SVIBOR - Papers - project code: 5-07-055


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SVIBOR - Collecting Data on Projects in Croatia

Published papers on project 5-07-055

Quoted papers: 2
Other papers: 68
Total: 70

  1. Type of paper: Book

    Title: "How to stimulate child with Mental Retardation (Manual for parents)

    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Stančić, Vladimir
    Publisher: Fakultet za defektologiju, Sveučilište u ZAGREBU,Centar za rehabilitaciju"Zagreb"
    ISBN: 86-80251-06-2
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 188
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This manual is a result of a author's long term experience inwork with parents. Problem of parents and other family memberswith retarded child are discussed, as well as the incidence ofmental retardation and some educational procedures in the familyand the role of play. The list for the behavioural assessmentwhich enables tracing child's success in attached as well.
    Keywords: - mental retardation, family, developmental stimulation, developmental evaluation

  2. Type of paper: Book

    Title: "AAMD Adaptive Behaviour Scale", Manual

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Ljubešić, Marta
    Publisher: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet za defektologiju
    ISBN: 86-80251-12-7
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 81
    Number of references: 43
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Adaptive Behaviour Scale (Nihira, et.all) is adapted andstandardized on the sample of 1527 persons with mentalretardation, aged 7 to 27 years. Sattisfying metriccharacteristics of this form of the scale have been obtained.Through the survey of the results obtained by data about socialadaptation of mentally retarded persons are compaired.
    Keywords: mental retardation, adaptive behaviour, social adaptation, undesired behaviour

  3. Type of paper: Book

    Title: Diagnostic instruments for assessment of educational achivements in pupils with deleyed cognitive development (Croatian language, mathematics) Manual

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Ljubešić, Marta
    Publisher: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet za defektologiju
    ISBN: 86-80251-11-9
    Year: 1991
    Number of pages: 171
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Two diagnostic instruments for mathematics and two for Croatianlanguage that serve for tracing pupil's success have beendeveloped. Metric characteristic of these new defectologicaldiagnostic instruments have been estimated and are reccomendedfor use in the inicial diagnostics and in the initial diagnosticand in the development of programs for work with pupils.
    Keywords: deleyed cognitive development, education,mathematics, croatian language, estimation scales, objective type tasks

  4. Type of paper: Paper in book

    Title: Children with difficultics in social integration (mentally retarded children) and the influence of stress

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Žužul, Miomir
    Raboteg-Šarić, Zora
    Publisher: Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 83 to 92
    Number of references: 22
    Language: hrvatski

  5. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Study of the presumptions and effects of integration of mentally retarded children into regular school programmes in Croatia

    Mavrin-Cavor (Igrić), Ljiljana (29954)
    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Journal: Primjenjena psihologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-2649
    Volume: 12
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 47 to 54
    Number of references: 20
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: During the investigation process the objective was to study theeffects of integration of pipils with slow cognitive developmentinto the existing forms of education. Another objective was toapply and verfy one experimental form of education. Stimulativeeffects of the regular educational conditions on these childrenwere observed. Although the period of the study of these effectswas rather short, it was observed that the quality and quntity ofexpert work with these children contributed to their achivement.Regular conditions constitute good environment for the socialdevelopment of these children. With expert help of specialeducation personnal the socialization effects are better, inalmost segments. However, special educational conditions alsohave some advantages, especially in the sphere of adoptingeveryday habits and tasks. The latter could be explained by thefact that in the regular school programs the primary aim is toenalrge knowledge of the facts.
    Keywords: integration of mentally retarded children, presumptions of integration, effects of integration, socialization effects of integration

  6. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Models for analyzing changes which happened after the computer was included into transformatonal process in persons with difficulties in social integration

    Nikolić, Branko
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 77 to 89
    Number of references: 14
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In order to validate the results obtained in the use of computersas the treatment in the transformation of undesired ways ofbehaviour in persons with severe mental retardation it isnecessary to collect data for all variables in each time spot.For the validation of the tretment carried out on the completegroup of entities the method for analyzing quantitive changes canbe used particularly the model for the canonic analysis ofquantitive changes in two time spots, before and after the use ofcomputers in the transformation process. When the effects of theuse of computers have to be estimated for each person separately,the model for analyzing quantitative changes in states of oneobject in all the time spots of the process and in all theprimary and secondar disturbances together. The trajectories ofchanges will be analyzed separately and will present the base forconclusions about the success of the use of computers ineliminaton of undesired ways of behaviour in each severely mentally retarded person separately. It should also be necessaryto analyze evetual qualitative changes on the sample of entitesintwo time spots. For this purpose the method of distinctivetaxons can be used in order to detact changes in relation betweenvariables which defined the system of primary and secondardisturbances. When the taxonomic structure is obtained theeffects of the use of computers in the tretment of severelymentally retarded persons can be tested through the canonicalanlysis of relations between selector variables in two timespots. In order to analyze qualitative changes in one entitydescribed in the cluster of qualitative variables the coefficientof qualitative changes will be proposed and is based on Hamming'sdistance.
    Keywords: persons with difficulties in social integration, statistical models for analyzing changes,the computer's appliment in rehabilitation

  7. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some models for the solution of planing problems and the control of the transformation process in the application of computers in persons with difficulties in social integration

    Nikolić, Branko
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 129 to 139
    Number of references: 20
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: For planing, control and evaluation of the computer use ineliminating and diminishing undesired ways of behaviour inseverely mentally retarded persons, six basic methods can beused. Between models used for estimating latent structures ofprimar and secundar disturbances COMPONENT ANALYSIS is one of thesimplest and most efficient methods. To control the effects ofthe treatment it is neccesary to estimate specification equationsfor each time spot of the transformation process in the latentand manifest space. For this purpose clasical REGRESSIONPROCEDURE AND CANONIC METHOD can be used. For the classificationof persons with severe mental retardation, according tomanifestation of primary and secondary disturbances the methodfor taxonomic analysis under the model of distinct taxons can beused. Since detected undesired behaviours occur as criteria orclasses of samples. The method for RECOGNISING SAMPLES under theregression model will in this case give much better results. Therecogniton and classification of severely mentally retardedpersons according to their undesired behaviours will be based onthe manifestation of primar and secundar disturbances as apredictor cluster of variables. After classifying persons ingroups it is neccessary to analyze if there exist differencesbetween groups in manifesting primar and secundar disturbances (sensoric, perceptive, cognitive, communicative, emotional,motivational disturbanaces). For this purpose the method of thediscriminative analyses, transformation programs can be developedfor each group as well as for the persons who haven't beenclassified according to their characteristics in any of existingclasses and entity groups.
    Keywords: persons with difficulties of social integration, the method for the multiple dicriminative analysis

  8. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The structure of undesired ways of behaviour in persons with mental retardation

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 56 to 61
    Number of references: 25
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: In order to analyse the latent structure of behaviour, AAMDAdaptive Behaviour Scale IInd Part was applied on the sample of1527 persons with mental retardation, aged 7-27 years. Threelatent dimensions were found : The factor of social maladaptationThe factor of solitary behaviour and The factor of abnormalbehaviour. These results are in concordance with results of otherauthors. At the end of the paper it is suggested that the factorstructure should be tested. This should be made on the basis ofresults in single behaviours, in order to check the hypotheticalareas of behaviours registered in the AAMD Scale, as well as theclassification system used in the clinical practice.
    Keywords: mental retardation, adaptive behaviours,undesired behaviours, AAMD Scale

  9. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The conection between communication and undesired ways of behaviour in children with severe mental retardation

    Škrinjar, Jasmina (42530)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 61 to 79
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The level of communicative abilities was tested on the sample of50 severely mentally retarded children, aged 5-18 years (36boys,14 girls) and the frequency of exhibilited ways ofundesired behaviours was observed. Communicative ability wastested on the "Questionnaire for estimating speech communicationin severely and profoundly mentally retarded persons". 115variables od communication were obtained. Undesired ways ofbehaviour were estimated of the Questionnaire about undesiredways of behaviour.10 variables of behaviour were obtained.Quasicanonic correlation analysis -QCR Progam was compated inorder to estimate relations between clusters of variables. Thisanalysis showed the connection between the inability for adequatecommunication and the occurance of undesired ways of behaviours,such as autoaggressivness, stereotypes and spitting. Thesefindings show the need for more intensive work on the improvementof communicative abilities in the work with severely andprofoundly mentally retarded persons. The aim of this work shouldbe prevention of undesired ways as well as their elimination.Beside the usual programs used for the development ofcommunicative abilities in this population and programs foreliminating undesired ways of behaviour that aren't alwayssuccessful, the appliance of computers in the functionalcommunicative training could produce positive results.
    Keywords: severe mental retardation, communication, undesired behaviours, aggressivness,stereotypes

  10. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The structure of cognitive abilities on children and adolescents with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation and undesired ways of behaviour

    Sekušak, Snježana (135794)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 79 to 91
    Number of references: 25
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The strucutre of cognitive abilities were estimated on the sampleof children and adolescents with moderate , severe and profoundmental retardation, who showed some undesired ways of behaviour.Two measuring instruments were used for this purpose. Both ofthem were based on the Piaget's theory of cognitive development,but one was used to test the sensomotor intelligence, while theother was used to test the preoperational period in thedevelopment of thinking. To make the sample more homogeneous thepartialisation of the age and sex development was made on theobtained results. The analysis of latent structures of testedcognitive abilities was carried out through the factor analysison common factors and the orthogonal analitic rotation under thevarimax method. To estimate the number of significant maincomponents, Guttman-Kaiser criteria was used. In the space of the Scale of senzomotor intelligence ( Casati,Lesine,1968 ) factor of sensomotor development was isolated,while in the space of the Battery for testing the preoperationalthinking ( Ignjatović,1982 ), the factor of conservation and thefactor defined as the ability to orient in space relations, werefound.
    Keywords: persons with moderate, severe, profound mental retardation, cognitive abilities,undesired behaviours, Piaget's theory of cognitive development

  11. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Relation between communication and undesired ways of behaviour in children with severe mental retardation

    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 91 to 101
    Number of references: 16
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The problem of this investigation was to estimate relationsbetween communicative abilities and the expressed ways ofundesired behaviours on the sample of 51 severely mentallyretarded subjects, aged 10 to 18 years, of both sexes, who were included in the educational treatment at rehabiliation centres.Communication was estimated on the 1st part of the AAMD-SocialAdaptation Scale ( 9 variables ), while the area of undesiredbehaviours was tested on the Questionaire about undesiredbehaviours ( 9 variables ). Listed relations were analizedthrough the quasicanonic correlation analysis. Three significantpairs of connection between two clusters of variables. In otherwords, the influence of the communication level and the frequencyof some of the undesired ways of behaviour was spoted. The waysof verbal expression are realted with the autoaggressivebehaviour, while the nonverbal communication is related with someways of verbal aggression. Together with understandingcomplicated instructions which are a part of communication,aggressivness and destructivity, as well as stereotyped behaviouroccurs. Concerning more successful social adaptation on persons withsevere mental retardation, we regard the communicative program asvery important im the treatment of such persons in order todiminish and eliminate undesired behaviours.
    Keywords: severe mental retardation, communication, undesired behaviours, AAMD Scale

  12. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Teoretical disscussion of undesired ways of behaviour in persons with severe mental retardation and the use of computer in the elimination of this undesired ways of behaviour

    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 135 to 147
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Assuming that undesired ways of behaviour in persons with severemental retardation have among different etiologic andtheratogenius factors one completely subjective, reactivedimension which occurs as a result of the permanent state causedby inside and outside factors, as well as with the inability touse their own potential to outgrow the present state, some of thepossibilities and advantages of computer technic used in theelimination of undesired ways of behaviour have been emphasized.Main principles of the treatment sholud be based on the elavationof their activational level and on the development andrealisation of their psychosocial competence. This would help todiminish the effects of frustration and decrease undesired waysof behaviour.
    Keywords: severe mental retardation, undesired behaviours, the use of computer

  13. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Computer application in the program of communication

    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Škrinjar, Jasmina (42530)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 147 to 155
    Number of references: 8
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Severely mentally retarded children have serious problems inestablishing communication with their environment. These problemsare aggrevated as a result of long institucionalization periodand oftenly unfavourable relations in the social environment withchildren having undeveloped speech. Undesired ways of behaviouras a result of child's attempt to establih interaction withsocial environment. For the purpose of stimulation communicativeabilities in severely mentally retarded persons we have chosennonverbal way of communication which is used through the systemof iconographic symbols. Procedure og acquiring symbols, that hasbeen presented in this paper uses computer, while the programitself is based on the principle of operant conditioning.Reinforcement and punishment are given in the way of pleasant andunpleasant audiovisual stimulations. After the certain amount ofsymbols has been acqiured, the individual communicative block isconstructed. In further interaction between child and computerthe same symbols can be used as inititators for different simplecomputer games. The theme of this games are previously learnedsymbols that are marked on the key board. Such program will beevaluated in the experimental application on the group ofchildren with severe mental retardation.
    Keywords: children with severe mental retardation, computer application in communication, non-verbal communication

  14. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The application of the computer tehnology in the rehabilitation of persons with severe mental retardation

    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Brestovci, Behlul
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 171 to 177
    Number of references: 15
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This paper is attempt to present some of most imoportantinvestigations as the area of the computer appliance in therehabilitation of the severely mentally retarded persons. As aresult of the analyses of some of the papers concerning the areaof computer appliance, authors conclude that it is possible touse computers in the process of learning and rehabilitation ofpersons with severe mental retardation. Up to date investigationshave shown that the computer technology enables creation of thenew approaches in the methodology of learning and rehabilitationin such persons. There are four basic psychological aspects thatshould be respected in the use of computers in the individualisedteaching. They are : 1. the content, 2. the way of presentation (forming material for learning), 3. interaction ( the differentways of reacting on the child behaviour), 4. the internalstrucutre of the learning material, which is adapted for theindividual learning style.
    Keywords: severe mental retardation, the application of the computers in rehabilitation

  15. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Possibilities for the use of computer technique in eliminating undesired ways of behaviour in moderately, severely and profoundly mentally retarded persons

    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 155 to 163
    Number of references: 8
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Severely mentally retarded persons tend to become passiveespecially in institutions when there is no immediate leading.Some investigations proved that as a resultof inability torealise some of the basic bi-psycho-social needs, occursdisturbed functioning in emotional, motivational andsocialization area of such disturbed functioning. For the purposeof finding more efficient methods for eliminating undesiredbehaviours such as steretypes, aggression and autoaggression theaplicability of computer technique will be tested. Therapeutictreatment for (re)education of abilities for fulfilling needs inseverely mentally retarded persons and qualitative andquantitative enrichment of environmental feedback will bedeveloped. Hardware solution that are adopted for the needs andabilities of severely mentally retarded persons, as well assoftware products will be special tasks within the contents ofrehabilitation programs.
    Keywords: moderate, severe and profound mental retardation, undesired behaviours, computer application in rehabilitation programs

  16. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Social attitudes and values in children with mild mental retardation

    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 45 to 51
    Number of references: 13
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The knowledge about social attitudes and values in mildly mentally retarded children, as well as the way of their creation is very important in the process of rehabilitation. Therefore the need for their measurement has two directions the clinical one and the investigational one. Up to date investigations of the development of social attitudes and values have proved that the development of some attitudes and values is connected with the cognitive development and the child's emotional maturity. This investigation was carried out on the sample of 66 mildly mentally retarded children, of both sexes, 7 to 11 years of age. The Scale of Attitudes and Values ( SSV ),( Stancia V. 1985 ) was applied in order to investigate social attitudes and values. Obtained results have shown only partial but, statistically significant connection between the total result on the SSV Scale and the cognitive status of the child. This finding only partially confirms cognitive theory of the social development. The need and the desire for social belonging in mildly mentally retarded children isn't different of those in children with normal cognitive development. These children do not posses sufficiently developed adaptation ability and skills for fulfilling personal social needs. * This investigation is part of the scientific Project Socialisation of children with mental retardation, which is carried out at the Faculty of defectology, University of Zagreb. Leader of the Project is prof. dr LJ. Igria.
    Keywords: mild mental retardation, social attitudes, cognitive theory of social development

  17. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Perceptive abilities in children with no developmental difficulties and children with slower cognitive development (PMZ test)

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Kiš-Glavaš, Lelia
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1-2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 21 to 37
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Selected perceptive- motor tasks for estimating learning ability, were applied on the sample of 137 pupils, of both sexes, aged 7 to 11 years.On the sample of tested pupils with different cognitive status ( mildly mentally retarded children, children with learning difficulties and children with no developmental difficulties ) the structure of perceptive- motoric abilities was estimated. Three main components were extracted from the first part of the PMZ - test, which investigates hearing perception,while four main components were extracted from the second part which investigates visual perception. One way analysis of variance showed that items from all the parts of the PMZ-test, statistically significant differentiate children with learning difficulties from those with no learning difficulties.
    Keywords: perception, slower cognitive development, learning abilities, investigation of perceptive abilities, children

  18. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Adaptive behaviour in children with diferent cognitive status (Evidential Questionaire - First part)

    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1991
    Pages: from 37 to 51
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The first (general) part of the Evidential Questionaire wasapplyed on the samples of 23 children with light mentalretardation, 4 children with borderline intelligence and 108children with average inteligence. Samples included children ofboth sexes, aged 7 - 11 years. Obtained results have beenanalyzed through the one way analysis of variance and obtained Fratios were tested on the Scheffe's test. According to theGuttman- Kaiser criteria four factors were obtained. Thesefactors were rotated in the orthogonal varimax position. Theresults of this investigation have proved the existance ofdifferencies in the level of social adaptation on the classroomsituation in children with different cognitive status.
    Keywords: mild mental retardation, children, adaptive behaviour, estimation of adaptive behaviour

  19. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some metric characteristics of the test "Selective perceptive-motoric tasks for estimating learning abilities"

    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Nikolić, Branko
    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1-2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 129 to 139
    Number of references: 3
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The test " Selected perceptive-motoric tasks for estimating learning abilities ( PMZ )" was applied on the sample of 137 children of both sexes, aged 7-11 years, with different cognitive status ( average intelligence, borderline intelligence and mild mental retardation ). In order to obtain the most realistic metric characteristics, tasks were divided into two clusters according to the measuring subject. These clusters were : tasks for the estimation of visual abilities and tasks for the estimation of hearing abilities. Analysis of metric characteristics showed that this division was justified. With certain corrections both subtestst showed satisfying metric characteristics. After certain items from the test will be finally processed as suggested in this paper, the PMZ test would be ready for use as a reliable diagnostic instrument for the estimation of visual and hearing perceptive-motoric abilities. The possibility for the use of the test for prognostic purposes ( for anticipating success in school learning ) still has to be estimated during further evaluation of the test.
    Keywords: learning abilities, PMZ - test, visual abilities, perceptive - motor abilities

  20. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Some cognitive characteristics of children with mental retardation

    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 1 to 9
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This investigation was carried out with the purpose of estimating cognitive characteristics of children with different level of cognitive development. In the tested sample there were 64 children ( 22 girls and 42 boys ), aged 84 - 129 months. Regarding their cognitive status subjects were divided in the two groups ( Group 1 had IQ 70 and lower, Group 2 had IQ above 70 ). All the tested children were included into the educational process under the regular or special circumstances. These instruments were applied : REWISC, Bender Drawing Test and the Questionnaire of the Socioeconomic Status. Neurological status was estimated for the each child. On the bases it subjects were divided in the group of those with neurological disturbances and the group of those with no neurological disturbances. Obtained results have shown differences in the cognitive characteristics of children with different IQ and different neurological status. * This investigation is part of the scientific Project Socialisation of children with mental retardation, which is carried out at the Faculty of defectology, University of Zagreb. The leader of the Project is prof. dr Lj. Igria.
    Keywords: cognitive characteristics, children with mental retardation, children with mental retardation in special schools, children with mental retardation in regular school

  21. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Competence for the parental role in parents of children with delayed cognitive development

    Gustović-Ercegovac, Andrea (92502)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 57 to 63
    Number of references: 6
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The Scale of perceived competency for parental role, was applied on the 71 parents of developmentally disturbed children. We assumed that this kind of the low intensity chronic stress is in the relation with the estimation of self competency. The trend of low results in the comparison with parents of children with no developmental difficulties, occurred, but it wasn t statistically significant. The bimodality of results , which was found in previous investigations , was found as well. This shoves that there exists a group of people, who believe in their own competence regardless outside events, and a group of people who have lower believe in their parental competency and whose feeing is probably more affected with changes , stress situations. For further testing of the Scale validity, it is necessary to test the linearity of the competence feeing and the amount of stress in parents of disturbed or handicapped children, as well.
    Keywords: parents of children with delayed cognitive development, parental competence, stress

  22. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Neurologic status and adaptive behaviour in children with delayed cognitive development

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Šikić, Nada
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 75 to 79
    Number of references: 9
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: 56 children with delayed cognitive development were examined in the clasical neurologic examination. Walking, body posture, muscla tonus , coordination, the function of the cranial nerves, lateralisation, sensibility and motorics, were tested as well. More detailed neurologic examinations were not performed, since higher cognitive functions, perception, fine motorics and emotinal status were tested in the psychological investigation. Correlations between the neurologic status and cognitive level were computed. No statistically significant connections were found.
    Keywords: children with delayed cognitive development, neurologic status, motorics, laterality, coordination

  23. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Aggressivness in th Group of Parents of Developmentally Disturbed Children

    Morović, Jadran
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 79 to 83
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Follow up and estimation of aggressiveness in parents of mentally retarded children, who have learning difficulties should show changes after the six months period of group work. Aggressiveness of persons involved in the educative oriented group in which was applied Gestalt psychotherapy for all emotional difficulties, was verbally and nonverbal estimated. Comparatione of data enables the estimation of the therapeutic efficiency during the group work.
    Keywords: aggressivness of parents of children with delayed cognitive development, group work with parents

  24. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Metric characteristics of the Check list for the Assessment of the Develpmentally Disturbed Children in the Primary School Classroom (General Part) After the Taxonomic Corrections of the Item Scaling

    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Nikolić, Branko
    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 83 to 93
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Metric characteristics of the" check list for diagnosing primary school children with developmental difficulties - first part", were analyzed. Responses on the questions from this scale represent teachers estimations of children's behaviour. Tested sample of pupils consisted of 137 pupils, of both sexes, aged 7 to 11 years, with different cognitive status ( average intelligence, borderline intelligence and mild mental retardation). Analyzed results show that this instrument in present form isn't applicable for the relevant application in practise. Some problems concerning scaling and marking of answers were discussed. Limited possibility for using total score was particulary emphasized, as well as possible causes and ways for eliminating this problem were stressed out.
    Keywords: children with developmental difficulties, Check list for the Assessment of the Developmentally Disturbed Children in the Primary School Classroom,metric characteristics

  25. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The Differences among Parent's and Teacher's estimation of Behaviour of Pupils with Mental Retardation

    Stančić, Zrinjka (69284)
    Škrinjar, Jasmina (42530)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 63 to 75
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Estimations made by the sample of parents ( N 63 ) and the sample of teachers ( N 63 ) about pupils with mental retardation, placed into the regular and special primary schools, were tested on the AAMD Scale- II part, on 14 areas of undesired ways of behaviour. Obtained results were analyzed through the t- test, one way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and the discriminative analysis. These analyses have congruently shown that there exist significant differences between the parental and teacher's estimations of the undesired ways of behaviour in pupils with mental retardation. This investigation has also shown that there mainly doesn't exist significant connection between independent variables that concern pupils ( chronological age, cognitive abilities, assumed organic brain damage, and neurological disturbances ) and parental or teacher's estimations except the sex of pupils. Sex differences were connected with the teacher's estimations, on the six among the 14 measured areas of behaviour on the AAMD Scale II part. Regarding other independent variables there was found a connection between the parental and teacher's estimations, only in the particular areas of behaviour in pupils with mental retardation. No connection between the educational level of parents and their estimations of own children, was found. * This investigation was part of the scientific Project, which is carried out at the Faculty of defectology, University of Zagreb. Leader of the Project is prof. dr Lj. Igria.
    Keywords: mental retardation, parents, teachers, estimation of behaviour

  26. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Readiness for learning in children with mild mental retardation

    Levandovski, Dubravka (25856)
    Teodorović, Borka (49324)
    Pintarić, Ljiljana
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 9 to 29
    Number of references: 20
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Perceptive- motor abilities are one of the significant prerequisite for the successful mastering of the educational topics. Difficulties in perception, which are often found in children with learning difficulties, are particulary obvious in learning educational topics , at the earlier school age. Limitations in the process of perception can occur in the one or more sensoric areas, during the input of information, their processing and particular motoric reactions. Basic problem of this investigation was to detect specific difficulties in the visual and auditory perception, on the sample of 66 pupils, of both sexes, with delayed cognitive development, aged 7 to 11 years. Two measuring instruments were applied : for estimating cognitive status REWISC and for estimating perceptive- motor abilities necessary for learning the PMZ- Test. Correlation analyses showed connection between some perceptive abilities and the cognitive status of subjects. Greatest differences between the groups were found with the t-Test, in understanding verbal instructions and auditory memory in the area of auditory perception, regarding cognitive age of subjects. Factor analysis of the PMZ -Test in total, extracted two factors, among which , only the first one was interpretable. This is a general factor of perceptive abilities. Factorisation of the results of all variables from the perceptive, cognitive and neurologic area extracted five factors , among which two were interpretable. According to there structure, they were named as : the general factor of the perceptive abilities and the factor of the general cognitive functioning. 2 * This investigations is part of the scientific Project Socialisation of children with mental retardation, which is carried out at the Faculty of defectology, University of Zagreb. Leader of the Project is prof.dr Lj. Igria
    Keywords: perceptive-motor abilities, learning, mild mental retardation, cognitive abilities

  27. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Social Adaptation of Children with Mental Retardation and their Social Maturity

    Igrić, Ljiljana
    Žic, Anamarija
    Krleža-Barbić, Jasna
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 29 to 45
    Number of references: 36
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: This investigation is examining some aspects of the social adaptation, which contains subjective components of the social development and objective characteristics of the social behaviour. They refer to the every day living habits and skills, and to the presence of the undesired ways of behaviour. The results obtained on the Scale of Social attitudes and values ( SSV ), and the Test of unfinished sentences ( DR-2 ) were compared with the results obtained on the AAMD Adaptive Behaviour Scale II part, on the sample of 65 mentally retarded lower primary school age pupils. Up to data investigations show significant differences between pupils with mental retardation and pupils with no developmental difficulties, in the subjective and objective aspects of the social adaptation. Statistically significant correlations were found only between some aspects of the social adaptation ( AAMD Scale ) and some variables of the social development ( SSV, DR-2 ). They confirm the hypothesis of the social development as one determinant of the social adaptation. But at the same time, obtained data can point out the significant influence of other determinants of the social adaptation, what is particulary obvious in undesired ways of behaviour. * This investigation is part of the scientific project Socialisation of the children with mental retardation, which is carried out at the Faculty of Defectology, University of Zagreb. The leader of the Project is prof. dr Lj. Igria
    Keywords: social adaptation, social maturity, children with mental retardation, investigation of social adaptation

  28. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Review of the Scale of the Percived Competence for the Parental Role

    Gustović-Ercegovac, Andrea (92502)
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 28
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 51 to 57
    Number of references: 4
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Main characteristic of the self perception is the perception of personal copetence, which is significantly influencing our behaviour. Our intention was to construct appropriate measuring instrument for the investigation of perceived competence for the parental role. Constructed scale was experimentally applied on 180 parents, from 6 primary schools. In 78 % of cases moters were tested, while fathers were tested in 22 % of cases. Obtained results are distributed on the whole range of the scale, with the tendency of the bimodal distribution. Two factor structure of the analyses on comon factors was obtained in the factor analyses. Reliability coeficients are high and are varying from 0.78 - 0.81. The application value of the Scale was discussed as well.
    Keywords: parents, competence, investigation of competence, self-perception

  29. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Changes in social behavior in children with mental retardation - effects of the applied rehabilitation programs

    Igrić, Ljiljana
    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Journal: Croatia Medical Journal
    Number: 2
    ISSN: 0353-9504
    Volume: 37
    Year: 1996
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of applied rehabilitation programs on the social competence of pupil with learning disabilities who showed undesired ways of behavior. Investigation was carried out on the sample of 65 children with learning disabilities, aged 7-11 years, of both sexes, who showed some undesired ways of behavior. The improvement in social behavior in dualy diagnosed children which happened during the experimental period, confirmed the importance of the individualized approach and specific rehabilitation programs in the education of children with special needs.
    Keywords: children with special needs, mental retardation, undesired ways of behavior, social competence,rehabilitation programs

  30. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The dinamics of behavioral changes in pupils with delayed cognitive development

    Sekušak-Galešev, Snježana
    Pintarić, Ljiljana
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 31
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The aim of this investigation was to estimate the trend of behavioral changes in pupils with delayed cognitive development, during the 10 months experimental treatment in four rehabilitation groups. Teachers estimated behavior on the estimation list in 24 time spots. Among 5 tested aspects of behavior, linear trends of means (x), show growth at least within 1 aspect of behavior in all tested groups.

  31. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Evaluation of effects made by Rehabilitation program through movement in some aspects of social competency in children with delayed cognitive development

    Kiš-Glavaš, Lelia
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 31
    Year: 1995
    Number of references: 18
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Evaluation of effects made by Rehabilitation program through movement in order to improve some aspects of social competency in children who are delayed in cognitive developement, was carried out after applying this Program in a period of 10 months in a group of 14 pupils which were attending lower greades of primarly schools in town of Zagreb. The results showed more significant examenees improvement in development of nonintellectual in order to intellectual aspect of social competence.

  32. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: Treatment and services for mentally retarded persons with mental disturbances in the Republic of Croatia

    Igrić, Ljiljana
    Journal: The National Association for the Dually Diagnosed Newsletter
    Number: 4
    ISSN: 1065-2574
    Volume: 12
    Year: 1995
    Pages: from 4 to 8
    Number of references: 11
    Language: engleski
    Summary: The Departmentof Mental Retardation, Faculty of Defectology, University of Zagreb initiated and carried out a number of investigations with the purpose of improving care for the mentally retarded with mental health problems. The effects of different rehabilitation programs for severly retarded persons placed in the institutions and mildly retarded persons integrated into regular schools, were evaluated. The intention is to include efficient programs into educational procedures.

  33. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The structure of social behavior of children with mental retardation

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Journal: Primjenjena psihologija
    Number: 1-4
    ISSN: 0351-2649
    Volume: 13
    Year: 1992
    Pages: from 27 to 34
    Number of references: 12
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: On the sample of 1527 subjects with mental retardation, both sexes, aged 7-27 years,fourth dimensions of social behavior were estimated on the AAMD adaptive behavior scale. First dimension concerns every day life skills and habites, while other 3 concern undesired ways of behavior.

  34. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The differences in mastering school topics of Croatian language between pupils with delayed cognitive development who attended regular or special educational setting

    Stančić, Zrinjka (69284)
    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Ivančić, Đurđica
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 31
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: The Scale for Estimating Succes in mastering teaching topics of Croatian language, recorded form, was applied on the sample of pupils with delayed cognitive development who attend regular (N=54) or special (N=11) educational settings. In order to gett specific indicators for comparing knowledge of Croatian language.

  35. Type of paper: Paper in journal

    Title: The differences in assesing aquisition level of curriculum contents in mathematics between pupils with cognitive delayed development who attended regular or special educational setting

    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Stančić, Zrinjka (69284)
    Ivančić, Đurđica
    Journal: Defektologija
    Number: 1
    ISSN: 0351-1839
    Volume: 31
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: On the sample of pupils (N=65) with delayed cognitive development who attend regular or special educational setting, the recorded Scale for Assessing the Acquisition level of Curriculum contents in mathematics was administered. The results of univariate analysis of variance showed that there are statisticaly significant differences on most items of the Scale. In that way particular indicators for comparing the knowledge in mathematics were obtained

  36. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Undesired ways of behavior in children with delayed cognitive development estimated by their parents and teachers

    Stančić, Zrinjka (69284)
    Igrić, Ljiljana
    Rosić, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Pedagoško obrazovanje roditelja
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Rijeka
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6104-00-8
    Pages: from 379 to 402
    Meeting: Međunarodni znanstveni kolokvij "Pedagoško obrazovanje roditelja"
    Held: from 12/09/95 to 12/09/95
    Summary: The problem of the investigation is based on the question how parents and teachers perceive behavior of a child/pupil with delayed cognitive development, since both of them play an important role in the diagnostics and rehabilitation of children with developmental difficulties. The value is in positive changes particularly in parental estimations, regarding the intensity and the incidence of the undesired ways of behavior. Obtained findings confirm the need and the importance of the role which plays experts in the work with pupils, parents and teachers.

  37. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Evaluation of the program "Group work with parents" on the basis of estimation of the adaptive behavior and learning readness of cognitively slow developing pupils

    Bezuk, Jasna
    Galešev, Vinkoslav (180735)
    Morović, Jadran
    Rosić, Vladimir
    Proceedings title: Pedagoško obrazovanje roditelja
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Rijeka
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 953-6104-00-8
    Pages: from 403 to 434
    Meeting: Međunarodni znanstveni kolokvij "Pedagoško obrazovanje roditelja"
    Held: from 12/09/94 to 12/09/94
    Summary: During 10 months a group work with parents on the basis of the Gestalt approach has been carried out with 10 parents of younger elementary school children with behavior disturbances and learning difficulties in integrated educational conditions.Given positive differences between evaluations before the beginning and after completing the therapeutic work can be assigned to the influence of the applied program "Group work with parents".

  38. Type of paper: Paper in proceedings

    Title: Some effects of family treatment on development of children with special needs

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Bezuk, Jasna
    Morović, Jadran
    Šimunović, Ivan
    Proceedings title: Naša obitelj danas
    Language: hrvatski
    Place: Opatija
    Year: 1994
    Pages: from 43 to 48
    Meeting: Naša obitelj danas
    Held: from 11/28/94 to 11/30/94
    Summary: Practical and theoretical experience and cognitions in the world and in Croatia confirm positive effects on family which has child with special needs. Establishment of the Croatian Association for Psycho-Social Aid to Children with Special Needs makes one step toward solution.

  39. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Treatment and services for mentally retarded persons with mental health problems in Croatia

    Igrić, Ljiljana (29954)
    Fletcher, Robert,J.
    Proceedings title: Proceedings, The International Congres on the Dually Diagnosed
    Language: engleski
    Place: Kingston, USA
    Year: 1993
    Pages: from 70 to 70
    Meeting: The International Congres on the Dually Diagnosed
    Held: from 04/29/93 to 05/01/93
    Keywords: mental retardatio, treatment, services, mental health problems

  40. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Effects of the program "Rehabilitation through movement" on the diminishment of undesired ways of behavior in children with delayed cognitive development

    Kiš-Glavaš, Lelia
    Došen, Antun
    Proceedings title: Program & Abstracts
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 90-73197-06-6
    Pages: from 81 to 81
    Meeting: First Congress of the European Association for Mental Helth in Mental Retardation (MH-MR)
    Held: from 09/13/95 to 09/16/95
    Summary: Evaluation of the effect of the program "Rehabilitation through Movement" on the decrease of incidence of undesired ways of behavior showed in the classroom by children with delayed cognitive development, was carried out after the 10 months period of application in a group of 9 children attending lower primary school grades, in town of Zagreb. Analysis of results shows that the application of the program caused positive changes in children's behavior. These result confirm that the program plays an important role in the complex rehabilitation of children with delayed cognitive development.

  41. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Integrative therapy of undesired behavior in children with delayed cognitive development

    Igrić, Ljiljana
    Žic, Anamarija
    Nikolić, Branko
    Došen, Antun
    Proceedings title: Program & Abstracts
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 90-73197-06-6
    Pages: from 76 to 76
    Meeting: First Congress of the European Association for Mental Helth in Mental Retardation (MH-MR)
    Held: from 09/13/95 to 09/16/95
    Summary: Possiblities for the use of Integrative therapy in the treatment of psychological disturbances and undesired ways of behavior in children with delayed cognitive abilities, aged 7-11, were investigated. Result show that undesired ways of behavior diminished significantly. According to the parental estimation, this diminishment primarly happens in the fild of psychological disturbance, while teacher's estimations show the diminishment in undesired classroom behavior. This investigation shows that Integrative Therapy is a very effective therapeutic procedure for accomplishing mental health in mentally retarded children.
    Keywords: children with delayed cognitive development, undesired ways of behavior, Integrative therapy

  42. Type of paper: Summary in proceedings

    Title: Some variables of the social development in dualy diagnosed children

    Fulgosi-Masnjak, Rea (120841)
    Došen, Antun
    Proceedings title: Programs & Abstracts
    Language: engleski
    Place: Amsterdam, Nizozemska
    Year: 1995
    ISBN/ISSN: 90-73197-06-6
    Pages: from 46 to 46
    Meeting: First Congress of the European Association for Mental Helth in Mental Retardation (MH-MR)
    Held: from 09/13/95 to 09/16/95
    Summary: This investigation was carried out on the sample of 56 dualy diagnosed children, of both sexes, attending regular lower primary school grades. The Scale of Attitudes and Values, as well as Test of Unfinished Sentences were applied in order to investigate social values and attitudes as variables of the social development. Obtained results show only partial, but significant connection between the level of social development measured on both diagnostic instruments and cognitive theory of social development.

  43. Type of paper: M.A.

    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/26/95
    Language: hrvatski
    Number of pages: 140
    Summary: In ordre to check the justification of the group work, based on the Integrative gestalt therapy principles, for the stimulation of the socially competent behavior in children with mild mental retardation, the sample of 33 children,aged 7 to 11 years, who showed undesired ways of behavior, was formed.The analysis showed statistically significant improvement of psychic disturbances, in greater personal independence and in better social interaction, proved the efficiency of this form of group work.
    Keywords: children with mental retardation, Integrative gestalt therapy, undesired ways of behavior, skills and habits of every day life, social attitudes and values, instructions in educational subjects

  44. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Effects of the application of the Integrative Gestalt Therapy in the socialisation of children with mental retardation
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 04/26/95
    Number of pages: 140
    Author: Žic Anamarija
    Degree level: M.A.

  45. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Comparation of perceptive-motor abilities in children with delayed cognitive development and children with no developmental difficulties
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/01/93
    Number of pages: 45
    Author: Moškun student Fakulteta za defektolu Dubravka
    Degree level: D.A.

  46. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Group work with pupils and the changes in their behaviour
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/02/94
    Number of pages: 56
    Author: Ćulibrk student fakulteta za defektolu Nataša
    Degree level: D.A.

  47. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Gestalt therapy and perceptive-motor abilities in pupils with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/21/94
    Number of pages: 44
    Author: Balentović student Helena
    Degree level: D.A.

  48. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Adaptive behavior in children with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 01/27/95
    Number of pages: 37
    Author: Šišmanović student Ružica
    Degree level: D.A.

  49. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Therapeutical programs and social maturity in children with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 01/27/95
    Author: Matokanca student Sonja
    Degree level: D.A.

  50. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Social adaptation of pupils with mental retardation before and after the application of rehabilitation programs
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/02/95
    Number of pages: 55
    Author: Abu Qadas student Kamel Mohammed Kamel
    Degree level: D.A.

  51. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The differences between parental and teachers estimations of the adaptive behavior in pupils with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/17/95
    Number of pages: 43
    Author: Prpić student Sandi
    Degree level: D.A.

  52. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Perceptive-motor abilities in children with delayed cognitive development (PMZ Test)
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 02/17/95
    Number of pages: 42
    Author: Zeba student Anđa
    Degree level: D.A.

  53. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The improvement in the aquisition of teaching topics of Croatian language in pupils with delayed cognitive abilities
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/22/95
    Author: Vidmar Margareta
    Degree level: D.A.

  54. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Effects of perceptive-motor abilities on diminishment of undesired ways of behavior
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 07/24/95
    Number of pages: 41
    Author: Vrdoljak Marina
    Degree level: D.A.

  55. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Effects of war on the results of the DR-2 test in children with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/22/92
    Number of pages: 84
    Author: Zubak Zdenka
    Degree level: D.A.

  56. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The differences between parental and teachers estimation of behavior in children with mental retardation
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 12/10/92
    Number of pages: 57
    Author: Petani-Penza Sarita
    Degree level: D.A.

  57. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: The results of the Evidential Questionaire in children with delayed cognitive development
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 05/25/92
    Number of pages: 59
    Author: Konjević Mladen
    Degree level: D.A.

  58. Type of paper: Mentorship

    Title: Corelation between cognitive status and undesired ways of behavior in children with mental retardation
    Faculty: Fakultet za defektologiju Sveučilište u Zagrebu
    Date of defense: 03/16/92
    Number of pages: 50
    Author: Milardović Ivanka
    Degree level: D.A.

  59. Type of paper: Computer program


  60. Type of paper: Radio broadcast

    Title: Children with special needs

    Husedžinović, Branka
    Ćulik, Katica
    Peršen, Mirko
    Marjanović Zulin, Nenad
    Radio station: Drugi program Hrvatskog radija
    Name of emission (broadcast): Slagalica za roditelje
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  61. Type of paper: Radio broadcast

    Title: The Centar for children with special needs

    Kipčić, Ornela
    Radio station: Radio Cibona
    Name of emission (broadcast): Centar za djecu s posebnim potrebama
    Year: 1994
    Language: hrvatski

  62. Type of paper: Radio broadcast

    Title: Rehabilitation programs for children with delayed cognitive development

    Cukon, Gordana
    Radio station: Hrvatski radio Radio Sljeme
    Name of emission (broadcast): Rehabilitacijski programi za djecu usporenog kognitivnog razvoja
    Year: 1994
    Language: hrvatski

  63. Type of paper: Radio broadcast

    Title: The rehabilitation programs for children with special needs

    Šarunić, Sonja
    Radio station: Obiteljski radio Velika Gorica
    Name of emission (broadcast): Rehabilitacijski programi za djecu s posebnim potrebama
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  64. Type of paper: TV broadcast

    Title: How to help children?

    Kobol, Maja
    Šuman, V.
    TV station: HTV - prvi program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Znanost i mi
    Year: 1993
    Language: hrvatski
    Summary: Children with developmental difficulties represent around 10% ofthe school population. Among them the most numerous is the groupof children who have lower cognitive abilities. Although, thesechildren are integrated into regular schools, appropriateconditions for their educational integration haven't beenfullfilled yet. Scientists working at the Faculty of Defectologyconduct investigation on the sample of 65 children from primaryschools at the Zagreb area. Aim of this investigation is toinvestigate effects of some rehabilitation programms such asstimulation of the perceptive development, rehabilitation throughmovement, group work with children and parents.
    Keywords: children with developmental difficulties, lower intellectual abilities, educational integration, rehabilitation programs

  65. Type of paper: TV broadcast

    Title: Child and aggressiveness

    Šuman, V.
    Kobol, Maja
    TV station: HTV - prvi program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Iz svijeta znanosti
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  66. Type of paper: TV broadcast

    Title: Liveing with

    Vuković-Siriščević, Marija
    Čikara, Koviljka
    TV station: HTV - prvi program
    Name of emission (broadcast): Živjeti sa
    Year: 1995
    Language: hrvatski

  67. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: Some effects of family counseling on the development of children with special needs
    Institution: Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi
    Year: 1994

  68. Type of paper: Invited lecture

    Title: The state and perspective of educational integration of pupils with delayed cognitive development
    Institution: Županija međimurska
    Year: 1995

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