SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 5-07-123


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 5-07-123

Quoted papers: 0
Other papers: 46
Total: 46

  1. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Qualitative Paradigm of the Pre-school Education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Lederer, Jasna
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0031-384
    Volume: 132
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 188 to 197
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In this work, the attention is focused on the qualitative evaluation of the institutionalized pre-school education. Here, bassic assumptions for evaluation as a methodological procedure are elaborated; they are based on ecological approach. A constructed model of functional analysis was tested on an example of research dealing waith communication/interaction aspect of pre-school education in kindergartens - a variety of qualitative evaluation paradigm. Evaluation, as a methodical procedure in the study of the process and effects of education and teaching at various levels presents the basic condition for designing, planing and realization of new concepts, programmes particulary considering the aspect of the future.
    Keywords: qualitative metodology,evaluation, functional analysis

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Influence of Verbal and Visual Example on Pre-school Children s Narration

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Šepl, Ina
    Journal: Život i škola
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0044-4855
    Volume: 40
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 341 to 351
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This work presents a research on narative abilities of pre-school children four a half and six a half years old.The basic results of the research are: -A series of illustrations gives children a reliable review through the chronological flow of events which influences favourably the logical organization of their stories. "Negative" influence of illustrations is evident in holding up children s stories at the level of situational, limitted syntaxic and logical structuring and ability to communicate. -A text - verbal example helps children to move away from the situational context which results in greater use of contextual speech in children s stories. The thought freed from the situational is a pre-condition for the development of (logical, lexical and syntaxic) elaboration of the story. At the same time the text has a "negative"influence as regards originality and imagination in children s narration because it includes more possibilities for imitation (vocabulary, logic and syntax organization).
    Keywords: pre-school children s narratives, visual example-series of illustrations, verbal example -text

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Learning in Dialogue

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Journal: Educa
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0353-9369
    Volume: 3
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 329 to 337
    Number of references: 13
    Language: slovenski
    Summary: In the article the author emphasizes three basic issues of the educational communication paradigm: social nature of learning, interdependence of learning and development and conditions of dialogue communication in the institutional education. Learning in dialogue communication supposes the usses of strategies that support and "make a skeleton construction" necessary to progress in the field of proximal development.Dialogue, demonstration and monitoring (in which the participant activities are complementary) are the most advisable didactically methodical procedures (solutions) to reach more effective and constant development results. Teacher s and pupil s interaction is realized in the conditions of mutually adequate reflections, positive attitude, trust and sincerity.
    Keywords: learning, dialogue, monitoring, proximal development

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Educator s Competence

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Journal: Vzgoja in izobraževanje
    Number: 4
    Volume: 24
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 18 to 21
    Number of references: 13
    Language: slovenski
    Summary: Educator s personality and his professional competence are crucial moments in pre-school education. Is it possible to "improve" the educator s competence by further education, thus alleviating the disharmony between the wishes, aspirations, intentions and expectations on one side and the actual abilities and faculties on the other? The traditional education is too cognitively orientated, neglecting thus the areas of human feelings and behaviour.Special strategies as the key issue are derived from prevailing psychological theories. Their common feature is the faith, that behaviour could be changed by achieving more levels of competence and efficiency, such as: educator-child, educator-parents, educator - educator, educator-supervisor and others.
    Keywords: communicative competence, educational programmes- training

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Developmental Dimension of Children s Exploratory Activities

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Journal: Život i škola
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0044-4855
    Volume: 42
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 15 to 27
    Number of references: 24
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: exploratory behavior, child s exploratory strategies,

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Communication and Development of the Pre-school Child

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Balič, Fanika
    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 1330-0059
    Volume: 134
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 163 to 171
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In the context of studying communicational models of preschool eduaction, the authors analysed the following aspects of the influence of communication on the development of the pre-school child:language development, development of inquisitivness, development of self-appraisal of physical abitilies, inclluding the developmental aspects of communication with counterparts.Social interaction of a child with a mature and more competent counterpart presents a formative factor in the development of a number of psysical functions.Interaction and cooperation in the domain of incoming develoment infuences orientation, pace and effect of the child s language development, acquisition of knowledge about himself and others, promotion of more sophisticated forms of explorational behaviour...
    Keywords: communication, interaction, development of the pre-school child,

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Children s Curiosity and Exploratory Behavior in the Context of Peer- Interaction

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-0059
    Volume: 135
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 42 to 50
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper presents some relevant knowledge of the nature and significance of interaction between peers, and which served as a starting point for investigation of children s inquisitivness andexploration in the mentioned interactional context. Children s exploration is analyzed in such a way that they contain "latent stimulus".By systematic observation, with a videorecording data were gathered in the form of explorational behaviour (childredn aged 5-6).A more detailed analysis was performed of the communicational episodes which include the interaction of peers, and the interaction between the pedagogue and a small group of children, with simultaneous interaction among children as well. These interactional contexts have proved to be productive for cases of more complex, refined and explorational forms, offering the possibility of studying the microgenesis.
    Keywords: exploratory behavior, "latent stimulus", peer s interaction

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Concept,programme(s) and reality of the out-family preschool education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 1
    Volume: l35
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 73 to 80
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper presents current understanding on the natural and social intermediation of human development in the ontogenesis and programmes for children s education in out-of-family conditions. Important questions of out-of-family preshool education are the concept and programmes. With the acceptance of a curriculum approach the progrmmes are determined as a coherent,complete and consistent description of theoretic premises, "instructional" and administrative procedures for achieving educational norms. Pluralism of values in society and education is a pre-condition for the development of alternative models of programmes.

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: What preschool teachers think of their jobs

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Journal: Život i škola
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0044-4855
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 243 to 249
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The researches done in education are an oiptional course at Pedagogical Faculty in Osijek.The choice of topic, teacher s attitude toward his occupation (cognitive and affective level), the choice of questionnaire, data gathering, enabled students to apply the following things in praxis: the length of questionnaire, stylization, the arrangement and types of questions, the appliance of questionnaire, the psychology of candidates, the evaluation and the interpretation of the results. They have questioned 50 preschool teachers. The questions concentrated on reason for choosing this job, the motivation, the willingness for the scientific work, their prefences for a structural or an "open" curriculum, the good and the bad sides of the job. The elemtary methodological education of the future preschool teachers is essential to improve their competence.
    Keywords: teacher s motivation, teacher s preference for a type of curriculum, teacher s competence

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The preschool teacher and meaningful programme

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Journal: Napredak
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 1330-0059
    Volume: 135
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 81 to 84
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: "Programme orientation in the education of preschool children" forms preconditions for a new,essentially altered role and position of the teacher. He ceases to act only an interpreter and executor of a programme, but is its creator as well. However, this new scope allowing freedom and autonomy for the teacher sets high demands on his competence. An attempt has been made here to make known some of the difficulties he encounters in his endeavour to establish himself as a creator of a programme. The theacher has to overcome inertia, an urge to dictate, strict supervision and dominance by altering the traditional strategies of behaviour and developing his own communicational competence.
    Keywords: preschool curriculum, curriculum components, holistic approach

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal


  12. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Some Aspects of Comunication Model in Pre-school Education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Duran, Mirjana
    Rajtmayer, Adolf
    Proceedings title: Međunarodni posvet alternativnih vzgojnih konceptih
    Language: engleski
    Place: Maribor, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1992
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-80693-18-9
    Pages: from 46 to 51
    Meeting: Međunarodni posvet o alternativnih vzgojnih konceptih in znanstveni simpozij o raziskovalnih dosežkih na področju predšolske vzgoje in osnovne šole
    Held: from 10/27/92 to 10/28/92
    Summary: Taking the cultural-historical theory of development as a theoretical-methodological frame we offer some points for creating a communication model in pre-school education.Considering the thesis of social interaction as a formative factor in the development of a series of mental functions, we are trying to find out the basic characteristics of the most productive forms of communication/interaction for development within the context of institutional pre-school education.Discussing some aspects of communication influence on the child s development (languagedevelopment area,development of epistemic curiosity and self-concept)we explore some specific patterns of interaction with adults and peers.The nature of adult s assistance is adequate if it is a balanced system of support in a cooperative,joint action which presuposes the adult s ability to "sense"the zone in which interaction moves the development forward.
    Keywords: wwmmmunication model, pre-school education,

  13. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Functional Charasteristic and Effects of the Theacher's Verbal Behavior in the Comunication with the Children

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Pantar, Jožica
    Proceedings title: Institucionalna predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Bled, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 25 to 33
    Meeting: Institucionalna predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji (Dobre vzkušnje in nadaljni razvoj)
    Held: from 10/08/92 to 10/10/92
    Keywords: theacher's verbal behavior: effects,

  14. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Sociocognitive Conflict and Peer Interaction

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Pantar, Jožica
    Proceedings title: Institucionalna predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Bled, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 129 to 134
    Meeting: Institucionalna predšolska vzgoja v Sloveniji (Dobre vzkušnje in nadaljni razvoj)
    Held: from 10/08/92 to 10/10/92
    Keywords: sociocognitive conflict,peer interaction,

  15. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Towards Communication Model in Pre-school Education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 14 to 23
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Keywords: communication model of the pre-school education, teaching in the dialogy

  16. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Activities in the Nursery School and Kindergarten

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Duran, Mirjana
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 50 to 57
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Summary: activites, preschool education
    Keywords: activities, pre-school education,

  17. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Discontinuity and Continuity in Family and Kindergarten

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Matijević, Robert
    Proceedings title: 3.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 94
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Čakovec, Hrvatska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 23 to 31
    Meeting: 3.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 94
    Held: from 04/29/94 to 04/30/94
    Keywords: discontinuity, continuity, family setting, preschool education

  18. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Aditional activites in the kindergarten

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Balič, Fanika
    Proceedings title: Dodatne dejavnosti v vrtcu
    Language: slovenski
    Place: Maribor, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 38 to 45
    Meeting: Dodatne dejavnosti v vrtcu
    Held: from 10/27/94 to 10/29/94
    Keywords: playgroups, workshops, creativity

  19. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Communicational organization of the cooperation of learning in a kindergarten setting

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Stevanović, Marko
    Kos-Paliska, Vera
    Proceedings title: Inovacije u nastavnoj teoriji i praksi
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Pula
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 42 to 50
    Meeting: Inovacije u nastavnoj teoriji i praksi
    Held: from 06/09/94 to 06/10/94
    Keywords: instruction duakigye, communiction organization, cognitive planing, realization and evaluation of the activity

  20. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Communication characteristics of instruction dialogue

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Pšunder, Maja
    Proceedings title: Raziskovalni dosežki v vzgoji in izobraževanju
    Language: engleski
    Place: Maribor, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 86-80693-25-1
    Pages: from 42 to 49
    Meeting: Mednarodni simpozij Raziskovalni dosežki v vzgoji in izobraževanju
    Held: from 05/24/95 to 05/26/95
    Summary: This paper shows the results of the research of instruction dialogue in preschool education (in kindergartens). The basic idea of the research was to investigate the efficacy of instruction dialogue depending on the kind and quality of its communication organization.The communication organization of instruction dialogue includes a set of verbal and practical activities of interaction determining the behaviour of communication counterparts (the teacher and the learner). The mutual understanding of communication counterparts and their high degree of individuality constitue the basic conditions of an optimal communication in instruction dialogue. The results of the resarch shows that preschool children are capable of doing tasks in cooperation which was manifested on the level of realization and in their readiness for mutual understanding, their awareness of the demands and their ability to carry them out. The basic developmental difficulty is memorizing the understanding during the dialogue which was proved by the children,s wrong activities. The teacher,s controlling of understanding of information through communication and the immediate correction in the process of understanding are a helping means of a more efficient coordination of practical, medatitive and communicational activities.
    Keywords: communication organization, instruction dialogue, practical and verbal activities

  21. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Children,s creativity in the playgroups

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Železnjak, Ljubica
    Proceedings title: 4. dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec ,95
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Čakovec, Hrvatska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 17 to 24
    Meeting: 4.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec ,95
    Held: from 04/28/95 to 04/29/95
    Keywords: creativity,playgroups/workshops, expression,intuition

  22. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Developmental values of the peer,s interaction in the kindergarten context

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Kos-Paliska, Vera
    Stevanović, Marko
    Proceedings title: Inovacije u nastavnoj teoriji i praksi
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Pula
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 59 to 59
    Meeting: Inovacije u nastavnoj teoriji i praksi
    Held: from 06/09/94 to 06/10/94
    Keywords: peer,s interaction,sociocognitive conflict, explorational strategies, teacher,s mediation

  23. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Preschool teacher-parent communication

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Matijević, Robert
    Proceedings title: 3.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 94
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Čakovec, Hrvatska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 61 to 66
    Meeting: 3.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 94
    Held: from 04/29/95 to 04/30/95
    Keywords: teacher,s communicative competence, teacher-parent partnership

  24. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Structuring space,time,activities-primary field of the teacher,s creativity

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Železnjak, Ljubica
    Proceedings title: 4.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 95.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Čakovec, Hrvatska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 29 to 36
    Meeting: 4.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec ,95
    Held: from 04/28/95 to 04/29/95
    Keywords: organizing space,clasroom structure,organizing activities,teacher,creativity

  25. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Teacher,s "strategies" and exploratory behaviour of the preschool child

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Pšunder, Maja
    Proceedings title: Raziskovalni dosežki v vzgoji in izobraževanju
    Language: engleski
    Place: Maribor, Republika Slovenija
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 121 to 128
    Meeting: Mednarodni simpozij Raziskovalni dosežki v vzgoji in izobraževanju
    Summary: How can we stimulate progress in development of children,s explorational behaviour in the context of preschool institution? The data on communication between teachers and children (5-6 years of age)in situations which contain a latent stimulus for children,s explorational behaviour have situations which contain a latent stimulus for children,s explorational behaviour have been collected through systematical video-recorded observation. This approach is holistic-it,s not the isolated acts and forms of teacher,s behaviour that are being observed but the logic of their sequentiality, the intention and not the exterior manifestation. The way in which some actions function in interactive context and their effectiveness in a specific "juxtaposition" as well as groups and sequence of some action types (initiating, sanctioning, stimulating,promovation of more sofisticated explorational forms, interrupting and reorienting...) make typical teacher,s "strategies". They were observed and researched in dynamic of communicational situations i.e. in function.
    Keywords: social interaction,interactional context,communicational episodes,teacher,s strategies,zone of proximal development

  26. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Preschool child and physical competence

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Findak, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Civilizacijski trendovi i biotički opstanak čovjeka
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Rovinj, Hrvatska
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 45 to 46
    Meeting: 3.ljetna škola pedagoga fizičke kulture Republike Hrvatske Civilizacijski trendovi i biotički opstanak čovjeka
    Held: from 07/03/94 to 07/07/94
    Keywords: physical abilities, preschool education

  27. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Physical creativity of preschool children

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Železnjak, Ljubica
    Proceedings title: 4.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec ,95
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Čakovec, Hrvatska
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 25 to 28
    Meeting: 4.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec ,95
    Held: from 04/28/95 to 04/29/95
    Keywords: physical creativity, presentation of the physical activities

  28. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Some Starting Points for the Education of Pre-school Teachers

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kujundžić, Nedjeljko
    Biondić, Ivan
    Proceedings title: Učitelj za inovacijsku školu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 32 to 33
    Meeting: Učitelj: jučer- danas- sutra
    Held: from 12/10/89 to 12/12/89
    Keywords: education of pre-school teachers,

  29. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Communication betwen Adults and Children in the Institutional Setting :Metodology Aspects

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Ljubešić, Marta
    Proceedings title: Istraživanja na području defektologije- Znanstveni skup IV
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 81 to 82
    Meeting: Istraživanja na području defektologije
    Held: from 10/01/92 to 10/03/92
    Keywords: functional anallyse, communication episode,

  30. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Concept, Curriculum and the Reality of the Institutional Pre-school Education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Vrgoč, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja-iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 55 to 56
    Meeting: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja - iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja predškolskog odgoja u Hrvatskoj
    Held: from 12/14/92 to 12/16/92
    Keywords: curriculum, institutionale pre-school education,

  31. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Teacher and his/hers Consideration and Interpretation of the Curriculum

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Vrgoč, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja-iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatska
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 54 to 55
    Meeting: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja - iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja predškolskog odgoja u Hrvatskoj
    Held: from 12/14/92 to 12/16/92
    Keywords: implicite pedagogy, teacher s competence and autonomy,

  32. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Quality of the Communication/Interaction betwen Adult and Child and among Peers

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Ljubešić, Marta
    Proceedings title: Znastveni skup IV: Istraživanja na području defektologije
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 86 to 87
    Meeting: Istraživanja na području defektologije
    Held: from 10/01/92 to 10/03/92
    Keywords: peer communication/interaction,

  33. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Role of Adult in the Development of the Pre-school Children s Psysical Abilities

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Findak, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Kineziološki pogledi na odgoj
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 36 to 37
    Meeting: Prva ljetna škola pedagoga fizičke kulture Hrvatske
    Held: from 08/27/92 to 08/30/92
    Keywords: self evaluation of the physical abilities,

  34. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Self Evaluation of the Psysical Abilities of Pre-school Child

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Ljubešić, Marta
    Proceedings title: Istraživanja na području defektologije
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 88 to 88
    Meeting: Istraživanja na području defektologije
    Held: from 10/01/92 to 10/03/92
    Keywords: self evaluation of the physical abilities,

  35. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Pre-school Child s Psysical Competence

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Vrgoč, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja-iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatska
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 55 to 55
    Meeting: Nova koncepcijsko-programska usmjerenja - iskustva u primjeni i projekciji razvoja predškolskog odgoja u Hrvatskoj
    Held: from 12/14/92 to 12/16/92
    Keywords: psysical competence,

  36. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Pre-school Childrens Narratives

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Smoczynska, Magdalena
    Slobin, Dan
    Proceedings title: Crosslinguistic Workshop on the Acqiusition of Slavic&Baltic Languages by Childr
    Language: engleski
    Place: Cracow, Poljska
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 2 to 2
    Meeting: 3.dani predškolskog odgoja Čakovec 94
    Held: from 07/08/93 to 07/14/93
    Keywords: children's narratives,

  37. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Communicative Competence of the Pre-school Teacher

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kralj, Gabrijela
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 44 to 44
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Keywords: communicative competence,

  38. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Institutional Pre-school Education:Qualitative Evaluation

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Lederer, Jasna
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 78 to 78
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Keywords: qualitative evaluation,

  39. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: What Pre-school Teachers Think about their Role

    Irović, Stanislava (87723)
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 44 to 44
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Keywords: implicite pedagogy,

  40. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Developmental of the Motoric Abilities of the Pre-school Children

    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Kralj, Irena
    Kranjčević, Blaženka
    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Proceedings title: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Osijek
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 25 to 25
    Meeting: Predškolski odgoj danas i sutra
    Held: from 01/14/94 to 01/15/94
    Keywords: children's motoric abilities,

  41. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Title: Communication betwen Teacher and Child and Development of the Child s Epistemic Curiosity
    Faculty: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/25/92
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 243

  42. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Preschool education today and tomorrow

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Language: hrvatski

  43. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Adult - child cooperation in the teaching process

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Language: ruski
    Keywords: adult-child cooperation, communication/interaction, teaching, language competence, communicative competence, teacher,s mediation

  44. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Qualitative evaluation of preschool education

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Language: hrvatski
    Keywords: qualitative metodology, evaluation, preschool education

  45. Type of paper: Manuscript

    Title: Communication characterisics of instruction dialogue

    Babić, Nada (86676)
    Kuzma, Zdenka (87060)
    Language: slovenski
    Keywords: instructional dialogue, adult-child cooperation, communication organization

  46. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Adult-child cooperation in the teaching process
    Institution: Russian Academy of Sciences ,Institute of Man
    Year: 1995

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