SVIBOR - Project code: 6-01-334


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Project code: 6-01-334

Basic philosophical problems in Pavao Skalić's work

Main researcher: GIRARDI-KARŠULIN, MIHAELA (20353)

Type of research: basic
Duration from: 07/01/94.

Papers on project (total): 8
Institution name: Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb (191)
Department/Institute: Institute of Philosophy
Address: Ulica Grada Vukovara 54/IV
City: 10000 - Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 385 (0)1 511 841
Phone: 385 (0)1 273 754
Fax: 385 (0)1 511 841

Summary: In this project the subject of research are the philosophical ideas of Pavao Skalić (Paulus Scalichius 1534-1575), the Renaissance Croatian philosopher and theologian. His work is characteristic for the Renaissance philosophical syncretism, which is often valued negatively or relatively positively , so long as some ideas of the modern world's science and philosophy are anticipated and defined in it. This anticipating within syncretism is problematic for various reasons, for example: 1.It is not specific and it is strained. 2.In elaborating the Renaissance anticipating of the Modern World, the philosophical streams and datings are continously moving. 3. By interpreting the Renaissance texts in the sense of anticipating one loses sight of the character of these papers against the Middle Ages as well as the Modern World. In this project the Renaissance philosophical syncretism (as well as the philosophical thought of Pavao Skalić) are being considered in the sense of crisis of the transmitted antic and Middle Ages conception of science. It does not mean a negative valorisation, but an attempt to survey the character, the singularity and the significance of Renaissance philosophizing. Pavao Skalić's work reveals also the conciousness about that crisis expressed as the idea on the paradox of science.This idea of science comprises what human knowledge can achieve as well as what is declined from it. This Skalić's concept results in the idea of encyclopedic or principally cumulative knowledge.

Keywords: Paulus Scalichius, Renaissance Philosophy, Platonism, Aristotelianism, theology, syncretism, the notion of science in the ancient, medieval an Renaissance period, encyclopaedy

Research goals: The research of Pavao Skalić's philosophical thoughts as well as the research of Croatian philosophical inheritance in general, aim to the better knowledge of this segment of Croatian cultural inheritance. Beside of this general cultural significance, the research of Croatian Renaissance thoughts before all, has a historical-philosophical dimension. Some philosophical works and some authors of Croatian Renaissance philosophical thought, in the sense of historical-philosophical researches show a certain advantage over already much more explored and famous european works and authors. Also, just because of that, they open ways and possibilities of a more modern philosophical interpretation. By that, one has to take into consideration the Renaissance spiritual european context, because some characteristic contributions, especially in the sense of sources and influences, can only be defined comperatively. Researching Renaissance philosophical text (Croatian as well) contributes to the comprehension of the origin and sources of the Modern World philosophy and science.

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Last update: 09/29/95