SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 4-01-087


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 4-01-087

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 21
Total: 21

  1. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Yield of dry matter and proteins as effected by genetic variability

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Journal: Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj tehnologiji
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0352-1346
    Volume: 22
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 299 to 306
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Twenty-seven alfalfa cultivars, among which fourteen Croatian, eight Serbian, one Macedonian, one Hungarian and three French,were tested at test fields of the Osijek Agricultural Institute from 1987 to 1990. During four years of the investigation, the highest digestible crude protein yield was obtained with the cvs.Slavonka (13380 kg/ha) and Stela (13240 kg/ha), whereas the highest dry matter yield was obtained with the cv. Debarska (733 dt/ha).
    Keywords: Cultivar, digestible crude protein, dry matter

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The effectes of the variety on the seed yield in alfalfa

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Zorić, Jelena (28481)
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0352-3047
    Volume: 9
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 97 to 105
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper examined the effects that the type of alfalfa variety and the climatic conditions had on the seed yield of alfalfa. The investigation was carried out at test fields of the Osijek Agricultural Institute from 1987 to1990. The seed was produced from the second regrowth in 1988, 1989 and 1990 growing seasons. The first regrowth was used for the production of voluminous fodder. Averaged over three years, the highest yield was obtainedwith the Osijek alfalfa variety Stela (962 kg/ha). Foreign alfalfa varieties which were imported without the OECD Certificateattained lower yields compared to the best domestically grown varieties.The seed yield was strongly affected by the climatic conditions inthe period from the flowering to the harvest. When considering the growing seasons with low amounts of rainfall (51.1, 102.4 mm) during the period from flowering to the harvest it can beconcluded that the yields were considerably higher than those obtained in growing seasons characterized by higher amounts of rainfall (167.9 mm).
    Keywords: Variety, seed, dry matter, year, yield,

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Genetic potential of various field pea varieties in kernel production

    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0352-3047
    Volume: 9
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 105 to 111
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Yield of kernels of field pea varieties used for theproduction of voluminous fodder as well as of the varieties used for the production of protein kernels were investigated at the Osijek Agricultural Institute 1987-1989. Among the varieties used for the production of voluminous fodder, the highest yield was obtained with the varieties Miranda, Sirius and Amino (results obtained during the two-year investigation), whereas among the varieties used for the kernel production, the highest yield was obtained with the Maxi, Jurak, Finale and Opal (results obtained from the three-year investigation). During the one-year investigation, the varieties Tyrkis, Dukat, Bohatyr and Smaragd gave yields ranging from 39.4 to 40.8 dt/ha.
    Keywords: Variety, yield of kernels, kernel

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The economic value of alfalfa and red clover,current situation and prospects

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0352-3047
    Volume: 9
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 347 to 352
    Number of references: 7
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The areas under alfalfa and red clover in Croatia occupy7.57 % of the total arable land. In this way, these crops are the most frequently grown ones among the fodder crops. The hay yield is unjustifiably low, so that 30 to 40 % ofthe potential of the varieties is utilized. There are good conditions for the production of alfalfa and red clover seed in Croatia, yet, the production does not meet the needs. According to the dry matter yield and the protein digestibility, domestic alfalfa varieties are as good as the best European varieties.
    Keywords: Yield, seed, voluminous fodder, variety, digestible protein

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Variability in alfalfa plants in the F3 and F4 generations

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Journal: Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj tehnologiji
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0352-1346
    Volume: 23
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 198 to 205
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The investigation at the Osijek Agricultural Institute with the genotypes selected in the F3 generation for seed yield has indicated significant seed yield differences even in the F4 generation. The differences among the genotypes were observed for the plant killing, as well. During the three-year investigation, the genotypes 62, 27 and 5 gave the highest seed yields per plant, ranging from 40.4 to 41.6 g, whereas the genotype 92 had the lowest percentage of plant killing (1.9%).
    Keywords: Genotype, plant yield, stand

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Increasing africultural production in Eastern Croatia by means of further development of animal production

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    ŠĆtefanić, Ivan
    Zimmer, Robert
    Smičić, Sonja (900684)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Journal: Poljoprivredne aktualnosti
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0350-6622
    Volume: 29
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 155 to 163
    Number of references: 8
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Large socially-owned agricultural plants in Eastern Croatia havebeen in possession of 43,6 % of total arable land. As for theprivate farms, 31,8 % farms occupy an area smaller than 1 ha(data obtained in 1981), whereas 2,6 % farms own the area largerthan 10 ha. As for the crops sown, cereals have been prevailing.The portion of fodder crops is low. The yield of voluminousfodder and hay is low, too, because the most recent technologicalachievements have not been applied on the one hand and there areinsuffficient supplements and equipment on the other. The numberof livestock units/ha is on the decrease. According to the dataof 1990, it amounted to 0,39 /ha. Due to the war circumstances,the number of animals has been reduced by 48,0 to 61,9 %. Even small farms can provide for their existence by developinganimal production. This is based on the statement that on a farmoccupying 4,4 ha and growing one livestock unit/ha, aftersettling the costs, proceeds of 3500 DM /year can be obtained.However, the measures of the economic policy must be encouragingto the farmers.
    Keywords: economy, animal production, livestock unit, voluminous fodder

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Bioecological and agronomic features of flora observed on the marshy-lowlands meadow in the region of agricultural enterprise Orahovica

    Skender, Ana
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Bukvić, Gordana
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Stipešević, Dinko
    Journal: Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj tehnologiji
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0352-1346
    Volume: 23
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 82 to 105
    Number of references: 34
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Development of cattle-raising and sheep-farming demands an intensive breeding of natural and artificial meadows, i.e. an increase in the productivity and fodder quality by applying ameliorative measures and mineral fertilization in particular. This paper presents floral ecological, phytocoenological and qualitative features of flora at the Agricultural Enterprise Orahovica, fertilized and non-fertilized for one year in 1993, respectively. Within the mixture of vegetation units of associations, alliances and orders, the most frequent ones were found to be the faciations of the forthcoming association Arrhenatheretum elatioris alopecurosum and A. e. moenchiosum,both belonging to the alliance Arrhenatherion Br. - Bl. 1925, theorder Arrhenatheretalia Pawl. 1926, and the classMolinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx.1937. The remaining regressive stages of associations (Bromo- Cynosuretum, Serratulo-Plantaginetum), links (Trifolion pallidi,Molinion,Deschampsion) and orders (Trifolio-Hordetalia, Molinietalia,Deschampsietalia) of this class were rather infrequent, having cover values of the characteristic species. Flora (108 species) consisted of 81 strains, 30 families, 24 orders and classes of Liliatae and Magnoliatae. On the meadow studied, the perenial species chemicryptophyts andEuropean-Asian- sub-Mediterranean floral element were dominant. With regard tothe agroecological soil conditions, the plant species have shown that it had moisture ranging from medium one to moist, that it was slightly acid and was medium poor to medium rich regarding the nutrients. The portion of unfavourable weed species (77,78 - 84,26%) of the meadow brought about low green fodder and hay quality. This indicates an insufficient application of ameliorative measures, such as ground levelling, drainage and fertilization.

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Voluminous Forage Production for the Livestock Production of the Agricultural Organization "Orahovica" in 1993

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Bušljeta, Ivica
    Stipešević, Dinko
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Journal: Poljoprivredne aktualnosti
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 0350-6622
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 549 to 557
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In the 1993 the agricultural organization "Orahovica" increased the livestock production to the 0,87 livestock units.Voluminous forage needs have been satisfied by the sowing of basic crops like maize,barley,oats,sunflower and sweet sorghum and second crops.It was made 1 517 130 kg of silage in 1993.
    Keywords: Livestock production,livestock unit,voluminous forage

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Marijanović, Ivo
    Tucaković, Stjepan
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 1330-0121
    Volume: 11
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 275 to 284
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: By special adjustments before and harvest, it is possible to reduce the alfalfa seed losses in haeder and straw shaker to less than 1 %. With the increased speed of drum rotations, the seed losses at magnetic separator are considerably ncrased, too. Seed purity, visible and invisible seed injuries afect the level of seed losses. The highest germinability was obtained with 750 drum rotations/minute. Germinability of seed depends on the hard seed, the visible injuries, the seed purity and seed losses on the magnetic separator a great deal. The visible and invisible seed injuries ranged from 0,97 to 2,03 % and from 0,93 to 1,83 %, respectively.
    Keywords: Harvest, seed losses, seed injury, germinability

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 2-3
    ISSN: 1330-0121
    Volume: 12
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 135 to 149
    Number of references: 11
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Seed quality is an important factor in relation to the arable land production,in particular for alfalfa and other leguminoses of small-sized kernels.With the expansion of the production of alfalfa seed,the presence of Cuscuta spp. becomes even more evident.In the region of Slavonija and Baranja,its presence was recorded on apprroximately 40 % plots under alfalfa,whereas in Istria,on the reddish soils,it was found on about 80 % plots.In the production of alfalfa seed,Cuscuta spp. is a quarantine weed species andtherefore as to be controlled both mechanically and using herbicide preparations.This investigation included the application of four herbicide preparations (Kerb 50,Cidokor,Pivot 100 E and Aretit flussig) before the vegetation,after cutting the first growth in two different quantities at the location of Osijek and Poreč (1988 and 1989).The results of tests in Osijek have shown that areas treated with the Kerb 50 preparation (in mean over two years) had the lowest portion of Cuscuta spp. seed (2,35%) whereas on the non-treated area its portion was found to be 9,29 %.The applications of other herbicide preparations have led to poorer results.The test carried out in the region of Poreč,the region characterized by a different climatic environment,have shown consedirably poorer efficiency of the preparations as compared to the region of Osijek.The best result was achieved with the application of Kerb 50.The portion of the Cuscuta spp. seed was,however,53,63 %.Its portion recorded on the non-treated area,averaged over two years,was 78,61 %.Other herbicide preparations attained poorer results in the region of Poreč,as well.

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Čajić, Vesna
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Journal: Sjemenarstvo
    Number: 2-3
    ISSN: 1330-0121
    Volume: 12
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 123 to 134
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper presents the data on alfalfa seed losses during processing,as well as on the seed quality after processing.The investigation included seven seed lots classified according to the area of its origin,the overall quantity amounting to 58.683 kg.The portion of seed before processing ranged from 0,15 to 6,04 %.Depending on the origin,the number of weed species ranged from 5 to 17.Among the weed seed that hardly separates from alfalfa seed we have found:Cuscuta spp.,Rumex spp.,Plantago lanceolata,Amaranthus retroflexus,Myosotis arvensis,Polygonum lapathifolium,Setaria spp. and Sorghum spp..The machines for the processingwere:air-screen cleaner and magnetic separator.During processing,20,4% of alfalfa seed in mean was separated as useless (air-screen cleaner-14,69%,magnetic separator-5,71%) and 10.211 kg,respectively,corresponding to the market value of approximately 40.000 DEM.The quantity of useless alfalfa seed was most affected by the presence of weed seed that hardly separates from alfalfa (r=0,735),as well as by percentage share of weed in the seed before processing (r=0,683).The portion of ueseless alfalfa seed on the grading machine was affected by the seed quantity (r=0,704) and the number of weed species the hardly separate from alfalfa seed (r=0,523),whereas for the magnetic separator,it was affected by the presence of weed seed that hardly separates from the seed of alfalfa (r=0,723) and by the overall potion of weeds in the natural seed (r=0,476).
    Keywords: Alfalfa,weed,processing,seed losses

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Production Conditions and Yield of Alfalfa Seed in East Croatia

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Tucaković, Stjepan
    Blaževac, Slavoljub
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Marijanović, Ivo
    Blaževac, Slavoljub
    Journal: Poljoprivredne aktualnosti
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 0350-6622
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 435 to 441
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In 1993 alfalfa seed have been produced on the 142 hectares of arable land in East Croatia.Depending on the producer,the yield of natural alfalfa seed,without percent of weeds and other dirts, ranged from 96 to 925 kg per hectare.The quantity of rainfall during the period of growth affected on the height of yield.
    Keywords: Alfalfa,seed,yield,rainfall,weed

  13. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Genetic variability in alfalfa plants in the F3 and F4 generations

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Rotili, Pietro
    Zannone, L.
    Proceedings title: Erba medica, X-a Conferenca Internacionale
    Language: engleski
    Place: Lodi, Italija
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 480 to 484
    Meeting: EUCARPIA - Medicago spp Group
    Held: from 06/15/92 to 06/19/92
    Summary: The investigation at the Osijek Agricultural Institute with the genotypes selected in the F3 generation for seed yield has indicated significant seed yield differences even in the F4 generation. The differences among the genotypes were observed for the plant killing as well. During the three-year investigation,the genotypes 62, 27 and 5 gave the highest seed yields per plant ranging from 40.4 to 41.6 g, whereas the genotype 92 had the lowest percentage of plant killing (1.9%).
    Keywords: Genotype, plant, yield, stand

  14. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Alfalfa (M. sativa) as a significant factor in the production of roughage in Republic of Croatia

    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Smičić, Sonja
    Proceedings title: Management and Breeding of perennial Lucerne for Diversifield Purposes
    Language: engleski
    Place: Rim, Italija
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 1024-2368
    Pages: from 21 to 22
    Meeting: EUCARPIA - Medicago spp Group
    Held: from 09/04/94 to 09/08/94
    Summary: Alfalfa in Croatia is sown from 3,85 to 4,35 % of arable land according to year. Lands sown with alfalfa will not be increased in the next period.Alfalfa yields are expected to increase per land unit.Fertilization of home varieties in the production is poorly used (about 40 %).Selection of varieties, application of proper techniques of production and menagement, and use of genetic possibility should increase at 65 to 70 %.The Republic of Croatia satisfies by 50 % its needs for alfalfa seeds and is supposed to be autosufficient in the next 3-4 years.
    Keywords: Alfalfa,genetic possibility,seed

  15. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Majić, Milica
    Milas, Milan
    Bodakoš, Dragutin
    Proceedings title: EXPO 93
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 13
    Meeting: Uloga oplemenjivanja bilja i sjemenarstvo u obnovi i razvoju poljodjelstva Hrvatske
    Held: from 05/05/93 to 05/09/93

  16. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Poljoprivredni Josipa Jurja Strossmayera
    Date of defense: 01/30/95
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 92
    Summary: Seed production of alfalfa has a long tradition in the Republic of Croatia.In addition to the large experience,good agri-ecological conditions and a wide range of the high-qualiti varieties sown,the domestic production has not yet met the current needs at the market and the seed quantities required are imported.One of the limiting factor relating to the seed production is a large portion of weed species in alfalfa fields,particulary of Cuscuta spp.,being a quarantine weed that hardly separates from alfalfa seed during processing.To solve the problem,we established field trials following the rendomized block-design in four replications on two localities in two years.The trials were established at the field of the Osijek Agricultural Institute on an Eutric cambisol with 1,7 % vegetable mould,pH ranging from the neutral to poorly acid reaction,a moderate active phosphorus and potassium content,as well as on the field of the Agricultural Enterprise "Agrolaguna" Poreč,being the red soil type with 0,87 % vegetable mould,a moderately acid reaction and little active phosphorus and a slight portion of potassium content.The efficiency of four herbicide preparations (Kerb 50,Cidokor,Pivot 100E,Aretit flussig) on the chemical control of Cuscuta spp. in alfalfa fields in the fourth and fifth year was tested in two times of application (Before groving period and after the first cut) and two different levels of the preparations were applied.The objective was to compare the results with the control plot.The herbicide preparations have attained various efficiency coefficient with regard to the seed yield of Cuscuta spp. across the years of the investigation,localities and times of applications.The herbicide preparation Kerb 50 had the highest efficiency coefficient (57,91% on average),whereas the lowest one was found after the application of Pivot 100E (7,39% on average).In Osijek,the efficiency coefficient on the preparation Kerb 50 was 78,85% with the average infestation with Cuscuta spp. of 8,18%.The same data obtained in Poreč were 36,97% with the average infestation by Cuscuta spp. of 73,47%.The time of herbicide application had considerable effect on the efficiency coefficients obtained.All preparations tested had higher coefficients when applied after the first cut of alfalfa plants.The herbicide preparation Kerb 50, considerable the most efficient one,had the efficiency coefficient after the first and the second time of application amounting to 40,04% and 74,63%,respectively.The quantities of preparations applied did not affect the level of efficiency coefficient obtained.The seed yield of alfalfa ranged in years from 507,1 kg/ha on average (Osijek 1988) to 22,4 kg/ha (Poreč 1988).The seedyields obtained were affected by climatic conditions,the portion of Ciscuta spp. as well as the entire weed flora.During the investigation,31 weed species from 2 classes,12 orders and 16 families were found.The following species of Cuscuta spp. were found and determined on both localities:Cuscuta trifolii Bab. and Cuscuta campestris Yuncker.According to the spectrum of life forms,the largest group found belonged to the therophytes (58,06%),followed by chemychriptophytes (35,48%).The geophytes were found to be freqent least.
    Keywords: Cuscuta spp.,herbicide preparation,yield,efficiency coefficient

  17. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Poljoprivredni Josipa Jurja Strossmayera
    Date of defense: 02/14/94
    Number of pages: 50
    Author: Čajić Mr.sci. Vesna
    Degree level: M.A.

  18. Type of paper: New sort


    Bošnjak, Dragoljub (4906)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Zorić, Jelena (28481)
    Approved by institution: Savezni komitet za poljoprivredu
    Institution depot: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek
    Date of approval: 01/22/91
    Decision number: 2/0-04-001/14

  19. Type of paper: New sort


    Bošnjak, Dragoljub (4906)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Zorić, Jelena (28481)
    Approved by institution: Savezni komitet za poljoprivredu
    Institution depot: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek
    Date of approval: 01/22/91
    Decision number: 2/0-04-001/14

  20. Type of paper: New sort


    Bošnjak, Dragoljub (4906)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Zorić, Jelena (28481)
    Approved by institution: Savezni komitet za poljoprivredu
    Institution depot: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek
    Date of approval: 01/22/91
    Decision number: 2/0-04-001/14

  21. Type of paper: New sort


    Bošnjak, Dragoljub (4906)
    Stjepanović, Mirko (44940)
    Popović, Svetislav (70542)
    Approved by institution: Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i šumarstva Republike Hrvatske
    Institution depot: Poljoprivredni institut Osijek
    Date of approval: 05/27/93
    Decision number: 525-06-93-02

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