SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 6-06-153


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Published papers on project 6-06-153

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 24
Total: 24

  1. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Distinctiveness Effects In Intergroup Perceptions: An International Study

    GRAD, H.
    Publisher: Swets & Zeitlinger
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 21 to 43
    Number of references: 49
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Based on social identity and self categorisation theories, it was predicted that people would make predominantly favorable distinctions between their own and other countries on relevant traits. Subjects from 6 countries (Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, Spain, the United States, and the former Yugoslavia) rated Japan, Russia, the United States, and their own nation on 10 traits. The results indicated that for traits relevant to the ingroup, a nearly equivalent number of favorable and unfavorable distinctions between the ingroup and the outgroup were made. For non-relevant traits, a greater number of distinctions that were unfavorable to the ingroup were made. Although a substantial number of distinctiveness effects was obtained, the pattern of results did not support social identity theory or social categorization theory. The results were interpreted in terms of the salience of certain traits due to recent events in these countries. It is suggested that nationality does not play an important role in identity, except when national identities are threatened during periods of political or economic instability.
    Keywords: distinctiveness effect, integroup perception, social identity, self-categorization

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: I Want Therefore I Am: The Role of Motivation and Cognition in Stereotype Formation

    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 149 to 166
    Number of references: 23
    Language: engleski
    Summary: A field experiment (3*2*2*2*2) was designed to allow for the formation of the new stereotype in 2135 high school students. During the stereotype formation process the contribution of motivation and cognitive factors was assessed as well as the changes in the content of the resulting stereotype. The presented model of stereotype formation predicted that motivation will influence the stereotyping process only in the elaboration and the behavior phase while cognitive factors (quantity, positivity, relevance, generality) will influence the process in the encoding, elaboration and behavior phase. The predictions were generally confirmed but not all cognitive factors demonstrated effects in all phases of the process. Positivity influenced encoding phase while relevance had no significant effects. The changes in the stereotype content paralleled the role factors had in the stereotype formation process with relevancy of information exhibiting its effect for the first time. Apart from demonstrating its predicted significant influence in the elaboration phase of the stereotype formation process motivation was the most influential single factor in the behavior phase and in the final stereotype - but as predicted showed no effects in the encoding phase.
    Keywords: stereotype, motivation, stereotype formation, cognitive factors, quantity of information, positivity of information, generality of information

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Congruence of Attitudes Towards Abortion Among Elderly: Myth or Reality

    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 166 to 172
    Number of references: 7
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The congruence of attitudes toward abortion was assessed on 454 subjects. The older the subjects were the more negative attitude toward abortion they had. This finding was in accord with the expectation derived from the stereotype of the elderly . An attempt was made to question the simplicity of this general finding based on the role of some hidden variables like sex, marital status, educational status, number of children, widowhood and living arrangement. All these variables altered the meaning of the general finding. Thus, it was suggested that different epistemology might be needed in order to attack the subtleties of the problem.
    Keywords: attitude, abortion, elderly, sex, marital status, educational status

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Social Competence and Social Status

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Smojver-Ažić, Sanja
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 31 to 36
    Number of references: 17
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The study focuses on the question of whether different social competence and social status measures are correlated. Social competence was assessed using George Washington Social Intelligence Test, self-judgments and mean peer's judgment. Social status was assessed using self-judgments and mean peer's judgment. The subjects were students. The test demonstrated low internal consistency and discriminativity for this sample. Self-judgments and peer's judgments were not correlated - neither for social status nor for social competence. Social status and social competence peer's judgments were significantly correlated. Significant correlation was also obtained for social competence self-judgments and peer's judgments. Composite measure including social competence self-judgments and peer's judgments was calculated. According to regression analyses social status peer's judgments and self-judgments accounted for 45 % of variance in social competence composite measure.
    Keywords: social competence, social skills, social intelligence, social status

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: What is Social Competence?

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 13 to 21
    Number of references: 38
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The concept of social competence has a long history. The interest for this domain has been periodically renewed. Problems concerning social intelligence measurement as well as the relationship between intelligence and social competence remained unsolved for a long period. In spite of conceptual differences most investigators agree that social competence includes effective functioning in social settings. Differences appear when authors pass from theoretical to empirical analyses. The researchers attracted by social competence were studding the concept from different points of view and using different measuring techniques.
    Keywords: social competence, social skills, social intelligence

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Is Empathy a Part of Social Competence?

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 23 to 29
    Number of references: 31
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The relationship between social competence and empathy was investigated. 110 students were administered the Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1986), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980), the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (Leary, 1983), and the Extraversion Scale (EPI, Eysenck & Eysenck, 1964). The internal consistencies for these instruments were relatively satisfactory. A factor analysis was conducted, including all social competence and empathy dimensions. A two-factor solution explained 40 % of common variance. The first factor represents social anxiety (including the social competence dimensions representing social domain, extraversion, fear of negative evaluation, and personal distress). The second factor consists of empathy and emotional domain of the social competence (including three empathy dimensions and three social competence dimensions representing emotional domain).
    Keywords: empathy, social competence, social skills, social intelligence

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Social Competence and Some Personality Traits

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 11 to 19
    Number of references: 37
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This study examined the relationship among multidimensional self-report measure of social competence, some personality traits, and self-concept (self-esteem, external locus of control, private self-consciousness, percieved incompetence, fear of negative evaluation, neuroticism, extraversion, gender orientation and nonverbal sensitivity). 155 students from different departments of Faculty of Education were included in the study. According to regression analyses 13 variables accounted for 50% of the social competence variance. Private self-consciousness, masculinity, and loneliness were signifficant predictors of social competence, accounting for 42 % of variance.
    Keywords: social intelligence, self-concept, personality traits

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Different Theoretical Approaches to Social Competence

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 21 to 28
    Number of references: 28
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The concept of social competence has drawn the attention of researches with different orientations and different measurement techniques. Various theoretical approaches to social competence are presented. The way each model defines social competence and incompetence is also presented. Theoretical models of social competence developed by several researchers are described. The conclusion is that many problems in the domain of social competence have to be solved before it would be possible to develop the theoretical model containing definite answers about the nature of social competence.
    Keywords: soacial competence, social skills, social intelligence

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Empathy: construct and operationalization

    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 131 to 142
    Number of references: 41
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Various aproaches to defining and measuring empathy as well as difficulties investigating this construct are presented in this article. Two separate research traditions are accentuated: the first one emphasizes cognitive aspect of empathy, according to which empathy is ability to take on the role or perspective of the other person; second approach defines empathy as vicarious overlapping of emotional state with the one of the other person, or, in other words it emphasizes the emotional aspect of empathy. In accord with different approaches to empathy, problems related to operationalization of this construct emerge, Hoffman's (1975) developmental model and Davis's (1980) multidimensional approach to empathy is presented.
    Keywords: multidimensional approach to empathy, cognitive empathy, emotional empathy

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Conflicts and factors of its resolution

    Journal: Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 115 to 121
    Number of references: 26
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The results of various research related to the conflicts and their basic characteristics are presented. The review starts with factors which determine the likelihood of the conflict, continues across the course of conflict, the strategies of the parties in conflict and escalation of conflict, and arrives to some possibilities for conflict resolution with particular emphasis at mediation. The importance of the psychological factors at every stage of the conflict and the necessity for further research in this direction are stressed.
    Keywords: conflict, course of conflict, strategies, escalation, conflict resolution, mediation

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Measurement of Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict in Different Social Interactions: Adaptation and Validation of the Scale

    SUŠANJ, ZORAN (137662)
    Kardum, Igor
    Journal: Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 107 to 113
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Adapted questionnaire ROCI-II (Rahim, 1983) was given to a sample of 307 employees in two different types of social interactions: marital partners and co-workers. Factor analysis suggests the 4-factor structure of the questionnaire in both types of social interactions. Differences and correlations among styles of handling interpersonal conflict in different target persons are commented, as well as differences refer to some characteristics of subjects.
    Keywords: interpersonal conflict, styles of handling conflicts, marital conflicts, conflicts with co-workers

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Theoretical aproaches and research in the domain of coping with stress

    Journal: Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 31 to 41
    Number of references: 51
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper represents a review of research and three relevant theoretical approaches in the domain of coping with stressful events. The first, structural approach, conceptualizes coping as a function of personality traits.In the second, transactional approach, dynamic, interactive nature of stress transactions is emphasized, and stress is conceptualized in terms of relations between erson and her environment. The third, additive model represents a broadened version of transactional approach that simultaneously takes into account the role of situational, environmental as well as interindividual factors as independent coping resources.
    Keywords: stress, coping, structural approach, transactional approach, additive model

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Models of coping with conflicts between professional and family roles

    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 29 to 46
    Number of references: 42
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The study proposes a model of stress and coping process on specific stressful situations. Effects of some aspects of self-concept, coping styles and perceived social support as antecedent variables, as well as primary and secondary appraisal as mediating variables on coping with conflicts between professional and family roles, are examined here. Relations between variables were derived from transactional,structural and additive approaches to stress and coping process. The model was tested by linear structural equation modelling (LISREL VI). The results suggest that majority of coping styles are independent constructs which along with personality traits, environmental and situational variables influence coping utilized in specific situations. The results also show that antecedent variables directly or indirectly influence coping in some specific situations. Cognitive appraisal proved to be an important medaiting variable between antecedent variables and specific stressful situations examined in this study.
    Keywords: stress, coping, interrole conflict, model

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Coping with stress and its relations to characteristics od personality, gender and social support

    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 47 to 56
    Number of references: 80
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A review of research results concerning relations between coping with stress and some personality characteristics, aspects of self-concept, social support and biological gender is presented here. The results of majority of studies show that basic personality traits (e.g.neuroticism, extraversion, pessimism and optimism) are important predictors of various coping strategies. Self-esteem and perception of self-efficacy proved a direct influence on stress appraisal, and are related to problem-focused coping strategies. On the contrary, anxiety is often found as a vulnerability factor, which has a negative influence on the relations between stressful experience and their outcomes. Internal locus of control was found to be related to problem-focused coping strategies. Gender differences in coping strategies are also reviewed here, with results indicating that they are not very high but conistent. Literature on social support suggest the significance of this variable as a stress-buffering variable, especcially within women.
    Keywords: stress, coping, personality, gender, social support

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Responsibility Attribution: The Role of Cognitive Structure

    SUŠANJ, ZORAN (137662)
    Journal: Godišnjak Odsjeka za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108X
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 172 to 178
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: An atttempt was made to use statistical instead of individual approach to analyse the attribution process and the role of cogntive structures in the process. On a sample consisting of 606 subjects an attribution of guilt for the "Agrokomerc" affair was made. Subjects attributed greater guilt to the "society" than to the "leading person". A factor analyses of the "society" guilt has shown that different groups within society can be grouped into 3 categories according to the guilt contribution for the affair. These social groups explained about 10% of the guilt variance. The need for checking the stability over time for the cognitive structure was stressed.
    Keywords: attribution, responsibility attribution, cognitive structure, guilt structure, external attribution, internal attribution

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Preventing Conflicts Based on Stereotypes: An Attempt to Use Experimental Results in Practice

    Journal: Godišnjak Zavoda za psihologiju
    ISSN: 1330-108x
    Volume: 1
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 165 to 172
    Number of references: 13
    Language: engleski
    Summary: It is known that some conflicts are concequence of stereotyping. This paper is an attempt to give suggestions on how to diminish and prevent such conflicts - based on the results of fundamental experimental research on stereotype change. The stereotype of aged was used as an example. It was stated that it is possible to change the self-confirming nature of this stereotype by means of social intervention. The general predominately negative stereotype of elderly can be changed into more positive substereotypes. Experimentally determined role of cogntive and motivational factors in stereotype change was translated into practical suggestions for changing the general stereotype of aged into substereotypes.
    Keywords: conflict prevention, stereotype change, elderly

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Opinions about the size of punishment as a function of time

    SUŠANJ, ZORAN (137662)
    Journal: Penološke teme
    Number: 1-4
    ISSN: 159 -9
    Volume: 6
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 91 to 96
    Number of references: 8
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: A survey about the quilt and penalty of the accused in the "Afaire Agrokomerc" was done during accusation stage, at the end of the trial and after the verdict. As a function of time there was a diminution of the size and range of the punishment among citizens. During the accusation stage they thought that the court was to lenient while after the verdict they thought that the court was to harsh. The correlation of r=0.49 was found between the sentence citizens thought adequate and the sentence they expected from the court.
    Keywords: kazna, presuda, vrijeme

  18. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Social competence and empathy

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Musek, Janek
    Polič, Marko
    Proceedings title: III. Alps-Adria Symposium of Psychology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
    Year: 1993
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-7207-066-6
    Pages: from 43 to 48
    Meeting: III. Alps-Adria Symposium of Psychology
    Held: from 06/02/93 to 06/05/93
    Summary: The relationship between social competency and empathy was investigated. 110 students were administered the Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1986) and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980). Both questionnaires demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency. Six regression analyses were performed, with each of six social competency dimensions treated as criterion variables (Emotional Expressivity, Emotional Sensitivity, Emotional Control, Social Expressivity, Social Sensitivity and Social Control), and four empathy dimensions treated as predictor variables (Perspective Taking, Fantasy, Empathic Concern and Personal Distress). Personal distress was the best predictor for each of the four social competency dimensions (except for emotional expressivity and emotional sensitivity). Four empathy dimensions accounted for about 20% of variance for each social competency dimension (except for emotional expressivity). The significant correlation between personal distress and fear of negative evaluation (measured by the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale; Leary, 1983) might in large part explain this findings.
    Keywords: empathy, social competence, social skills

  19. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Social Competency and Empathy

    BRDAR, INGRID (88895)
    Musek, Janek
    Polič, Marko
    Proceedings title: III. Alps-Adria Symposium of Psychology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 6 to 6
    Meeting: III. Alps-Adria Symposium of Psychology
    Held: from 06/02/93 to 06/05/93
    Summary: The relationship between social competency and empathy was investigated. 110 students were administered the Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1986) and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1980). Both questionnaires demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency. Six regression analyses were performed, with each of six social competency dimensions treated as criterion variables (Emotional Expressivity, Emotional Sensitivity, Emotional Control, Social Expressivity, Social Sensitivity and Social Control), and four empathy dimensions treated as predictor variables (Perspective Taking, Fantasy, Empathic Concern and Personal Distress). Personal distress was the best predictor for each of the four social competency dimensions (except for emotional expressivity and emotional sensitivity). Four empathy dimensions accounted for about 20% of variance for each social competency dimension (except for emotional expressivity). The significant correlation between personal distress and fear of negative evaluation (measured by the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale; Leary, 1983) might in large part explain this findings.
    Keywords: empathy, social competence, social skills

  20. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Social Competence in Interpersonal Communication
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Author: BRDAR INGRID
    Date of defense: 05/17/94
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 186
    Keywords: social competence, communication, self-concept, nonverbal sensitivity

  21. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Coping with conflicts between professional and family roles: Coping styles, self-concept and perceived social environment
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/07/94
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 192
    Summary: A model of stress and coping process in specific stressful situations is examined in this study. The effects of some aspects of self-concept, coping styles and perceived social support as antecedent variables, as well as primary and secondary appraisal as mediating variables on coping with conflicts between professional and family role, are predicted in this model. The model was tested by linear structural equation modelling (LISREL VI), and relations between variables were derived from transactional, structural and additive approaches to stress and coping process. The model presented in this study was tested in attempt to answer two relevant questions. The first is whether coping styles are directly derived from personality traits or represent relatively independent personality characteristics. The second questionis whether chosen antecedent variables influence coping strategies and whether it is exerted through a mediating role of cognitive appraisal or independently. The results suggest that majority od self-concept variables are related to coping styles, although they differ conceptually. Coping styles, along with other personality dimensions, environmental and situational variables influence coping strategies utilized in some specific stressful transactions. The results alo show that antecedent variables influence coping in specific situations both directly and indirectly, and cognitive appraisal proved to be relevant mediating variable between antecedent variables and coping with specific episodes. The results obtained partly confirm assumptions of all three approaches to stress and coping.
    Keywords: stress, coping, interrole conflict, self-concept, social support

  22. Type of paper: M.A.

    Title: The Relationship of Empathy and Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflicts
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/11/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 163
    Keywords: empathy, styles of handling interpersonal conflicts, afective empathy, cognitive empathy, integrating, obliging, domination, avoidance

  23. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Title: MOBITEL '93

    Ordering party: HPT
    Institution depot: Pedagoški fakultet
    Year: 1993
    Number of pages: 132
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The survey study had two aims: 1. How to find out who is the future mobitel buyer? Suggestions were given given for the future promotion together with the list of potential buyers. 2. How to improve the mobitel marketing strategy (price, organization and advertising) based on the survey results? The problems were answered based on the survey analysis and the analysis of the existing marketing strategy.
    Keywords: mobitel, marketing strategy, survey, buyers

  24. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Conflict Resolution Strategy after Insult and ASpology
    Institution: SPIT - Society for Social Psychology in Texas
    Year: 1993

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