SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 4-07-005


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 4-07-005

Quoted papers: 9
Other papers: 77
Total: 86

  1. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Packaging of agriculture and food stuffs

    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Andričević, Željko
    Rodin, Ante (18724)
    Publisher: Globus
    ISBN: 631.115.1(035
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 317 to 331
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The role of packaging technology and packaging technics is of thegreat importance for agriculture and food processing industry.Packaging materials and packaging systems are discussed fordifferent kinds of food stuffs. Marketing aspects of foodpackaging as wellas the development of pakaging materials/methods including regulations and standardization aspects arealso discussed.
    Keywords: agriculture, food industry, food packaging, packaging technology, regulations

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Influence of water extracts of spices on the corrosion of aluminium in sodium chloride solution

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Dikanović, Željka
    Journal: Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung
    ISSN: 1991-3026
    Volume: 193
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 449 to 453
    Number of references: 22
    Language: njemački
    Summary: The influence of water-space extracts on the corrosion ofaluminium in sodium chloride solution was investigated. Modelsolutions of spice extracts (paprika,peper, garlic, rosemary) andmixtures in sodium chloride solution were prepared for thedetermination of corrosionpotential of aluminium. Simoultaneously,pH and conductance of the solutions as a function of each spiceand its concentration were measured.
    Keywords: aluminium, corrosion, sodium chloride, spice extracts, electrochemical methods

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Physico-chemical Characteristics of Dehydrated Baby Food During Storage

    Mesić, Zlata (161034)
    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Gačić, Milica (25823)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0352-9193
    Volume: 29
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 171 to 175
    Number of references: 18
    Language: engleski
    Summary: To get insight into the intesity of quality changes, redoxpotential and some phiysico-chemical characteristics weredetermined (total acidity, conductivity, pH value, moisturecontent,and ascorbic acid content) in fruit base baby food duringstorage. The samples were packaged into the triplex films (i.e.polyester-aluminium-polyethilene bags). The organolepticproperties of products were evaluated by five panelists. During the six months of storage the greatest changes werereflected on ascorbic acid content. Vitamin C loss was highestin dehydrated orange and berries-base baby food, i.e. 38.16 and 34.35 %, respectively. During first four months of storage rHvalue and water content showed significant difference between thesamples. Altough physico-chemical changes vere observed, according to thepanelists, these products kept satisfactory sensory propertiesduring six months of storage.
    Keywords: baby food, redox potential, ascorbic acid, triplex films

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Catalytic preparation of diaceton alcohol in controlled flow conditions

    Sišul, Nikica (43395)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Jelenčić, Jasenka (41450)
    Journal: Reactions kinetics and catalysis letters
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0133-1736
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 111 to 117
    Number of references: 13
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Catalytic preparation of diacetone alcohol from acetone wasstudied using strong basic ion exchangers as catalysts. Acontinous process was carried out in an enlarged laboratoryset-up with controlled flow rate. Experiments were performed with respect to experiment duration, temperature, flowrate, catalysts porosity and caralyst-acetone ratio. The quantityof DAA was determined by gas chromatografy. The effects oftemperature, catalyst, porosity and catalyst-acetone ratioon thereaction course were significant in comparison with otherparameters examined. An exponential depadance of C/A ratio on DAAyield was found.
    Keywords: diacetone acohol, catalityc preparation, ion exchanger, aldolic condensation, strong basic catalyst

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Effect of modified atmosphere on the quality of grated carrots packed in polyethilene foil

    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Marjanović, Marija (148324)
    Katalenić, Marijan (137550)
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0352-9193
    Volume: 29
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 133 to 139
    Number of references: 28
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In order to preserve natural properties of grated acrrots theinfluence of preparation methods and modified atmosphere in lowdensity polyethylene packaging of 30 and 70 microm film thicknesson its shelf life during 10 days storage at 4 and 20 Cwasexamined. Changes in total mass, pH-values, total and reducing sugars,nitrates (NO3) and nitrites (NO2), microbiological compositionand organoleptic properties of raw material were analysed. It was etablished that grated carrots shelf life can be prolongedup to 5 days if packed in 70 microm polyethylene film in modifiedatmosphere at 4 C. The modified atmosphere, however , enthances nitrite reductioninto nitrites, shortening the shel life to 2-3 days. The whole carrot treatment with 0,5 % solution of K2S2O5 hasadditional negative efects on the reduction of nitrate intonitrite and in combination with high initial CO2 concentration inpackaging as well on the row material odour. Preservation in modified atmosphere reduces the initial totalbacteria count.
    Keywords: modified atmosphere, food packaging, grated carrots, polyethylene foil

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Structural Investigation of N-Arylpyrroles as Iron Corrosion Inhibitors in Hydrocloric Acid

    Stupnišek-Lisac, Emica
    Metikoš-Huković, Mirjana
    Lenčić, Dubravka
    Vorkapić-Furač, Jasna (53001)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Journal: Corrosion NACE
    Number: 11
    ISSN: 0010-9312
    Volume: 48
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 924 to 930
    Number of references: 16
    Language: engleski
    Summary: In previous works, the authors found that substitutedN-aryl-2,5-dimetylpirroles are very effective inhibitors of ironcorrosion in acid solutions. The efficiency of an inhibitor inprotecting metals from corrosionis often associated with themolecular structure of the inhibitor as well as with thedistribution of charge in the molecule . In this paper, theeffect of the type and the position of the substituted group ofN-arylpyrrole derivatives on corrosion inhibition of iron instrong acid-pickling solution (5 mol/dm3 hydrocloric acid)hasbeen investigated using electrochemical methods. For thispuprpose ,different substituted N-arylpyrroles were synthesized.The inhibition efficiency of the substituted N-arylpyrrolescontaining halide ions folows the order F Br J Cl.
    Keywords: acid inhibitors, corrosion rate,hydrochloric acid, organic inhibitors, polarization resistance

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Catalytic Preparation of Mesityl Oxide from Acetone

    Sišul, Nikica (43395)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Wolf, Nikola (54274)
    Jelenčić, Jasenka (41450)
    Journal: Reactions kinetics and catalysis letters
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0133-1736
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 65 to 71
    Number of references: 8
    Language: engleski
    Summary: In the process of the aldol condensation of acetone thepreparation of mesityl oxide has been studied with respect to thetemperature and the nature catalyst. Strong basic in exchangersIonenaustaucher III (Merck III) and Lewatit MP 500 were used inthe temperature range from 0 to 50 C. Better results areachieved with Merck III, as is evident from DAA/MO yields, ratecontansts and energy activation values. Empirical expressions forDAA/MO production are given.
    Keywords: catalytic preparation,mesytil oxide, aceton, ion exchanger, basic catalysis

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Žitnjak, Vesna
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0352-1753
    Volume: 9
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 19 to 26
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Monitoring of physico-chemical parameters of powdered vanilla andcoffee ice-creams samples during storage at 293 K and 303 K wasperformed. Rheological properties of frozen ice-creams duringstorage at 259 K were determined periodically in the 3-monthstime of storage. All the samples showed a pseudoplastic type offlowing. The tixotropic/antitixotropic behavior of fresh prepared instant creams was observed. At the end of storage period thediminution of apparent viscosity was noted. The changes ofchemical constituents during storage were not significant.
    Keywords: instant cream, ice-cream, rheological properties, pseudoplastic flowing

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Monitoring of the Microbial Populations of Filled Tea Biscuits During Production and Storage

    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Macura, Marija
    Došen, Vera
    Vojvodić, Dajana
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0353-9193
    Volume: 30
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 113 to 116
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper describes the monitoring of microbial populations offilled tea biscuits during production and storage. It was determined that the raw materials, semiproducts andfinished products were not markedly contaminated withmicroorganisms. Aerobic mesophilic bacteria dominated in the analysed samples (aswas expected) while the yeasts and moulds were significiantlyless persent. Yeast species of genera Saccharomyces and Candidaand mouldsspecies of genera Cladosporium, Pennicilium, Aspergillus,Fusarium and Alternaria, were found predominant. In the process of production of filled tea biscuits, bacteriafrom genera Proteus and Escherichia coli were not foundin thesamples of row materials, semiproducts and finished products. In the sample of powder milk and mass of raw materials for thecream the presence of sulfitoreducing clostridia was determined. Coagulases of positive staphylococci were determined only in thesample of filled tea biscuits after cooling.In other analysedsamples the presence of the mentioned bacteria was not determined. During the storage of filled tea biscuits, the number ofaerobic mesophilic bacteria changed insignificantly.
    Keywords: tea bicuit, microbial populations, production of tea biscuits, storage

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Extension of shelf life of fresh fruit packed in modified atmosphere

    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Journal: Hrvatski voćarski glasnik
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 1330-0040
    Volume: 2
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 25 to 26
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Application of low temperature conservation as well as modifiedatmosphere packaging of fresh fruit was discussd. The respiration rates of different fresh fruits in MA conditions are given. Theshelf life of fresh fruit can be prolonged for more 30 days usingthe conditions of low temperature and MA packaging
    Keywords: Fresh fruit, low temperature storage, MA packaging

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Influence of aflatoxin B1 on fermentation ativity of bakery yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Journal: Znanost i praksa u poljoprivredi i prehrambenoj tehnologiji
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0352-1346
    Volume: 22
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 407 to 415
    Number of references: 24
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The influence of aflatoxin B1 on fermentation activity of bakeryyeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae SCM was investigated. Aflatoxin B1was found to slow down fermentationactivity of bakery yeastS.Cerevisiae under experimental conditions. This is displayed ina decreased intensity of releasing carbon dioxide and ethylalcohol during fermentation yeastactivity at the temperature 25 Cand 35 C in the presence of various concentrations of aflatoxinB1. Aflatoxin B1 has a certain influence of the Plivas activebakery yeast S.cerevisiae in a doughing without sodium chloride.When sodium chloride is present, however, aflatoxin B1 does notinfluence fermentation activity of this yeast.
    Keywords: aflatoxinn, fermentative activity, bakery yeast

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Redox-potential and browning of tomato paste in aluminium tubes during storage at different temparatures

    Mesić, Zlata (161034)
    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Journal: Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung
    ISSN: 0044-3026
    Volume: 197
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 525 to 530
    Number of references: 36
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The influence of temparture and applied lacquer of aluminium (Al)tubes on physico-chemical changes of tomato paste during storageswas studied. Packaging and storage conditions have a considerableinfluence on both the oxidative changes in the product andcorrosion behavior of the Al tubes. The greatest changes duringstorage were ascorbic acid and hidroxymethylfurfural contents;the compounds known to possess certain oxido-reduction power. Theconsequence of oxidatio-reduction reactions taking place duringstorage was the establishment of a particular redoxvalues: thelower the reducing power of the compounds present, the higher therH value obtained.
    Keywords: redox potential, browning, tomato paste, aluminium tubes, storrage

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Marjanović, Marija (148324)
    Wilder, Ljerka
    Journal: Lebensmittel Technologie
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0256-6575
    Volume: 27
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 122 to 127
    Number of references: 27
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The present investigation was intiated to examine the possibility of using a biodegradable low density polyethylene (LDPE) film for packaging shredded vegetables in a modified atmosphere (MAP). A mathematical model for predicting the respiration rate of prepared vegetables (O2 consumption and CO2 production) as one of the most important parameters in the optimisation of MAP packaging was developed. The efficiency of the proposed model was tested on shredded cabbage packed into LDPE starch-based film (10 % starch, 0.03 and 0.06 mm thick) and LDPE plain (standard) film pouches (0.06 mm thick) and stored at 6 oC. The gas concentration in the pouches, the film permeabilities for O2, CO2 and N2 before use and for O2 and CO2 after use as packaging materials were measured at 6 oC. After 10 days storage, the organoleptic changes of shredded cabbage in the pouches were determined. The proposed model for calculating the respiration rate of shredded vegetables, gave identical results when both data from the literature and own data for optimal O2 and CO2 concentrations in the pouch with shredded cabbage were introduced, indicating that the model is applicable to varying O2 and CO2 concentrations within a wider limit.
    Keywords: Respiration rates, biodegradable polymers, modified atmosphere packaging, permeability,

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Gas permeability of starch modified low density polyethylene film

    Marjanović, Marija (148324)
    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Journal: Kemija u industriji
    Number: 10
    ISSN: 0022-9830
    Volume: 43
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 391 to 398
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In this work the permeability of low density polyethylene (LDPE) films containing starch on O2, CO2 and N2 was determined. The mass fraction of starch in LDPE was 10 %, 15% and 20 % the film thickness 30 and 60 micrometer. Their permeability was compared with those of plain LDPE film. The experimental temperatures were 7,12 and 20 oC. The pre-exponential constant as well as the activation energy were calculated from the results obtained. PE films containing starch have higher O2, CO2 and N2 permeabilites than the film of a plain LDPE (Table 1). The permeability is particularly higher for CO2 (2 to 3 times) than for other gases and rises by increasing the starch mass fraction up to 15 % as well as the increasing temperature. These films have also higher CO2/O2 permeability ratio, which makes them more suitable than the plain LDPE film for the modified atmosphere packaging of fresh foodstuffs of high respiration rate. The temperature dependence of permeability of biodegradable LDPE films was found to follow the Arrhenius relationship.
    Keywords: Low density polyethylene, permeability, packaging, modified atmosphere

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: On the redox potential in brewing process. A review

    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Palić, Angelina (34665)
    Ciković, Katica
    Journal: Monatsschrift fur Brauwissenschaft
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0723-1520
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 124 to 128
    Number of references: 53
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Oxidations and reductios are well known to occure in fermentations, thus acetaldehyde must be reduced to give alcohol, of which it is regarded as the precursor. Organic oxidations and reductions can take place either by gain and loss of oxygen or by loss and gain of hydrogen between one substance and another. In this case the transfer of hydrogen and not of oxygen appears to be the more important in biological oxidations, which are balanced by the reductions so that the system as a whole is neither oxidised nor reduced. A bridge between the two substances and motive power to transfer the hydrogen across it may be imagined. The former represents a substance that acts alternately as acceptor and donor of hydrogen, the latter is a specific enzyme or dehydrogenase.
    Keywords: Beer, redox-potential, yeast, wort

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Storage time as a factor in determining physico-chemical parameters of new cheese products

    Lalić, Ljerka-Marija (25246)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Journal: Acta Alimentaria
    Number: 1
    Volume: 20
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 19 to 24
    Number of references: 7
    Language: engleski
    Summary: Changes of physico-chemical parameters have been determined for the fresh prepared samples of new products based on fresh cottage cheese, semolina and eggs with adding of sodium chloride, cooked chopped spinach, hot red pepper, sucrose, vanilla sugar and cinnamon, and for the samples stored at -14 oC. At definite periods of time the changes in electroconductivity values during frying, were determined as well as products were checked for homogeneity. The amount of nitrate, nitrite and iron was established in cooked spinach and in the samples with the addition of spinach and cottage cheese amounting to the weight share of 25 %.
    Keywords: New cheese products, changes in physico-chemical parameters, pH, degree of acidity, electroconductivity

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Rheological Characteristics of New Products Based on Pear Fruit Jelly

    Lalić, Ljerka-Marija (25246)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Journal: Prehrambena industrija
    Number: 1-2
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 19 to 22
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The stability of semi-hard systems prepared by mixing of different mass content of butter and lecithin, respectively, into pear fruit jelly has been followed furing storage in glass jar and polyethylene ambalage by determination of rheological characteristics as well as by visual tracing of separated liquid phase of system. The influence of storage temperature, as well as type of packaging material have been investigated.
    Keywords: Fruit jelly, rheology, storage, packaging materials

  18. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Reduction mechanism of 3-hydroxy-4-hydroxyiminomethyl-5-hydroxymethyl-1,2-dimethylpyridinium iodide in an acidic medium

    Raspor, Biserka
    Vorkapić-Furač, Jasna (53001)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Journal: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
    Volume: 367
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 149 to 155
    Number of references: 17
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The reduction mechanism of the selected oxime (HS10) has been studied by normal pulse polarography (NPP) from a Britton-Robinson buffer of pH 2.6 predominantly on a static merciry drop electrode (SMDE). At pH 2.6, 99% of HS10 is present in the undissociated hydrophobic form. The limiting reduction current is diffusion controlled.
    Keywords: Reduction, oxime, polarography, static mercury drop electrode, diffusion

  19. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin B1 in flour production

    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Journal: European Journal of Epidemiology
    Volume: 10
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 555 to 558
    Language: engleski
    Summary: This paper discusses the results of investigations of contamination with aflatoxin producing fungi and aflatoxin B1 affecting 545 samples of wheat grains, 475 samples of intermediate products of wheat grain being milled to flour (like middlings) and 238 samples of flour. A significant contamination with moulds was detected in analysed samples. Although Aspergillus (34.87 %) and Pencillium (32.37 %) dominated, other types were also present e.g., Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Alternatio,Rhizopus,, Absidia and Trichoderma (listed in order of frequency). The presence of Aspergillus flavus, the known aflatoxin producer, was detected in 9.94% of analysed samples. Isolates of A.Flavus were capable of producing aflatoxin B1 under favourable conditions. Aflatoxin B1 was found in 76.8% of samples contaminated with A.flavus. The highest contamination with aflatoxin B1 was detected in wheat grain samples. Contaminations was lower in flour samples. With regard to proposed standards given by the FAO and WHO under which the content of aflatoxin should not exceed 30 micro grams/kilograms in food products only two of 96 samples did not meet these criteria.
    Keywords: Aflatoxin, flour, moulds

  20. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Contamination of cereals, flour and pastry with mould species of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin B1 in the region of Slavonia and Baranja

    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0352-9193
    Volume: 32
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 21 to 24
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper presents research results regarding contamination level of cereals, flour and pastry (548 samples) with mould species of Aspergillus flavus, the known aflatoxin producer. This species was found in 58 out of 465 analysed samples of flour and pastry. Presence of aflatoxin B1 with a mass fraction of 2 to 10 ppb was detected in 62% of flour samples contaminated by A.flavus. Presence of aflatoxin B1 of 2 ppb was detected in just two out of 15 pastry samples which were contaminated by mould species of A.flavus. Mould species of A. flavus was detected in 32 out of 83 analysed samples of corn and barley. 27 samples, prowed to contain A.flavus, contained also aflatoxin B1 with a mass fraction of 5 to 20 ppb.
    Keywords: Cereals, contamination, mould, aflatoxin

  21. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: New approach in food packaging

    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Proceedings title: Advances in food process engineering
    Language: engleski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 160 to 166
    Meeting: EFAPTEM short intensive course
    Held: from 06/08/92 to 06/16/92
    Summary: A review is given concering a new approach in foodprocessing/food packaging technology such as ultra-high oven,modified atmosphere packaging, vacuum cooking/packagingtechnology, sachet generation methods (oxygen absorbents, ethanolvapor generators, and other improvements in food packaging.
    Keywords: food packaging, UHT packaging, MA packaging, vacuum cooking/packaging, sachet generation

  22. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Use of modified atmosphere in food preservation

    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Proceedings title: Advances in food proces engineering
    Language: engleski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 167 to 176
    Meeting: EFAPTEM short intensive course
    Held: from 06/08/92 to 06/16/92
    Summary: Basic principles of controlled/modified atmosphere packaging aregiven. Critical parameters and methods of atmosphericmodification are disscused. Factors affecting MA preservation andpalstic films for MA packaging are also reviwed.
    Keywords: CA packaging, MA packaging, MA preservation, atmospheric modification, packaging systems

  23. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Tin corrosion in fruit juices

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Pavić, Mirjana (149426)
    Proceedings title: Zbornik radova 10. savjetovanja o zaštiti materijala i industrijskom finišu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 11 to 14
    Meeting: 10. Savjetovanje o zaštiti materijala i industriskom finišu
    Held: from 06/18/92 to 06/19/92
    Summary: Electrochemical research of corrosion processof tin and iron infruit juices (apple,cherry, lemon, orange, grape, pineapple,maracuja) has been performed using potentiostatic/Taffelextrapolation methods. Corrosion parameters were determined inall the systems. Corrosion rate was calculated and compared tothat wich was determined by the weight loss method. Tin/ironquantities were also determined in tinplate cans during 18 monthstorage of fruit juices. The results obtained have given aninsight into the corrosion behavior of the systems performed.
    Keywords: corrosion, electrochemical methods, tin, iron, fruit juice,

  24. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Influence of temperature on tin corrosion in salt solutions

    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Pavić, Mirjana (149426)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Proceedings title: 10. Savjetovanje o zaštiti materijala i industrijskom finišu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 33 to 37
    Meeting: 10. Savjetovanje o zaštiti materijala i industrijskom finišu
    Held: from 06/18/92 to 06/19/92
    Summary: Electrochemical behevior of tin in salt solution was investigatedin the temperature range from 25 to 85 centigrades. Sodiumchloride solution (2% wt) was inhibited by sodium nitrate andsodium nitrite (0,002% wt.) respectively. The results obtainedhave shown a significant current increase with increasingtemperature.Sodium nitrite was found to have a promotiveinfluence on tin corrosion process.Simultaneusly sodium nitrateshowed an inhibitive effect at the same experimental conditions.
    Keywords: electrochemical behavior, corrosion,inhibition, tin, sodium chloride, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate

  25. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The effect of L-ascorbic acid on the corrosion of iron in sodium chloride solutions

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Katica
    Prejac, Sandra (900706)
    Proceedings title: 11. Savjetovanje o zaštiti materijala i industrijskom finišu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 9 to 21
    Meeting: 11. Savjetovanje o zaštiti materijala i industrijskom finišu
    Held: from 06/23/94 to 06/24/94

  26. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Physico-chemical and electrochemical characteristics of lacquered aluminium tubes aimed for food packaging

    Mesić, Zlata (161034)
    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Ciković, Katica
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of the Symposium on Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings
    Language: engleski
    Place: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 40 to 50
    Meeting: Symposium on Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings
    Held: from 09/12/94 to 09/16/94
    Summary: In this paper Al-tubes with single and double coat solvent and waterborne lacquer, based on epoxy-phenolic resins, were analysed. Specific migration,i.e., the amount of aluminium entering into either food simulant (3% acetic acid) or real food product (tomato paste) were analysed. For the global migration measurements distilled water, 10% alcohol (v/v) and 3% acetic acid (v/v) were used as model solution. The porosity of the lacquers on aluminium samples was determined by both chemical and electrochemical methods. Furthermore the level of residual volatile solvents as well as lacquer identification by Infra.Red spectra were analysed. The results showed that the amount of migrated aluminium is higher in tomato paste packaged in Al-tubes with solvent based lacquers, but is lower when using 3% acetic acid as an electrolyte. The porosity of solvent based lacquers, generally is better compared with water based lacquer. Lower values for the global migration and residual solvents were found for the samples with water based lacquer.
    Keywords: Aluminium, tomato paste, migration, porosity, residual solvents, food simulants

  27. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: A study of the inhibiting action of thioglycollic acid on the corrosion of lacquered aluminium in acid solution

    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Scantlebury, David
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors (8 SEIC)
    Language: engleski
    Place: Ferrara, Italy
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 621 to 632
    Meeting: 8th European Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors (8 SEIC)
    Held: from 09/17/95 to 09/22/95
    Summary: Impedance measurements have been used to study the corrosion performance of pure and lacquered aluminium samples during exposure to acetic acid solution with and without an inhibitor. The impedance response changed with time showing the development of two semicircles after certain period of time. Thioglycollic acid addition into 3 % acetic acid solution showed only a temporally inhibitory effect on corrosion process taking place on metal substrate through pores in the coating.
    Keywords: Aluminium, corrosion, ihhibitor, thioglycollic acid, impedance

  28. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Electroconductivity and viscosity measurement of some honey types

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Lalić, Ljerka-Marija (25246)
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of the 6. European Conference on Food Chemistry
    Language: engleski
    Place: Hamburg, Germany
    Year: 1991
    ISBN/ISSN: 3-86022-004-7
    Pages: from 540 to 546
    Meeting: 6.European Conference on Food Chemistry
    Held: from 09/22/91 to 09/26/91
    Summary: The maximal electroconductivity of honey diluted with 5-95% mass content of water as well as honey enriched with pollen (granular and dusty) have been determined. The maximum electroconductivity value for all samples has not been reached at the same dilution. It depended on sort of honey as well as mass content of pollen added. Some physico-chemical parameters have been determined for honey samples of acacia and chestnut respectively.
    Keywords: Electroconductivity, honey, physico-chemical characteristics

  29. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Determination of physico-chemical properties of yogurt enriched with sucrose, honey, and artificial sweeteners

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Lalić, Ljerka-Marija (25246)
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of Euro Food Chem VII
    Language: engleski
    Place: Valencia, Spain
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 81 to 86
    Meeting: Euro Food Chem VII
    Held: from 09/20/93 to 09/22/93
    Summary: The influence of sucrose, honey and artificial sweeteners addition to the reconstituted yogurt and acidophilus milk prepared samples on their rheological properties, electrical conductivity, and organoleptic properties during storage for 30 days at the temperature of 278 K has been investigated. The results of determinations were compared with the values for fermented yogurt and acidophilus milk without sucrose, honey and artificial sweeteners. Physico-chemical changes were traced according to electrical conductivity, viscosity and evaluation of organoleptic properties.
    Keywords: Honey, sweeteners, yogurt, physico-chemical characteristics

  30. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Influence of storage temperature on fresh cheese quality

    Lalić, Ljerka-Marija (25246)
    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of Euro Food VII
    Language: engleski
    Place: Valencia, Spain
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 93 to 97
    Meeting: Euro Food Chem VII
    Held: from 09/20/93 to 09/22/93
    Summary: In this paper the influence of low temperature on cheese properties and validity of three types of fresh cheese, containing small amounts, 30% and 60% of milk fat was analysed. One group of samples was stored for 30 days at 281 K while the other one, after rapid freezing with liquid nitrogen was stored at 248 K. Fresh as well as defrosted samples were analysed for pH, total acidity, milk fat content and electrical conductivity. Organoleptic evaluation was performed using scoring method.
    Keywords: Cheese quality, storage, properties, physico-chemical characteristics

  31. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The inhibition effect of ascorbic and folic acids on tin corrosion in sodium chloride

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Proceedings title: Proceedings of 42 nd ISE Meeting, Montreux
    Language: engleski
    Place: Montreux, Švicarska
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 423 to 0
    Meeting: 42 nd ISE Meeting
    Held: from 08/25/91 to 08/30/91
    Summary: Some organic acids such as ascorbic (Vitamin C) and folic acid (vitamin M) are natural components of fruits and vegetables. Thusthey have a certain influence on metal corrosion whwn packingfood stuffs in aluminium and tinplate cans. Todetermine such aninfluence corrosion of tin in model solutions "Sodium chloride-ascorbic acid" and "Sodium chloride-folic acid" was performedvarying solution concentration. A possible inhibition mehanism as well as an inhibition effect ofascorbic/folic acid on tin corrosion processin sodium chloridewere evaluated by determining corrosion parameters such an massloss, stead state potential, corrosion current obtained frompotentiostatic polarization curves/polarization resistance,surface layer composition on tin electrode using A.E.S. method.Experimental conditions: concentration 0,03 %- O,3% for sodiumchloride, 100-500 ppm for organic acids, temperature 293 K (20C). It was found that folic acid showed an inhibition effect on tincorrosion in sodium chloride, better and higher inhibitorconcentration , due to procective chemisorbed layer on tinsurface. The inhibitor efficiency was about 40 %. On the contraryascorbic acid in concentration examined showed an accelerationeffect magnifying the corrosion current amost 10 times.
    Keywords: inhibition effect, corrosion of tin, ascorbic acid, folic acid

  32. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Effect of citric acid and storage conditions on mushroom browning

    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Marjanović, Marija (148324)
    Proceedings title: International Food Technology Exposition & Conference
    Language: engleski
    Place: The Hague, Nizozemska
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 112 to 113
    Meeting: International Food Technology Exposition & Conference
    Held: from 11/15/92 to 11/18/92
    Summary: The effect of different levels of citric acid (CA) treatment aswell as storage at various relative humidities (RH) andtemperatures on browning of mushrooms was examined. Afterharvest, mushrom were washed and treated with 0,01 % NaOCl solution to reduce the initial bacterial count. Pretretmant ofmushrooms for 2 min with 1 % CA solution before storage, reducesthe L value, obtained bu Erichsen Colorimetar (from 85,7 to 72,3)and dry matter the increase in total phenols in mushrooms duringstorage, compared with nontreated mushrooms and those treatedwith 0,5% and 1,5% CA solution. These changes were significientlyless at 7 C and 95 % RH in the storage enviroment withcirculation air than at 20 C and 50 % RH in the enviromentwithout circulation. In the case of circulating air RH had nosignificant effecton the browning extent in mushrooms. During 4-days storage at 7 C and 20 Cthere were linearrelationships between whitenesses and total phenol content atboth 50 % and 95 % RH.
    Keywords: citric acid, browning of mushrooms, storage conditions,

  33. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Colour and Oxidation-reduction properties of spinach during frozen puree production (technological procedure)

    Vrtovšnik, G
    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Dikanović, Željka
    Proceedings title: 2. Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 31 to 31
    Meeting: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/10/94

  34. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Color and Peroxidase Activity of Spinach Stored in Various Plastic Packages

    Pospišil, Jasna (38355)
    Horvat, D
    Proceedings title: 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology
    Language: engleski
    Place: Budapest, Hungary
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 137 to 137
    Meeting: 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology
    Held: from 07/30/95 to 08/04/95

  35. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The influence of law regulations on the production and development of food industry

    Pirjavec, Darinka (96622)
    Gošek, Zoran (116576)
    Proceedings title: Prvi znanstveno-stručni skup, Ekološki podobna ambalaža
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 17 to 17
    Meeting: Prvi znanstveno-stručni skup, Ekološki podobna ambalaža
    Held: from 05/19/94 to 05/20/94

  36. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Corrosion behaviour of tin and iron in fungicide solution of tetramethyltiuram bisulfide

    Berković, Katarina (71486)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Proceedings title: 45th ISE Meeting
    Language: engleski
    Place: Porto, Portugal
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from II-10 to II-10
    Meeting: 45th ISE Meeting
    Held: from 08/28/94 to 09/02/94

  37. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Analysis of Organic Coatings on Aluminium

    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Mesić, Zlata (161034)
    Proceedings title: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 17 to 17
    Meeting: 2. Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/17/94

  38. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Migrations in the system of aluminium-tomato past

    Mesić, Zlata (161034)
    Galić, Kata (58664)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Proceedings title: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 32 to 32
    Meeting: 2. Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/17/94

  39. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Odours problems from coating packaging materials and methods for odour determination

    Pirjavec, Darinka (96622)
    Vranar, A
    Proceedings title: 2. Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 117 to 117
    Meeting: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/17/94

  40. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Biotechnology, Food Technology and Nutrition-Compatibilities and Discrepancies

    Lovrić, Tomislav (57356)
    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Proceedings title: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 174 to 174
    Meeting: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/17/94

  41. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Postgraduate programs

    Ciković, Nada (6892)
    Matošić, Srećko (71284)
    Proceedings title: 2.Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 176 to 176
    Meeting: 2. Hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista
    Held: from 06/15/94 to 06/17/94

  42. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The role of cereals in future nutrition

    Ugarčić-Hardi, Ž.
    Hackenberger, D.
    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Perić, Lj.
    Proceedings title: ICC Jubilee Conference
    Language: engleski
    Place: Vienna, Austria
    Year: 1995
    Meeting: ICC Jubilee Conference
    Held: from 05/21/95 to 05/24/95

  43. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: The contamination of dough with moulds

    Halt, Marija (76414)
    Jukić, J.
    Proceedings title: Ružićkini dani-Sastanak kemičara i tehnologa Slavonije i Baranje
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1993
    Meeting: Ružićkini dani-Sastanak kemičara i tehnologa Slavonije i Baranje
    Held: from 09/23/93 to 09/24/93

  44. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: The interaction of aluminium tubes with tomato based products during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Author: MESIĆ ZLATA
    Date of defense: 01/07/94
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 164
    Summary: Altought tomato paste and tomato products have been invesigatedby many authors, mainly on colour, flavour eveluation,stabilityas well as rheological properties little is known aboutredox potential measurements in these products. The aim of this study was to investigate physico - chemicalchanges and their influence on the rH of tomato paste packaged inaluminium (Al) tubes with four different applied lacquers aswellas in unlacquered Al-tubes. The effect of temperature ( 4 C, 20 C i 40 C) during storage was also investigated. Packaging and storage conditions have a conseridable influenceonboth the oxidative changes in the product and corrosion behaviourof the Al - tubes. The greatest changes during storage occurred on the asorbic acid(AA) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) contens, i.e. the compoundsknown to posses certain oxido - reduction power. The consequenceof oxidation - reduction reactions taking place during storage was the estabilishment ofparticular redox values; the lower the reducing power of thecompounds present, the higher the rH value obtained. The amount of aluminium migrated from the tube into the productswas considerably higher in unlacquered Al- tubes than inlacquered ones. The porosity of single - coat lacquered tubes washigher compared to double - coat lacquered tubes. In this caseporosity of a regular was higher than of an ecological lacquer. Residual solvent concentration was mainly between 0,9 and 1,9mg/dm2. During 12 months storage lacquer coat on Al - tubes remainedchemically unchangeed which was confirmed bu IR - method.
    Keywords: Aluminium tubes, Corrosion, Electrochemical changes, Physico - chemical changes, Storage, Tomato paste.

  45. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Stabilty observation of shredded cabbage packaged into modified polyethylene film
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/25/95
    Number of pages: 60
    Author: Ciković Katica
    Degree level: D.A.

  46. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of relative humidity and storing temperature on the respiration intensity of mushrums
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/25/95
    Number of pages: 42
    Author: Vučetić Željka
    Degree level: D.A.

  47. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Mass and colour changes of shredded cabbage during storage in biodegradable package
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/27/92
    Number of pages: 57
    Author: Bilanović Biljana
    Degree level: D.A.

  48. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of modified atmosphere on sensory changes of shredded cabbage packaged in biodegradable foil
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/27/92
    Number of pages: 38
    Author: Vrbanić Dražen
    Degree level: D.A.

  49. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of modified atmosphere on the peroxidase activity and colour changes of spinach during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/25/95
    Number of pages: 48
    Author: Horvat Dražen
    Degree level: D.A.

  50. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of treatment and storage conditions on respiration intensity and polyfenloxidase activity of mushroms
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/25/91
    Number of pages: 68
    Author: Grudić Dragica
    Degree level: D.A.

  51. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Characteristics as applications of metal packaging materials in food industry
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: GALIĆ KATA
    Date of defense: 02/03/93
    Number of pages: 96
    Author: Jurić Davorka
    Degree level: D.A.

  52. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of temperature on oxygen and nitrogen permeation through laminates
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: GALIĆ KATA
    Date of defense: 07/21/93
    Number of pages: 81
    Author: Petrović Dijana
    Degree level: D.A.

  53. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Characteristics and applicatins of polymer materials for food packaging
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: GALIĆ KATA
    Date of defense: 06/05/95
    Number of pages: 89
    Author: Vesel Mojca
    Degree level: D.A.

  54. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Organic coating analysis on tinplate
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: GALIĆ KATA
    Date of defense: 07/17/95
    Number of pages: 57
    Author: Marković Marijana
    Degree level: D.A.

  55. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Ecological legislation and standards on plastic packages
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 10/04/95
    Number of pages: 88
    Author: Beljo Josipa
    Degree level: D.A.

  56. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Redox potential changes during fast fermentation of sausages
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 07/02/92
    Number of pages: 40
    Author: Orehovec Ljubica
    Degree level: D.A.

  57. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Nitrite degradation during fermentation and storage of fast fermented sausages
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 07/02/92
    Number of pages: 45
    Author: Vekić Anita
    Degree level: D.A.

  58. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of packaging materials on shelf-life of bakery products on roon temperature
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 10/27/92
    Number of pages: 50
    Author: Budiselić Marija
    Degree level: D.A.

  59. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The shelf-life of bakery products in plastick package during storage at tropic conditions
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 11/24/92
    Number of pages: 40
    Author: Sever-Koren Anita
    Degree level: D.A.

  60. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of refrigeration on shelf-life of bakery products packaged into plastic materials
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 12/23/92
    Number of pages: 43
    Author: Cestarić Gordana
    Degree level: D.A.

  61. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Legislation and standards on ecological metal packages
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 04/26/95
    Number of pages: 100
    Author: Gregac Dubravka
    Degree level: D.A.

  62. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of type and concentration of additives on shelf-life of bakery produkts packaged into polymer films
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 02/28/95
    Number of pages: 61
    Author: Novak Robert
    Degree level: D.A.

  63. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The influence of type and concentration of additives on shelf-life of toast packaged into polymer films
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: CIKOVIĆ NADA
    Date of defense: 01/28/95
    Number of pages: 60
    Author: Tomljenović Kristijan
    Degree level: D.A.

  64. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigations of contamination of pastry with aflatoxin producing moulds
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Mentor: HALT MARIJA
    Date of defense: 04/02/92
    Number of pages: 55
    Author: Pavičević Milan
    Degree level: D.A.

  65. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigation of corrosion processes of tin in orange and pineapple juices
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/06/91
    Number of pages: 91
    Author: Nikolić Irena
    Degree level: D.A.

  66. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Study of viscosity of rehidrated baby food
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/20/91
    Number of pages: 55
    Author: Trbojević Sonja
    Degree level: D.A.

  67. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigation of kinetics of dehidrated baby food swelling
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 08/02/91
    Number of pages: 55
    Author: Lebo Marija
    Degree level: D.A.

  68. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Iron Corrosion in orange juice with added fungicides
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/02/92
    Number of pages: 51
    Author: Kačanić Đani
    Degree level: D.A.

  69. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigation of metal and plastic foils
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/07/92
    Number of pages: 55
    Author: Beganović Arabela
    Degree level: D.A.

  70. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Study of rheological properties of "Ledeni desert" creams
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/02/92
    Number of pages: 77
    Author: Žitnjak Vesna
    Degree level: D.A.

  71. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Tin corrosion in orange juices with added fungicides
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/02/92
    Number of pages: 69
    Author: Sorić Mirko
    Degree level: D.A.

  72. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Influence of iron and tin on contamination of maracuia nectars during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/09/92
    Number of pages: 43
    Author: Milošević Slobodan
    Degree level: D.A.

  73. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Rheological properties investigation of puddings
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/03/93
    Number of pages: 70
    Author: Škrobot Božica
    Degree level: D.A.

  74. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Rheological properties of instant puddings during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/25/93
    Number of pages: 72
    Author: Kapusta Sanja
    Degree level: D.A.

  75. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Study of inhibiting properties of some pyridinium salts
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/06/93
    Number of pages: 80
    Author: Vampovac Inga
    Degree level: D.A.

  76. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigation of rheological properties of "Gustin" and "Ledeni desert" during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/07/93
    Number of pages: 100
    Author: Belavić Tanja
    Degree level: D.A.

  77. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Iron corrosion in sodium chloride solutions with added ascorbic acid
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/28/94
    Number of pages: 58
    Author: Zeman Vlatka
    Degree level: D.A.

  78. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Investigation of pyridinium salts influence on iron corrosion in acid medium
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 01/27/94
    Number of pages: 60
    Author: Prejac Sandra
    Degree level: D.A.

  79. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Rheological properties of creams during storage
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/26/94
    Number of pages: 49
    Author: Balaško Dunja
    Degree level: D.A.

  80. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Iron corrosion in sodium chloride solutions with added ascorbic acid
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 01/31/95
    Number of pages: 57
    Author: Zoretić Valentina
    Degree level: D.A.

  81. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Influence of pyridinium salts on iron corrosion in sulphuric acid
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/29/95
    Number of pages: 50
    Author: Anić Ćurko Aleksandra
    Degree level: D.A.

  82. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Influence of pyridinium salts on iron corrosion in chloric acid
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/26/95
    Number of pages: 56
    Author: Bago Anita
    Degree level: D.A.

  83. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Influence of storage temperature on rheological properties of cream "Ledene kreme"
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/03/95
    Number of pages: 77
    Author: Oberan Mariela
    Degree level: D.A.

  84. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Influence of pectines and ascorbic acid on tin corrosion
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/12/95
    Number of pages: 51
    Author: Bešić Dinka
    Degree level: D.A.

  85. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Rheological parameters of creams
    Faculty: Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/12/95
    Number of pages: 85
    Author: Barišić Mirta
    Degree level: D.A.

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