SVIBOR - Papers quoted in CC - project code: 1-08-284


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Papers quoted in Current Contents on project 1-08-284

Quoted papers: 10
Other papers: 76
Total: 86

Title: Incidence of cucumber mosaic virus in Commelina communis L. in Croatia

Juretić, Nikola (19275)
Horvath, J.
Journal: Acta Phytopath. et Entomol.Hung.
Number: 2-4
Volume: 28
Year: 1993
Pages: from 391-4 to 02
Number of references: 35
Language: engleski
Summary: A virus isolated from Commelina communis showing mild mosaic and leaf deformation was identified as a isolate of cucumber mosaic virus. Virus identification was based on reactions of test plants, electron microscopy, serology, aphid transmission and cross protection. This is the first report of natural infection of Commelina communis by cucumber mosaic virus.
Keywords: plant, Commelina communis, virus

Title: Natural occurence of sowbane mosaic virus on Chenopodium hzbridum L. in Hungary

Horvath, J.
Juretić, Nikola (19275)
Wolf, I.
Pinter, C.
Journal: Acta Phytopath. et Entomol.Hung.
Number: 2-4
Volume: 28
Year: 1993
Pages: from 379 to 389
Number of references: 37
Language: engleski
Summary: From wild plant Chenopodium hybridum L., which had yellow flecking and severe mosaic, a isolate of sowbane mosaic virus (SoMV) was isolated. The isolate was identified on the basis of test plants, serology, electron microscopy and properties in vitro. Nicotiana benthamiana proved to be a new symptomless host of SoMV. The virus reacted with the antisera to the American (A) and Yugoslavian (J) isolates of SoMV and it could not be distinguishable from them. Isometric virus particles, c. 30 nm were found in partially point 10 on minus 6 and the longevity in vitro 24 days. This is the firstreport of the natural occurence of SoMV in Chenopodium hybridum.
Keywords: plant, Chenopodium hybridum, viruses

Title: Plant viruses in soil and water in Croatia

Mamula, Đorđe (27851)
Pleše, Nada (37613)
Juretić, Nikola (19275)
Journal: Periodicum Biologorum
Number: 4
ISSN: 0031-5362
Volume: 96
Year: 1994
Pages: from 381 to 382
Number of references: 9
Language: hrvatski
Keywords: plant virus, soil, water, Croatia

Title: The determination of the content of the polyphenols in the areal parts of the species Centaurea rupestris L. and C. fritschii Hayek (Asteraceae)

Rusak, G. (164954)
Kuštrak, Danica
Maleš, Željan (142654)
Pleše, Nada (37613)
Journal: Acta Pharmaceutica
ISSN: 1330-0075
Volume: 43
Year: 1993
Pages: from 121 to 125
Number of references: 15
Language: hrvatski
Summary: The content of flavonoids, total polyphenols and tannins in the arcal parts of the endemic plant species Centaurea rupestris L. and C. fritschii Hayek are determined. The areal parts of C. fritschii are markedly richer in the polyphenols in relation to C. rupestris.
Keywords: Centaurea rupestris L. (Asteraceae), Centaurea fritschii Hayek (Asteraceae)

Title: Plant viruses in soil and water of forest ecosystems in Croatia

Pleše, Nada (37613)
Juretić, Nikola (19275)
Mamula, Đorđe (27851)
Polak, Z.
Krajačić, Mladen (73481)
Journal: Phyton (A)
ISSN: 0079-2047
Language: engleski
Summary: By means of bait and test plants a high spread of tobacco necrosis virus (TNV), probably a variant of it, was found in soil (in 40 of 70 samles taken near 20 woody plant species) of three forest districts in central Croatia (the vicinity of Zagreb). Water (the samples were high speed or low speed centrifuged) of five courses (brooks and a ditch) contained the typical tobacco mosaic (TMV) or tomato mosaic (ToMV) viruses. First isolation of TMV from forest water and native water silt is reported. Several virus identification criteria, including electron microscopy and serology, were applied.

Title: Identification and analyse of cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA isolated from Chelidonium majus (L.)

Hrženjak, Anđelko
Number: . ra
Volume: Stud
Language: hrvatski

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