SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 4-07-106


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 4-07-106

Quoted papers: 3
Other papers: 100
Total: 103

  1. Type of paper: Paper in book


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Žagar, Živojin
    Publisher: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu,Druš- tvo mikrobiologa Hrvatske.
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 1 to 8
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski

  2. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Investigation on microbiologic Quality of Meat and hygienic Manipulation with Meat in high Category Hotels

    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Journal: Hrana i ishrana
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0018-6872
    Volume: 32
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 7 to 9
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In the coursre of sommer months in high category hotels thesmears were taken from refrigerators and meat surfaces, from potsfor meat storage, butcher equipment and hands of personnalworking in hotel kitchens. A high bacterial contamination wasfound: only 3,75% of smears were correct. In 73,3% of smearspathogenic germs (Coagulase positive staphylococci,Sulfitoreducting clostridiae, Proteus bacteriae and Escherichiacoli) were established. The results point out an unsatisfactoryhygienic state in manipulation with meat in kitchens of highcategory hotels.

  3. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Investigation of the Influence of Sex on the Composition of fatty Acids in the Meat of Swine

    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Martinčić, Tomo
    Svetina, Ante
    Journal: Hrana i ishrana
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0018-6872
    Volume: 32
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 123 to 125
    Number of references: 27
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The total lipid content and the composition of neutral lipids andphospholipids was investigated in m.long.dorsi of swines. In themeat of boars and of early and late castrates the total lipidcontent surpassed the one in the gilts. In the meat of boars andearly and late castrates 9 kinds of fatty acids were establishedamong which the oleic and stearic acids were the mostrepresented. -the greatest quantities of stearic and myristic acids were foundin the meat of gilts. In phospholipid fraction 12 fatty acidswere established. In the boar meat the smallest quantity ofpalmitic and oleic acids and the greatest one of linoleic andstearic acids were noted. The meat of swine contains a highpropotion of unsaturated fatty acids, depending on the lipidfraction and the physiologic state, which can influence meatpreservation and its organoleptic features.

  4. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Knežević, Dražen
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0351-0832
    Volume: 45
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 181 to 187
    Number of references: 11
    Language: hrvatski

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Evidence and hygienic Significance of Toxoplasma gondii sporozoa in the Hen Flesh

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Arežina, Ljudmil
    Journal: Veterinarska stanica
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0350-7149
    Volume: 22
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 323 to 330
    Number of references: 34
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The level of invasion of the flesh of lying hens with Toxoplasmagondii and its veterinary-sanitary significance were investigatedwith a view to assessing the hygienic quality of the hen flesh.The results of the analysis of the flesh (muscles) of the henobtained by the procedures of artificial digestion and thestaining of the microscopic preparation after Romanovski andGiemsa have shown that the invasion level varies from 8,26 to11,61%, averaging 10,1% in relation to the total number of theexamined samples (n=386). Special attention is paid to the obligatory assessment of thehygienic condition of the invaded flesh for manufacture alone andalso to the hygienic disposition of remnants and the diagnosticwork in primary production (Dye-test).

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Effect of Breed Structure upon the Production and Quality of Pork

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Buković, Branka
    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-0832
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 25 to 31
    Number of references: 24
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The production and quality of pork of the Swedish Landrace breed(group A) and three-breed hybrids of F2 generation obtained bycrooss-breeding the Swedih Landrace x Large White (f) with thePietrain (m; group B) and with German Landrace (m; group C) inthe ABC "Pomurka", Republic of Slovenia were investigated. The obtained results show that the while Pietrain breed is thebest with regard to meatiness; it is also susceptible to stressand shows tendency to give pale, soft and Exudative mesat (PSEmeat). In this respect the hybrids of German Landrace have anadvantage, over the other two groups. The purebreed SwedishLandrace which in the above-mentioned breeding is used neitherfor fattening nor for meat production, but as the basis ofcross-breeding with other breeds, takes the middle position.

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Research into Beef Quality

    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Borić, Ante
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0351-0832
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 95 to 101
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Quality evaluation results and the classification of cattlecarcasses on the slaughter-line of a large industrial slaughterhouse in the Republic of Croatia were analysed in the period from1986 to 1990. Thus, 80,761 head of cattle, consisting of 4,533 calves (5,64%),62,986 bullocks and heifers (77,99%) and 13,222 steers and cows(16,37%) were found to fall into the prescribed classification.While the largest number of calf carcasses as well as those ofsteers and cows were evaluated as the first class in 90,12%, i.e.70,82% cases. As the prescribed procedure of beef quality evaluation on theslaughter-line was are to a great extent, subjective it should besupplemented by some objective quality indicators.

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 9
    ISSN: 0351-0832
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 379 to 387
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Research on Contamination of Meat, work Surfaces and Utensils by Bacteria of the Proteus Family.

    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Trešćec, Aida
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0351-0832
    Volume: 46
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 103 to 109
    Number of references: 16
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The degree of meat nad work surfaces contamination by bacteria ofthe Proteus family was researched in the course of meatproduction. The results showed that 8,8% of the poultry, 7,8% ofthe fresh beef and 2,8% of the semipreserved and scalded sausageswere contaminated immediately after the process of production.The results of smear tests from the production line showed thatmost bacteria from the Proteus family were in the sausage kitchen(14,6%), on the pork production line (11,8%), beef productionline (10,9%) and to lesser degree in other places of meatprocessing and production. The results obtained can contribute toimproving overall system of control and protection of both theproducts and customer.

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Quality Evaluation of Naturel Goose Liver.

    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Ko˘sz, Atilla
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Journal: Stočarstvo
    Number: 7
    ISSN: 0351-7149
    Volume: 47
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 299 to 305
    Number of references: 5
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The quality of heat treated "Naturel" goose liver preserved ingoose fat in a ceramic pot was investigated. The examinationsamples of goose liver contained 49,9% of fat, 35,8% of water,12,2% of proteins and 1,04% of minerals on average. They werecharacterized by high energy value of 2,151 kJ on average with90,3% (1,942 kJ) energy value fat. On the ground of the averagecontent of fat, the fat andprotein (4,1:1,0) and the goose liverproduct is high quality (categories I and II) in which packed inappropriately selected ceramic pots gives them the attributes ofa gourmet spacility.

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Ectoparasite Sphyrion lumpi Finding in Sea-Fish.

    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Journal: Veterinarska stanica
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0350-7149
    Volume: 24
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 203 to 210
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Strategy of Protecting and Improving the Biological Value of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin.

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Veterinarska stanica
    Number: 6
    ISSN: 0350-7149
    Volume: 24
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 339 to 348
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The Republic of Croatia possesses natural and, consequently,economic, technological, and other possibilities for theproduction of biologically valuable food. Besides its highbiological and nutritive value regarding composition and quality,such food should also be hygienically adequate and in all otheraspects appropriate for a safe nutrition of population. Thesafety and quality of foodstuffs are determined by the publichealth norms concerning their contamination by the biological,chemical, and physical agents causing disease in humans. As noexsisting or alternative production technology, by itself,excludes a potential contamination of food, it is imperative tointroduce and carry out all scientifically tested measures andensure conditions for the production of safe foodstuffs. Safe food is an important integral part of the system ofnutrition and primary health protection of the population. Thestrategy of the production of safe food should be based on thepriciples of a good productive practice in all its aspects -agricultural, cattle breeding, veterinary, andnutritive-tehnological, on the critical assessment of theacceptable risk, and on the offective control of criticalproduction phases. The preference should be given to measures ofefficient direct and indirect meditation and support, the publichealth estimation of the problems, the rational distinction ofpublic perceptions, and real, scientifically based facts. Thestrategy of safe food also includes a coordination and harmoniusrelationship betwen producers, consumers, state administration(legal and control), and the general public (education,information, science and profession), with a view to implementingmeasures for the protection and improvement of the biologicalbasis of production, eliminating risks in the nutritive chain,and ensuring an adequate food in the function of the health andwelfare of the population. All this is, of course, also thecondition for developing the export of foodstuffs, especially ofthose of animal origin.

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Examination of the working Space and Cutlery microbiological Cleanliness in Closed-type Restaurants.

    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Journal: Veterinarska stanica
    Number: 5
    ISSN: 0350-7149
    Volume: 24
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 267 to 273
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In 1990/1991 667 samples of swabs were taken from working surfaceused for the food preparation and food serving as well as fromcutlery (spoons, forks, knives and plates) in closed-typerestaurants. The microbiological cleanliness of theabove-mentioned working surfaces and cutlery was appraisedaccording to the existing regulationes. In the swabs taken fromthe working surfaces used for the food preparation, potentionallypathogenical bacteria od the Enterococcus type were found in5,95% and of Escherichia coli and coagulase-positivestaphylococci in 1,19% of cases, whilw on the working surfacesused for food serving only the bacteria od the Enterococcus typewere found in 1,89% of cases. Bacteria of the Enterococcus type were also found on the forksand plates in 0,90% and in 0,81% of the all cases. The average number of the grown bacteria colonies (cfu - colonyforming unit) was larger on the working surfaces used for thefood preparation (x=11cfu/cmý) in relation to the spaces used forfood serving (x=7cfu/cmý). On the cutlery, the number of thegrown bacetria colonies was following: plates x=300cfu/ml, spoonsand forks x=200cfu/ml and knives x=180cfu/ml. In the total apprasial of the microbiological cleanlines, theworking surfaces used for food serving was better evaluated thanthe working surface used for the food preparation. As to thecutlery, knives and spoons were of a better microbiologicalcleanliness than plates and forks.

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Trends in foodstuffs hygiene in public health care.

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Hrvatski veterinarski vjesnik
    Number: 3-4
    ISSN: 1330-1292
    Volume: 21
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 65 to 71
    Number of references: 19
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Prevention of alimentary infections and intoxication, biology of causative agent, remains of biologically active matters and other pollutants in foodstuffs, diagnostic methods, problemes of mass meal preparation, legislation and the organization of control, HACCP-concept (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points); education strategy for control bodies and consumers, and other influential factors of hygiene and foodstuffs technology, are becoming ever more important both in the theory and practice of veterinary and sanitary control, especially within the world trend of emancipation of veterinary public health care. Of particular importance in foodstuffs hygiene is the strict application of SQA (Safety-Quality-Acceptability), HACCP and other contemporary concepts for the systematic inspection of foodstuffs.

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Significance of Animal Feeding for the Quality and Safety of Animal Origin Victuals

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Journal: Krmiva
    Number: 3
    ISSN: 0023-4850
    Volume: 36
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 135 to 140
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Beside genetic and some other ecological factors, feeding of animals is esential in the production of high quality food of animal origin, Of primary importance is the composition and biological value, as well as the manifestation of undesirable changes jeopardizing the quality and safety of human dietary products. Intentional and unintentional use of veterinary drugs in animal feed, as well as the use of chemicals for palnt protection, are the most common routes of chemical food contamination and a thret to public health. The level of contamination depends on improved or reduced possibilities of their application in agriculture, animal breeding and veterinary practice, This is true of all principal contaminants of food, i.e.: antibiotics, hormones and substances, pesticides, mocotoxins, heavy metals and radioactive substances. The above contaminants as well as enteropathogens and other bacteria participate all along the food production chain. Good veterinary practice plays an important role in the maintance of food quality and safety, within the frames of QSA concept. It needs to be stressed that the traditional control system inadequately solves the problem of hidden hazards, in particular due to the potential contamination with enteropathogen bacteria and residual veterinary drugs, in products obtained from seemingly healthy animals. LISA system a vertically integrated wuality and safety protection of cituals and a subsidiary to the traditional control systems, includes the control of animal feed and animal feed aditives, farms and food production plants alongside the entire food chain all the way up to the consumer. LISA system thus stands for the total control, which observes the rules of GMP in all stages of production cycle, including the animal feed production and animal feeding. The safety strategy, in the service of production development and product quality control, can be carried out only on the said principles and on the implementation of HACCP concept, as well as other contemporary ideas, generally founded on the recognition and assessment of realistically acceptable hazards and control of critical points in the production. In this way their meaning becomes universally valid in the control of production processes, starting with the primary plant and animal production, through finished products, up to consumer,s table. In the discourse part, the above but also other principles of safety strategy and food quality are presented, from tje angle of animal feed production and feeding of animals.

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Influence of Feeding on the Quality of Animal Products

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Journal: Krmiva
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 0023-4850
    Volume: 36
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 195 to 199
    Number of references: 10
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The paper presents estimations of the influence opf feeding on the hygienic condition and quality of animal products in the function of healthy food and benefit to the consumers. This, first of all, refeers to the postivie effect of feeding on biological and nutritional value and quality of products and then to the negative effects of feeding as a significant factor in the feeding chain and the strategy of safety food and diet. The paper also presents public health nutritional, ethic, social and economic, productional and technologcal and other safety factors in feeding animals in the function of food and diet safety. Examples of the influence of feeding on meat quality are given with particular respect to the rptective effect of the Vit.E on the desired meat colour and the aberrations in the quality of pork known as pale pinkish gray, very soft and floppy, very exudatice (PSE) or dark purlish red, very firm and dry meat (DFD).

  17. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: The Occurence of Listeria spp. in Meat in the Republic of Croatia.

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Uhitil, Sunčica
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Proceedings title: 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications
    Language: engleski
    Place: Berlin, Njemačka
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 501 to 505
    Meeting: 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications.
    Held: from 06/16/92 to 06/19/92
    Summary: Prevalence of bacteria Listeria spp. in the meat of cattle,bullocks and heifers, calves, pigs and chicken in the Republic ofCroatia has been investigated. It can be coccluded on the basisof the results obtained that FSIS treatment for the isolation ofListeria spp. in meat including pre-gradual enrichment in UVMbroth culture as well as gradual enrichment in Fraser solutionand isolation by means of MOX agar proved to be multilateralyefficient for the number of positive findings (12,6%) in regardto the treatment of so-called cool incubation and isolation ofthe mentioned bacteria by means of L-broth culture (Merck, No.109859) and L-agar (Merck, No. 10986; 3,02%). The number ofListeria spp. positive findings same to 1,44% in beef, baby beefand veal meat, 3,33% in chicken meat, 6,82% in pork and 41,67% inchoped, mixed beef and pork meat; total od 6,41% in regard to theentire number of investigated meat samples (n=359). Isolated strains od Listeria spp. have been bichemicaly determined as L.monocytogenes (74%) and L.innocua (17%), whilethe remainder of isolated strains (9%) has not been determineddue to the marked variability of their biochemical indicators. The established level of contamination points to the fact thatbacteria Listeria spp. owing to their public health significancehave to be included in the monitoring programs andveterinary-sanitary control in the production and circulation ofmeat in the republic of Croatia.

  18. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Rajković-Kokanović, Nada
    Proceedings title: "Ostaci štetnih tvari u životinjama i njihovim tkivima"
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 1 to 4
    Meeting: Ostaci štetnih tvari u životinjama i njihovim tkivima
    Held: from 12/15/94 to 12/16/94
    Other: Josip Živković - član organizacijskog odbora seminara "Ostaci štetnih tvari u životinjama i njihovim tkivima"

  19. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Rajković-Kokanović, Nada
    Proceedings title: Ostaci štetnih tvari u životinjama i njihovim tkivima"
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Vinkovci
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 1 to 9
    Meeting: Ostaci štetnih tvari u životinjama i njihovim tkivima
    Held: from 02/23/95 to 02/24/95
    Other: Josip Živković, član organizaciojskog odbora seminara

  20. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Mudrić, Slobodan
    Proceedings title: Zbornik Peradarski dani
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-96259-0-4
    Pages: from 58 to 67
    Meeting: Savjetovanje Peradarski dani
    Held: from 10/05/94 to 10/07/94

  21. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: HACCP-Concept of Sanitation in Rabbit Abattoir

    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Vinković, Bara
    Proceedings title: Dezinf., dezins., deratiz.- u zaštiti zdravlja životinja i očuvanju okoliša
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-96576-0-1
    Pages: from 173 to 180
    Meeting: Znanstvenostručni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija, deratizacija u zaštiti zdravlja životinja i očuvanju okoliša
    Held: from 09/28/95 to 09/30/95
    Summary: Industrial abattoir rabbit processing, HACCP-concept of veterinary/sanitary supervision and the role and significance of sanitation measures in rabbit abattoir have been exposed in the discussion. In the first place veterinary/sanitary normatives have been prescribed, which are gaining more and more significance within modern concepts (HACCP and other), as well as modern sanitary concepts in rabbit abattoir (CIP and others). Without these conceptions no necessary prevention measures or rabbit meat contamination with enteropathogenic (Salmonella spp.) and other pathogenic (Staphylococcus, Listeria spp.) and putrescence bacteria can be undertaken.

  22. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Dtto

    Matoković, Josip
    Sviben, Marijan
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Stekar, Jasna
    Proceedings title: Zb. Biotehniške fak. v Ljubljani: Perspektive proizvodnje različnih vrst mesa
    Language: engleski
    Place: Ljubljana, Slovenija
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 0459-6404
    Pages: from 191 to 195
    Meeting: 3. mednarodni simpozij "Živinorejski znanstveni dnevi" Perspektive proizvodnje različnih vrst mesa
    Held: from 09/26/95 to 09/29/95
    Summary: Authors used the data on weights of 100 fresh (dressed) hams salted and pressed from January 21st, 1982, till March 3rd, 1982, or 41 days, smoked 85 days and hold to be matured 204 days- The products named "Požeški pršut"were ready for the delivery from the Meat Industry "Papuk" - Požega (Republic of Croatia) 330 days after the start of production process. Results of statistical elaboration have shown that in the case of delivery of feeders of almost the same age to the slaughter house at once the weights of fresh (dressed) hams varied normally and so it was with the weights of matured hams. The population correlation coefficient for weights of fresh (dressed) and matured hams lies between +0,9308 and +0,9750. It is possible to predict the weight of matured hams with the weights of fresh (dressed) hams making the mistake in 4,94-13,37 per cent of cases. In order to produce 100 per cent of matured hams of suitable weight the manufacturer should ask for the feeders of suitable live weight at the delivery. The hog producer should feed the pigs for suitable weight of matured hams shanging the age of feeders at the delivery to the slaughter house. The pig production for the certain aim at the end of the pigmeat processing has to differ from nowday one.
    Keywords: hams, production process, correlation of weights

  23. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Katica, Dijana
    Proceedings title: Zbornik radova Hrvatska: Biološki vrednijom hranom u Europu
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6387-01-8
    Pages: from 46 to 50
    Meeting: Hrvatska: Biološki vrednijom hranom u Europu
    Held: from 05/25/95
    Other: Josip Živković - član izdavačkog odbora

  24. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 59 to 60
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  25. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Kovačić, Mijo
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 61 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  26. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Uhitil, Sunčica
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 62 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  27. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Petani, Nada
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Rukavina, Vladimir
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 63 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 04/24/93 to 06/25/93

  28. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Horčička, Marija
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 64 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  29. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Kadrija, Rrustem
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 65 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  30. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Velimirović, Dragan
    Džaja, Petar
    Grabarević, Željko
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 66 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  31. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Ko˘sz, Atilla
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 67 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  32. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Pranjić, Darinka (37115)
    Sambolek, Božena
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 71 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  33. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 72 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  34. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Madić, Josip
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka.
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 73 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  35. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Jakšić, Slavica
    Sulimanović, Đuro
    Proceedings title: Veterinarska znanost i struka
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 74 to 0
    Meeting: Znanstveno-stručni sastanak "Veterinarska znanost i struka".
    Held: from 06/24/93 to 06/25/93

  36. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Njari, Bela (86384)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Katica, Dijana
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka referata savjetovanja "Prehranom do zdravlja"
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 1 to 5
    Meeting: Međunarodni sajam medicina i tehnika 94. Savjetovanje: "Prehranom do zdravlja"
    Held: from 05/25/94
    Other: Josip Živković - član organizacijskog odbora

  37. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Significance of animal feeding for the quality and safety of animal origin victuals

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Hadžiosmanović, Mirza (15054)
    Zlatić, Hrvoje
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka: Proizvodnja stočne hrane i hranidba
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 49 to 50
    Meeting: Savjetovanje: Proizvodnja stočne hrane i hranidba
    Held: from 10/06/93 to 10/09/93
    Summary: Beside genetic and some other ecological factors, feeding of animals is essential in the production of high quality food of animal origin. Of primary importance is the composition and biological value, as well as the manifestation of undesirable changes jeopardizing the quality and safety of human dietary products. Intentional and unintentional use of veterinary drugs in cattle feed, as well as the use of chemical for plant protection, are the most common depends on improved or reduced possibilities of their application in agricultuire, cattle breeding and veterinary practice. This is true all principal contaminants of food, i.e. antibiotics, hormones and hormones-like substances, pesticides, micotoxins, heavy metals and radioactive substances. The above contaminants as well as anteropathogens and other bacteria participate all along the food propduction chain. Good veterinary practice plays an important role in the maintenance of food quality and safety, within the frames of QSA concept. It needs to be stressed that the traditional control system inadequately solves the problem of hidden hazards, in particular due to the potential contamination with enteropathogen bacteria and residual veterinary drugs, in products obtained from seemingly healthy aniomals. LISA system a vertically integrated quality and safety protection of victuals and a subsidiary to the traditional control systems, includes the control of cattle feed and cattle feed aditives, farms and food production plants alongside the entire food chain all the way up to the consumer. LISA system thus stands for the total control, which observes the rules of GMP in all stages of production cycle, including the cattle feed production and animal feeding. The safety strategy, in the service of production development and product quality control, can be carried aut onlyy on the said principles and on the implementation of HACCP concept, as well as other contemporary ideas, generally founded on the recognition and assesment of realistically acceptable hazards and control of critical points in the production. In this way their meaning becomes universally valid in the control of production processes, starting with the primary plant and animal production, through finished products, up to consumers table. In the discourse part, the above other principles of safety and food quality are presented, from the angle of animal feed production and feeding of animals.
    Other: Josip Živković, član programskog odbora

  38. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Mioković, Branimir (31875)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Vodopija, Snježana
    Lovrić, Tomislav
    Proceedings title: Zbornik sažetaka 2. hrvatskog kongresa prehrm tehn., biotehn. i nutricionista
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Zagreb
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 55
    Meeting: 2. hrvatski kongres prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem
    Held: from 07/15/94 to 09/17/94

  39. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/03/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 156

  40. Type of paper: Ph.D.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/09/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 130

  41. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/15/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 105

  42. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/30/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 89

  43. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/08/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 46

  44. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/12/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 75

  45. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/13/92
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 75

  46. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/05/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 40

  47. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/14/92
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 88

  48. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/07/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 46

  49. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/23/93
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 87
    Summary: Routine meat control for presence of Cysticercus bovis seuinermis performed at the slaughterhouse Pomurka (Murska Sobota,Slovenia) during the period prom 1975 to 1991 revealed from 0 to0,78% positive findings per year. Among 180.432 slaughter animalsin the period from 1965 to 1974, 0,1% positives were found.Higher presentage of infected animals (0,43%) was found in theperiod from 1985 to 1991 when screened 259.558 catlle. Totaly,0,26% of positive findings among 439.990 animals were observedduring the ontire examination period (1965-1991). Thus, four foldincrease of infected animals was observed in 1991 when comparedto 1985. The highest persentage of positive animals were detectedamong the group from Bosnia and Hercegovina (2,42%). Moderateprevalence of cysticercosis was found in cattle originating fromSlovenia (0,30%), Serbia and Croatia (0,16%) as in importedanimals (0,45%). The predilcetion sites were heart for 62,62% ofanimals, and m. masseter in 27,14% of intected cattle.Metacestodes were also found in other muscles (10,24%).Histological examination (presence of fibrocyles and fibroblasts,eosinophilis and cellular infiltration) addingly to the cystdimensions supposed that most animals were infected at least 30to 200 days before slaughtering.

  50. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Medicinski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/22/91
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 102

  51. Type of paper: M.A.

    Title: The Investigation of Poultry Meat contamination Level with Salmonella spp. and microbiological Cleanness in the Restaurants of "Studentski centar" in Zagreb.
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/25/95
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 88
    Summary: The results obtained by the examination od 910 smaples of poultry meat and giblets for the presence of Salmonella spp. were analyzed. Also, the results of bacteriological examination of 389 samples of meat products, including prepared meals of poultry meat, and 2005 samples of swabs/print from the working surfaces, cutlery, and hands of working stuff at the "Studentski centar" in Zagreb were analyzed. The evaluation of hygienic/technological conditions for the preparation ready-to-serve meals in above mesntion restaurant was performed. Poultry meat and giblets, as significant raw foodstuffs, were exposed to a real microbiological risk during the preparation of meals and portions due to high level of 8,6% contamination with salmonellae. The most frequent serovar of Salmonella spp. isolated from poultry mesat was S. typhimurium. Of total isolates, 8,3% were determined as S.enteritidis. However, considering the negative findings without the presence of Salmonella spp. and other conditionally pathogenic bacteria in the examined matherials of meat products (n=241) and ready-to-serve meals (n=148) of poultry meat, as well as in the swabs and washes from the working surfaces, cutlery, and hands of the workewrs, it could be concluded that the microbiological risk of nutrition at the restaurant "Studentski centar" is within thew levels of control at the critical poitns during the preparation of ready-to-serve meals.

  52. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/09/93
    Number of pages: 130
    Author: Uhitil doktor Sunčica
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  53. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/03/91
    Number of pages: 156
    Author: Pranjić doktor Darinka
    Degree level: Ph.D.

  54. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/15/91
    Number of pages: 105
    Author: Buković magistra Branka
    Degree level: M.A.

  55. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/30/91
    Number of pages: 89
    Author: Borić magistar Ante
    Degree level: M.A.

  56. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/08/91
    Number of pages: 46
    Author: Gašparac magistra Nevenka
    Degree level: M.A.

  57. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/12/91
    Number of pages: 76
    Author: Majnarić magistra Zorica
    Degree level: M.A.

  58. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/13/92
    Number of pages: 75
    Author: Horvat magistra Darija
    Degree level: M.A.

  59. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Medicinski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/22/91
    Number of pages: 101
    Author: Noso magistra Marija
    Degree level: M.A.

  60. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/05/93
    Number of pages: 40
    Author: Petani magistra Nada
    Degree level: M.A.

  61. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/14/92
    Number of pages: 87
    Author: Kozačinski magistar Josip
    Degree level: M.A.

  62. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/07/93
    Number of pages: 46
    Author: Kadrija magistar Rrustem
    Degree level: M.A.

  63. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/23/93
    Number of pages: 87
    Author: Velimirović magistar Dragan
    Degree level: M.A.

  64. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The investigation of poultry meat contamination level with Salmonella spp. and microbiologival cleanness in the restaurants of "Studentski centar" in Zagreb.
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/25/95
    Number of pages: 88
    Author: Kuvačić Katica
    Degree level: M.A.

  65. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The organization of veterinary-sanitary control in the international trade of foodstuffs with special emphasis on the Republic of Capo Verde
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/12/95
    Number of pages: 93
    Author: Dwamena student Perdita Hilary
    Degree level: D.A.

  66. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Microbiological evaluation of poultry meat
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/02/94
    Number of pages: 21
    Author: Sakalieva student Todorka
    Degree level: D.A.

  67. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The graduation of quality for baby beef meat on packing plant MI PIK Vrbovec
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/10/95
    Number of pages: 41
    Author: Hranilović student Zoran
    Degree level: D.A.

  68. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/07/93
    Number of pages: 35
    Author: Stojan student Koraljka
    Degree level: D.A.

  69. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Production and appraisal of quality half-permanent sausage with cheese.
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/16/94
    Number of pages: 38
    Author: Antunović student Boris
    Degree level: D.A.

  70. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 09/27/93
    Number of pages: 14
    Author: Matijatko student Vesna
    Degree level: D.A.

  71. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/12/93
    Number of pages: 19
    Author: Maglaić student Siniša
    Degree level: D.A.

  72. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Bacteriological correctness of "Češnjovka" sausages on the Varaždin area
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/12/94
    Number of pages: 22
    Author: Topolnjak student Mladen
    Degree level: D.A.

  73. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/09/93
    Number of pages: 37
    Author: Vidaković student Darko
    Degree level: D.A.

  74. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/11/94
    Number of pages: 17
    Author: Šegović student Predrag
    Degree level: D.A.

  75. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 06/04/91
    Number of pages: 33
    Author: Matić student Dražen
    Degree level: D.A.

  76. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/10/92
    Number of pages: 33
    Author: Kunkera student Renata
    Degree level: D.A.

  77. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/08/93
    Number of pages: 33
    Author: Vidaković student Nikola
    Degree level: D.A.

  78. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/21/91
    Number of pages: 42
    Author: Presečki student Sven
    Degree level: D.A.

  79. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Mentor: NJARI BELA
    Date of defense: 03/27/91
    Number of pages: 23
    Author: Adorić student Dražen
    Degree level: D.A.

  80. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/10/91
    Number of pages: 23
    Author: Koosz student Attila
    Degree level: D.A.

  81. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/10/91
    Number of pages: 23
    Author: Matolek student Zlatko
    Degree level: D.A.

  82. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 11/12/91
    Number of pages: 29
    Author: Šahinović student Nijaz
    Degree level: D.A.

  83. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Mentor: NJARI BELA
    Date of defense: 12/01/92
    Number of pages: 29
    Author: Sever student Gordana
    Degree level: D.A.

  84. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Mentor: NJARI BELA
    Date of defense: 02/28/92
    Number of pages: 36
    Author: Fabijanić student Boris
    Degree level: D.A.

  85. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 01/17/92
    Number of pages: 41
    Author: Kolar student Marina
    Degree level: D.A.

  86. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Mentor: NJARI BELA
    Date of defense: 09/24/93
    Number of pages: 20
    Author: Račić student Benito
    Degree level: D.A.

  87. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/17/91
    Number of pages: 27
    Author: živančević student Dunja
    Degree level: D.A.

  88. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 09/10/91
    Number of pages: 35
    Author: Baranović student Ivana
    Degree level: D.A.

  89. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 10/05/92
    Number of pages: 18
    Author: Pauković student Jasminka
    Degree level: D.A.

  90. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/24/91
    Number of pages: 29
    Author: Brajković student Sandra
    Degree level: D.A.

  91. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/30/92
    Number of pages: 30
    Author: Šnajder student Maja
    Degree level: D.A.

  92. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/15/95
    Number of pages: 27
    Author: Fajdetić student Tvrtko
    Degree level: D.A.

  93. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Hygienical and epidemiological significance of meals validity in a public restaurants of the town of Bjelovar
    Faculty: Veterinarski u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/25/95
    Number of pages: 46
    Author: Bednaić student Mario
    Degree level: D.A.

  94. Type of paper: Survey/Study

    Ordering party: Vlada Republike Hrvatske - Agencija za obnovu
    Institution depot: Vlada Republike Hrvatske - Agencija za obnovu
    Year: 1992
    Number of pages: 56
    Language: hrvatski

  95. Type of paper: Other


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: Izviješće o znanstvenom skupu.
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Veterinarska stanica, 23 (5) 1992., str.313.

  96. Type of paper: Other

    Title: A new Institute of Veterinary Medicine "Robert von Ostertag" in Berlin

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: stručna rasprava
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The historical development, the present goals, and the currentorganization of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine "Robert vonOstertag" are presented. The Institute was set up in Berlin on 15June, 1992.
    Other: Veterinarska stanica, 23 (6) 1992., str.359-362.

  97. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Educational trends and veterinay actvities in foodstuff hygiene.

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: stručna rasprava.
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The author presents experiance gained during the reform ofveterinary education in the seventies with regard to theeconomic, sociological, and public health significance of theprofession and the main educational trends in cenventionalmedicine, cattle breeding practice, and advances in public healthand animal well-being. Veterinary education trends in the worldare also explained as a possible answer to whether uniform orspecified studies of veterinary medicine are to be prefered. Thisparticulary relates to the current farming veterinary trendsdirected towards the health, quality, and productioneffectiveness of animals and the integration of comparativemedical sciences into veterinary education (radix scientiaecomparatio). Veterinary education tends to be increasinglydirected towards a thorough general and essentially professionaleducation, by which a special role will be played by themotivation of veterinarians for a permanent professional trainingduring their whole professional life. As to the education and practice of veterinarians in the fieldof foodstuff hygiene, the actions of special importance aresupervision (inspection) and technology of foodstuffs and theprotection of foodstuffs, enviroment, and consumers. Inproduction and trade the main accent should be given to highhealth value unadulterated foodstuffs. The fact that graduateveterinarians, by the nature of their work, are coping with theproblems of hygiene and technology of foodstuffs, gives thiseducational discipline a great practical significance within thewhole veterinary education system. The specialization ofveterinarians in the hygiene and technology of foodstuffs can becarried out within undergraduate veterinary studies andparticulary within the framework of postgraduate studies andindividual peramnent professional training.
    Other: Veterinarska stanica, 23 (3) 1992., str. 165-169 Nastavak: Veterinarska stanica 23 (4) 1992., str.229-235.

  98. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Marking the 90th anniversary of the birth of prof.dr. Šimun Debelić b) Scientific, educational, and professional work

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: izviješće o obljetnici.
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The scientific career of Prof.dr. Šimun Debelić started on 15February 1928 after the acceptance of his doctoral thesis"Paracoli and Paratyphus Group Bacteria in the Excrements ofHealthy Sheep". As s follow of the Rockefeller Foundation hespecialized public health for one year in the US and theadditional half year in Germany and Switzerland. On return heestablished and equipped the Institute for the Hygiene andTechnology of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin at the VeterinaryFaculty in Zagreb. While working in it he was made full professorin 1940. From 1924. to 1938 he published 24 scientific andprofessional papers. During that time about 10 doctoral theseswere completed under his supervision. Along with physicians heproved very active in the implementation of health educationprogrammes. He particulary distinguished himself in theprofessionally improved structure of pork-butchery activities inCroatia. In his time a market inspectorate with achemico-analytical laboratory was established. Later, as head ofthe Department for Veterinary Work he continued setting up thestate veterinary administration with field services and districtinspectors. He also organized an independent Cattle BreedingDepartment with seven sections. It is worth pointing out that themodel he applied in the organization of all these administrativebodies proved a suitable to market economy and civil veterinaryactivities and is therefor applicable also in the presentindependent and democratic Republic of Croatia.
    Other: Veterinarska stanica 24 (1) 1993, str. 35-39.

  99. Type of paper: Other

    Title: Caring for Animals as Part of Civil Protection and Defense.

    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: pregledni članak.
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The article discusses the tasks and the system of veterinariancare (protection and prevention) of animals and animal productsat work. The paper brings experiance from the areas of Croatiastruck by the war where the enemy activities were aimed atdestroying the economy of the Republic of Croatia. The authorconcludes that, according to the best practice, veterinarian carefor animals within the framework of civil defense must bedirected at carryin out reconnaissance tasks and reporting, firstveterinarian aid, asanation protecting and rescuing theendangered animals, as well as at protecting, supervision andreasonable use for food of animal origin.
    Keywords: veterinarian care, to estimate degree of danger at war
    Other: Civilna zaštita 1 (2) 1992, str. 127-134.

  100. Type of paper: Other


    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: prikaz sa znanstvenog skupa
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Veterinarska stanica 25 (4) 1994, str. 244.

  101. Type of paper: Other


    Pranjić, Darinka (37115)
    Kozačinski, Lidija (69745)
    Živković, Josip (55725)
    Type of work: stručni članak u časopisu
    Language: hrvatski
    Other: Gospodarstvo i okoliš III, 1, 1995. str.64-65. ISSN 1330-1152 UDK 504

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