku FF-a u Zagrebu
    ISBN: 953-175-028-9
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 53 to 75

  24. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Oxymoron in the Work of O. Mandelstam

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Russian Literature
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0304-3479
    Volume: 29
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 25 to 45
    Number of references: 32
    Language: ruski
    Summary: An attempt is made to study the semantic structure of theoxymoron on examples taken from the lyrical poetry of O. Mandelstam. The analysis of the meaning of the oxymoron is performed intwo stages: first the contradiction arising at the level of theliteral meanings of the oxymoron components is investigated, andthen an attempt is made to determine the mechanisms ofneutralization of the original contradiction, i.e. the mechanismsof the shift of the oxymoron into a superordinate sign structurethat transcends the semantics of its own elements.
    Keywords: oxymoron, syntagm, semantic component, antonym, contradiction, paradox

  25. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Totalitarianism and Historical Memory (The Case of Antonomasia in the Prose of Mandelstam)

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 7
    ISSN: 0330-1337
    Volume: 49
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 62 to 71
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper deals with the semantic analysis of the transformationof a proper name within the scope of antonomasia. The authordemonstrates that Mandelstam's antonomasia is a subvesrive tropethat topples the image of the world built by the officialideology of Soviet totalitarianism. By disrupting the closed andopaque nature of the totalitarian world view, antonomasia defendsRussian culture from the two major threats hanging over it fromthe mid-twenties: historical oblivion and cultural isolation.
    Keywords: proper name, identification, characterization, historical oblivion, historical memory, cultural isolation

  26. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Infantilism/J. Guro

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Russian Literature
    Number: 9
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 111 to 124
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper contains an analysis of two conceptions of theinfantile present in the works of Jelena Guro. The earlierconception of the child, widespread in 19th-century Europeanliterature, sees in the child a symbol of innocence and moralsuperiority over the adult. The later, "Avant-Garde" conceptionof the child emphasizes the child's aesthetic innocence, i.e. thefact that the child, due to the lack of his or her integrationinto culture, is more spontaneous and more imaginative than anadult artist or writer burdened with the aesthetic norms andintellectual patterns imposed by civilization. That is why, inGuro's opus, the infantile functions in two ways: as a paradigmof genuine humanity, but also as a possibility of renewingartistic expression.
    Keywords: infantilism, anti-traditionalism, children's speech, children's perception, the figure of the child

  27. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Funny and the Comical in the Work of Dr'ić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 214 to 232
    Number of references: 30
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The sources and forms of the funny and the comical in Drzic'spastoral plays and comedies are analyzed on the basis of thetraditional distinction between the funny and the comical. Someforms of the comical and the funny in Drzic's work are thenexplained on the basis of Freud's understanding of the funny andthe comical.
    Keywords: laughter, funny, comic elements, comical, comedy, to laugh at someone, to laugh with someone, the liberating function of laughter, wit, humour

  28. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Bartol Kasic and Invan Gundulic

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Croatica
    ISSN: 0070-1564
    Volume: 34
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 63 to 84
    Language: hrvatski

  29. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Humanism in 16th- and 17th-Century Croatian Epic Poetry

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Mogućnosti
    Number: 3
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 208 to 220
    Language: hrvatski

  30. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Types of Composition in Bunić's "Dalliances"

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0353-8559
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 163 to 175
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The types of composition in Bunić's collection of lyrics"Dalliances" are analyzed and the conclusion is reached that thecomposition of Binić's poems is often influenced by rhetorical,stylistic principles and principles of composition deriving fromBaroque ornamentation.
    Keywords: composition, lyrical poem, the juxtaposition of two images, the development of the central image, logical judgment, geometric composition, the architectonics of a poem

  31. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Genological Identity of the Croatian Drama

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 7
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 176 to 187
    Language: hrvatski

  32. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Croatian Poems of Katarina Patačić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 5
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 30 to 34
    Language: hrvatski

  33. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: "Vartal" by Petar Lucić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Gordogan
    Number: 34
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 165 to 169
    Language: hrvatski

  34. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Genres of Croatian Narrative Verse Literature

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Volume: 37
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 3 to 20
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The artricle provides a survey of Croatian narrative verse fromthe literary-historical and genological aspect. The poetologicalcharacteristics and functions of the dominant and secondarynarrative genres in Croatian literature are described accordingto literary period.
    Keywords: literary epochs and periods, verse narration, historical epic, Biblical epic, allegorical epic, narrator, strategies of narration

  35. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: How the Croats Defended Vienna

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Volume: 49
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 102 to 113
    Number of references: 17
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: An analysis is provided of the works of Croatian literaturedescribing the Turkish siege of Vinenna in 1683, and especiallythe forgotten epic of the Dubrovnik poet P. Bogasinovic"Okruzenje Beca grada" (The Siege of the City of Vienna).
    Keywords: historical epic poetry, anti-Turkish themes, historical reality vs. epic fiction, the structure of an epic work

  36. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Acute Diction (Acutezza) in Croatian Baroque Poetry

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Croatica
    Volume: 37
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 107 to 121
    Language: hrvatski

  37. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: How Antun Soljan found the poems of Cvijeta Zuzoric

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 11
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 54 to 59
    Language: hrvatski

  38. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Baroque in Croatian Literature

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 3
    Volume: 36
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 267 to 272
    Language: hrvatski

  39. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: A Valuable Theatrological Contribution

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 3
    Volume: 49
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 171 to 174
    Language: hrvatski

  40. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Worlds of Osman

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0353-8559
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 101 to 123
    Number of references: 25
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A study of the thematic and compositional structure of OSMAN witha discussion of the problems raised by the fact that the poem isunfinished.
    Keywords: Gundulic, epic, OSMAN

  41. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Irregular Verse in the Poetry of Pre-Romanticism, Romanticism, and itsPoetic Justification

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 83
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A study of irregular verse in poetry around the year 1800 andits poetic background.
    Keywords: verse, irregular verse, Romanticism

  42. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Hendecasyllabic Verse of Augustin Ujevic

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 11
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 27 to 61
    Number of references: 47
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A study establishing developmental forms of Ujevic'shendecasyllabic verse and its literary-historical andliterary-linguistic causes.
    Keywords: Ujevic, verse, hendecasyllabic verse

  43. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Prolegomena to a Theory of Free Verse

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 203 to 218
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A theoretical approach to the problem of free verse and its studyemphasizing the idea of free verse as, above all, graphicallyorganized poetic diction.
    Keywords: verse, free verse

  44. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: One Divided into Three: The Stile Acuto in Bunic, Gundulic and Đurđević

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 4
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 176 to 186
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A discussion of the differences in the metaphors of the threebest-known 17th-century poets in Dubrovnik.
    Keywords: Bunic, Gundulic, Durdeivc, the Baroque

  45. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Baroque in Old Slavonic Literature

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 3
    Volume: 32
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 195 to 231
    Language: hrvatski

  46. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Ivan Mazuranic and the Theatre

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 7
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 162 to 175
    Number of references: 30
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper is a discussion on the hitherto little-knownconnections between Ivan Mazuranic and the Croatian theatre,especially on his discussions about the role of the theatre inthe national culture.
    Keywords: Ivan Mazuranic, the Croatian theatre, the Croatian National Revival, Croatian theatre criticism, theatre committee

  47. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Theatrical Fate of "The Hunchback" by Stjepan Mihalić

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Journal: Svjetlo
    Number: 3
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 19 to 21
    Language: hrvatski

  48. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Ivan Dezman and the Theatre

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Journal: Forum
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0015-8445
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 189 to 200
    Number of references: 7
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper provides an analysis of the dramatic and theatricalopus of Ivan Dezman (1841 - 1873), a Croatian writer, especiallyof his plays and his activities connected to the Croatiantheatre. Special attention is paid to Dezman's unpublished playVARADINKA MARA, his unfinished plays LENKOVICI and ZRINSKI, aswell as his activities in the Croatian Parliament connected tothe theatre.
    Keywords: Ivan Dezman, drama, theatre, Croatian literature, the Croatian theatre, MARA VARADINKA, the Croatian Parliament

  49. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Theatrical Themes in Franges's "History of the Croatian Literature of Realism"

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Journal: Croatica
    Number: 33
    Volume: 21
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 9 to 12
    Language: hrvatski

  50. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Film Genres - a Sketch for a Genology of Film

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Republika
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 77 to 108
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: ...
    Keywords: ..

  51. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The New Hollywood Post-Modernism

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Kinoteka
    Number: 35
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 38 to 50
    Language: hrvatski

  52. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Epistemological Function of the Comic

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Gordogan
    Number: 12
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 53 to 63
    Language: hrvatski

  53. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Theory of Thematization (I): Modelling the World (the Thematic Background)

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Republika
    Volume: 48
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 77 to 91
    Language: hrvatski

  54. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Theory of Thematization (II): Establishing the Theme (thematic structures)

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Republika
    Volume: 48
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 102 to 115
    Language: hrvatski

  55. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Theory of Thematization (III): The Focus of Thematization

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Republika
    Volume: 48
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 47 to 65
    Language: hrvatski

  56. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Truths and Lies

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Journal: Kinoteka
    Number: 39
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 26 to 28
    Language: hrvatski

  57. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Subject of Autobiographical Discourse and the Idea od a Private Language

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Quorum
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0352-7654
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 176 to 192
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the shaping of subjectivity in a narrativeautobiographical text, with the emphasis on the relationship ofthe autobiographical-biographical and theautobiographical-fictional.
    Keywords: narration in the 1st person, subjectivity, the identity of the narrative I

  58. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Book of Books (Medieval Literature between a Collection and

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 83
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 17 to 27
    Number of references: 18
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the problems of the generic classification ofMedieval literature, its generic variety and its tendency ofaesthetic self-understanding.
    Keywords: Medieval literature, genre, collection, the function of a work, sum

  59. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: An Apology for Matija Vlasic Ilirik

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Mogućnosti
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0544-7267
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 265 to 273
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the problem of the generic classification andthe structure of the autobiographical texts of Matija VlacicIllyricus.
    Keywords: apology, autobiography, philosophical argumentation, theology, Protestantism

  60. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Davidiad of W. Bauman, Colloquia Maruliana I

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Colloquia Maruliana I
    ISSN: -
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 139 to 143
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text presents Winfried Baumann's study on the Davidiad byMarulic, its roots and thematological framework. The Davidiad isplaced within the context of Virgilian epic poetry and Slavichumanist Latinity.
    Keywords: Virgilian epic poetry, Slavic humanist Latinity, the Bible, New Testament allegorical interpretation

  61. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Narrative Place as a Literary-Historical Problem

    Duda, Dean
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 89
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 29 to 38
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: ..
    Keywords: ...

  62. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Figure: Historiography as a Genre of Medieval Literature

    Ivić, Nenad (108724)
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 84
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1 to 12
    Language: hrvatski

  63. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Bunic's "The Rape of Kerber" - the Origin of the Story, the Origin of Allegory

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Journal: Mogućnosti
    Number: 1
    Volume: 38
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 62 to 81
    Language: hrvatski

  64. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Metaphor-Image and the Metaphor-Idea: the Case of Paul Celan

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Filozofska istraživanja
    ISSN: 0351-4706
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Number of references: 7
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the status of poetry in Post-Modernism. Therelationship of the poetic metaphor and the philosophicalmetaphor is explored using the example of the poet Paul Celan.
    Keywords: metaphor-image, metaphor-idea, self-citation and autoreferentiality, verbal icon

  65. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Volume: 39
    Year: 1990
    Pages: from 0 to 0
    Number of references: 7
    Language: hrvatski

  66. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    ISSN: 0503-
    Volume: 1583
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 117 to 142
    Number of references: 21
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author analyzes the texts by O. Mažibradić, P. Primović, V.Skvadri and J. Palmotić-Dionorić. This was the time (the secondhalf of the 17th ct.) of great metric changes: the double rhymeddodecasyllabic line used to be the main type of verse, adaptableto all genres, but now it was superseded by the octosyllabicline. Croatian baroque literature is started stratifying into"high" and popular literature about that time.
    Keywords: verse, forme, baroque, Croatian literature

  67. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 21 to 44
    Number of references: 40
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper examines the meaning of individual types of verse andstanza in two most important volumes of Đurđević's text"Pjesnima različijem" and "Saltijem slovinskome".
    Keywords: verse, forme, baroque, Croatian literature

  68. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Which genre does "The Death of Smail:aga" belong to?

    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 187 to 201
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: After that the author analyses the plot, the characters, and thecompositon of the work, musterin arguments for his claim that"The Death of Smail-Aga" can hardly be called an epic poem. Hereaches to conclusion that "The Death of Smail-Aga" belongs tothe group of romantic rhymed narratives. The author maintains theview that this type of poetry should have a generic name of itsown.
    Keywords: epic poem, narrative, Romanticism

  69. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Ludistic aspects of the Russian Avant-garde

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 7-8
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 134 to 151
    Number of references: 52
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: An attempt is made to answer the question whether the literature of the Russian avant-garde may be identified with play, if PLAY stands for an activity which exists for its own purpose, which is autonomous, freed from the interests and norms of everyday life and unambiguosly separated from the sphere of work. The answer to this question can be affirmative only in the case of the early Russian avant-garde, which was not burdened with the problem of its own social utility and its service to the new order.
    Keywords: play, work, artistic autonomy, visual, auditory and semantic ludus

  70. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Infantilism in the work of Eleny Guro

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Europa Orientalis. Studi e Ricerche sui Paesi e le Culture dell'Est Europeo
    Number: 1
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 39 to 61
    Number of references: 29
    Language: ruski
    Summary: The paper contains an analysis of infantilistic experiments of Jelena Guro, in which the writer, by imitating speech, cognitive and perceptive abilities of a child, discovers her own artistic solutions. The article, nevertheless, deals with those works by Guro which are not infantilistic by themselves, i.e. with the works in which the child is not imitated, but presented from the standpoint of an adult narrator. The most usual type of child in Guro's work is the one that permits us to draw analogies between him and the artists.
    Keywords: infantilism, antitraditionalism, impresionism. children's speech , children's perception, the figure of the child

  71. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The conception of memory in the work of Osip Mandelstam

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 51 to 67
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author first shows that O. Mandelstam abandoned the metaphysical conception of mempry, which was still advocated in early 20-th century Russian culture by V. Ivanov, P. Florenski and, to some extent, by A. Byeli. According to this conception, memory is ultimately reduced to the "vertical" connection of the human and the ideal. On the contrary, Mandelstam's conception of memory has a "horizontal" character, moving across the level of the historical world, which is ontologically always the same level, from the modern era to the beginnings of European civilization. In the second part of article, the author analyzes the relationship between Mandelstam's historical memory and his autobiographical memory and determines the ways in which each of these functions as an aesthetic category in the structure of the text.
    Keywords: metaphysical conception of memory, historical memory, autobiographical memory

  72. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 1-3
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 163 to 173
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the humorous and the comical in two eighteenth century Croatian works: "Suze Marunkove" by Đurđević and "Sličnorični nadpis groba Zvekanovoga" by Ivanošić. The text also contains an analysis of the humorous and comical aspects in these two works.
    Keywords: comical, humorous, types of comedy in the 18th century, wit, irony

  73. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 9-10
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 152 to 171
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is an analysis of the epic "Gvozdansko" by A. Tresić Pavičić, which was preserved in manuscript. This epic celebrates in verse an historical event from the year 1577/78. The characteristics of the epic are analysed. It is an historical, religious, national and philosophical epic, therefore the conclusion is that it is an extremely valuable work belonging to Croatianliterary heritage.
    Keywords: the epic, epic tradition, ideology and poetics of the epic, conceptions and evaluations of Croatian history in the epic work, mythologems in the epic

  74. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Journal: Umjetnost riječi
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 0503-1583
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 1 to 17
    Number of references: 26
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article contains an analysis of the collection of kajkavian poems - the lyrical song-book "Pesme horvatske" (1871), ascribed to Katarina Patačić. The poems in the collection are compared with Petrarchan songbooks in the Croatian literature of Dubrovnik and Dalmatia and it is concluded that Katarina's songbooks originate from this type of lyric poetry, but they also, by many of their characteristics, divert from it. The final conclusion is that the songbook was influenced by the art of rococo, and that the poem in the book belong to the lyrical type called popijevke.
    Keywords: songbook, kajkavian literature, Croatian Petrarchism, the characteristics of literary rococo, the lyrical type called popijevka, the history of genre and the characteristics of the popijevka

  75. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Krčelićs Annuae and the tradition of Latin autobiography

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0353-8559
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 39 to 47
    Number of references: 11
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text is an analysis of the work Annuae sive historia by Baltazar Adam krčelić, written between 1748 and 1767. The analysis examines whether this text belongs to the genre of historiogaphy or autobiography, or to the more complex features of the chronicle. A special attention is paid to the narrative techniques (the question of the first or third person narrative) which serve as a criterion for the attribution of a genre to the text.
    Keywords: historiography, autobiography, genre, narrative techniques, the status of the narrator, confessions, memoirs, chronicle

  76. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Duda, Dean
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 89
    ISSN: 0455-0463
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 29 to 37
    Number of references: 45
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author discusses the hypotheses and cathegories for an analysis of space in the narrative text. Three strategies of narrative space are established (world-making, pragmatic, the strategy of reception). They form a framework in which literary history can examine the semantic changes of space.
    Keywords: narrative text, space, literary history, history of mentality, semiotics, semantics, pragmatics, narratology

  77. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Notes on Krleža's non-fictional narrative prose

    Duda, Dean
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0353-8559
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 52 to 63
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper discusses the features of Krležas non-fictional narrative prose (autobiographic writings, diaries, travel books) in the context of contemporary culture, on the level of reception, as wellas on the institutional and textual level.
    Keywords: Krleža, narration, reading, diary, autobiography, travel book, literary history

  78. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Original and Translated Verse. Typology of their Relations

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Književna smotra
    Number: 26
    ISSN: 0455-0463
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 98 to 123
    Number of references: 64
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article discusses a typology of relations between yhe verse and translation considering their versification. It is based on some important works of European and Croatian translated literature.
    Keywords: verse, poetry, translation

  79. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Kazali the Versifier

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Journal: Dubrovnik
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0353-8559
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 78 to 114
    Number of references: 39
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is a complete study of the metric repertoire of the Croatian romantic writer Pasko Antun Kazali. It also contains interpretation and literary-history context of his works considering their versification.
    Keywords: verse, poetry, romantic, Croatian literature

  80. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Fantastic Impulse of Modern Literature

    Slabinac, Gordana (43610)
    Journal: Republika
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 0350-1337
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 64 to 90
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article tries to show that modern literature is in a great deal affected by the fantastic impulse by which a modern writer creates fictional words completely different from mimetically formed literary products.
    Keywords: fantastic impulse, artistic impulse, autoreferential ludicity, ironical self-conscience, potential worlds

  81. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Dubrovnik - Verona - Basel: Three Supplements for Receptive Documentary Institutions

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Journal: Colloquia Maruliana IV
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 13 to 48
    Language: hrvatski

  82. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: New Marulić: Vita diui Hieronymi

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Journal: Colloquia Maruliana III
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 6 to 24
    Number of references: 61
    Language: engleski

  83. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Vita diui Hieronymi Presbiteri a Marco Polo edita: adiectis miraculis que de illo Cyrillus Nazarethi episcopus commemorat in summamque redactis breuiorem (editio princeps of Marulićs text)

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Journal: Colloquia Maruliana III
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 25 to 66
    Language: hrvatski

  84. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Ieronimus first of all

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Journal: Vijenac
    Number: 2
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 9 to 9
    Language: hrvatski

  85. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Bricko, Marina (164502)
    Journal: SOL
    Number: 12
    Volume: 12
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 25 to 38
    Number of references: 59
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The introduction deals briefly with the development of irony as a literary phenomenon from the antiquity until the German Romantic Movement of the eighteenth century and with its subsequent evolution during last two centuries. In authors opinion is necessary for study of the contemporary phenomenon of irony to observe all its manifestations, including the long-neglected everyday use. Yhe irony should be studied within the theoretical framework which recognizes it essentially as a communicative act.
    Keywords: communication, ancient rhetoric, irony, speech-act

  86. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Infantilism/J. Guro

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Flaker, Aleksandar
    Ugrešić, Dubravka
    Proceedings title: Pojmovnik ruske avangarde
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-018-1
    Pages: from 111 to 124

  87. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: "De reptu Cerberi" by J. Bunić and "Dialogus de laudibus Herculis" by Marko Marulić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta: Hrvatski humanizam, Dubrovnk i dalmatinske komune
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7397-105-5
    Pages: from 67 to 81
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/05/90 to 05/09/90
    Summary: The article provides an analysis of Bunic's Latin poem "The Rapeof Kerber", as well as of Marulic's dialogue "On Eulogies ofHecules", and puts forward the conclusion that Marulic's dialogueis a polemic with the conception of Bunic's poem. The conclusionis reached that Bunic might have changed the fundamental idea ofhis narrative poem under the influence of Marulic's dialogue.This would be one of the first polemics in Croatian history.
    Keywords: the ideological level of a narrative poem, mythology and Christianity, the humanistic poetics of a narrative poem, humanistic dialogue, polemic

  88. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Croatian Narrative Poetry in the Baroque Period

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Hrvatski književni barok
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-80
    Pages: from 155 to 198
    Meeting: Hrvatski književni barok
    Held: from 10/13/89 to 10/14/89
    Summary: The article provides an analysis of the following: 1. historicalnarrative poems, 2. occasional narrative poems, 3. religiousnarrative poems, and 4. stories in verse, narrative works writtenin Croatian literature in the 17th and 18th centurues, as well asthe relationship of all these to their superordinate stylisticdeterminant, i.e. the Baroque.
    Keywords: Baroque, verse narration, rhe relationship between the real world and a literary work, the Baroque style and the Baroque world view, understanding of history

  89. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Garber, Karl
    Proceedings title: Wolfenbutteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung. Europ„ische Barockrezeption II
    Language: njemački
    Place: Wiesbaden, Njemačka
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1191 to 1204
    Meeting: Europ„ische Barockrezeption
    Summary: A paper about the belated and "sunk" Baroque in the works ofCroatian 18th-century writers and its imitations in 19th and 20thcentury poetry.
    Keywords: the Baroque, the Croatian literary Baroque

  90. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Genus andthe Style of 17th-Century Croatian Lyrical Poetry

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Hrvatski književni barok
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 107 to 144
    Meeting: izdavač: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    Summary: A study of the variety and non-contemporaneousness of thestylistic and generic characteristics of Croatian Baroque lyricpoetry.
    Keywords: lyric poetry, the Baroque, 17th-century Croatian literature

  91. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Liturgical Lyrical Poetry of Antun Kanizlic

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Horvat, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Isusovci u Hrvata
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 316 to 324
    Summary: A paper about the liturgical poems and devotional lyrical poetryof A. Kanizlic, with reference to its Baroque characteristics.
    Keywords: Kanizlic, the Baroque, Slavonian literature, 18th century

  92. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Modern Style in a Timeless Book. Baroque Elements in the Collection of Poems "Cithara octochorda"

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Hrvatsko kajkavsko pjesništvo do preporoda
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 106 to 115
    Summary: An article about the song book entitled CITHARA OCTOCHORDA, itsplace in old Kajkavian literature and its Baroquecharacteristics.
    Keywords: Kajkavian literature, Baroque

  93. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Elements of Stage Fantasy in the 17th-Century Drama in Dubrovnik

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Hrvatski književni barok
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-80
    Pages: from 249 to 266
    Meeting: izdavač: Zavod za znanost o književnosti
    Summary: The paper contains an analysis of examples of 17th-century dramain Dubrovnik. The conclusion is put forward that the Croatiandrama of the period adopted without reserve elements of stagefantasy as an essential part of its Baroque literary andtheatrical structure.
    Keywords: 17th-century drama in Dubrovnik, meraviglia, stage fantasy, Baroque stage scene, Croatian Baroque theatre

  94. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The "First and Last Statue" of Ljudevit Vukotinović

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Hrvatsko kajkavsko pjesništvo do preporoda
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7397-132-2
    Pages: from 213 to 222
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/07/92 to 05/10/92
    Summary: The paper presents an analysis of the tragedy PERVI I ZADNJI KIP(the First and Last Statue) by the Croatian playwright LjudevitVukotinovic, printed in the Kajkavian dialect in Pozun in 1833.The analysis focuses on a comparison between the tragedy and theballad by the austrian writer Johann Gabriel Seidl DAS ERSTE UNDLETZTE BILD, and places the work within the context ofpre-Revival Croatian drama.
    Keywords: Ljudevit Vukotinovic, PERVI I ZADNJI KIP, the Croatian drama, the Kajkavian dialect, the Croatian National Revival, Johann Gabriel Seidel

  95. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Zriniski and the Frankopans in Croatian Drama

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Hećimović, Branko
    Proceedings title: Krležini dani u Osijeku
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 93-1129020
    Pages: from 50 to 73
    Meeting: Krležini dani
    Held: from 12/07/92 to 12/10/92
    Summary: The paper presents an analysis of Croatian plays dealing with thefate of historical figures from two Croatian aristocraticfamilies, the Zrinski and the Frankopans. This applies especiallyto plays about Sziget and to works dedicated to the Zrinski--Frankopan "plot". Special attention is paid to interpretationsof the battle of Sziget (1556) and the "plot" (1671) in 19th and20th-century Croatian drama with regard to the contemporarypolitical conditions in the country.
    Keywords: the Croatian drama, Croatian history, the Zrinski and Frankopan families, Ante Starcevic, the Croatian Justice Party, the Croatian theatre, Sziget, the Zrinski-Frankopan plot, the Habsburg dyansty

  96. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Baroque Theatre in Croatia

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Maleković, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Od svagdana do blagdana
    Language: engleski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 100 to 107

  97. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: With Hoffmann and Morike vs. Mozart

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Treći program hrvatskoga radija
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 117 to 118

  98. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Three Croatian Dramatic Columbuses

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Treći program hrvatskoga radija
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 127 to 141

  99. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Crijević's Poem "Ecce theatrales" in the Light of the Author's Attitude toward the Theatre

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Hrvatski humanizam, Dubrovnik i dalmatinske komune
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7397-105-5
    Pages: from 144 to 155
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/10/90 to 05/12/90
    Summary: The paper provides an analysis of the poem ECCE THEATRALES byIlija Crijevic. The contents of the poem are used in an attemptto define the author's relationship towards the humanist theatre.
    Keywords: Ilija Crijevic, humanist theatre, the Croatian theatre in Dubrovnik before Marin Drzic

  100. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Zagreb: A Phantasmagraphic City

    Turković, Hrvoje
    Vukić, Feđa
    Proceedings title: Modern Zagreb
    Language: engleski
    Place: Copenhagen/Zagreb, Danska/Hrvatska
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 51 to 58
    Meeting: izdavač: New Europe i Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance

  101. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The New Middle Ages

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Proceedings title: Treći program hrvatskoga radija
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 171 to 173
    Summary: The text deals with the problems of contemporary Medieval studiesand delineates the tradition of the French and Russian schools ofstudying Medieval literature and culture.
    Keywords: the Middle Ages, literature, low and high culture, historiography, analysts

  102. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Ivić, Nenad (108724)
    Proceedings title: Studia romanica et anglica zagrabiensia
    Language: bugarski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 0 to 0

  103. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Role of Humanism in 16th- and 17th-Century Narrative Poetry

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Hrvatski humanizam - protestantizami reformacija, XVIII
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7397-128-4
    Pages: from 49 to 64
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/04/91
    Summary: The article probes the question of what literary genres ofhumanist literature influenced Croatian 16th and 17th-centurynarrative poetry. The conclusion is reached that narrative verseworks were influenced by the following humanist genres: epistles,historical works, orations against the Turks, and smiliar genres.
    Keywords: Croatian humanism, European humanism, anti-Turkish themes, the understanding of history in humanism, verse narration, the epistle as a humanistic genre

  104. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Some Genealogical Problems Connected to Croatian Dramatic Literature

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Krležini dani u Osijeku 1987-1990-1991
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb, Osijek, Hrvatska
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 921124016
    Pages: from 123 to 133
    Meeting: Krležini dani
    Held: from 05/19/91 to 05/21/91
    Summary: After a theoretical introduction describing various ways ofunderstanding the essence of the drama and the dramatic, a numberof works of Croatian literature dating from the Middle Ages up toKrleza are explored, and an attempt is made to refute thetraditional, well-established views about their dramaticstructure.
    Keywords: dialogue, drama, the relationship between the dramatic and the epic, contrast, eclogue, pastoral genres, Christmas play

  105. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Poetic Opus of Grgur Kapucin

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Hrvatsko kajkavsko pjesništvo do preporoda
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7397-132-2
    Pages: from 116 to 127
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/04/92

  106. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Hrvatski književni barok
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 199 to 218

  107. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: A Demonstration of Language-Peculiar Properties in a Baroque Poem

    Slamnig, Ivan (43654)
    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Proceedings title: Hravatski književni barok
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-80
    Pages: from 99 to 107
    Summary: The paper presents an analysis of the phenomena and processes inlanguage and their correspondence with the literary methodsemployed in a work of literature.
    Keywords: figures in language, figures in a literary text, metaphor, paregmenon, personification, the metaphorization process

  108. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Dani Hvarskog kazališta; Hrvatsko barokno pjesništvo, Dubrovnik i dalm. komune
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-163-001-1
    Pages: from 39 to 49
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/05/95 to 05/08/95
    Summary: The article analyses some aspects of the baroque style which appear in the Croatian epic literature of the seventeenth century. Croatian epic literature of that century is also compared with epic works of the Croatian Renaissance literature.
    Keywords: Renaissance-baroque, style in the epic, stile acuto in Croatian epic literature, Gundulić's "Osman"

  109. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Bartol Kašić and Ivan Gundulić

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Kolumbić, Nikica
    Proceedings title: Život i djelo Bartola Kašića
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zadar
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-96386-0-7
    Pages: from 249 to 266
    Meeting: Znanstvveni skup u povodu 340. obljetnice Kašićeve smrti
    Held: from 04/18/91 to 04/21/91
    Summary: The article reexamines the old hypothesis about Gundulić as a student of the Jesuits. After the analysis and the comparison of some Kašić's religiously spiritual texts with Gundulić's "Suze sina razmetnoga", the poem "Od veličanstva Božjijeh" and the translations of some psalms, the author endeavours to show that between B. Kašić and I. Gundulić there existed a strong spiritual congeniality. The author also tries to point out that their works contain many ideological and world-wide conceptions that are identical.
    Keywords: The Jesuits, Jesuitical theology and Counter-Reformation, the Jesuitical Missions in Dubrovnik, the conception of deity in the century, religious and morally didactical intentions in regard to the aesthetical motivations of the literary text

  110. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The female poets in century

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Proceedings title: Dani Hvar. kaz., Hrvatska književnost 18. st., tematski i žanrovski aspekti
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-163-023-2
    Pages: from 30 to 45
    Meeting: Dani hvarskog kazališta
    Held: from 05/05/94 to 05/07/94
    Summary: The article analyses the literary work of L. Bogašinović, M. Dimitrović Bettera and A. Bošković, three female poets from Dubrovnik, as well as the work of the kajkavian female poet K. Patačić. The sociological status of the works of eighteenth century female poets is examined, as well as the genre of their work and the affiliation of their respective works to the periodization segments of Croatian litarary culture.
    Keywords: male and female writing, the education of women in the century, women as the reading audience, religious literature for women

  111. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Figure in the Epic

    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 399 to 426
    Summary: After a short historical review of the rhetorical conceptions of the epic text from Aristotle to N. Boileau, the article provides an analysis of the status of the figure in calssical epical texts. The work "Judita" serves as an an example of Marulić's good knowledge of calssical rhetoric. The competence of particular figures in this epic by Marulić are also being determined.
    Keywords: the epic, narration in verse, rhetoric, Aristotle, the poetics of the calssical epic, the repertoire of the figures in the epic, the functions and competence of the figures in "Judita"

  112. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Antonomasia

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 189 to 218
    Summary: The article shows that antonomasia in the prose of O. Mandelstam cannot be limited to a purely ornamental procedure, to a figurative expression equivalent in meaning to its literal paraphrase. The use of this rhetorical figure creates a certain "surplus of meaning" intensifying not only its aesthetic, but also its cognitive effect. The focus is therefore not only on an analysis of the formal and semantic characteristics of antonomasia, but also on its referential range.
    Keywords: proper name and its meaning, the cognitive effect of antonomasia, antonomasia as a subversive linguistic device

  113. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


  114. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Protoromantic Irony and the Literature of Ancient Greece

    Bricko, Marina (164502)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 281 to 310
    Summary: The article discusses the so-called "protoromantic irony", phenomenon which theoreticians, motivated by Schlegels definition of irony as a "permanent parabasis", recognise in the theatre of old atic comedy. The article also gives reasons why we can talk about breaking of illusion in Aristophan only conditionally: atic comedy is ruled by a much more complicated system of signs than the one which we are used to today. Dynamic change or intersection of fictional levels is its constitutive and unmarked element.
    Keywords: ancient rhetoric, romantic irony, ancient Greek literature, Hellenistic literature

  115. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Esthetic of Figure

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 75 to 103
    Summary: In this article the author tries to comprehend metaphor and other semantic figures (metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, antonomasia, comparison) considering esthetically relevant aspects in the interrelation of their lexical and contextual meaning.
    Keywords: metaphor, stylistic figures, rhetoric

  116. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Lyric Versification of Ante Tresić Pavičić and newer Croatian Verse

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Frangeš, Ivo
    Proceedings title: Književno djelo Ante Tresića Pavičića
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Split
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 40 to 81
    Meeting: Književno djelo A. Tresića Pavičića
    Summary: The article contains a survey of the rich verse-repertoire of A. Tresić Pavičić, Croatian poet who belongs to the period of modern. His verse is also explained in the context of newer Croatian versification and literature.
    Keywords: verse, Croatian literature

  117. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Semantic Network of Irony in Narrated Text

    Slabinac, Gordana (43610)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 311 to 326
    Summary: An attempt is made to provide a definition of the concepts of semantic network of irony and ironical discourse and to show how these function in a realistic, modernist, avant-garde and post-modernist narrative text.
    Keywords: semantic network, irony, ironic disscourse, realism, modern, avant-garde, post-modern, intertextuality, metatextuality

  118. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Stylistic Dimension of Figures in Antic Rhetoric Tradition

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-175-012-2
    Pages: from 11 to 51

  119. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Verse and Figures

    Pavličić, Pavao (35644)
    Proceedings title: Tropi i figure
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 348 to 384
    Summary: The verse and figures interact in that way that they reinforce one another; the behaviour of the most frequent figures in the verse; the verse as a figure.
    Keywords: verse, figure, anaphora, epiphora, anadiplosis, symploce, metaphor, metonymy, asyndeton, polysindeton, parallelism

  120. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Kašić's Vita: Autobiography as a Travel Book

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Kolumbić, Nikica
    Proceedings title: Zbornik radova o Bartolu Kašići
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zadar
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-96386-0-7
    Pages: from 233 to 240
    Meeting: Znanstvveni skup u povodu 340. obljetnice Kašićeve smrti
    Held: from 04/18/91 to 04/21/91
    Summary: The author analyses Kašić's autobiographical work "Vita Bartholomaei Casii Dalmatae ab ipsomet conscripta" with regard to its typological features, as well as the features of the genre. Kašić's autobiography, because the work was written in the third person singular, which is atypical of autobiographical tradition.
    Keywords: autobiography, narration, the narrator, the standpoint of narration, travel book, genre

  121. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Models of Latin Autobiography in the 12th and 13th Century: Confession and Biography
    Faculty: Filozofski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/02/92
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 261
    Summary: The thesis deals with identfying of the models of medievalautobiography in Latin. The analysis deals with problems ofgeneric determination and the history of the genre ofautobiography, as well as the narratological and thematologicalcharacteristics of texts by four authors (Guibert of Nogent,Otloh of St. Emeram, Gerald of Wales, Peter Abelard).
    Keywords: autobiography, the Middle Ages, genre, narrative structure, confession, biography, subject

  122. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Topics and Irony in Hellenistic Epigram
    Faculty: Filozofski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/09/95
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 275
    Summary: The thesis investigates topos (in Curtis meaning) in Hellenistic epogram, and irony, literary procedure considered characteristic for Hellenistic literature, in topic sentences.
    Keywords: ancient Greek literature, Greek epigram, topos, irony, ancient rhetoric

  123. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Pedagoška akademija J. J. Strossmayer
    Author: Šundalić mr. sci. Zlata
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  124. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Filozofski u Zagrebu
    Author: Dukić mr. sci. Davor
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  125. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Filozofski u Zagrebu
    Author: Plejić prof. Lahorka
    Degree level: M.A.

  126. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Filozofski u Zagrebu
    Author: Vidmarović mr Natalija
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  127. Type of paper: Radio broadcast

    Title: Roland Barthes

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Radio station: Treći program hrvatskoga radija
    Year: 1993
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is an intellectual biography of the French theorist RolandBarthes and an exposition of his semiotic-linguistic poetics andits post-structuralist consequences.
    Keywords: semiology, culture, meaning, culturology, structuralism
    Other: 13 str.

  128. Type of paper: Radio broadcast


    Fališevac, Dunja (11454)
    Radio station: Treći program hrvatskoga radija
    Name of emission (broadcast): Rječca medna - srce otrovno
    Year: 1994
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is a retrospect of a Croatian women writers from Mara Gundulić-Gučetić and Cvijeta Zuzorić to Lukrecija Bogašinović, Anica Bošković and Katarina Patačić
    Keywords: Croatian literary historiography, the beginnings of women's writing, , the themes and motives in old Croatian female writers, the place of woman in Croatian literary culture.

  129. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Allegory as a Method and as a Literary Genre

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with establishing a double tradition of allegory,the rhethorical and the hermeneutic, and its overlapping in theallegorical forms of the Middle Ages.
    Keywords: allegory, figure, trope, hermeneutics, exegesis, genre
    Other: 28 str., za zbornik TROPI I FIGURE

  130. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Medieval Autobiography: Sacred Language and Time Structures

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with the specific characteristics of narrativediscourse and time structures in the autobiographies of the lateMiddle Ages.
    Keywords: autobiography, Middle Ages, narration, mystical discourse, temporality, history
    Other: prihvaćeno za tisak u časopisu "Mogućnosti" (Split), 25 str.

  131. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Autobiography and the Test of the Middle Ages

    Violić, Andrea (154841)
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The text deals with a theoretical discussion of the prerequisitesof medieval autobiography, considering the formal lack of theideas of subjectivity, the author, and literature in the modernsense of these words.
    Keywords: the Middle Ages, autobiography, Medieval studies, narratology, genre, discourse
    Other: rad prihvaćen za zbornik projekta o Autobiografizmu (ur. MašaMedarić), 28 str.

  132. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: The Aesthetics of the Figure

    Kravar, Zoran (23424)
    Language: hrvatski

  133. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Irony in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature

    Bricko, Marina (164502)
    Language: hrvatski

  134. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Antonomasia

    Benčić-Primc, Živa (3126)
    Language: hrvatski

  135. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Some Notes on the Poetics of the Oxymoron

    Lachmann, Renate
    Language: njemački
    Summary: The author deals with the syntax and semanitcs of the oxymoron,as well as the distinctions between the oxymoron and the metaphoron the one hand, and between the oxymoron and antithesis on theother hand. The focus is on determining semantic structures. Thetheses are discussed on the material of a Baroque poem by thePolish poet Daniel Naborowski.
    Keywords: oxymoron, the sytax and semantics of the oxymoron, metaphor, antithesis, semantic structure

  136. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Conjectura mentis humanae: the Figure of Similarity and Medieval Historiography

    Ivić, Nenad (108724)
    Language: hrvatski

  137. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: The Composition of Tiberius's Treatise "De figuris Demosthenicis"

    Cichocka, H.
    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Language: poljski
    Summary: The Greek rhetor Tiberius (3rd century A.D.) was the first inancient literature to list and describe systemtically the figuresin the speeches of Demosthenes. After a comparison of thistreatise with Aristotel's RHETORICS, the article provides ananalysis of the rhetorical insights provided by the author of thetreatise and a comparison of these with the rhetoricalconceptions of some other ancient Greek and Roman historians andprosaics.
    Keywords: rhetorics, treatise, oratory, figure, the classification of figures, the definition of a rhetorical figure, the speeches of Demosthenes

  138. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Is the Pun a Rhetorical Figure?

    Budor, Karlo (6006)
    Language: hrvatski

  139. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: The Figure of Topography and its Realization

    Duda, Dean
    Language: hrvatski

  140. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Tropes and Figures in Representative Ancient Rhetorical Handbooks

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Language: hrvatski

  141. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Metaphor: Theory, Analysis and Interpertation

    Weststeijn, W.
    Language: njemački
    Summary: The author discusses recent theories of the metaphor, primarilythe interaction theory of Max Black and the cognitive theory ofGeorge Lakoff, each of which, in its own way, promotes thisfigure from the status of a mere ornament to that of an exponentof referential values. The usefulness of the above-mentionedtheories is tested on an analysis of Hlebnikov's poetry.
    Keywords: the theory of the metaphor, interaction, insight, referential value

  142. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Auditory Figures in Popular Ballads

    Slamnig, Ivan (43654)
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The Bugarstice (popular ballads in quindecasyllabic/hexadecasylabic line) are the oldest Croatian folk poems thathave been written down in their entirety. Petar Hektorovicpublished them in his "Ribanje" (Fishing...) in 1568 along withreliable information that they were oral. The auditory figures inthese poems indicate that they are very old, perhaps dating backto before the time the Croats settled in their present-dayhomeland. The rhyme and assonance at the end of the line, as wellas the homeoteleutons, may be ascribed to Romance influences andto coexistence on the Adriatic, but the unique auditory figuressuch as alliteration and consonance in general, those whith areametrical, are autonomous; their purpose is not to mark the endof a line or a caesura, and they are not a constant element ofthe organization of the line. This opens up a new field for thestudy of euphony - not just metrics: are not the non-arbitraryfeatures of sound, phonetcis, and not phonology as the materialout of which the line is constructed, what is important in thegeneral sound structure of a work of literature?
    Keywords: assonance, alliteration, homeoteleuton, consoncance, caesura, euphony, metrics, the organization of the line, phonetics, phonology

  143. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Poems about Stereophony: Intertextual Figures and Reading

    Juvan, M.
    Language: slovenski
    Summary: Intertextual reference is interpreted as a rhetorical figure,since the rhetorical model is transported outside the boundariesof a text. Examples from Slovenian literature are used to analyzethose relationships between two texts which can be described interms of the metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy and syllepsis.
    Keywords: intertextuality, rhetoric, metaphor, synecdoche, syllepsis

  144. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: The Oxymoron in Early Russian Symbolism

    Hansen-L”ve, A.A.
    Language: njemački
    Summary: The article contains an analysis of the specific characteristicof oxymoronic structures in early Russian Symbolism which, due totheir "non-existent referent", differ sharply from the usualforms of this figure. An attempt is also made to establishdifferences between the oxymoron as a contradiction on thesemantic level and the paradox as a contradiction on thepragmatic level.
    Keywords: oxymoronic structures, early Russian symbolism, contradiction, paradox

  145. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Institution: Istituto di lingue e letterature dell' Europa orientale, Universita' degli studi di Udine
    Year: 1994

  146. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Dramaturgical Models in Matkovic's Cycle "Igra oko smrti"

    Batušić, Nikola (94403)
    Type of work: spomenica, ISSN 0351-188
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This is an analysis of the dramatrugical model in the dramacycle of the Croatian playwright Marijan Matkovic (1915-1985)IGRA OKO SMRTI. The cycle consists of ten plays in whichdifferent dramaturgical models are applied - from the "closedScandinavian" structure to a Pirandello-like structure and thestructure of the flash-back.
    Keywords: Marijan Matkovic, the drama cycle IGRA OKO SMRTI, the Croatian drama, dramatrugical model
    Other: HAZU, Zagreb 1992, str. 21-31.

  147. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Tropes and figures

    Type of work: uređivanje zbornika
    Language: hrvatski

  148. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Croatian Latinists. The Period of Humanism

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Type of work: priređivanje, predgovor
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Naklada Erasmus, Zagreb, 1994., 105 str., ISBN 953-6132-044

  149. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Plautus: A Persian and a Merchant

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Type of work: uvodna studija, uspostaava izvor. teksta, prijevod, kazalo
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Latina and Graeca, Zagreb, 1995., 420 str.

  150. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Sentimental Education. Antun and Faust Vrančić

    Novaković, Darko (77856)
    Type of work: prijevod
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Gradska knjižnica Juraj Šižgorić, Šibenik, 1995., 127+8 str., ISBN 953-6163-16-0-68

  151. Type of paper: Other


    Plejić, Lahorka
    Type of work: predgovor
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Izabrana djela, Vid Došen i Antun Ivanošić, pripredile H. Sablić i L. Plejić, Privlačica, Vinkovci, 1994., ISBN 953-156-084-6

  152. Type of paper: Other


    Plejić, Lahorka
    Type of work: pogovor
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Privlačica, Vinkovci, 1994., ISBN 953-156-072-2

  153. Type of paper: Other


    Plejić, Lahorka
    Type of work: izlaganje na Prvom hrvatskom slavističkom kongresu
    Other: Pula, 19.-23.09.1995.

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