SVIBOR - Project code: 3-03-299


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Project code: 3-03-299


Main researcher: VRBANAC, IVAN (53262)

Type of research: basic
Duration from: 05/25/90. to 05/25/95.

Papers on project (total): 25
Papers on project quoted in Current Contents: 3
Institution name: Veterinarski fakultet, Zagreb (53)
Department/Institute: Department of pathology
Address: .
City: 10000 - Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 385 (0) 290-312
Phone: 385 (01)2390-312

Summary: During 3 years we have followed the bioclime (air temeperature, relative humidity , and air speed) in the swine large scale farm in Republic Hrvatska. In the same time we have examined pathology through the neccropsy of dead all categories of swines : suckling piglets,weaned pigs and carcasses(Monitoring systeme of swine pathology). The results what we have found during inve- gation for two parameters of biocklime in facilities for swine we correlated with the result of pathomorphologic findings died pigs.During next years we may to create a Monitoring of following biclime in facilities for swine in swine industry. It is knows,that not a new modern creating of health protection i intesive swine breeding units without a succeful monitoring of pathology and bioclime. Besides,it is a hypothesis for wellfair for the domestic animals in swine produce. For us, a tickets for membership in civilised countries. With the finding of Coli strains K88 (F4), K99 (F5), and 987 (F6) in our pig population in Croatia, we have given one new overlook in the following this infection through suckling piglets and new possibilities in preventive and minimize of losses in neonatuses. The infection of clostridia in swine till seven days of the life, is very important in preventive this disease (diarrhea), because it is not clear to us,as neither among specialists in the world.By spread of this disease with the contact among piglets ,as the widespread through urin and feces, one way of the infection spread is through feed, yet.

Keywords: Swine, losses, bioclime, pathology, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfrigens, patomohistology,piglets.

Research goals: The preliminare investigation the influence of ambiental factors to the losses of pigs through weaned period on the swine farms in Croatia (a large scale farm and a mid scale swine farm) and on the basis of results to create a model of control ambiental factors and through them control of the losses frequence (pathology of weaned pigs). The confirmed data our assumption that certain paragenetic factors such as tested bioclimatic parameters had influence on incidence of losses among suckling and weaned pigs due to GIS or BP were expected.Recorded data of air temeperature in farrowing was lower (23,9 C +- 3,8 ) from (29 -35) in zone of piglets.That has caused high mortality of sucklin piglets from GIS(l9,6+- 11,8 dead / monthly),and of BP (46,6+-24,1.)The other parameters are found to be optimal ranged for management of suckling, weaned and fattening pigs with exception of air speed recorded in all tested units (ranging from 0,21 +-0,9 to 0,28+-0,07).About preliminare investigation Clostridal infection in piglets through contaminated feed for sows and piglets we may to concluse: The number of sulforeductive bacteria were caused necrotic enteritis in piglets with 5.5oo of theese bacteria in l g on 1 ton of the concentrate ration: It is resulte with incidence of necrotic enteritis at the piglets(facilities l) . In the concentrate ration for sows the nunber of clostridia as mines (3l0- l80 per 6 1.g./ feed) and not contamination the skin and enviromental of sows. In the complete concentrate ration for gravid sows not found sulforeductate bacteria in the suckling piglets (F2).. It direct us to some others cause of infection in the concentrate series of ration which we have not egzaminated. In the facilities 3 and 4 (the same farrowing) not found necrotic enteritis in the piglets never, as in the conc. rations for piglets and sows.Besides ., It needs to accentuate - that the finding of vary clostridia strains in the feed for swine not valid for preventive alon,, than must be investigated and toxin of clostridia.


  1. Name of project: >FG (YU) CRO 933 Monitoring study of swinw pathology II.
    Name of institution: U.S. Department of agriculture, USA
    City: 20090-6464 - Washington, D.C., U.S.A

  2. Name of project: 3-03-307 Kolibaciloza,imunopatologija i imunoprophylaksa dijareje u pras adi
    Name of institution: Veterinarski fakultet, Zavod za biologiju
    City: 41ooo - Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska

  3. Name of project: 4-05-171 Genetski i fenotipaski parametri osobina plodnosti i rasta svinja
    Name of institution: Veterinarski fakultet, Zavod za stočarstvo
    City: 41ooo - Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska

  4. Name of project: 3-03-340 Mikroklima i etologija u svinjogojskoj proizvodnji
    Name of institution: Veterinarski fakultet
    City: 41ooo - Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska


  1. Name of institution: US Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box: 96464odnji
    Type of institution: Institution whose primary activities ar
    City: 20090-6464 - Washington, D.C., U.S.A

  2. Name of institution: Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet, Zavod za animalnu fiziologiju
    Type of institution: University/Faculty
    City: 41ooo - Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska

  3. Name of institution: Veterinarski fakultet, Zavod za stočarstvo
    Type of institution: University/Faculty
    Type of cooperation: Joint publishing of scientific papers
    City: 41ooo - Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska

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Last update: 10/06/95