SVIBOR - Papers quoted in CC - project code: 3-01-256


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Papers quoted in Current Contents on project 3-01-256

Quoted papers: 5
Other papers: 33
Total: 38

Title: Prophylactic administration of ranitidine after sclerotherapy of esophageal varices.

Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Vrhovac, Božidar (53374)
Jokić, Nataša
Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Opačić, Milorad (76960)
Šalamon, Vladimir
Rustemović, Nadan (204721)
Korać, Bojana
Vucelić, Boris (116793)
Journal: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Therapy and toxicology
Number: 9
ISSN: 0174-4879
Volume: 29
Year: 1991
Pages: from 347 to 51
Number of references: 19
Language: engleski
Summary: The present trial was carried out to determine the usefulness ofH2-receptor antagonist drug therapy for the prevention ofesophageal and esophageal varices bleeding in patients whoanderwent sclerotherapy. According to randomization, out of the58 patients, 28 received, along with the usual standard therapy,ranitidine and 30 received placebo. Ranitidine, 50 mg, wasadministered intravenously over a period of 3 days every 8hours, and then 150 mg of ranitidine was given per os in theevening for one month. For improvment of hemostasis and duringthe elective sclerotherapies, 1% polidocanol was used as thesclerosant. During each puncture, 2 ml was injected. Injectionswere paravasal and intravasal. After sclerotherapy, endoscopicexaminations were carried out on the third day and one monthlater. Necrosis was noted in 42% of the patients and esophagealmucosal inflamation in 26%. Esophageal ulcers did not occur.There was no statistically significant difference between the twogroups in terms of age, sex ratio, cause of liver cirrhosis, andthe Child s classification. The size of esophageal varices had noeffect on the development of esophageal mucosal changes incorrelation with the quantity of sclerosant. The comparison ofthe two groups of patients, sclerosed for hemorrhage andsclerosed electively, showed no statistically significantdifference regarding esophageal mucosal changes. No differencesbetween the ranitidine and placebo groups of patients wereobserved in this indication. It can be concluded that esophagealmucosal changes probably arise as a consequence of thesclerosant, its concentation, quantity and mode of application.The administration of H2-receptor antagonists did not preventany mucosal changes, what indirectly means that acid reflux hasno negative effects on the esophageal mucosa following thesclerotherapy. Therefore, the prophylactic use of H2-receptorantagonist drugs is not justified.
Keywords: Sclerotherapy of esophageal varices, complications, prophylactic use of H2-receptor antagonists.

Title: Sclerotherapy of bleeding oesophageal varices in children with prehepatic portal hypertension: a prospective evaluation over 7 years.

Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Kačić, Milivoj
Šalamon, Vladimir
Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Dujšin, Margareta
Radanović, Branko (140604)
Paar, Vladimir
Journal: European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Number: 7
ISSN: 0954-691X
Volume: 5
Year: 1993
Pages: from 533 to 539
Number of references: 20
Language: engleski
Summary: Objective: To assess the effect of sclerotherapy in arrestingbleeding from oesophageal varices, on the incidence of recurrentbleeding and mortality in children with prehepatic portalhypertension. Fourteen children with prehepatic portalhypertension were followed up. The control group comprized 20children also with prehepatic portal hypertension treated over aperiod of 7 years. Acute bleeding from oesophageal varices wasarrested in all patients in the sclerotherapy group. None of thepatients in the sclerotherapy group died, while 40% of those inthe control group died. The incidence of rebleeding in thesclerotherapy group was reduced by 53% compared with the controlgroup. On the basis of our results, injection sclerotherapyshould be the treatment of choice for bleeding oesophagealvarices in children with prehepatic portal hypertension.
Keywords: Portal hypertension, oesophageal varices, endoscopic sclerotherapy.

Title: The bleeding arrest and treatment of stress lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract in wounded.

Dubravčić, Dubravka
Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Katičić, Mirjana
Car, D
Georgijević, Andrija
Journal: Acta Medica Austriaca
Number: 5
ISSN: 0303-8173
Volume: 20
Year: 1993
Pages: from 127 to 130
Number of references: 7
Language: njemački
Summary: Despite the use of H2-receptor antagonists for the prevention ofstress lesions, 32 (9%) of the 354 wounded treated at thesurgical intensive care units presented with uppergastrointestinal bleeding. 28 (87,5%) patients underwentendoscopic examination. The types of hemorrhage and the efficacyof hemostasis were analysed. The bleeding ceased spontaneously in17 (53,1%) patients, and 3 (9,4%) died in spite of all theendoscopic and surgical procedures undertaken.
Keywords: Stress lesions, bleeding, hemostasis.

Title: Wounding, shock and stress lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Dubravčić, Dubravka
Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Bakran, Ivan
Katičić, Mirjana
Car, D
Georgijević, Andrija
Cvitanović, B
Jokić, Nataša
Journal: Stress Medicine
ISSN: 0748-8386
Volume: 10
Year: 1994
Pages: from 57 to 61
Number of references: 13
Language: engleski
Summary: This retrospective study included 2532 wounded, of whom 354 (24 per cent) were treated in surgical intensive care units. In 32 patients, 1.3 per cent of all admissions, upper gastrointestinal bleeding was detected. It occurred on average 8.9 days (3-21 days) after the wounding or surgical procedure in severely injured patients and those treated in intensive care units, respectively (32 of 354 patients, 9.0 per cent). All patients received different analgesic drugs and 17 of a group that presented with bleeding were given psychotropic agents as well. The majority of patients (96.3 per cent) were administered H2-receprot antagonists as prophylaxis against stress ulcer disease. There was a statisticallly significant difference between these patients treated with H2-receptor antagonists and those on no prophylactic therapy. No statistically significant difference was found between cimetidine and ranitidine in terms of their efficacy. Endoscopic examination revealed multiple bleeding gastric and duodenal erosions. The lesions were most commonly located in the corpus of the stomach. In the majority of patients (56.25 per cent), the haemorrhage stopped spontaneously and rebleeding presented in four of 32 (12.5 per cent) patients. Of 354 patients treated in intensive care units, five (1.4 per cent) had to be operated on because of bleeding arrest. Despite all therapeutic and surgical procedures undertaken, five of 32 (15,6 per cent) patients died.
Keywords: Stress lesions, wounding, prevention.

Title: Comparison of injection sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation for bleeding peptic ulcers

Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Vucelić, Boris (116793)
Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Opačić, Milorad (76960)
Rustemović, Nadan (204721)
Krznarić, Željko
Brkić, Tomislav
Jokić, Nataša
Journal: Endoscopy
Number: 4
ISSN: 0013-726X
Volume: 27
Year: 1995
Pages: from 291 to 297
Number of references: 26
Language: engleski
Summary: Background and Study Aims: The most widely used endoscopic procedures in the management of patients with bleeding peptic ulcer are at present sclerotherapy and thermal methods. In an attempt to assess the most effective method of achieving hemostasis, we compared injection sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation in terms of the efficacy of initial hemostasis, rebleeding, need for surgery, mortality, and the appearance of the ulcer after hemostatic procedure. Patients and Methods: In this prospective, randomized trial, 160 patients were treated with injection sclerotherapy (1% polidocanol), and 155 patients with laser photocoagulation (Nd:YAG laser) in cases of Forrest I, Forrest IIa, and Forrest IIb hemorrhage. The bleeding activity was classified according to the modified Forrest criteria. Polidocanol injection and Nd:YAG laser photocoagulation were not preceded by epinephrine administration. Results: There were no significant overall differences between the groups in the outcome in terms of definitive hemostasis, rebleeding, urgent surgery, and death (p=0.487). In the case of the subgroup with Forrest I lesions, laser photocoagulation was more efficacious than sclerotherapy (p=0.0078). In the Forrest IIa and Forrest IIb subgroups, the two methods were equally effective (p=0.202, and 0.513 respectively). In the sclerotherapy patients, definitive initial hemostasis in Forrest IIa was achieved in 100%, whereas in the laser group this rate was 92%, with 28% of patients initially developing hemorrhage after one or two laser pulses. Ulcer healing was slower following sclerotherapy than after laser photocoagulation. Conclusion: Injection sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation are equally effective in achieving definitive hemostasis in bleeding peptic ulcers. Laser photocoagulation is more efficacious in patients with active bleeding. wherease injection sclerotherapy is more effective in patients with a nonbleeding visible vessel.
Keywords: Injection Sclerotherapy, laser photocoagulation, bleeding peptic ulcers.

Title: Percutaneous pancreatography by means of an ultrasound.

Rustemović, Nadan (204721)
Opačić, Milorad (76960)
Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Vucelić, Boris (116793)
Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Mandić, Ante (141212)
Frković, Marija (141234)
Journal: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Therapy and toxicology
Number: ški
Volume: Roga
Year: 1993
Pages: from 18 to 0
Number of references: 103
Language: hrvatski
Summary: A diagnostic method rarely used in practice has been described.The procedure is indicated in patients in whom endoscopicretrograde pancreatography was ineffective out of various reasonsor where there is a specific indication for presentation of thewhole pancreatic duct. Percutaneous pancreatography has been undertaken in 17 patients,and it was efficacious in 14 (82%). It was uneventful in all ofthem. We conclude that this method is very valuable in thediagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic tumors.
Keywords: Percutaneous pancreatography, ultrasound.

Title: Portal hemodynamic changes in patients with portal hypertension following the elective sclerotherapies of esophageal varices measured by doppler ultrasound technique.

Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Šalamon, Vladimir
Opačić, Milorad (76960)
Rustemović, Nadan (204721)
Vucelić, Boris (116793)
Journal: Libri oncologici
Number: nite
Volume: II U
Year: 1993
Pages: from 318 to 0
Number of references: 104
Language: engleski
Summary: The aim of this prospective study was to establish wheter thereare changes in the diameter of the portal vein and portalvenous blood flow velocity during elective sclerotherapies ofesophageal varices, measured by color doppler, and wether, incase these changes occur, they are helpful in assessing varicealbleeding. In 30 patients who already presented with varicealbleeding, the hemodynamic parameters were followed up at thear admission and prior to each elective sclerotherapy.Sclerotherapies were performed every 7 day until a satisfactoryresult was achieved, i.e. coplete obliteration, an avarage of 3sclerotherapies. Results of statistical anlysis showed thatchanges in the blood fow velocity in the portal vein were not ofstatistical significance, while changes in the diameter of theportal vein was noted as the sclerotherapies progressed. Howeverin 7 patients blood flow velocity increased for 50% after thesecond elective sclerotherapy and increase of the diameter of theportal vein was noted. The result show that in case of anelevated blood flow velocity and increased portal vein diameterthere is a risk of rebleeding. Noninvasive color dopplertechnique is evaluable method of followin up hemodinamic changesof the portal vein.
Keywords: Portal hypertension, elective sclerotherapy, color doppler.

Title: Critical analysis of the Forrest s classification of peptic ulcer hemorrhage and effectiveness of endoscopic laser photocoagulation versus injection sclerotherapy according to bleeding.

Pulanić, Roland (141256)
Rosandić-Pilaš, Marija (138922)
Opačić, Milorad (76960)
Šalamon, Vladimir
Rustemović, Nadan (204721)
Vucelić, Boris (116793)
Journal: Libri oncologici
Number: nite
Volume: II U
Year: 1993
Pages: from 270 to 0
Number of references: 104
Language: engleski
Summary: The Forrest s classification of peptic ulcer bleeding, witch isthe most frequently applied, does not identify the mode, naturalcourse and activity of bleeding as well as emergency ofendoscopic hemostasis. Therefore we have made our own scheme forthe division of endoscopic bleeding. Effectiveness of hemostasis with respect to activity of bleedingwas analysed on a group of 315 patients. 160 patients underwentsclerotherapy and 155 laser teratment. Both methodes wereindentically effective in venous hemorrhage. In arterial bleedingIa, a significantly higher rate of definite hemostasis wasachieved by photocoagulation. In visible vessel sclerotherapy wasfound to be more effective than photocoagulation. In conclusion,according to endoscopic criteria of hemorrhage, laserphotocoagulation is superior to sclerotherapy in active arterialbleeding, and injection sclerotherapy to laser treatment invisible vessels.
Keywords: Bleeding ulcers, laser photocoagulation, injection sclerotherapy.

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